View Full Version : Just a quick question

12-04-2006, 07:30 PM
Hey I am interested in purchasing a copy of vBulletin. However, was just wondering if there's a trader rating hack for vBulletin like DigitalPoint.com.. this is my main goal of purchasing vBulletin or another forum software due to the free ones not having these hacks.


12-04-2006, 08:39 PM
i'm sure there might be something here for that, we do have hacks like vBay, which would most probably have a trader rating system in it, or if there isn't one you only have to request one and someonw might take you up on the challenge.

vBulletin is very easy to customise, theres a great variety of hack out there done by brilliant coders, most of them hang out here, i'm sure theres a lot more hacks that could make you mind set on getting vBulletin. and even if no one is willing to make your mod for free, if you want to spend a little bit, someone would be more than happy to build you one. i know a great coder who would make you codes for cheap should you need them ^_^.

12-04-2006, 08:41 PM
Thanks for the prompt and useful answer.
I'll continue to ask some people about this, and see what vBay has to offer first.

Again thanks for the help

12-04-2006, 08:51 PM
no problem at all, if vBay isn't the mod your looking for while not try searching for a ranking system of some sort you could modify options for to get the hack you want.

with hacks most of the time they are fully customizable and you might even find a hack you like thats better than you wanted that you could easily customize for your own use. any problems feel free to PM me.

even if you cannot find what your looking for you could always use vBulletins Reputation system to define a traders rating. the more reputation he/she recieves the more trustworthy and posative that person is to trade with.

12-19-2006, 09:08 PM
Vbay will come with a trader rating system if that is what you are looking for.