View Full Version : Mini Mods - Users posts

12-09-2006, 10:00 PM
This small mod will tell you some small stats about where a member is posting : in which forums and what it represents against his total number of messages (see screenshot below. sorry it's a french screenshot ).
It respects your forums ordering and groups them by category, with a total by category.

Php code to place in the "modcp" dir, filename "usermess.php" :
// ######################## usermess.php ###########################
// Quick stats for member's number of messages.
// Auteur : Bec ? Fuel
// Date : December, 10 2006
// Version : 1.2

// ######################## SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ###########################
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

// #################### PRE-CACHE TEMPLATES AND DATA ######################
$phrasegroups = array('style','cpuser','user','forum','search');
$specialtemplates = array('products');

// ########################## REQUIRE BACK-END ############################
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions.php');

$phrase_percentage = "Par rapport au total";

print_form_header('usermess','usermess',false,true );

if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'usermess')
$membre = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('p', 'membre', TYPE_STR);
$result = $db->query_read("SELECT userid, username FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."user WHERE username='".$membre."'");
if (!$db->num_rows($result) > 0)
define('CP_REDIRECT', 'usermess.php');
print_form_header('usermess','usermess',false,true );
$r = $db->fetch_array($result);
$userid = $r['userid'];
print_table_header($vbphrase['posts_made_by'].' '.$r['username'].' (id:'.$userid.')',4);
$total = array();
$tabparent = array();
$totalstr = array();
$result = $db->query_read ("SELECT parentlist,title_clean,forumid FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."forum WHERE parentid=-1 ORDER BY forumid");
while ($r = $db->fetch_array($result))
$tabparent[] = '%,'.$r['parentlist'];
$totalstr[] = $r['title_clean'];
$totalgen = 0;
$result = $db->query_read ("SELECT COUNT(postid) AS nbmess FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX ."post WHERE visible=1 AND userid=".$userid." GROUP BY userid");
$r = $db->fetch_array($result);
$totalcalc = $r['nbmess'] ? $r['nbmess'] : 1;

$forums = array();
foreach ($vbulletin->forumcache AS $forumid => $forum)
$forums["$forum[forumid]"] = construct_depth_mark($forum['depth']-1, '- - ') . ' ' . $forum['title'];
$tab2 = array();
foreach ($vbulletin->forumcache AS $key => $forum)
if ($forum['parentid'] == -1) { $tab2[] = $forum['title']; }
$i = 0;
foreach ($vbulletin->forumcache AS $key => $forum)
if ($forum['parentid'] == -1)
if ($i > 0) { print_cells_row(array('',$vbphrase['category']." : <q>".$tab2[$i-1]."</q>".$last,vb_number_format($total[$i-1],0,false,',',' ')."</span>",vb_number_format($total[$i-1]/$totalcalc*100,2,false,',',' ')." %"),true); }
$totalgen += $total[$i-1];
$total[$i] = 0;
$result = $db->query_read ("SELECT ". TABLE_PREFIX ."forum.parentid,". TABLE_PREFIX ."forum.title, COUNT(". TABLE_PREFIX ."post.postid) AS nbmess
LEFT JOIN ". TABLE_PREFIX ."thread ON (". TABLE_PREFIX ."post.threadid=". TABLE_PREFIX ."thread.threadid)
LEFT JOIN ". TABLE_PREFIX ."forum ON (". TABLE_PREFIX ."forum.forumid=". TABLE_PREFIX ."thread.forumid)
WHERE ". TABLE_PREFIX ."post.visible=1 and userid=".$userid." AND ". TABLE_PREFIX ."forum.forumid=".$forum['forumid']."
GROUP BY ". TABLE_PREFIX ."thread.forumid");
$r = $db->fetch_array($result);
if ($r['parentid'] == -1) { $last = $forum['title']; }
$total[$i-1] += $r['nbmess'];

$cell = array();
$cell[] = construct_depth_mark($forum['depth']-1, '- - ') . $forum[title];
$cell[] = '';
$cell[] = vb_number_format($r['nbmess'],0,false,',',' ');
$cell[] = vb_number_format($r['nbmess']/$totalcalc*100,2,false,',',' ')." %";

print_cells_row($cell,false,false,0,'top',false,tr ue);
print_cells_row(array('',$vbphrase['category']." : <q>".$tab2[$i-1]."</q>",vb_number_format($total[$i-1],0,false,',',' '),vb_number_format($total[$i-1]/$totalcalc*100,2,false,',',' ')." %"),true);
$totalgen += $total[$i-1];
print_table_header($vbphrase['total_posts'].' : '.vb_number_format($totalgen,0,false,',',' '),4);


Module to create using "mod_index_navigation" hook (choose a name you like for this module) :
construct_nav_option('Number of messages', 'usermess.php?');
construct_nav_group('Menu title'); I hope you will enjoy this. It's not a great mod, but I think it can be useful or at least handy, though.

Last changes :

Forum list correctly ordered to reflect layout order
Now showing forum with no messages
Added new variable for a non-translated text

Replace some hardcoded string with vbphrases
Correct division by 0 for forums with no posts
Added cosmetics to display categories headers & footers

12-10-2006, 08:40 AM
looks fine
the only thing i would change is on the picture because i dont know how to say it

this i changed but the sum isnt right

$total[$i] = 0;
while ($r = $db->fetch_array($result))
print_cells_row (array($r['title'],$parent,vb_number_format($r['nbmess'],0,false,',',' '),vb_number_format($r['nbmess']/$totalcalc*100,2,false,',',' ')." %"),false,false,0,'top',false,true);
$total[$i] += $r['nbmess'];
print_cells_row(array("","Total in <q>".$totalstr[$i]."</q>",vb_number_format($total[$i],0,false,',',' '),vb_number_format($total[$i]/$totalcalc*100,2,false,',',' ')." %"),true);
$totalgen += $total[$i];


$total[$i] = 0;
print_cells_row(array("","Total in <q>".$totalstr[$i]."</q>",vb_number_format($total[$i],0,false,',',' '),vb_number_format($total[$i]/$totalcalc*100,2,false,',',' ')." %"),true);
while ($r = $db->fetch_array($result))
print_cells_row (array($r['title'],$parent,vb_number_format($r['nbmess'],0,false,',',' '),vb_number_format($r['nbmess']/$totalcalc*100,2,false,',',' ')." %"),false,false,0,'top',false,true);
$total[$i] += $r['nbmess'];

$totalgen += $total[$i];

12-10-2006, 08:57 AM
then we change the hook into admin_index_navigation and sim sala bim its here*g*

sorry my changes wount work so don't do the change*g*

12-10-2006, 09:25 AM
German Moin Daniel ;)
ich kapier das nicht!!! Hooks? Warum? Wieso kann ich den Hack denn nicht direkt in die "cpnav_vbulletin.xml" einbinden? Kl?r mich doch bitte mal auf, da ich von den Hooks Ged?ns ?berhaupt keine Ahnung habe https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2010/01/19.gif
direkt wird dort nichts eingebunden ;)
die cpnav_vbulletin greifen wir NICHT AN ;)
sondern du erstellst eine cpnav_mike.xml im includes/xml verzeichniss und schreiben folgendes rein

<navgroups master="false">

<navgroup phrase="users" permissions="canadminusers" displayorder="110">

<navoption displayorder="100">
<text>text der du hier habn willst</text>
<link>der link dazu</link>



so dsa wars :)

12-10-2006, 09:48 AM
Two main reasons for putting it in modcp :
I think it should be available to moderators
It's easier to put in there ;) I mean in terms of manipulations. But either way has its own pro & con.
Btw, I'm currently modifying the code to reflect some changes :

Adding a header and a footer for each category, with some space between them
Replacing hard-coded string with vbphrases as much as possible (that was funny to see the mix of languages in your screenshot ;) )I think this will be online very soon. And thank you for you reports.

I'm a lil bit confused about the "contruct_nav" things. Can you help me? -Mike
You add all your options then at the end the title. Not harder than that ;)
construct_nav_option('option 1', 'prog1.php?');
construct_nav_option('option 2', 'prog2.php?');
construct_nav_option('option 3', 'prog3.php?');
construct_nav_option('option 4', 'prog4.php?');

12-10-2006, 10:28 AM
hi becafuel,

nice add on but i have two suggestions:
- he doesn't sort the forum the right way.
- i would show forum without post too. you could easier compare and find anything when every forum is always on his place.


12-10-2006, 10:54 AM
I have modified the code in the first post to accomodate with suggestions from feedback.

What do you think of it, now ?

- he doesn't sort the forum the right way.
Do you have any example or screenshot ?

- i would show forum without post too. you could easier compare and find anything when every forum is always on his place.
Ok for forum with 0 messages. What about an option for this : "Display forum without messages ? yes/no"

12-10-2006, 02:48 PM
Ok for forum with 0 messages. What about an option for this : "Display forum without messages ? yes/no"
tahat would be very nice.

Do you have any example or screenshot ?
see my attachment.

and look at: http://www.portablegaming.de/forumdisplay.php?f=3

and the categorys are not soreted right tot.
gameboy advance should be the 3th category but it is the first.

12-10-2006, 04:11 PM
because the order
then someone must build the displayorder into the query ;)
i think that will not be enought...

12-10-2006, 04:40 PM
In fact, I am actually ordering by forumid, which is not the real display order (except on my forum, hence the confusion ;) )
I am working on it but it will take a little longer to code because it's not only a matter of query...

12-10-2006, 06:27 PM
Great , some one put a few wonderful php code the other bring it back with more nice ideas and the 3rd from some place on this planet collect and correct it to be a wonder full hack .
Thanks a lot guys ¤¥installed¥¤

12-10-2006, 06:48 PM
very good addon thanks for posting, trying out right now :)

12-10-2006, 07:12 PM
In fact, I am actually ordering by forumid, which is not the real display order (except on my forum, hence the confusion ;) )
I am working on it but it will take a little longer to code because it's not only a matter of query...
he, you can look in the admincp/forum.php in the line 359, where the "if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'modify')" stuff is. with this you can see how the vb do the ordering. (sorry my english ...)

12-10-2006, 07:20 PM
That's what I was planning to do ;) I'm not willing to re-invent the wheel each time...

12-11-2006, 05:49 AM
hehe :)
but nice method for the menu
that i don't know until i see it here

12-14-2006, 08:02 PM
But. Can you place the code into one xml product? I dont know how to modified PHP.

12-16-2006, 11:00 AM
I dont know how to install it?

where to place this code?

Module to create using "mod_index_navigation" hook (choose a name you like for this module) :

PHP Code:
construct_nav_option('Number of messages', 'usermess.php?');
construct_nav_group('Menu title');

I hope you will enjoy this. It's not a great mod, but I think it can be useful or at least handy, though.

12-16-2006, 11:21 AM
In the admin cp, plugin system, add new plugin. You then choose a title for this plugin (the name that you like, it's on your own) and choose mod_index_navigation as hook. Then you place the code in the "Plugin PHP Code" section.
Do not forget to activate the plugin by checking the radio button under this text area ;)

Really, it's simple to do. Easier than .xml file, at least for such a small add-on. XML files are good for bigger projects or admin-only tools, I think.

I'm still currently working on the two last points, but the end of the year is hard for me and my work :( I do not have much time for this.

12-17-2006, 10:03 AM
one question

why the menucode is:
construct_nav_option('Number of messages', 'usermess.php?');
construct_nav_group('Menu title');

1. the links
2. the "menu"
or doesnt it matter?

12-17-2006, 02:33 PM
becafuel: You know what? Right now I got an idea...

Do you know the hack Top Posters In Month X (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=133564&page=2) from Cybernetec? I got the idea to integrate your code with this one. What do you think? Is that possible? I'm goin to start tomorrow to try it. Would you please so kind to help me? Whenever you have time of course. No need to rush ;) -Mike

I like it! :D Sound very interest. Will wait to try your mod. :D Thank becafuel, I did it. But can I place the menu into ACP? No need to show it in the ModCP.

12-18-2006, 06:12 AM
becafuel: You know what? Right now I got an idea...

Do you know the hack Top Posters In Month X (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=133564&page=2) from Cybernetec? I got the idea to integrate your code with this one. What do you think? Is that possible? I'm goin to start tomorrow to try it. Would you please so kind to help me? Whenever you have time of course. No need to rush ;) -Mike
It's not a bad idea, but I think you should contact Cybernetec before...

Btw, I will help you as much as I can, of course.

I like it! :D Sound very interest. Will wait to try your mod. :D Thank becafuel, I did it. But can I place the menu into ACP? No need to show it in the ModCP.
It's a matter of choice ;) I think its place is in ModCP, that's why I've put it there. I will post the XML file ASAP for the ACP.

12-18-2006, 10:52 AM
New version v1.2

Most noticeable change : forums are now correctly ordered. That is : same order than your layout.

It also shows forum with 0 (zero) messages.

A new variable that you should modify in the above source code : $phrase_percentage. This is the translation for french "Par rapport au total", which could be "Compared to total number of messages" in english.
As I didn't want to create a vbphrase only for this one, I've kept it in a variable.

Next version change will add the option to include or not forum with no messages.

I hope you find this mod useful ;)

12-18-2006, 11:18 PM
How can I Upgrade this Mod?

12-19-2006, 05:39 AM
How can I Upgrade this Mod?
Simply paste the php code into the usermess.php file in the modcp dir.

12-19-2006, 09:09 AM
why the menucode is:
construct_nav_option('Number of messages', 'usermess.php?');
construct_nav_group('Menu title');

1. the links
2. the "menu"
or doesnt it matter?
does someone know that?

and is it faster then the xml file in the includes/xml ?

12-19-2006, 09:31 AM
I don't know why it is done this way.

For the second question, it's not a matter of speed, IMHO. XML method requires vbphrases to be created for your options & menu title in admincp, not with modcp menus.
Although you can work without vbphrases in admincp, options and titles will be displayed like *[your_text]*, meaning you missed some vbphrases. See attached screenshot.
This is one of the two reasons why I've put this mod in the modcp section. I didn't want to play with xml and phrases for only one option in a menu. In a way, we can say it's faster to code for me, but code is not faster either way ;)

12-19-2006, 10:06 AM
no it doesnt need phrases
<text>your link</text> works too ;)

12-19-2006, 10:30 AM
Damn ! You're right ! Why the hell did I focus on <phrase>some text</phrase> ?!
Thx a lot ;)

12-19-2006, 11:56 AM
Then we will talk about this via PMs ;)

12-20-2006, 04:02 PM
I like this, although I put mine in ACP

/me installs

03-09-2007, 02:15 AM
How to modify this code for users? (i wan't them also see their statistic)...

Can somebody give me full code or "hack" file?

03-09-2007, 05:49 AM
You can put the code in the root directory of your forum and then put a link somewhere (i.e. in navbar) to this file.

03-09-2007, 06:06 AM
Very handy add-on really.

Is there any chance to do it also for reputation points? To see where the user got his rep. points?
Event better would be to group forums by topic for this purpose...

Thank you!!!

03-09-2007, 06:10 AM
ok. thank you. i'll try it.

03-26-2007, 09:59 AM
I've correctly installed it but when i click on the menu in the MOD CP I get this:

Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in ------------/public_html/forum/modcp/usermess.php on line 2

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in -------------/public_html/forum/modcp/usermess.php on line 2

Any help please?

03-28-2007, 03:54 AM
I installed. But where does this show up at? I can't find it anywhere. I don't use the default style however.

03-28-2007, 05:20 AM
it is in the acp!

03-28-2007, 11:58 AM
Oh. I thought this would be on the user profile or something so everyone could see it instead of just the admins. Anyway to do this?

03-28-2007, 01:08 PM
I've correctly installed it but when i click on the menu in the MOD CP I get this:

Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in ------------/public_html/forum/modcp/usermess.php on line 2

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in -------------/public_html/forum/modcp/usermess.php on line 2

Any help please?

Well... Line 2 does not contain any code :confused: Did you upload using ASCII mode ?

03-28-2007, 01:10 PM
it is in the acp!
Not ACP but MODCP ;)

If you want it in the ACP, then you should create an XML file for this.

Oh. I thought this would be on the user profile or something so everyone could see it instead of just the admins. Anyway to do this?
I don't think it's a good place for such a tool because of the number of queries it makes :(

03-28-2007, 02:04 PM
Well... Line 2 does not contain any code :confused: Did you upload using ASCII mode ?

I think I did so. I use Filezilla. But it happens even if I upload using BINARY mode :(

03-31-2007, 11:40 PM
I have this installed on my forum, but it's not working.

When I try to view a users posts I just get the "No Users Matched Your Query" error.

04-08-2007, 06:19 AM
Very useful for me as I have some people that really like to camp in the off-topic forum and this gives me a way to show that they really are not contributing to the rest of the site. A neat feature would be some way to export the results so that they could be shown to the user if they dispute the numbers. Perhaps export to a text file that could then be emailed or cut/paste into a PM?

I figured out how to get the option into the main admin cp, but it shows up at the top of all the options. How would I change the location of the option to put it under the User section with all the other stuff like "Add New User, Search for Users, etc,..." ?

04-10-2007, 06:00 PM
Thanks a lot for your comments ;) I have made it for the same purpose.

A neat feature would be some way to export the results so that they could be shown to the user if they dispute the numbers. Perhaps export to a text file that could then be emailed or cut/paste into a PM?
Good idea ! I will try to do something about that.

I figured out how to get the option into the main admin cp, but it shows up at the top of all the options. How would I change the location of the option to put it under the User section with all the other stuff like "Add New User, Search for Users, etc,..." ?
Did you try to change the "displayorder=xx" in the navgroup line under the product name ?

04-10-2007, 06:01 PM
I have this installed on my forum, but it's not working.

When I try to view a users posts I just get the "No Users Matched Your Query" error.

It's because the member you specify does not exist.

04-11-2007, 01:44 AM
Did you try to change the "displayorder=xx" in the navgroup line under the product name ?

I'm sorry, I am not sure what you are referring to. I am not a coder in any way shape or form :D Where I would I find that setting? Or is that something I would need to add to the lines put in the php code in the plugin editor?

04-19-2007, 10:52 PM
It's because the member you specify does not exist.

The member that I specified definitely does exist lol

04-09-2008, 03:50 PM
Damn, I've been looking for something like this for waaay too long.

It works great, is there anyone that can take it a little further? for example to integrate this page in some vbulletin page (member profile perhaps?) or display a list of forum members, based on percentage of posts in selected forum?

Or even better: is there a way to build a "pie" or percentage matrix for a member's posting activity in specific forums (and not all of them?)

12-14-2009, 10:32 AM
Created a usermess.php file with the code inside but it don?t works :(

Any suggestions?

12-14-2009, 01:59 PM
Created a usermess.php file with the code inside but it don?t works :(

Any suggestions?
Did you also create the plugin that is needed? And you turned it on? And what are the permissions on the php file?

12-14-2009, 02:33 PM
Sorry Lynne. I´m not a coder and my knowledge is very limited.

I have created an activated the plugin with the short code (Hook location: Ajax_start)

I have created a php file with the large code and renamed it as usermess.php in the modcp directory.

Which permissions do you mean?

Thank you in advance.

12-14-2009, 03:37 PM
I have created an activated the plugin with the short code (Hook location: Ajax_start)
This is what is in the first post regarding the plugin:
Module to create using "mod_index_navigation" hook (choose a name you like for this module) :
He says to use the mod_index_navigation hook, not the ajax_start hook.

12-14-2009, 03:51 PM
This is what is in the first post regarding the plugin:

He says to use the mod_index_navigation hook, not the ajax_start hook.

Ok. Now it?s changed., sorry for this mistake. I have have re-uploaded in ASCii mode de files and I can see now on de mocp:

Menu title
Number of messages.

But clicking on Number of messages, I?m getting the error 404 The requested URL /forum/modcp/usermess.php was not found on this server.

What am I doing wrong?.

Thank you

12-14-2009, 03:55 PM
But clicking on Number of messages, I?m getting the error 404 The requested URL /forum/modcp/usermess.php was not found on this server.

What am I doing wrong?.

Thank you
If you ftp to your site and go to /forum/modcp, is there a usermess.php file in there?

12-14-2009, 03:59 PM
If you ftp to your site and go to /forum/modcp, is there a usermess.php file in there?


I have created this file because it?s wasn?t there, renamed it from txt to .php, the entire code copy and paste and then uploaded to forum/modcp.

12-14-2009, 04:23 PM

I have created this file because it?s wasn?t there, renamed it from txt to .php, the entire code copy and paste and then uploaded to forum/modcp.
Check the permissions on it and chmod to 644 (I don't know your ftp client, so you'll have to figure out how to do that yourself).

As a side comment, I just looked in my files and I have this in my admin cp folder. I'm not sure if I just modified the mod, or what, but mine is there, the mod points to it there, and it works just fine.

12-14-2009, 05:17 PM
By clicking in properties I´m getting the code 644, then I think that this is correct.

How can I check these permisions on?

Thank you for your help.

12-14-2009, 06:50 PM
Maybe I do something wrong.

To make a php file what I did is:

txt file with the code and rename the .txt to .php extension (final name: usermess.php), then uploaded it via ftp to forum/modcp/usermess.php

I hope that this is the correct way.

I?m the all day trying to solve this problem with no solution at the moment. I?m really fustrated :(

12-14-2009, 06:52 PM
If the permissions are correct on the file and the file is in the correct place and you created the plugin using the correct hook and it is active, then I don't know what the problem is. I suppose you can check your error_logs (if you don't know where they are, ask your host) and see if anything is in there.

As for creating a file.... I just create a file and when I go to save it, I save it as name.php. I don't save it as a text file and then rename it. That could be your problem - I really don't know.

12-14-2009, 06:57 PM
If the permissions are correct on the file and the file is in the correct place and you created the plugin using the correct hook and it is active, then I don't know what the problem is. I suppose you can check your error_logs (if you don't know where they are, ask your host) and see if anything is in there.

As for creating a file.... I just create a file and when I go to save it, I save it as name.php. I don't save it as a text file and then rename it. That could be your problem - I really don't know.

Ok, thank you very much Lynne. One more question only.

How do you create a file then? which program do you use?

I copy the code...but where if not in a txt?

12-14-2009, 07:05 PM
Ok, thank you very much Lynne. One more question only.

How do you create a file then? which program do you use?

I copy the code...but where if not in a txt?
I use BBEdit, but I'm on a mac. Just use basic Notepad on a PC and do a Save As and write name.php as the file name and it should save just fine.

12-14-2009, 08:28 PM
Thank you very much for your support Lynne.

Problem now solved.
