01-07-2007, 05:52 PM
First off, I have attached a screen shot to show visually what I want to do. I have replaced the standard vbulletin logo with a header that I created. I am currently in the process of customizing my board (tinkering with CSS and such). How can I move the header so that instead of it being styled more to the right, it is directly center over the smaller header below it (they are the same width). I put arrows on the screen shot graphic to show what I mean. Secondly, how do I remove the gap between my new header and the standard vbulletin header below it? I have circled the gap area that I want to be removed.
First off, I have attached a screen shot to show visually what I want to do. I have replaced the standard vbulletin logo with a header that I created. I am currently in the process of customizing my board (tinkering with CSS and such). How can I move the header so that instead of it being styled more to the right, it is directly center over the smaller header below it (they are the same width). I put arrows on the screen shot graphic to show what I mean. Secondly, how do I remove the gap between my new header and the standard vbulletin header below it? I have circled the gap area that I want to be removed.