View Full Version : Style Feedback, please

12-17-2006, 06:10 AM
Linky: GreenZap Style (http://aeoncube.com/dev/vb/?styleid=13)

This is my first skin. Basic layout, with a few minor modifications. Not all images are done, and those which are, I'm not happy with.

But some feedback would be nice. :) Thanks.

(right forum for this, I hope :p)

12-17-2006, 04:03 PM
I rather like where you are going with it—even though black and green aren't my colors of choice, normally—but the small green text on the black background is squint-inducing. Try knocking the font size up a notch or two. I'd also suggest lightening up the time color a bit.

Basically, tweak it a bit for legibility and you will have a stylish theme on your hands.

12-18-2006, 04:24 AM
Thank you for feedback :)

I've increased the text size + changed the time color to green...

12-18-2006, 04:33 AM
That looks good, NiteRidah. There's nothing wrong with your graphics and the shading and gradients came out very well.

What I like alot that you don't often see with styles using a black background is that you added colored table lines. The viewer doesn't get lost with no reference points on the page as they would (or at least I do) when it's just a solid black page with bright text.