View Full Version : Preview of Admin interface?

12-08-2006, 04:17 PM
Hi folks, I've got a client request for a somewhat complex system and I was recommended to this software. I work in a Php/Mysql environment.

The bare minimum request is as follows:
A simple Admin user interface to modify member information in the database, enable passwords, and to grant permissions to join and view the private member space. Since it is by subscription, client does not want just anyone to be able to sign up.

A public space that anyone can view, but not post to.

I think they want the private area to have a forum like and news release set of pages. The public would not be able to read those forums.

I was wondering if there is a screen shot of the Admin interface and if what I'm asking is even possible.


12-08-2006, 04:27 PM
Here is a link to the vBulletin demo.....


12-08-2006, 06:14 PM
Thank you. Very impressive. I have 4 questions.

It does not seem that the member profiles can include fields for Company, Addresses, multiple phone #s etc. My client wants to have a database of businesses that are members and make addresses visible to other members.... Are adding new fields to the profiles possible?

Is the backend database MySql and would I be able to access it for an initial upload of member info, rather than typing it all in by hand; and could new fields be added through direct access to the database? Wondering how flexible the backend is for other things. Client may want to add info on member registrations for specific conferences.. e.g. If it is possible, can that info be displayed within the interface?

How does the mass email notice to members not produce a spam like flagging for bulk mail on a specific host?

How easy is the installation of the system on FreeBSD?


Okay, I found the User Profile Fields function. I see that will work. I'm still curious as to the rest of my questions.

12-11-2006, 10:24 PM
put it this way, if you set your mind to it you can do anything. Plugins are so easy to make. All you would need to do is modify your templates too add certain things as well. As far as database im sure you can use anything. I think most people use mysql cause well its free. If you can get PHP and mysql setup on a server there should be no problem running this. But vbulletin is the most flexible forum software out there. I love it to no end just because of the ease of use and flexibility.

There are freebies out there but vbulletin will stay on top of things,very few security flaws and they will fix them right away if found.