View Full Version : Everquest Guild Roster

12-05-2006, 05:48 PM
I've just recently upgraded to vBulletin and have been looking for a Roster addon to complete my website but am not having much luck at the moment. I've searched these forums and found many others looking for the same kind of thing.

I found one embedded in this guild website: Tenacity (http://www.tenacityguild.com/vb/roster.php) which would suit me fine but I'm unable to find it for download anywhere. I've tried contacting them but have heard nothing back either :(

Does anyone know of where to find this mod for download or one similar that I could make use of?

all help is appreciated

12-08-2006, 01:34 AM
you can copy and hack the showmembers.php to act as a roster.. I have done it before for http://www.fnfguild.com/forum/showroster.php but dont have code laying around anywhere.

07-01-2007, 10:06 AM
I've just recently upgraded to vBulletin and have been looking for a Roster addon to complete my website but am not having much luck at the moment. I've searched these forums and found many others looking for the same kind of thing.

I found one embedded in this guild website: Tenacity (http://www.tenacityguild.com/vb/roster.php) which would suit me fine but I'm unable to find it for download anywhere. I've tried contacting them but have heard nothing back either :(

Does anyone know of where to find this mod for download or one similar that I could make use of?

all help is appreciated

Thankfully they got back to me and I now have a copy on my website of their roster which works pretty good.

It's just a shame that it isn't out there for public use :(