View Full Version : vb functionalities - need help!!

12-18-2006, 09:59 PM
I am a newbie to bulletins in general and I have been asked to suggest a robust bulletin s/w. I've vbulletin to be the best so far in my research but I am hoping to get a better validation from you pros!!

I've listed some of the functionalities I am looking for - please let me know if vb will provide them or not.

- System should allow categories and subs categories for discussion threads

- Forum user has the ability to add new threads to a particular category/subcategory

- Forum moderator/owner should get an email every time a new posting occurs on the forum

- Forum users can subscribe to either a category/subcategory or even a particular thread or discussion topic

- Forum users can either get updates on all postings at the end of each day via an email or they can get an email each time a new posting occurs

- Forum should support Single-sign on with the Portal - our portal is java based

- Forum should have the ability to mark certain threads and publish as FAQ

- Forum should support keyword filtering and support abuse control

- Forum should remind the moderator/owner in case there is no activity on a new message for a certain peroid of time

- Forum moderator/owner should be able to add a question on behalf of another user

- Forum user can request for adding new categories and sbucategories

12-22-2006, 06:54 PM
I am a newbie to bulletins in general and I have been asked to suggest a robust bulletin s/w. I've vbulletin to be the best so far in my research but I am hoping to get a better validation from you pros!!

I've listed some of the functionalities I am looking for - please let me know if vb will provide them or not.

- System should allow categories and subs categories for discussion threads

- Forum user has the ability to add new threads to a particular category/subcategory

- Forum moderator/owner should get an email every time a new posting occurs on the forum

- Forum users can subscribe to either a category/subcategory or even a particular thread or discussion topic

- Forum users can either get updates on all postings at the end of each day via an email or they can get an email each time a new posting occurs

- Forum should support Single-sign on with the Portal - our portal is java based

- Forum should have the ability to mark certain threads and publish as FAQ

- Forum should support keyword filtering and support abuse control

- Forum should remind the moderator/owner in case there is no activity on a new message for a certain peroid of time

- Forum moderator/owner should be able to add a question on behalf of another user

- Forum user can request for adding new categories and sbucategories

yes(admin can disable / enable this)
yes(admin can disable / enable this)
No not without custom modifications
No not without custom modifications to the original source (at your own risk)
you mean a censor ? vbulletin does that
You can ask an admin todo that