View Full Version : Multiplayer game database

12-28-2006, 06:38 PM
Basically like this.

Have a few games to pick from, ie. chess, checkers, backgammon, maybe a couple of basic card games.

Members can play the games against other Registered members on a BBS. Games can pull basic info about the members from the SQL.

It can be also linked to a money/points system, as in Ucash or vBux. Admins can set up the option of charging points to play, or make it free.

Games will continue until a winner is decided or one of the players forfeits. Similar setup like Petz and RPG has.

Also have stats on wins, loses ect.. This all stored in SQL

Admins also can have options as to what Usergroups to allow.

Also have the option of it sending a PM to a challenger, and to post in a specified forum when a new game is created.

I am sure this would be a rather large add on to create, but I know several who would love to have this in their communities.

If anyone wants to tackle this over the next year, that would be great. I would happily offer my site up for testing and (even tho this is the Unpaid request Forum) would offer up compensation with a completed addon release.

Thanks in advance.

If someone thinks this might get more consideration in the Paid Modification, then let me know.

12-29-2006, 11:36 PM