View Full Version : Spam List: Block 261022 Registration Email Domains

12-26-2006, 10:00 PM
This mod allows you to block users from registering when their email address domain is on a spam list. There are currently 261022 email address domains on the included spam lists. There is one list for every 0-9, a-z character plus one exemption list. However, there is no guarantee that every entry on a list is a true spam domain.

The lists were compiled by combining a personal list with various online sources, none of which disallows use in a mod such as this. Therefore, brought to you is this spam list mod. You can add or remove entries from the spam list files. If you add an entry, make sure to add it as a lowercase entry. The plugin takes care of the rest.

The various spam list files range is size from about 4.0kb to around 0.4mb so be sure that you have enough memory available before installing this mod. The mod calls in the exemption list and one spam list file, and unsets them as soon as possible to free memory. If an email address domain is on the exemption list, it is not blocked.

Should a user be blocked from registering at your forum, an email will be sent to your vB webmasteremail address and the user will see the vB banemail phrase message, so no screenshot of this mod is necessary. Everything is in alphabetical order so if you do not like the spam list files, just make your own set of files. Enjoy!

12-26-2006, 10:35 PM
If you encounter a spam registration email domain not already on the spam list, post it so others can add it to their spam list. If you know that a domain on the spam list is in fact not a spam domain, post it so others can remove it from their spam list. :)

12-26-2006, 10:51 PM
Thanks, calorie! Installed. ;)

12-26-2006, 11:10 PM
This is great, thanks for the cool hacks you've made. :)


12-27-2006, 12:30 AM
thanks for this cool hack.

12-27-2006, 12:33 AM
I'm installing right now... and thanks!! i once had a hacker register.. and as soon as i spoke to him in the shoutbox.... it flooded my shout with a I've been hacked msg.... and the shout consequently crashed my server.... i have since deleted that account, but this will help tremendously.... i had started feeling vunerable....

Kihon Kata
12-27-2006, 04:37 AM

12-27-2006, 05:39 AM
Pure love here! Installed and will be spamming adding all 259990 to a nice mailers list I have already :cool:

12-27-2006, 06:25 AM
good work thanks for sharing

12-27-2006, 09:46 AM


12-27-2006, 09:59 AM
Great work. Hopefully we can get rid of these damn spammers!!!


12-27-2006, 10:29 AM
Thanks all. Hopefully it'll cut down the number of spammers who try and register on your sites. BTW, there were a couple of typos and a dupe on the spam list, since corrected, so now there's only 259989 email address domains on the spam list. Oh no! :eek:

12-27-2006, 11:09 AM
I can see a false entry from the start, @bellsouth.net is what Bellsouth telco gives to all their highspeed and dialup subscribers. Not only that, but you've also cut off aol customers also. And thats just the first two I looked for.

I think you're throwing out the baby with the bathwater on this one.

It's a great idea, But I would rather use a confirmed list of spam addresses.

12-27-2006, 11:34 AM
Every entry on the spam list came from my personal list or an online source where the domain was listed because spam was sent from that domain. Even paid service providers get customers who send spam, but there is no guarantee that every entry on the list is a true spam domain. The neat thing here is that if you don't want to block a domain on the list, simply remove it from the list.

12-27-2006, 03:12 PM
mm nice work...

but hotmail.com?

is consider a spam?

Kihon Kata
12-27-2006, 03:21 PM
Yeah, I noticed that Yahoo.com and gmail.com also are in the list.

mm nice work...

but hotmail.com?

is consider a spam?

12-27-2006, 04:21 PM
Thanks M8 I have been having a horrible time they keep coming and coming I block and they still come back I hope this will be the answer to this problem
Thanks man!!

are there any functions to this in admin???

12-27-2006, 10:17 PM
There needs to be a more refined list for this. As it is, it would be preventing the registration of a whole lot of legitimate people.

Kihon Kata
12-27-2006, 11:43 PM
Calorie: Can you answer why in the world Hotmail.com, Yahoo.com, Gmail.com and AOL.com are on that list?

*Uninstalls until a better list is out.

12-28-2006, 12:17 AM
Every entry on the spam list came from my personal list or an online source where the domain was listed because spam was sent from that domain. Personally I've had spammers post garbage using aol.com, gmail.com, hotmail.com, and yahoo.com email addresses, among others, but there is no guarantee that every entry on the list is a true spam domain. The neat thing here is that if you don't want to block a domain on the list, simply remove it from the list. It's up to you as to what you want to block.

12-28-2006, 04:53 AM
Thanks Calorie,
great work indeed.

12-28-2006, 05:30 AM
I think a more refined list is needed. Regardless of how many domains you can remove, there are far too many legitimate domains on this black list.

Aol, yahoo, gmail, hotmail all have spammers and legits. Domains like bellsouth & adelphia & comcast are all emails given directly by ISPs. This list is blocking way too many people even if you edit all these out, how many others are blocked that most folks don't know about from different ISP providers.

12-28-2006, 11:13 AM
great mod!
guys its not hard to delete the list and make your own.

12-28-2006, 12:47 PM
This will bring your server on it's knees for sure....

12-28-2006, 01:00 PM
Tagging this.

12-28-2006, 01:23 PM
Keeping my eye on this one. The majority of my registers use yahoo, hotmail or gmail as their primary address so I would be killing my board if I used this list as it stands.

12-28-2006, 04:43 PM
:) Thnx for this great hack!

12-28-2006, 04:56 PM
I agree great hack I just removed the domains I didn't want blacklisted, fairly simple to edit and have a great list.

Great work.

12-28-2006, 05:18 PM
your a star for releasing this, you wouldn't believe the trouble i've had with stupid people registering to advertise healthy dieting and XXX material, as well as other crap i don't wish to have shown on my forums, this mod should definatly help.

12-28-2006, 08:19 PM
FYI: 1033 more domains have been added to the spam list. Plus, there is now a spamlist_0_to_z.zip file attached to this release that contains the main spamlist.txt file broken into parts: spamlist_0.txt contains the domains that start with zero, spamlist_1.txt contains the domains that start with one, and so forth. Everything is in alphabetical order so if you don't like the main spamlist.txt file, just make your own list.

An email will be sent to your vB webmasteremail address whenever someone is blocked from registering at your forum. This webmasteremail will tell you the registration email address that was blocked, so you can remove the blocked domain from the main spamlist.txt file if you choose.

As the spamlist.txt file took some time to create, it's doubtful that further updates to this mod will be made, so please post any spam registration email domain not already on the spam list so others can add it to their list. Entries to the spamlist.txt file should be make in lowercase.

Kihon Kata
12-28-2006, 08:53 PM
At a glance, it looks like an EXCELLENT update. I'll reinstall it soon.

Kihon Kata
12-28-2006, 09:16 PM
Question, do we NOT use the spamlist.txt anymore? Just use the alphabetical/numerical one?

12-28-2006, 11:33 PM
It's the same mod as before, except there are now 1033 more domians on the spam list and there is a spamlist_0_to_z.zip file available. The mod always was coded to send an email should a user be blocked from registering at your forum. The spamlist_0_to_z.zip file is to help you with making your own spamlist.txt file, if you don't want to use the one that is provided with the spamlist_product.zip file.

12-29-2006, 03:34 AM
Perhaps if we as users can help the creator out by reporting any legitimate email accounts as we come across them? This is a good mod from what I can see and the vast majority of what is there are spam emails. It's caught at least 12 bad registrations for me since I installed it a yesterday but it caught a couple good ones. I've updated the file to remove those which are already named here:


There are other ccTLD domains for those as well.

Kihon Kata
12-29-2006, 03:38 AM
Great idea! I second those ones by adding


12-29-2006, 08:22 AM
Great mod. I took hotmail, yahoo, aol and gmail off the list those are the email addresses that most of my users use including myself lol. Its simple to edit so this product is well worth it.

12-29-2006, 04:16 PM
Well, I understand Gmail/Hotmail/AOL/Yahoo are on the list, I myself also get a lot of spam from these domains, sadly the majority of my users are using a free email, due to the average age (which should be around 15 on my forum), no doubt a nice mod, but I might use it later when I've got more time to check it out.

12-30-2006, 01:16 AM
FYI: mod updated to v.1.0.1. It was changed to use one 0-9, a-z spam list plus one exemption list. The largest spam list file is now about 0.4mb instead of calling in the entire list. This was done so your server is happier with reading in the files, though if you want to remove entries, you now need to edit the 0-9, a-z spam list files. If you know of a domain that you don't want to block, you can add it to the do not block exemption list. Upgrade instructions are in the readme file.

Kihon Kata
12-30-2006, 03:00 AM
Hi Calorie. Thanks for the update to 1.0.1. *Reinstalls.

Question: I noticed that all xxxx.rr.com emails are on the banned list. While I added some to the do_not_block.txt file, how can we allow ALL XXXXX.RR.COM emails?

12-30-2006, 03:32 AM
Here are all the *.rr.com domains. Either remove them from the 0-9, a-z spamlist files or place them on the do not block exemption list.


I'm not sure whether or not I'll add a wildcard option, but if you have shell access, you can search for domains by using the following commands:

# this finds all domains where .domain.com is present
grep [.]domain[.]com spamlist_*.txt | more

# this finds all domains ending in domain.com
grep domain[.]com$ spamlist_*.txt | more

# this finds all domains starting with @domain.
grep ^@domain[.] spamlist_*.txt | more

Alternatively, you could use your PC to search the spamlist directory, at least to find the spamlist files containing the domain pattern of interest.

Kihon Kata
12-30-2006, 04:40 AM
Just what I was looking for. I tried to search google for that list, but didn't find it.

Yes, I have shell access as I run a few dedicated servers. I'll just stick to adding it to the 'do not block' exemption list

Thanks for the quick reply!

Here are all the *.rr.com domains. Either remove them from the 0-9, a-z spamlist files or place them on the do not block exemption list.

I'm not sure whether or not I'll add a wildcard option, but if you have shell access, you can search for domains by using the following commands:

# this finds all domains where .domain.com is present
grep [.]domain[.]com spamlist_*.txt | more

# this finds all domains ending in domain.com
grep domain[.]com$ spamlist_*.txt | more

# this finds all domains starting with @domain.
grep ^@domain[.] spamlist_*.txt | more
Alternatively, you could use your PC to search the spamlist directory, at least to find the spamlist files containing the domain pattern of interest.

12-30-2006, 10:07 AM
Hi I was wondering how to turn off the email notification, or, nominate a separate email address to shoot notifications to.


12-30-2006, 04:02 PM
Excellent hack, stopped a few spammers since last night.

12-30-2006, 05:32 PM
Thanks for the thanks. To change the email notification address, open the product-spamlist.xml file, change the following, and then reimport allowing overwrite.

in two spots...

from : $vbulletin->options['webmasteremail']
to : 'whoever@whatever.com'

Though you shouldn't really remove the email notification itself, or you won't know what email addresses get blocked.

12-30-2006, 06:11 PM
Hi Calorie,
Again, a very sincere thankyou for your assistance and time. Without it, people like me would be up the creek... with no paddle. I am very new to VB, so its vertical from my view.


01-05-2007, 03:03 AM
So more e-mails to allow:


These are quite large ISP's in the UK

01-07-2007, 11:51 PM
Oh my goodness, why does this plugin send emails? Instead of spammers registering my forum will start to spam me instead.

I am asking you to remove this feature or at least give us the option to disable it.

01-18-2007, 05:41 AM
Thanks alot! nice hack ;)

01-22-2007, 03:33 AM
just wanted to say thanks for the mod and I just have one question.

Can I use:
@us.*.mil <-- Example

Meaning can I put the asterisk anywhere on the do not block list to symbolize any?


01-22-2007, 06:40 AM
Why not use the NoSpam! - an alternative to CAPTCHA images (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=124828) plug-in in conjunction with the USER BANNING OPTIONS that are already in vBulletin.

vBulletin Options>User Banning Options>Banned Email Addresses

This plug-in just seem redundant to me.

01-28-2007, 05:10 PM
I love this mod. I get over 25 'User blocked from registering' emails a day. :)

A request: Put the IP address of the attempted spammer in the email, so we can track if the person has managed to find a domain we have not yet blocked.

02-11-2007, 12:59 AM
Why not use the NoSpam! - an alternative to CAPTCHA images (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=124828) plug-in in conjunction with the USER BANNING OPTIONS that are already in vBulletin.

vBulletin Options>User Banning Options>Banned Email Addresses

This plug-in just seem redundant to me.
I have that installed and they STILL register... at least 10 a day.... no more tho
and add
instant-profits.biz to the 'i' list

02-11-2007, 04:53 AM
That is crazy. I have only seen one get through since I installed it and made up 20 questions for it.

02-16-2007, 08:53 AM
Thank You...installed

02-21-2007, 03:21 AM
Spammers uses random emailadresses, so I can't see the point, it's just banning a lot of addresses.

02-21-2007, 03:39 AM
I love this mod. I get over 25 'User blocked from registering' emails a day. :)

A request: Put the IP address of the attempted spammer in the email, so we can track if the person has managed to find a domain we have not yet blocked.
Well, I figured out how to add the IP stuff.. it's very messy but it does tell me who the scumbags are when they manage to find a domain not banned.

@Ducks: Do you carry the same opinion about the default vBulletin options to ban email domains and IP addresses?

02-22-2007, 06:59 PM
WHOA! Everyone needs to check ALL of the "User Blocked" emails. This is doing a great job at catching Spammers (10 + a day). But it is also ticking off real users who want to join (2 - 5 a day), as it tells tells them there address is banned.

So this is what I did. I emptied all the files of all email addresses, I put the ones that have came to my site and are spam.

I am using the "Forbid Users from Posting Links or Images if They Have Fewer than 15 Posts".

I use Welcome Headers to warn people that all begining posts are moderated and that you can NOT post "Links" until your an approved member.

I changed the Phrase "error_nourlallowed" to say that "You can't post links untill full member approval", yes, it's a lie, they don't know that.

I changed the "Registered Users" to "New member". I also changed this to a "Moderated group".

I then created another "Registered User" group with full privaledges.

I then made a couple mods to help throughout the day.

If there Spammers, I add them to the spam list, if not, I add them to my registered users list.

Yes, this is a pain to set up, but it's better than losing members.

02-25-2007, 01:55 PM
Keeping my eye on this one. The majority of my registers use yahoo, hotmail or gmail as their primary address so I would be killing my board if I used this list as it stands.

It's really really *easy* to take those address domains off the lists, there is *also* a file for *allowed* addresses that you can add them to.
After having over 100 in a 24 hour period trying to register with the following I feel it's well worth it... of course if you really really wanted the extra work you could go through the 1-z files and copy the obvious ones and add them to the 'banned' addresses in admincp>vBoptions... but why do that?

I also figure, with the email I receive as webmaster if a blocked registration *happens* to look legit (so far *none* have) I can always remove the domain from the blocked file/add to the allowed file, and email the person to 'try again'.

02-28-2007, 02:25 AM
I have this installed. Does an EXCELLENT job. Thanks!!

But I get about twenty people a day emailing me with outrage asking me why I banned them when they have never even been there before :| Is there any way for us to word this thing so less people email me thinking I banned them? I mean, I can't believe how many nimrods can't figure it out :/ Not to be mean, but its getting on my last nerve.

This is a wonderful hack though. The best thing. Works so well half the members have trouble getting past it, lol.

02-28-2007, 02:33 AM
Edit the vB banemail phrase to read something like this:
The administrator has banned the domain name used in your email address because spam was being posted from users wth that domain name. Even if you are not a spammer, there are spammers using the domain name in your email address. If you wish to register, please use a different email address.

03-07-2007, 12:10 PM
any chance this will work on 3.5.4?

03-07-2007, 07:24 PM

I went to Banning Options, and a couple of other places, and can't find it. Thanks.

03-19-2007, 04:29 PM
Why not use the NoSpam! - an alternative to CAPTCHA images (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=124828) plug-in in conjunction with the USER BANNING OPTIONS that are already in vBulletin.

vBulletin Options>User Banning Options>Banned Email Addresses

This plug-in just seem redundant to me.
The banned e-mail addresses box will not accept 260,000 e-mail addresses!

And I'm pretty sure vB would run out of memory and crash trying to scan against that whole list.

I went to Banning Options, and a couple of other places, and can't find it. Thanks.
It doesn't show up anywhere. It just works. You will get an e-mail every time someone tries to register with one of the 260,000+ banned domains. If you want to remove or add domains, edit the spamlist files.

03-19-2007, 04:57 PM
:) :) :)

The banned e-mail addresses box will not accept 260,000 e-mail addresses!

And I'm pretty sure vB would run out of memory and crash trying to scan against that whole list.

It doesn't show up anywhere. It just works. You will get an e-mail every time someone tries to register with one of the 260,000+ banned domains. If you want to remove or add domains, edit the spamlist files.

Mike Bucy
03-22-2007, 04:16 AM
Very nice!!! Thanks.

03-22-2007, 10:22 PM
I've been looking at implementing an RBL specifically for VB registrations. It'd be pretty simple in relation with a plugin like this to implement a very simple rbl check against spammer domains, and means VB admins could contribute to the RBL.

Just need some other geographic locations willing to host a slave dns server off a master.

03-26-2007, 02:55 AM
I use Welcome Headers to warn people that all begining posts are moderated and that you can NOT post "Links" until your an approved member.

Good idea!

03-26-2007, 07:23 PM
Man this is great!! Thanks BIG TIME!!! (cox.net) cox communications! I put them in the do_not_block list, I know a few people that use them...

Here's two that got by the list...
mortgage @usabestlink.org
contactlens @settopnet.org

03-28-2007, 04:33 PM
Tried this, but it brought my server to its knees.

03-29-2007, 12:08 PM
so when install this what will it do? tell people they can;t register using yaho etc et?

Realm of Horror Comics
04-01-2007, 11:03 AM
Will this hack work with vBulletin ver. 3.5?

04-06-2007, 11:07 AM
Another one that made the list... cymbalta @your-pill.biz

06-01-2007, 02:33 PM
So all I have to do is upload? No settings adjustments?

06-03-2007, 03:51 PM
I've uninstalled this hack. I got SO MANY legitimate users that were blocked because of this. I had to go in and remove dozens and dozens of legit e-mails so people could register. No problems with registrations now. I used an alternate spam blocking method. this may work for you, but I certainly don't recommend blocking out the entire world. :down:

06-03-2007, 08:36 PM
Many legitimate users couldn't register.

I've uninstalled this hack. I got SO MANY legitimate users that were blocked because of this. I had to go in and remove dozens and dozens of legit e-mails so people could register. No problems with registrations now. I used an alternate spam blocking method. this may work for you, but I certainly don't recommend blocking out the entire world. :down:

06-18-2007, 02:21 PM
I just opened the mod, and I noticed for example clix.pt is on the list, and that's a common e-mail like hotmail, in portugal... so I think the list has some flaws. I won't install it because of that, but nice add anyway :)

06-18-2007, 05:35 PM
Agreed, this is a bit like using a sledgehammer to crack a peanut.. my countries largest isp is in the list.

Eventually, every domain in the world will be on it.. but it's up to the Admin to whitelist or remove those domains he/she doesn't want blocked.

06-18-2007, 09:20 PM
I find it easier to use the mod which blocks spam by keyword
If someone's going to automatically spam your forum with ads for viagra or anything, this blocks each and every post.
It's a nice idea (this mod) but I agree with what Kall said.

08-01-2007, 04:03 PM
Any updates?

08-01-2007, 05:18 PM
well im not sure what list you need but here are some domains you should include to block from getting emails/ w/e else you can think of

rvino.spotchance.cd A
redcdplete.cd A
rxgiga.org A
rxextra.org A
rxpublic.org A
rxallfind.org A
rxfound.org A
medsgood.org A
pharmnice.org A
medsnice.org A
pharmcode.org A
medscode.org A
xhomie.org A
rxsweetie.org A
medsmake.org A
medssale.org A
rxandme.org A
pharmline.org A
medsmine.org A
rxbig.org A
rxhunting.org A
medswatch.org A
rxrefresh.org A
rxfolk.org A
rxpark.org A
rxman.org A
rxopen.org A
rxorpain.org A
rxlookin.org A
rxnation.org A
pharmgo.org A
rxtop.org A
medscorp.org A
rxhandsup.org A
rxwishes.org A
rxtotals.org A
rxpros.org A
rxcarers.org A
rxcounts.org A
rxandus.org A
medsmust.org A
rxbuynow.org A
medsebox.org A
sogoodrx.org A
sonicerx.org A
samplerx.org A
socloserx.org A
iloverx.org A
notesrx.org A
surplusrx.org A
medsway.org A
rxthatway.org A
rxhoney.org A
rxlovely.org A
pharmonly.org A
medsonly.org A
pharmeasy.org A
medseasy.org A
ns0.nuspharkosa.com A
slipmind.com A
ns0.markuzapilod.com A
ns0.mukopkufude.com A
clockarrange.com A
obrsud.largeprobable.com A
aaqpsh.flowsame.com A
wynomare.com A
happennature.com A
www.factclose.com A
dealgave.com A
liquidsuch.com A
bfagvqe.decimalmilk.com A
jnhoaf.decimalmilk.com A
ohsbkci.decimalmilk.com A
epdim.decimalmilk.com A
iluntw.decimalmilk.com A
ainfedel.com A
ixjis.suddenfull.com A
sullivan.sailhim.com A
grandatom.com A
uihkwqw.easefear.com A
www.feednumber.com A
passbrother.com A
potihrk.neckfavor.com A
ns0.rumbaponukas.com A
ns0.kopepharas.com A
lovelymeds.com A
equalless.com A
drugssitethus.com A
www.graycurrent.com A
hultrot.com A
fractionart.com A
oemveryexpert.com A
carryput.com A
oemforfreeforyou.com A
smellhistory.com A
beginclimb.cn A
wcqoa.beginclimb.cn A
omxom.beginclimb.cn A
apkur.beginclimb.cn A
bhuirx.beginclimb.cn A
roothad.cn A
www.tochance.cn A
experimentshore.cn A
inukzh.experimentshore.cn A
dposi.experimentshore.cn A
aigdbk.experimentshore.cn A
uszvwa.melodynoise.cn A
alwra.segmentfresh.cn A
ydvfuwa.segmentfresh.cn A
sqiped.segmentfresh.cn A
baeyzth.segmentfresh.cn A
ugsxiwq.segmentfresh.cn A
edapy.segmentfresh.cn A
wtotbo.beennatural.cn A
sendcapital.cn A
naudps.sendcapital.cn A
favorsoil.cn A
fink.favorsoil.cn A
juarez.favorsoil.cn A
tiqjosb.syllablewill.cn A
pathwill.cn A
fbaka.pathwill.cn A
fcoegk.pathwill.cn A
caxuvxn.pathwill.cn A
phdquow.pathwill.cn A
isvkep.villagesteam.cn A
tubeclean.cn A
figureclean.cn A
typupe.figureclean.cn A
weorsl.figureclean.cn A
meivhp.figureclean.cn A
thoseeven.cn A
stopbrown.cn A
seedradio.cn A
songno.cn A
temperaturesugar.cn A
verychair.cn A
lightthus.cn A
bearchart.cn A

01-26-2008, 05:44 PM
Edit the vB banemail phrase to read something like this:

This list works with 3.7 Beta.

It totally eliminated our spam when using 3.6 and thank you again Calorie for a great product!

01-27-2008, 08:22 AM
Just installed 10 minutes ago and already blocking emails from a domain that I have been having trouble with.

01-27-2008, 01:57 PM

01-28-2008, 10:35 AM
Installed for over 24 hours now and is working very well. Only one legitimate user was blocked and I fixed that.

I have had one very persistent person (or BOT) trying to register with the email address of hi-d@mail.ru . He, She, or it tired to register at least six times. I always that it was BOTs doing the registrations. Would a BOT attempt to register this many times?

Also, maybe I am paranoid but does anyone think that once the spammers realize that they can not longer register that they will attempt to cause other problem with your forum like a DOS attack?

10-02-2008, 11:08 AM
Is there a version of this for 3.7?

Recently all of my boards are getting bombarded with new users that appear to be either hackers or spam. I blocked .ru and .ee but some of the IP addresses are from rusia.

10-18-2008, 03:10 PM
Is there a version of this for 3.7?

Recently all of my boards are getting bombarded with new users that appear to be either hackers or spam. I blocked .ru and .ee but some of the IP addresses are from rusia.

I am using this version On VB 3.7, and rolled over from 3.6 when if was released, no problems what so ever, it is very safe to use for 3.7, I have had hundrens of spammers blocked using this mod.

11-27-2008, 11:12 PM
There are now aol spammers registering. How do we add them to spamlist? Thanks.

11-27-2008, 11:34 PM
open the 'allow' file and take /at/aol.com off that list, save the file, then open the 'a' file, scroll down to the appropriate alpha spot and add /at/aol.com, save the file.

01-01-2009, 12:34 PM
Just so everyone knows, I upgraded to vB 3.8.0 RC1 over the weekend and re-installed Spam List successfully without any problems... seems to still work fine.


02-03-2009, 10:31 PM
This mod single handedly stopped all bots! all the other ones helped but this one stopped completely. I recommend it to anyone with a problem with those damn spam bots.

03-07-2009, 04:52 AM
Is It working on 3.8.x ?

03-10-2009, 10:47 AM
Is It working on 3.8.x ?
Yes, working fine :)

04-06-2009, 08:48 AM

working fine on 3.8.x

04-21-2009, 01:07 PM
Anyone tried this mod in combination


what job goes first...


04-21-2009, 02:28 PM
hey everyone...is it possible we have spam block counter..working with this mod...that shows how many spam accounts were blocked? can any one implement it?


04-28-2009, 09:26 PM
Works very nicely!

E-mails not in spamlist that should be blocked:



These are 2 very well used spam e-mails I am recetly geting attacked by a user using these. Now adding them to this mod good luck to him finding more. If he gets another one not on the list ill keep adding them here ^.^.

05-08-2009, 12:04 AM
@ simonhind

Above link not working.

05-08-2009, 12:08 PM
this is awesome list


05-08-2009, 03:08 PM
why @msn.com ??? also @yahoo.co.in?
why are you blocking these 2?

05-11-2009, 01:40 PM
Where can i see the list of the blocked domains, after i installed the Addon?

05-11-2009, 02:01 PM
Where can i see the list of the blocked domains, after i installed the Addon?
The list is in the text files provided in the mod.
The ones which get blocked are sent as email to you. [if set in admincp]

05-11-2009, 02:18 PM
Yes, but where do i set it up? I dont find the options in my AdminCP

05-11-2009, 02:51 PM
There are no options for this mod in admincp.

05-11-2009, 03:01 PM
ok thanks

06-14-2009, 03:44 PM
Why is att.net on the list (they provide internet access / dsl) ??

Any chance that the username, password and ip address the spambots were registering with can be included in the email?

06-20-2009, 01:10 AM
Just installed this on 3.8.3....not a single problem. Works beautifully. Thanks for the foresight for an exceptions list!

10-14-2009, 01:42 PM
Will this be ported to work with 4.0/Suite 4.0? Perhaps a bit premature, but I have a decision to make in the next 2 weeks and this mod saves me a LOT of headaches.

01-30-2010, 11:32 AM
When was the last time was this list updated? Also if updated did some get removed that are legit emails such as gmail?

07-11-2010, 08:47 AM
If this hasn't been updated since 2006 then its likely that 99% of these addresses arent even being used....surely rendering this mod pointless :/

Would really help if the dev could reply...

07-11-2010, 01:03 PM
In my Forum it blocks at least 10 Registration- Attempts from Bots a day. And its not even a big forum (about 60 Members).

10-28-2010, 11:43 AM
I am in the need to this for vb4 - it works so so good on my 3.8.x forum and now the spammers are hitting the vb4 site I have.
Any chance you will make this vb4 compliant calorie?

10-06-2011, 07:24 AM
I just wanted to take a moment and appreciate Calorie once again for this excellent hack.

I truly believe this hack is the main reason, why I never ever had problems with spambots. Our sites have over 50k visits/day and all the spambots are caught even before trying to register.

Since I installed this, there were some new email domains that have acted spammy, so I did the simple thing of adding them to spamlist files and they're history.

Incidentally, is there a site which has updates on spammy email domains? I'm assuming calorie used such a site when writing this perfect hack.


11-20-2011, 05:13 PM
Probably should try http://www.stopforumspam.com/

03-05-2013, 09:56 PM
hi guys i realise this thread is basically a zombie thread now, but i have uninstaleld this plugin and removed its files from my forum and ftp because since upgrading to vb4 its been sending me thousands of emails that it cant read the list but is still doing this even though i have uninstalled it anybody know what to do ?

Jain Farstrider
01-28-2014, 09:13 AM
For me, the easiest solution to combat spam bots from registering is just to use a question in the registration that the bot needs to get correct in order to register.

Simple example, "what is the colour of milk?". I ask a slightly harder question, but it has been 100% effective so far, so no need for image verification or anything else!

Good enough that I do not need any kind of human verification or questions and answers for anything in relation to registered members, only for those attempting to register.