View Full Version : vBCoderz

12-01-2006, 01:10 AM
Home (http://vBCoderz.com/index.php)
Forum (http://vBCoderz.com/forum.php)

12-01-2006, 02:41 AM
Looks good man..........like the lines' in the shout box.

12-01-2006, 03:18 AM
Looks good man..........like the lines' in the shout box.

Thanx :)

* Shazz waits for shelley to finish the response :cross-eyed:

12-01-2006, 03:23 AM
you might want to shrink down your header a little bit, as its pretty big.

Pretty cool though

12-01-2006, 11:19 AM
you might want to shrink down your header a little bit, as its pretty big.

Pretty cool though

Ive got alot of comments about that, Ill see what I come up with :)

12-01-2006, 02:40 PM
It looks quite nice just I think that the expand / collapse section arrows look out of place, and I agree that the header is a bit too big.

12-01-2006, 09:25 PM
It looks quite nice just I think that the expand / collapse section arrows look out of place, and I agree that the header is a bit too big.

Yea, already been suggested thanx for the feedback

12-01-2006, 09:34 PM
I don't quite get what your forum is about... It's kinda inbetween being a webdesign site and a vbulletin test area. Doesn't quite make sense to me.

The general design is nice, no issues there :). What I would remove is the floating navigation. It's the fact that it jerkily follows you down the screen that puts me off.

12-01-2006, 09:41 PM
I don't quite get what your forum is about... It's kinda inbetween being a webdesign site and a vbulletin test area. Doesn't quite make sense to me.

The general design is nice, no issues there :). What I would remove is the floating navigation. It's the fact that it jerkily follows you down the screen that puts me off.

You can change that by changing the skin at the bottom left hand corner :)

Thanx for the feedback

12-03-2006, 05:13 PM
Pretty good.

12-08-2006, 11:55 AM
Thanx :)

12-21-2006, 06:16 PM
New christmas style :D

12-21-2006, 06:36 PM
way too much stuff goin' on IMO. how long has the forum been going to only have Members: 384?

12-21-2006, 06:39 PM
way too much stuff goin' on IMO. how long has the forum been going to only have Members: 384?

3 Months ish..
I don't really advertise or tell people about it :confused:
Really just on here

12-21-2006, 06:41 PM
ahh... so are you into more designing themes or other type of web pages also? seems like it would be a good support site if it takes off.

12-21-2006, 08:05 PM
ahh... so are you into more designing themes or other type of web pages also? seems like it would be a good support site if it takes off.

Just a support site mostly just trying to show off ideas in such
Thanx for the feed

12-25-2006, 12:09 AM
Updated URL
Name change

01-10-2007, 09:41 PM
could you list what a lot of your hacks are ?

i particularly like the activex type warning drop downs for ppl who arent registered and to get ppl to make their first post

01-14-2007, 12:52 PM
Nice site brother. But I've one serious issue with your site. I found in your toplist vBGuys. They are just lamer. If you're a valid vB license owner then why did you add them to your toplist? Its a shame work brother. If vB team find that your site is related with them or you are related with them they might revoke your vB license.

P.S. The 1st screenshot is your's & the 2nd screenshot is from vBGuyz.

01-14-2007, 01:43 PM
Hate that side menu. The forum header graphic is the worst i've seen. Shoutbox on a forum? Blah. All you have done is edited the default skin, and in my eyes very badly. Aprt from visitors seeing your staff forum Content is ok. Goodluck with it.

01-14-2007, 01:49 PM
Nice site brother. But I've one serious issue with your site. I found in your toplist vBGuys. They are just lamer. If you're a valid vB license owner then why did you add them to your toplist? Its a shame work brother. If vB team find that your site is related with them or you are related with them they might revoke your vB license.

P.S. The 1st screenshot is your's & the 2nd screenshot is from vBGuyz.


01-14-2007, 06:56 PM
Your site needs some serious work if you want to become a respected site for vBulletin modifications.

Your header is much to big (I'd suggest 100-120px height max!)
Your js site menu is annoying (no offense!)
You restrict guests from viewing the most important offers, the modifications (protect them from guest downloads, but show what you got)

You also have soooooo much useless infos above the forum that I have to scroll down forever to get to your forum.
You definitely need to change that.

Your forum icons (new posts) should have a transparent background.
They don't fit the way they are now.

Put your shoutbox below the forum or get rid of it.
It's useless and takes up alot of space

The idea of forcing members to post at least 10 posts to get a modification is not good.
You should try to encourage members through your offers and support to become active members.
You'll only get spamers this way and much less will register.

Remove the background color from your breadcrumb navigation.

For a vBulletin hacking community you still have much work ahead.
Currently I would not consider signing up on your forum, especially with vB.org around

All this is not meant offensive, it is constructive criticism ;)

Best regards


01-15-2007, 12:47 AM
header is to big

01-15-2007, 03:50 PM
Ok I give you a full list:


Google ads should be in a nice collapsable box
Log in module not needed.Already one in navbar
Get your domains for $5.99 today?Please....


Welcome headers are way too big shrink them down
The header is nice.It can stay
Ads in navbar are definitely not cool.Remove them
Too many ads below shoutbox.Move them to the footer (google adsense is not that important)
Move top 10 stats below forum list
WOL is WAY too big.Remove the guests who have visited today.It's totally useless.Merge the legend with currently active users
Add vBCoderz to Favorites doesn't have to have an anchor.Just use a simple javascript code
Move staff application and paypal to quick links.Not that important
Honestly why does a vbulletin modification site need an arcade or map?If you really think it is necessary rename Map Location to Map and Forum Rules to Rules
Two chatrooms?What for?

Otherwise it is very nice.

Brandon Sheley
01-15-2007, 06:57 PM
I'd make the header banner smaller, the page loads Hella slow :(
oh, and I can't stand those floating navagation bars. I don't visit any site very long that uses those.

other then that, it looks great :)

Keep up the good work bud.

Adrian Schneider
01-15-2007, 07:51 PM

-Header is way(!) too big.

-Header is kind of ugly (dislike dark-red + black, plus the big vB logo looks very tacked on).

-Header text is just... not my style lol

-Welcome box is way too big. I can't see the actual content of the page... only the header and welcome box and the shoutbox (...)

-Announcements also add (waste) vertical space. If they are important, put them with your site content (which, for some reason, is some silly site statistics) .

-Put the site stats BELOW your content... Believe it or not, not many people other than active members + the staff care about that stuff. It's just more in the way of what people came to see.

-Same with the shoutbox. It makes it look very unprofessional (especially what is being posted there) and messy. I would have that shown only for members (optionally, even).

-Yay, a huge ad below the shoutbox. More vertical space and wasted efforts scrolling down to see your actual content.

-Private content... a big turnoff. As soon as I see something I can't access, I ditch the site. I would suggest either hiding what we can't see, or put a note there (before clicking) saying you must register first.

-Unorganized/messy navbar links. Very disorienting...

-The skin itself isn't bad... but the header (sorry to say) sucks.

-OK now onto the footer (forumhome)... it has the same problems as the header, but they aren't as important because the footer is below the content (easier to ignore).........

-The footer should NOT take up a full screen (1280x1024). Waste of bandwidth - very few people care about that and it just slows down their page loads.

-WOL is a bit messy with all the random colors (+the legend).

-The topsites make it even messier with the random images scrolling through there (and colors you have no control over... at least lose the marquee.

-Today's events. ok so it's neat, but really... if I wanted CNN news I would go to CNN. Those events should be specific to your forum. It also wastes even more space (wow).

-The forum navigation is annoying.


-The skin/content isn't too bad... it just took forever for me to get to it!

01-15-2007, 08:12 PM
-The skin/content isn't too bad... it just took forever for me to get to it!

All those points merged into one :p

01-16-2007, 02:40 AM
What everyone said.


Lots of different types of content. I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be looking for. Am I at a vB site? or a general web developing site? I just don't know...

Content I can't see? I just don't really like that. It would be wise to hide that from view.

Everytime someone registers a thread is created? C'mon a little over kill isn't it? I'd keep the intro section if you want, but it just seems a little redundant having a million threads that don't get replied to 90% of the time.

I would restructure your forums on your main forum, it just doesn't seem very organized.

The content that is there is good, and should be built upon... good job.

Header - Like everyone said, that is HUGE... the welcome header is cool, but quite large... id make it 1/4 the size. All it needs is a welcome message, a quick one sentence description of the site, and a register link. The size of it increases the amount I have to scroll...

Ads - Ads are fine if used properly. This is just ugly, and annoying. I'd definately take it out of the navbar. Then again under the shout box? Im just being redundant of the others lol...

Shoutbox - I have never been there and the content be relevent to the site in it. I suggest putting it at the bottom instead, so it's doesn't drive away any potential members. Although I use one on my social site, but on a site you want to be taken proffesionally serious I don't think it's necissary to have one at all.

Navbar - Bleh... site is so hard to navigate with all that stuff on there. Not only that not very appealing to the eyes at all. I would take some stuff off there, it's probably not needed at all. Make some drop downs, or add them to your quick links if need be, but that just looks plain terrible. Also, take out the java script side menu... it's annoying...

Footer - again a case of way too much stuff goin on... CNN events - Who cares? Im there for vB. top lists... what for? total guests, total members... meh...

Threadview - Looks good with the exception of I dont like the tables in the postbit. Lots of stuff goin on there too, that's just minor.

The content you have built is good. Keep going on that. To be honest, I like the colors, looks good to me. Change things that have been mentioned, make it more appealing, and you might have a professional looking vB site..

01-17-2007, 04:55 PM
Nice site brother. But I've one serious issue with your site. I found in your toplist vBGuys. They are just lamer. If you're a valid vB license owner then why did you add them to your toplist? Its a shame work brother. If vB team find that your site is related with them or you are related with them they might revoke your vB license.

P.S. The 1st screenshot is your's & the 2nd screenshot is from vBGuyz.

You will inevitably be judged by the company you keep and the places you post in public (I'm sure you know who and what I'm talking about). ;)

01-30-2007, 03:55 AM
Cleaned up the
Whats going on box

More to come...

01-30-2007, 04:38 AM
what did you clean up? It looks like you just moved stuff around... lol...

02-04-2007, 04:39 AM
Yea but it looks less messy
Made a smaller header :)

New banner re-done thanks to

03-17-2007, 05:53 PM
Re-did front page :)

03-17-2007, 08:25 PM
The vBCoderz navigation on the left is pretty annoying I think, I hate those things! Other than that nice.

03-17-2007, 08:40 PM
The vBCoderz navigation on the left is pretty annoying I think, I hate those things! Other than that nice.

Bottom left hand corner > Change the skin to No-Navigation :)

03-18-2007, 09:58 AM
nice site.. wouldn't really change anything. Keep up the good work

03-28-2007, 07:10 PM
I agree with the reviews here.

The site needs cleaning up so badly! Its full of everything you don't need.

Im sorry bro but it has put me right off the site.

A full list of what needs doing would take too long and I think most have already been listed.

03-28-2007, 07:31 PM
nice site.. wouldn't really change anything. Keep up the good work


04-11-2007, 07:30 PM
I agree with the reviews here.

The site needs cleaning up so badly! Its full of everything you don't need.

Im sorry bro but it has put me right off the site.

A full list of what needs doing would take too long and I think most have already been listed.

LOL - and to think it's getting ready to be nominated as BOTM for April :)


04-11-2007, 08:23 PM
LOL - and to think it's getting ready to be nominated as BOTM for April :)


Please don't bump the thread just for that reason

have you read the list? A ton of that stuff is not even there anymore

04-12-2007, 03:23 AM
I bumped the thread because I thought the commentary was interesting.
And what you can do is not direct me on what post I can and cannot post in.
Have a moderator close it or something :( ---> ALSO will not make any comments on how the BOTM contest is being made a mockery of :)
