View Full Version : Nice Skins Everyone, but....

12-21-2006, 08:14 PM

I really love the free skins found within vbulletin.org and will definitely utilize them to my advantage. However, with all the green skins that have been released for public use, I have yet to find a green skin that can be referred to as stylish, wicked, sick, or extreme.

A lot of the skins out at the moment are seriously wicked and they have style, but what about wicked green and stylish green skins?

I have a green forum at the moment..lol..one of the few out there....

So I'm indirectly asking for a green wicked skin, but something that could also be done without charge $$$$:hurt:

If any designer is working on something wicked, extreme, stylish, and it is a green skin, let me know, I might be interested in it.

My forum is "bucked-naked" at the moment, but it's still kicking.


12-21-2006, 10:44 PM
Do you like this skin :


12-21-2006, 10:49 PM
You know, I like the color and lay out, it is totally screaming "cool" but I need something that is somewhat screaming extreme, "graphX", sickness, and the like. This skin is not what I'm searching for right off the bat, however, I will place this on a stand-by list in case nothing shows up.

Thanks for showing it to me.

12-26-2006, 12:09 AM
Im working on a green one right now with the time I have to work on it hopefully it will be done by next weekend ( Hopefully ) LOL