View Full Version : Trying To Find The Right Theme

12-29-2006, 11:04 PM
I have been trying to find the right theme for a while now for my brand new GFX forum but can't seem to find any good skins here or anywhere else at all, I even bought a skin, iSkin_Black to only find out another site that does the same thing as we do are already using the same skin, and they got mad and spammed it once before.

So if anyone has any suggestions please please PM me or reply to this thread, I am looking for a black and red theme... Please.

J. Shannon

12-30-2006, 06:32 PM
There's a red and black style named andromedia at http://www.vbskinworks.com and you'll get a free 2nd style of your choice. :)

01-03-2007, 03:03 PM
Hi, how about this one? What do you think?


By the way, Shelley_c, your dancing sig is dancing to the beat of the music I'm playing. And it's not even missing a single beat, hehehe.