View Full Version : Administrative and Maintenance Tools - 'Check Version' for all hacks
12-05-2006, 10:00 PM
With this hack you can easily check all installed products for updates, it show it directly in the product manager and with one click it check all hacks for updates.
The informattion is updated every night per cron job and when you want it can inform you with an admin message or an email.
The screenshots are from a german vbulletin.
Thanks go to Andreas ( for his improvements and ideas.
German Version:
1.6.4 Small bugfixes.
1.6.3 Cron improved.
1.6.2 Highly improved version by Andreas (
1.5.1 Cron improved and a lot of small bugfixes
1.5.0 pvc.php removed and everything inclided in the plugin.php and small cron bugfixes.
1.2.0 E-Mail function included, overview improved and the adminmessage is now dynamic.
1.1.1 Cronjoninstallation improved.
1.1.0 Cronjob (Static adminmessage)
1.0.1 Small update of the admin right management.
1.0.0 First version.
Installation and Update:
1. Upload all in the upload folder.
2. Import the product and overwrite the old one.
1. Upload pvcron.php to "FORUMROOT/includes/cron/".
2. Import the product.
3. Under "Product Manager" click one time on "Check all products for new version".
4. When you want you can activate the adminmessage or email function, but don't forget to insert your mail adress, under "vBulletin-Options" -> "Plug-in- / Hook-System".
Sorry for my bad English!
Andreas is only the CoAuthor don't get on his nerves with question to this hack! Thanks!
12-06-2006, 07:27 PM
Nice hack but many Products appear as unsupported. How can this be fixed?
12-06-2006, 07:39 PM
Nice hack but many Products appear as unsupported. How can this be fixed?
hi jluerken,
i see you are from germany. :) you can find a german version here:
that many hacks are not support is because many hacks don't use the 'version checking'. so the hack authors have to include that feature in their hacks.
Kirk Y
12-06-2006, 10:35 PM
"Not supportet" should be "Not Supported".
It might be a better idea if you only show the hacks that actually need updating on the page, rather than displaying all of them.
Atakan KOC
12-07-2006, 12:55 PM
Nice idea. Thanks.
12-08-2006, 12:33 AM
"Not supportet" should be "Not Supported".
i have corrected this.
It might be a better idea if you only show the hacks that actually need updating on the page, rather than displaying all of them.
i think its better when it show all hacks. you have a better overview of your hacks and you can see for with hacks you have to search for updates your on.
i hope you understand what i mean. :) sorry for my english ...
Nice idea. Thanks.
thanks atakan koc.
but by the way: your Separate Sticky and Normal Threads ( hack has a wrong version check url:
it should be:
i have uploaded version 1.1.1:
i have added an cronjob witch informs you about updates or your hacks and some other little improvements.
Paul M
12-08-2006, 04:13 PM
Separate Sticky and Normal Threads ( hack has a wrong version check url:
it should be:
Modifications should use the product id based url check as a preference, rather than the older thread id based url.
You might want to check your own urls as well since version check does not work for this modification (you appear to have the urls the wrong way around).
12-08-2006, 05:07 PM
You might want to check your own urls as well since version check does not work for this modification (you appear to have the urls the wrong way around).
ops, i mixed inadvertently the version-checkurl with the supporturl.
i have corrected it.
thanks, paul m.
12-09-2006, 02:46 PM
Nice hack thanks
02-04-2007, 04:58 PM
90% of my listed hacks get "Not Supported", but most of them are for 3.6.4 :S
02-04-2007, 06:03 PM
Very creative idea, sounds cool might look into it :)
Paul M
02-04-2007, 06:16 PM
90% of my listed hacks get "Not Supported", but most of them are for 3.6.4 :S
weirdThat's because the author of those hacks has not added a version check url into their product.
02-04-2007, 11:43 PM
I love this hack...since i am a lazy bastard. =)
02-28-2007, 11:47 AM
works like a charm needs to be updates Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics 4.6 4.7 Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics lol interesting.
03-02-2007, 06:18 AM
this hack is really cool save me a lot of time doing upgrade of vbulletin.
Doctor Death
03-17-2007, 01:35 AM
Clicks INSTALL :)
03-17-2007, 02:04 AM
Hey, very nice hack thanks!
04-24-2007, 03:31 PM
i uploaded an new highly improved version!!!
new features:
- no file changes!
- shows the newest version directly in the product manager.
- with one click you can update the information.
- it automatically updates the newest information every night and when you want it can inform you with an adminmessage or an email or with both.
- it adds an "Importing / Installing a Product" button in the top of the product manager. no more scroll down.
check the screenshots!
i hope you like the new version!
when there is a bug please inform me.
my english in the plugin is very bad. it would be nice when you can say me where i can improve it. or please rephrase the plugin an upload it.
an questions?
04-25-2007, 07:33 AM
updated ..thankx!!
new version looks great :)
04-25-2007, 11:19 AM
05-04-2007, 06:03 AM
Very very cool, thank you!
06-07-2007, 11:47 AM
i can't find any "upload" directory on the file attached here. All i can see are three files "install.txt", "product-pvc.xml","pvcron.php". Am I missing something?
06-07-2007, 12:34 PM
i can't find any "upload" directory on the file attached here. All i can see are three files "install.txt", "product-pvc.xml","pvcron.php". Am I missing something?
No. That must be from a previous version. The only file to upload is pvcron.php.
06-07-2007, 01:32 PM
thank u
03-03-2008, 05:01 PM
Love this mod!
I hope all of the mods become supported by this one in the future.
03-03-2008, 05:21 PM
On the admincp menu the name is showing as *[pvc_products]*
Any way to change that.
03-03-2008, 05:22 PM
Yes, this is a very good mod. The method used already exists in VB, its just a nice reminder script via email.
Thanks for the great script!
03-03-2008, 05:44 PM
Any way to get this to work with the Advanced Product Managemanet?
03-14-2008, 05:33 AM
excellent mod!!
05-09-2008, 08:27 AM
does it works with vbulletin 3.7 ?
05-09-2008, 01:18 PM
yes, no problems so far.
05-09-2008, 04:38 PM
I can confirm it's working in 3.7 as well.
OcR Envy
05-15-2008, 10:27 AM
How about an update to display newer version numbers in red too see what is out of date?
05-20-2008, 01:32 PM
Your installation instructions say you should upload the contents in the upload folder. There is no upload folder provided. I only see the instructions, pvcron.php and the product file.
Was this not packed properly?
05-23-2008, 06:49 PM
hurik, this throws the columns off in the Advanced Product Manager. Any way to fix it so it will work with that also?
Harley D
05-25-2008, 02:24 PM
hurik, this throws the columns off in the Advanced Product Manager. Any way to fix it so it will work with that also?
I with Boofo, would like to see this as well.
05-25-2008, 03:51 PM
I have uninstalled this as it looks like the support isn't going to be there.
05-29-2008, 12:20 PM
This does not work well with 3.7.1
Sadie Frost
06-07-2008, 12:16 AM
Seems to be working fine on mine...what exactly isn't working?
06-07-2008, 12:49 AM
Seems to be working fine on mine...what exactly isn't working?
Hello Stranger. Long time no talk. ;)
Sadie Frost
06-07-2008, 01:22 AM
Haven't really been on the site in a while - just getting back into things :)
06-07-2008, 01:54 AM
I noticed. PM me when you get a minute and we can catch up. Lots to tell you and a new site to boot. ;)
07-21-2008, 02:03 PM
What an EXCELLENT MOD!!! :up: :up: :up:
10-01-2008, 10:37 PM
can we get an update?
10-23-2008, 01:16 PM
This should be a standard feature in vbulletin!
12-27-2008, 10:00 PM
I just downloaded this, used winrar and there was no upload folder present
02-10-2009, 09:33 AM
can we get an update?
is there a new version for 3.8.x ?
02-10-2009, 10:00 AM
is there a new version for 3.8.x ?
I believe that this hack will work flawlessly in any version of vB!
Paul M
02-10-2009, 04:58 PM
It wont work in any version, but it should work ok in 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 :)
03-06-2009, 09:10 AM
doesnt work for 3.8.1 PL1
can somebody update this ?
03-06-2009, 06:41 PM
It still works in my 3.8.1?
Paul M
03-06-2009, 08:09 PM
Works on 3.8.1 for me as well, no reason it shouldnt really.
03-06-2009, 08:40 PM
nope. it doesnt work for me with 3.8.1 PL1
03-07-2009, 07:08 AM
Great stuff, great little mod, very useful indeed :D
04-25-2009, 07:32 AM
First thanks for this add-on, its very helpful... :)
There is a problem when i try to check the versions of my installed add-ons, i get an "error" message in the newest version field when i check the version of the vbulletin guestbook by hasan ( But the version checking url is correct:
and it returns version 2.2. Does someone know how to fix this? Thanks in advance for an reply.
Installed and it works for vb4, with minor modification
replace plugin Aktuellste Versionen anzeigen
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'product')
$html = @ob_get_contents();
while (@ob_end_clean());
if (!empty($html))
global $products, $bgcounter, $stylevar;
$search = array(
"<form action=\"plugin.php?do=productexport\" method=\"post\" target=\"download\" name=\"cpform\" id=\"cpform\">",
"<td class=\"tcat\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\"><b>$vbphrase[installed_products]</b></td>",
"<td class=\"thead\">$vbphrase[version]</td>",
"<strong>vBulletin</strong></td>\n\t<td class=\"alt1\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">" . $vbulletin->options['templateversion']
$replace = array(
"<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"plugin.php?do=productadd\">[$vbphrase[add_import_product]]</a> - <a href=\"misc.php?do=updateversions\">[$vbphrase[check_all_products]]</a></p>\n<form action=\"plugin.php?do=productexport\" method=\"post\" target=\"download\" name=\"cpform\" id=\"cpform\">",
"<td class=\"tcat\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"5\"><b>$vbphrase[installed_products]</b></td>",
"<td class=\"thead\">$vbphrase[version]</td>\n\t<td class=\"thead\">$vbphrase[latest_version]</td>",
"<strong>vBulletin</strong></td>\n\t<td class=\"alt1\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">" . $vbulletin->options['templateversion'] . "</td>\n\t<td class=\"alt1\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">$vbphrase[latest_version_available_x]</td>"
$vbulletin->db->data_seek($products, 0);
$bgcounter = 1;
while ($product = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($products))
$bgclass= fetch_row_bgclass();
$title = htmlspecialchars_uni($product['title']);
if (!$product['active'])
$title = "<strike>$title</strike>";
if ($product['url'])
$title = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars_uni($product['url']) . "\" target=\"_blank\">$title</a>";
$product['version'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($product['version']);
if (is_newer_version($product['latestversion'], $product['version']))
$search[] = "$title</td>\n\t<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">$product[version]";
$replace[] = "<strong>$title</title></td>\n\t<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\"><span style=\"color: #AA0000\"><strong>$product[version]</strong></span></td>\n\t<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\"><span style=\"color: #AA0000\"><strong>$product[latestversion]</strong></span></td>";
$search[] = "$title</td>\n\t<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">$product[version]";
$replace[] = "$title</td>\n\t<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">$product[version]</td>\n\t<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">$product[latestversion]</td>";
echo(str_replace($search, $replace, $html));
12-22-2009, 12:11 AM
Installed and it works for vb4, with minor modification
replace plugin Aktuellste Versionen anzeigen
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'product')
$html = @ob_get_contents();
while (@ob_end_clean());
if (!empty($html))
global $products, $bgcounter, $stylevar;
$search = array(
"<form action=\"plugin.php?do=productexport\" method=\"post\" target=\"download\" name=\"cpform\" id=\"cpform\">",
"<td class=\"tcat\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\"><b>$vbphrase[installed_products]</b></td>",
"<td class=\"thead\">$vbphrase[version]</td>",
"<strong>vBulletin</strong></td>\n\t<td class=\"alt1\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">" . $vbulletin->options['templateversion']
$replace = array(
"<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"plugin.php?do=productadd\">[$vbphrase[add_import_product]]</a> - <a href=\"misc.php?do=updateversions\">[$vbphrase[check_all_products]]</a></p>\n<form action=\"plugin.php?do=productexport\" method=\"post\" target=\"download\" name=\"cpform\" id=\"cpform\">",
"<td class=\"tcat\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"5\"><b>$vbphrase[installed_products]</b></td>",
"<td class=\"thead\">$vbphrase[version]</td>\n\t<td class=\"thead\">$vbphrase[latest_version]</td>",
"<strong>vBulletin</strong></td>\n\t<td class=\"alt1\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">" . $vbulletin->options['templateversion'] . "</td>\n\t<td class=\"alt1\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">$vbphrase[latest_version_available_x]</td>"
$vbulletin->db->data_seek($products, 0);
$bgcounter = 1;
while ($product = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($products))
$bgclass= fetch_row_bgclass();
$title = htmlspecialchars_uni($product['title']);
if (!$product['active'])
$title = "<strike>$title</strike>";
if ($product['url'])
$title = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars_uni($product['url']) . "\" target=\"_blank\">$title</a>";
$product['version'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($product['version']);
if (is_newer_version($product['latestversion'], $product['version']))
$search[] = "$title</td>\n\t<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">$product[version]";
$replace[] = "<strong>$title</title></td>\n\t<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\"><span style=\"color: #AA0000\"><strong>$product[version]</strong></span></td>\n\t<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\"><span style=\"color: #AA0000\"><strong>$product[latestversion]</strong></span></td>";
$search[] = "$title</td>\n\t<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">$product[version]";
$replace[] = "$title</td>\n\t<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">$product[version]</td>\n\t<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">$product[latestversion]</td>";
echo(str_replace($search, $replace, $html));
Thanks, however it would be nice to see an official update from the author too. I use this all the time to easily find when there is an updated mod.
Doctor Death
01-05-2010, 05:40 PM
I agree... I would really like an official release for 4.0 by whomever.... thanks much for this -- a very important part of my VB environment.
01-29-2010, 06:10 PM
me too!!! would love an update!
Do you have plans to update this to 4.01/4.02?
Installed and it works for vb4, with minor modification
replace plugin Aktuellste Versionen anzeigen
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'product')
$html = @ob_get_contents();
while (@ob_end_clean());
if (!empty($html))
global $products, $bgcounter, $stylevar;
$search = array(
"<form action=\"plugin.php?do=productexport\" method=\"post\" target=\"download\" name=\"cpform\" id=\"cpform\">",
"<td class=\"tcat\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\"><b>$vbphrase[installed_products]</b></td>",
"<td class=\"thead\">$vbphrase[version]</td>",
"<strong>vBulletin</strong></td>\n\t<td class=\"alt1\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">" . $vbulletin->options['templateversion']
$replace = array(
"<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"plugin.php?do=productadd\">[$vbphrase[add_import_product]]</a> - <a href=\"misc.php?do=updateversions\">[$vbphrase[check_all_products]]</a></p>\n<form action=\"plugin.php?do=productexport\" method=\"post\" target=\"download\" name=\"cpform\" id=\"cpform\">",
"<td class=\"tcat\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"5\"><b>$vbphrase[installed_products]</b></td>",
"<td class=\"thead\">$vbphrase[version]</td>\n\t<td class=\"thead\">$vbphrase[latest_version]</td>",
"<strong>vBulletin</strong></td>\n\t<td class=\"alt1\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">" . $vbulletin->options['templateversion'] . "</td>\n\t<td class=\"alt1\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">$vbphrase[latest_version_available_x]</td>"
$vbulletin->db->data_seek($products, 0);
$bgcounter = 1;
while ($product = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($products))
$bgclass= fetch_row_bgclass();
$title = htmlspecialchars_uni($product['title']);
if (!$product['active'])
$title = "<strike>$title</strike>";
if ($product['url'])
$title = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars_uni($product['url']) . "\" target=\"_blank\">$title</a>";
$product['version'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($product['version']);
if (is_newer_version($product['latestversion'], $product['version']))
$search[] = "$title</td>\n\t<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">$product[version]";
$replace[] = "<strong>$title</title></td>\n\t<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\"><span style=\"color: #AA0000\"><strong>$product[version]</strong></span></td>\n\t<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\"><span style=\"color: #AA0000\"><strong>$product[latestversion]</strong></span></td>";
$search[] = "$title</td>\n\t<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">$product[version]";
$replace[] = "$title</td>\n\t<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">$product[version]</td>\n\t<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"".vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('left') ."\">$product[latestversion]</td>";
echo(str_replace($search, $replace, $html));
Are you saying to replace the contents of pvcron.php with your code?
05-14-2010, 02:57 PM
Are you saying to replace the contents of pvcron.php with your code?
Edit the xml file, reinstall.
Works with vbulletin 4.0.3 :)
12-11-2010, 10:52 AM
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