View Full Version : Add-On Releases - Enotify: REST API / remote XML feeds for New Posts / Private Messages

01-06-2007, 10:00 PM

Retrieve information in XML about threads/private messages via a REST API

1. Upload the files in the upload directory to the appropiate locations on your webserver
2. Import product-enotify.xml via 'Plugins & Products' -> 'Manage Products'

Go to vBulletin Options -> ENotify Settings

How to use

Remote users can login with:

Without the username and password the user will see threads available to guests:

If someone only wants to get a count of new private messages they've received:

If you have PHP5, you can use enotify_reader.php and follow the examples in there.
It is PHP5 specific because it uses the simplexml_load_string function.
Brief descriptions of useful methods enotify_reader.php
login = provide login information
get_threads = return array of new posts (includes thread title, date, created by)
get_pms = return array of unread pms (includes sender name, date, title)
unread_pms = returns total number of unread pm's

Future thoughts...

It'd probably be better if I used rss/atom

01-07-2007, 12:53 AM
demo please.

01-07-2007, 05:56 AM
demo please.

Well, I can't quite demo it. It's more of a glue layer between, for example, a Firefox extension / google/yahoo widget to access the forum information. I am trying to get one guy to create a yahoo widget which would pull the information into the widget. I was personally planning on doing an extension to be a "PM Notifier" .. similar the Gmail Notifier extension. Really though, I need to use something more standard like RSS/atom for this to ever obtain wide adoption. I also think I should have it restricted to certain usergroups but if there is any one with actual comments, I would appreciate it, thanks.

01-12-2007, 05:36 PM
This seems to be close to the frequently requested mod of the RSS system. It would post replies to threads and not just new threads.

My members have been after an auto-email subscription that emails everry time there is a new post, regardless of whether they visit the site again.