View Full Version : Review Request: NepalHUB

01-03-2007, 12:43 PM
Hi All,

I started my forum 1 year ago. From 2007, I changed the forum skin and added a few things. Please visit my site and provide me your thoughts on how it looks and what can I add to make it better.

site is at http://www.NepalHUB.com/


01-03-2007, 02:15 PM

This only my opinion but this is what i'd do.

Id reduce the amount of categories as it looks a bit spread thin. Or maybe install the fake stats poduct to beef up the amount of threads.

Id make the logo a bit more sexy, use photoshop and add a bevel, drop shadow etc.

It looks like you get over 100 users a day yet the forums look kinda empty. Maybe add the thread bot to spice replies up a bit.

Overall it looks pretty good but I'd have some sexier graffix and maybe a gallery with some pics on the forum home.

Hope that halped a bit.


01-10-2007, 09:49 PM
Hi All,

I have re-done everything from scratch. Please provide me your reviews now.


01-15-2007, 01:55 PM
very nice, i think it all works well together..........I would however, get rid of the snow.