View Full Version : Show Thread Enhancements - Skin view - show skin in postbit
12-11-2006, 10:00 PM
As requested, this plug-in shows what skin users are using in their postbit.
The variables are as follows:
$post[stylename] - The style name, eg. Smooth Blue
$post[styleid] - The style ID, eg. 13 (it's unlikely that you'll need this)
$post[styleurl] - The URL to the style, eg. /forum/showthread.php?t=133805&styleid=13
$post[stylelink] - A link to the style and the style name, eg. Smooth blue (
The recommended code to put in your postbit/postbit_legacy templatebit is:
Style: $post[stylelink]
If you don't wish to have the skin name link to the skin, use:
Style: $post[stylename]
Please note: Due to the default behaviour of vBulletin, this will only show the skin set in the user's options, and not the skin chosen from the "Quick Style Chooser". You can fix this by installing this plug-in ( (highly recommended).
Update: If you also want it in the profile, please check out Xplorer4x4's moderation of this plug-in (
You're free to do what you like with this code, although credit is appreciated, it's not required.
Brought to you by eXaltic - vBulletin skins (
12-12-2006, 10:44 AM
Please include the file as an attachment.
Thank you.
12-12-2006, 12:26 PM
Sorry, added.
12-12-2006, 12:55 PM
Thank you, it's cool ;)
A question, it's possible to add for the member which use style differents with "Quick Style Chooser" ?
Because the member don't use the user options generaly :(
12-12-2006, 02:30 PM
I think the "Quick Style Chooser" is set by cookies rather than stored by vBulletin so there's no real way to do it. I could however (probably) make it so when changing skin via the "Quick Style Chooser" it changes their settings. I'll look in to it once I've released another plug-in I'm working on.
12-12-2006, 02:43 PM
Thank you soo much!!! lol just posted the requested last night and you made it that fast excellent dude!!
12-12-2006, 02:55 PM
I installed it and followed your direction(s) but for some reason it doesn't seem to work :(
12-12-2006, 02:55 PM
I think the "Quick Style Chooser" is set by cookies rather than stored by vBulletin so there's no real way to do it. I could however (probably) make it so when changing skin via the "Quick Style Chooser" it changes their settings. I'll look in to it once I've released another plug-in I'm working on.
ok, thanks ^^
12-12-2006, 03:02 PM
I installed it and followed your direction(s) but for some reason it doesn't seem to work :(
Make sure the users have set their skin in their profile, rather than just using the Quick Style Changer. I'm now going to work on a fix for that ;)
12-12-2006, 03:03 PM
Make sure the users have set their skin in their profile, rather than just using the Quick Style Changer. I'm now going to work on a fix for that ;)
Ok working now :)
But one thing why does it only say the title of the skin and not like [ Style: blah blah blah] ?
Ok solved that too just did it like this Style: $post[stylename] and works like a charm :)
12-12-2006, 04:32 PM
I've just finished the plug-in that makes the quick style changer update the database, I'll update the main post in a minute.
12-12-2006, 04:46 PM
any screenshots?
12-12-2006, 05:09 PM
Look at your postbit :P
12-12-2006, 06:16 PM
ok, uninstalling then as there no point to reference.
Goat Boy
12-12-2006, 08:24 PM
I have installed both hacks for this to work. The Style does not show up in everyones Postbit. When I say the style does not show up it does not even show the word Style at all either so it must be something with the conditional
I inserted the line in bold print
Invalid ID
12-13-2006, 02:21 AM
Thanks, but it's not working for me. I have put it under Reputation Power, but it does not show.
Please help.
12-13-2006, 02:49 AM
ok, uninstalling then as there no point to reference.
He was referring to this forum.... they use this here on THIS SITE...
12-13-2006, 09:02 AM
I'll look in to the problem, but for the other hack to work, the user has to re-visit the forum for it to update their settings.
EDIT: You're right. When a user is using the default skin, it shows up as empty. I've fixed it, and now uploading the updated file.
12-13-2006, 11:18 AM
:up: its all perfect now
Thank You! :)
Installed. Thanks for this.
This is a possible fix for the issue I had with psiStats 2006 ( with the default style being listed as being used by 100% of the memberbase due to people using quick reply. I never bothered to put psiStats back on after my upgrade to 3.6.4 because of that flaw. Fingers crossed it will fix it.
12-13-2006, 01:25 PM
This is a possible fix for the issue I had with psiStats 2006 ( with the default style being listed as being used by 100% of the memberbase due to people using quick reply. I never bothered to put psiStats back on after my upgrade to 3.6.4 because of that flaw. Fingers crossed it will fix it.
If you mean they used the quick style changer, then this ( will fix your problem :)
I mean to post the post above in the thread for the product/plug in you have linked to. I have it installed.
12-13-2006, 02:29 PM
Yeah I guessed, I also notice you linked to it on psiStat's thread, thanks :)
Hello Xoligy, firstly thanks a lot for this mod :D
One questing, can you make it to add the link to the style with the style name? Like-
Style: Smooth Blue (
12-13-2006, 03:26 PM
Good idea, I'll add that now.
12-13-2006, 04:43 PM
Instaled and working very nice. Regards
12-13-2006, 05:36 PM
One questing, can you make it to add the link to the style with the style name? Like-
Style: Smooth Blue (
Done. I've updated the instructions to make them clearer. Hope this helps.
12-13-2006, 06:24 PM
After updated, on postbit, i have white page
12-13-2006, 06:30 PM
You're right, the variables shouldn't contain the quotes ('). I'll update the post.
Thanks for spotting that out.
Invalid ID
12-14-2006, 12:13 AM
After installing the latest one, I got the following error messages:
string(39) "/forum/showthread.php?t=3877&styleid=43" string(61) "Default" string(39) "/forum/showthread.php?t=3877&styleid=43" string(61) "Default" string(39) "/forum/showthread.php?t=3877&styleid=43" string(61) "Default" string(39) "/forum/showthread.php?t=3877&styleid=43" string(61) "Default"
And ...
Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/apni/public_html/forum/showthread.php(1044) : eval()'d code
Line: 25
Thanks a lot for the update Xoligy
But after upgrading its showing this error-
string(77) "/celebrities-models/2761-cameron-diaz-19-new-wallpapers-added.html&styleid=14" string(96) "FRV8"
so i'm back with previous version :D
12-14-2006, 07:41 AM
Oops, I must have uploaded the wrong version, sorry!!!! Updated. Also I notice you've got some kind of URL rewritter, so I'll fix the URLs to make them work with that.
EDIT: Done. You (hopefully) shouldn't have any problems now.
Oops, I must have uploaded the wrong version, sorry!!!! Updated. Also I notice you've got some kind of URL rewritter, so I'll fix the URLs to make them work with that.
EDIT: Done. You (hopefully) shouldn't have any problems now.
Many many thanks for the update and your hard work :up:
12-14-2006, 09:45 AM
Work perfectly , thanks :)
Matt Slick
12-14-2006, 08:21 PM
Please excuse my obvious stupidity, but how do you implement this?
What code do you put where?
I've installed lots of hacks, but I don't know where to put the code in the postbit.
Need some help.
Invalid ID
12-15-2006, 12:53 AM
It's visiable next to the Reputation Icon, may I know how can I make it visiable under the post counter of members in postbitlegacy?
@ Matt Slick- In your 'postbit' template, look for--
<if condition="$post['age']"><div>$vbphrase[age]: $post[age]</div></if>
after add--
<if condition="$post['stylename']">Style: $post[stylelink]</if>
@InValid ID- In your 'postbit_legacy' template, look for--
$vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts]
after add--
<if condition="$post['stylename']">Style: $post[stylelink]</if>
be sure to keep a backup before editing any file :)
12-15-2006, 03:02 AM
<if condition="$post['stylename']"><div class="smallfont">Style: $post[stylelink]</div></if>
12-15-2006, 09:30 AM
Thanks DPSR and Bison :)
The conditional shouldn't be needed, since if it can't find anything it will show the default skin, but it's better to have it in there just to be safe.
Matt Slick
12-15-2006, 03:24 PM
@ Matt Slick- In your 'postbit' template, look for--
<if condition="$post['age']"><div>$vbphrase[age]: $post[age]</div></if>
after add--
<if condition="$post['stylename']">Style: $post[stylelink]</if>
@InValid ID- In your 'postbit_legacy' template, look for--
$vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts]
after add--
<if condition="$post['stylename']">Style: $post[stylelink]</if>
be sure to keep a backup before editing any file :)
Thanks a bunch, that is exactly what I needed.
(thanks Bison, too).
Invalid ID
12-16-2006, 02:25 AM
Mine still not working.
01-01-2007, 05:48 PM
I've uninstalled both of these hacks. They do not work together properly and if you install the second hack over this one, this hack won't work either.
If you haven't installed the Style Chooser hack yet, I suggest that you don't.
01-03-2007, 12:28 PM
I know there are problems, and I will fix them, but I'm way too busy at the moment.
01-04-2007, 12:48 AM
I will watch this hack and the other with interest.
01-10-2007, 02:18 PM
I am unable to replicate Bison's bug, so I cannot fix it.
Invalid ID, that's not a bug. All you need to do is put the code under the code for your reputation. Make sure you're editing the right postbit.
I've put it through extensive testing on localhost and cannot find any bugs with it.
01-10-2007, 02:20 PM
good job
01-16-2007, 04:17 PM
Both are working correctly now since he updated the quick style chooser updates settings mod.
I tested them by changing my style with the quick style chooser, logging out, logging in as a test account, and verifying it didn't get forced to the different style and then logging out and logging back in with the main account and verifying it displayed the style selected :)
Great job!!!
About time someone fixed what I have always felt was a bug/poor design in vbulletin.
01-16-2007, 09:32 PM
Both are working correctly now since he updated the quick style chooser updates settings mod.
I tested them by changing my style with the quick style chooser, logging out, logging in as a test account, and verifying it didn't get forced to the different style and then logging out and logging back in with the main account and verifying it displayed the style selected :)
Great job!!!
About time someone fixed what I have always felt was a bug/poor design in vbulletin.
Has the hack been updated?
01-27-2007, 07:24 PM
i have a weird problem, after installing this hack (and the other one related to this) i get alot of comment from members that the style randomly changes from now and then while browsing the forum. I've had it a few times myself as well now... any idea on this one?
01-28-2007, 09:06 AM
Is it possible to make the used style in MEMBERINFO showing?
01-29-2007, 03:41 PM
When I get time I'll expand it to that.
02-05-2007, 10:00 PM
I really like this mod in conjunction with the other one, however I would rather not put it in a post. How do I put this info into the memberinfo template?
02-07-2007, 06:02 PM
Is it possible to make the used style in MEMBERINFO showing?
I would prefer to use this in memberinfo as well.
Nice hack though. Installed.
02-12-2007, 09:01 PM
I know there are problems, and I will fix them, but I'm way too busy at the moment.
Since your to busy, may I please have permission to release the modified version for memberinfo for the community here to use?
Is it possible to make the used style in MEMBERINFO showing?
I really like this mod in conjunction with the other one, however I would rather not put it in a post. How do I put this info into the memberinfo template?
Yes I have modified this hack to work in memberinfo. Just need Xoligy's permission to release it.
Alteran Ancient
02-13-2007, 03:24 PM
I have been looking for something exactly on the lines of this! An install for you! :)
(Why are people so desperate to have the 'install' button clicked?)
02-13-2007, 04:49 PM
The more interest there is in a hack, the more a coder will want to make it better. Also it's better for you as you will recieve emails when its updated....
(Why are people so desperate to have the 'install' button clicked?)
02-15-2007, 05:29 PM
I have released a version of this that will show the style in memberprofile.
Skin View In Profile (
03-23-2007, 10:55 PM
why doesn't show the hack the standart style of vBulletin?
Is that a bug or how can I fix it?
Thanks for the answer!
04-09-2007, 08:24 PM
It's odd, it displays for me, but instead of displaying the user's style, it displays my style (on every user's profile in postbit)
05-28-2007, 02:10 AM
What am I doing wrong...It just says default.
No matter what skin I am using???
I have this one and the recomended plug in installed. I added the if condition as stated a few posts back. NOTHING shows up anywhere :confused:
08-23-2007, 09:15 PM
Works great, thank you!
01-11-2008, 08:03 PM
need help when i uninstalled it i got this database error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:
Invalid SQL:
post.*, post.username AS postusername, post.ipaddress AS ip, IF(post.visible = 2, 1, 0) AS isdeleted,
user.*, userfield.*, usertextfield.*,
icon.title as icontitle, icon.iconpath,
avatar.avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustomavatar, customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline,customavatar.width AS avwidth,customavatar.height AS avheight,
deletionlog.userid AS del_userid, deletionlog.username AS del_username, deletionlog.reason AS del_reason,
editlog.userid AS edit_userid, editlog.username AS edit_username, editlog.dateline AS edit_dateline,
editlog.reason AS edit_reason,
postparsed.pagetext_html, postparsed.hasimages,
sigparsed.signatureparsed, sigparsed.hasimages AS sighasimages,
sigpic.userid AS sigpic, sigpic.dateline AS sigpicdateline, sigpic.width AS sigpicwidth, sigpic.height AS sigpicheight,
IF(displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, infractiongroupid
, IF(SUM(photoplog_fileuploads.moderate) > 0 AND 1 = 0,COUNT(photoplog_fileuploads.moderate) - SUM(photoplog_fileuploads.moderate),COUNT(photoplo g_fileuploads.moderate)) AS photoplog_filecount,blog_user.entries
FROM post AS post
LEFT JOIN user AS user ON(user.userid = post.userid)
LEFT JOIN userfield AS userfield ON(userfield.userid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN usertextfield AS usertextfield ON(usertextfield.userid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN icon AS icon ON(icon.iconid = post.iconid)
LEFT JOIN avatar AS avatar ON(avatar.avatarid = user.avatarid) LEFT JOIN customavatar AS customavatar ON(customavatar.userid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN deletionlog AS deletionlog ON(post.postid = deletionlog.primaryid AND deletionlog.type = 'post')
LEFT JOIN editlog AS editlog ON(editlog.postid = post.postid)
LEFT JOIN postparsed AS postparsed ON(postparsed.postid = post.postid AND postparsed.styleid = 19 AND postparsed.languageid = 1)
LEFT JOIN sigparsed AS sigparsed ON(sigparsed.userid = user.userid AND sigparsed.styleid = 19 AND sigparsed.languageid = 1)
LEFT JOIN sigpic AS sigpic ON(sigpic.userid = post.userid)
WHERE post.postid IN (0,190207,190230,190235,190236,190239,190240,19024 1,190207)
ORDER BY post.dateline;
MySQL Error : Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause
Error Number : 1140
Date : Friday, January 11th 2008 @ 04:52:55 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : cOderz
Classname : vB_Database
after checking the hack out theres no unistall codes at all.
05-24-2008, 02:06 PM
@ Matt Slick- In your 'postbit' template, look for--
<if condition="$post['age']"><div>$vbphrase[age]: $post[age]</div></if>
after add--
<if condition="$post['stylename']">Style: $post[stylelink]</if>
Thx for this. I was having the same problem.
08-02-2009, 01:03 PM
i have a weird problem, after installing this hack (and the other one related to this) i get alot of comment from members that the style randomly changes from now and then while browsing the forum. I've had it a few times myself as well now... any idea on this one?
I'm having the same issue. Has there been a fix for this?
01-26-2010, 06:22 AM
Can be update to the vBulletin 4...?
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