View Full Version : Additional IM Info on Accounts

12-02-2006, 02:49 AM
Ok, i've got an idea for something that would be really useful for my vB, as i'm sure it would be to countless others, and if not useful to them, a nice little addition to have to any vB

fyi, if something like this (that i'm about to explain now) already exists, please link me to it, because i've failed to find anything like it, and really need it :D

So the details of my idea.

What is it...
On the postbit and account profile, you see the little buttons that give out details for IM programs, such as AIM, MSN, YIM, Skype, whatever. I propose a system to extend those IM's.

Why have that...
I'm sure many people could come up with their own reasons for using this, but here's my reasons. I run a gaming forum, a game modification to be more specific. This game is on Half-Life 2, which requires a Steam ID to play. My main use for an extra IM would be for people to add their Steam ID to it, so people can add others on their friends list.

Another use would be for putting your own IRC server/room as an IM detail, or perhaps you use an IM thats not listed on vB; a gaming one being xfire, which is used to help find friends playing a variety of games... if your sites not for gaming, perhaps you know of other IM's, not as popular as the vB listed ones, but popular on your forum. Shifting away from IM based things, you could also use this for things like MMORPG forums, maybe you could put your character name/s or guild/clan name so people can find you ingame.

I'm sure i've not thought of everything here, but as you can see, it'll have it's uses.

Ok, so whats needed...
Well i'm no coder, i don't know exactly whats needed on that side, but this is how i was thinking it would work:

1) Admin logs into the ACP and uses the options to create a new IM Field
2) Admin enters the url of the image stored on whatever webspace. maybe images have set pixel limits... though i suppose that won't matter so much in the grand scheme of things.
3) The name of the IM or whatever other use you have for it is entered. This name shows up on the profile with the other IM's added to the bottom of the list, and also used on the UserCP for when the user is editting their account.
4) The amount of input field required is set for the field. This is for things like IRC, since IRC requires a server and a room, and so needs 2 fields, but will show up on one or more lines, depending on the setting. (this may not be needed)
5) A field for examples, and if anything is entered here, on the userCP, it'll show it above the input field. like for example, if it were MSN, it would be "MSN requires your email address" or whatever. This would mainly be for more complex things, such as IRC
6) Once all those are filled in, a new field is created, and anyone can enter details in the UserCP, and by doing so, the defined image will show up on the postbit with the other icon, like MSN etc.

Other things that could be used is things like usergroup specific usage/banning, or how many icons appear before a new line is created for them to push down to. maybe also have a feature where you can alter the message of the ALT tag that appears when ppl rollover the icon... like does it say the standard "click this to send an ?MSN? message to ?whoever?" or does it just say what the IM info is.

So i hope someone will pick this up and work on it :) this is an unpaid task of course, i can't offer anyone any sort of money for it, though if desired, i can offer some free advertising for your website (if you have one) on our forum as a form of thank you ( http://www.preknown.com/forum ). Though slow at the moment, when the game is released, traffic is expected to go way up dueto the media we are working with. Anyway, if you want more detail on that, PM me, otherwise, i'm extremely greatful to anyone who wants to undertake this task :)

ty in advance, and ty for reading my request, i hope i inspired you to make it :D

12-02-2006, 03:03 AM
I only read the first two paragraphs, but it sounds like you can do all this with the built in vBulletin function of user profile fields, and then some template edits to include those fields.

12-02-2006, 10:54 PM
i wouldn't know where to begin to do that, plus is that also possible to include the new images?

if it's a simple enough thing to do, could anyone offer any help to actually pull off what i want to do, because like i say, i don't know anything about doing things like template edits, unless i've got instructions on what to do

12-05-2006, 05:56 PM
Yes, Create the custom profile fields in your adminCP area

Each field is assigned a number like 'filed5' remember that number

next open your postbit (or if your avatar is on the left, postbit_legacy) template and do a quick search for posts.

If you want them to appear below the post a code like

<div class="smallfont">HalfLife Name: $post[field5]</div>

If you want to do a image ie, when you rollover it displays the name.

<div class="smallfont"><img src="http://location.com/of/image.jpg" alt="$post[field5]" /> $post[field5]</div>

Thats a pretty crude how to do it, but it should get you started thinking :D