View Full Version : Show images in RSS Feeds

11-28-2006, 12:58 PM
I would like to have the built-in (vb3.6.x) RSS Feeds system display images from media:thumbnail. It seems that others are wanting this but no one has responded to them. I have asked in vBulletin.com and there seems to be no interest in doing this in the source.

I get news feeds from Yahoo Photos. They have the image in the feed but vb3.6.x RSS Feeds can't display them. I would like to know what needs to be modded (includes/class_rss_poster.php ?) so that I can display them.

Example of Yahoo Photos RSS feed:
An unidentified Hawaiian motorcycle police officer lies on the ground after an
<guid isPermaLink="false">
<pubDate>Mon, 27 Nov 2006 00:29:55 GMT</pubDate>
An unidentified Hawaiian motorcycle police officer lies on the ground after an accident as President Bush 's motorcade heads to breakfast at Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu, Hawaii, in this Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2006 file photo. Motorcycle officer Steve Favela, 30, who was injured last week while escorting President Bush in the islands died of his injuries Sunday, Nov. 26, 2006 police said. It is not known if Favela is the officer pictured.
<media:thumbnail url="http://us.news1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/ap/20061127/thumb.6b07c1f10978419887ffac9a0d6d8fd4.bush_motorc ade_crash_ny114.jpg" height="75" width="129"/>
Here the media:thumbnail tag has the url for the image I want to display.

I would like to be able to use something like {rss:media:thumbnail} in Body Template (from RSS Feeds) to display the full sized image in the post.

Any PHP gurus with spare time out there???

12-02-2006, 12:45 AM

12-02-2006, 03:42 PM
im very new to vb so please consider my help with a grain of salt.

I had the same problem for most of my feeds, the common factor was each one didnt have HTML enabled in the forum manager. After enabeling HTML each feed showed the images just fine.

Hope that gets you in the right direction.

12-05-2006, 02:17 AM
I tried that previously and unfortunately, it doesn't help. It seems that since the image is in a media:thumbnail tag, RSS Feeds ignores it. If it was in the description tag, that would probably work just fine.

Thanks for trying to help me out!

Are you using Yahoo News Photos too?