View Full Version : A Forum Search Engine?

01-01-2007, 12:07 AM
Just want to see some opinions on this :)

What do you think of this forum search engine.


It only displays results from forums, supports all major forum softwre types.
Can be useful if you want to search for some info and get rid of all the spam in google :)

Try searching for your username, or your friends' usernames and see what comes up, you can find lots of interesting stuff that way ;)

01-01-2007, 12:14 AM
I searched my site and it said
459 pages were found
Yet really only 3 pages are

Looks quite interesting search engine though

01-01-2007, 12:23 AM
there're some fun features as well, you can check what people are searching for and actually see full archives for every day (http://www.findinforums.com/latest_queries.php)

Shazz: yes, the number of pages sometimes shows wrong, like in other search engines that's because of duplicate/supplemental pages.

01-01-2007, 12:28 AM
Errm, I see alot of adult content -.-
Nice to know lol
So this is nothing related to vBulletin?

01-01-2007, 12:31 AM
Errm, I see alot of adult content -.-
Nice to know lol

Yeah funny, no :rolleyes:
Well people are looking for pr0n, not much to do about it..
I had to block a large number of porn words from displaying there to keep it relatively safe heh, but if i didn't you can guess what keyword would be on top there ;)

So this is nothing related to vBulletin?

it can search through all vbulletin forums :surprised:
Well i couldn't find a better section of the forum to post it in, without making it look like advertising, so if its not the right one - mods please move it :)

01-01-2007, 09:01 AM
Looks interesting, I'll definitely keep an eye on it to see how it does.

I wouldn't be surprised if a good proportion of the porn searches are just referral spammers*. In fact I guarantee they are. I think you should really put a lot of effort into cleaning it up because I'd take one look at what was on the recent searches list and never come back. It looks like either a pervert's paradise or 99% spam, 1% content. Which is very unfair on you if it's the first thing a visitor looks at because it doesn't reflect the site at all.

*If you or anyone else doesn't know, referral spamming is where a website is hit with requests containing spam keywords so they show up in server logs or public logs like this.

01-09-2007, 05:23 PM
Very interesting. My site doesn't come up on Yahoo or Google so this may be a good thing!!!

01-10-2007, 01:54 PM
I love it!
Very nice. Simple, yet elegant logo and some nice colors.

01-11-2007, 09:52 AM
thanks for all the nice comments, the site got PR6 after the last update also :D

So I'll be thinking of how to improve it now.

Any suggestions are welcome :)

01-11-2007, 11:07 PM
I did a search for devpals.com (of course I searched for my own :)). It found most of the stuff I'd expect it to.

Some feedback:

1.) devpals.com wasn't listed first in the list (or anywhere for that matter).
2.) 28 results returned. 10 on the first page, 3 on the second page, 2 on the last page. I get that search results can be iffy at times, but I would expect the page sizes to be consistent.
3.) The logo and layout of the site is wonderful. But the lighter blue text of the result links is kind of hard to read on an LCD.

Overall I think it's a very good job and if it can limit its results to only forums (and links to those forums), it definitely has potential and could fill a niche like Google's blog search.