View Full Version : Does a Logical View Mod Already Exist?

12-10-2006, 05:30 PM
I am looking for a modification or tool that will allow me to groups threads into groups. Let me explain the requirement.

We do offer discussion forums on our website but mainly the site is a resource and knowledge repository broken into samples, documentation, training materials, etc. Unfortunately, this results in Java, for example, posts scattered all over the place: in the Documentation forum, in the Development forum, in the training forum, etc. How can I add a logical view that allows a user interested in all our Java information to see links to all the resources whether a post or document or text file or etc. in some kind of interface?

Is there some kind of Knowledge Repository for vBulletin like the KR module in phpBB? Or something similiar?

12-10-2006, 06:13 PM
I am looking for a modification or tool that will allow me to groups threads into groups. Let me explain the requirement.

We do offer discussion forums on our website but mainly the site is a resource and knowledge repository broken into samples, documentation, training materials, etc. Unfortunately, this results in Java, for example, posts scattered all over the place: in the Documentation forum, in the Development forum, in the training forum, etc. How can I add a logical view that allows a user interested in all our Java information to see links to all the resources whether a post or document or text file or etc. in some kind of interface?

Is there some kind of Knowledge Repository for vBulletin like the KR module in phpBB? Or something similiar?

Question - how do you want this process to be managed? Is this something to be set up manually or automatically?

One possibility is to use a links manager (e.g. I support the Links and Downloads Manager - see here).

You can create categories of subjects. You can also keyword the entries in those categories, and seaching is possible either in terms of the free text used to describe the entry, or the associated keywords. The entries would be links to the individual posts/threads.

12-10-2006, 06:17 PM
Actually, I already have the Links and Downloads Manager installed, I just never got around to doing anything with it. Thanks for the tip, I will pull the documentation and see if this will do what I need to do.

I appreciate the help! Thanks again.