View Full Version : Major Additions - Mindestic GlosPro 1.2.2
11-26-2006, 10:00 PM
Development of this mod is on hold due to lack of time and development of Mindestic Gaming CMS Lite. No support will be given at this time.
Mindestic GlosPro Description
Mindestic GlosPro is an advanced yet simple to use system to create a glossary of terms for your website along side with vBulletin 3.6.X series. Loaded with features, Mindestic GlosPro is a great tool for any sized website!
Mindestic GlosPro Information
Current Version Number: 1.2.2
vBulletin Test Version(s): 3.6.4
Queries to run: 5
File Edits: 0
New Files: 12
New Phrases: 225
New Templates: 21
New Plugins: 10
Template Edits: 4
Last Edited: January 14, 2007
Edited By: Lucas Pawelczyk
Install Time: 2 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Current Planned Features For Version 1.2.3
Add import/export system. (50% Complete)
Fix additional problems with crosslinking feature. (0% Complete)
Add custom administrator permissions. (0% Complete)
Fix and add missing codes. (40% Complete)
Screenshots And Change Log
Screenshot For Version 1.2.0 (
Screenshot For Version 1.2.1 (
Screenshot For Version 1.2.2 (
Change Log (
Known Bugs For Version 1.2.2:
PM messages will not send if pm quota for any admins is full and/or their PM system is off.
Line breaks go missing with the Basic Editor(?).
Crosslinking feature issues.
Crosslink popup goes outside of visible area.
Field required option for custom fields not yet intergated.
Previous Versions:
For those wanting the hack for the 3.5.X series please click visit:
For those wanting the hack for the 3.0.X series please click visit:
Additional Credits:
Orginal Navbar Plugin by Billspaintball. Thanks for the idea!
Remember if you use and like this hack make sure to click 'Install'. Thanks!
11-27-2006, 05:41 PM
Configuration Options (Admincp)
Glossary Basics Active
Glossary Closed Message
Maximum Entries Per Page
Enable HTML Code, BB Code, IMG Code and Smilies
Moderate New Glossary Terms
Minimum Time Between Posts
Minimum Search Characters
Email When A New Glossary Term Requires Validation
Users To Send Validation Notice Email To
PM When A New Glossary Term Requires Validation
User To Send Validation Notice PM From
Users To Send Validation Notice PM To
Display Last Updated Information
Glossary Crosslinking
Forum Post Glossary Crosslinking
Crosslink Display Limiter
Display Navbar Link
Trim Description On Main List
Amount Before Trimming Description On Main List
Trim Description On Crosslink Popup
Amount Before Trimming Description Crosslink Popup
Extensive Usergroup Permissions (Admincp)
Can View Glossary
Can Add New Glossary Terms
Can Edit Glossary Terms
Can Delete Glossary Terms
Can Edit Own Glossary Terms
Can Delete Own Glossary Terms
Can View Disabled Glossary Terms
Glossary Term Manager (Admincp / Modcp)
Title and description.
Orginal author.
Keep track of ip submitted by orginal author.
Keep track of last user who edited term.
Keep track of ip from last user who edited term.
Publish date with editable month, day, year, hour and minutes.
Last updated information with editable month, day, year, hour and minutes.
Can post glossary term online or offline.
Place glossary terms under any selectable categories from the database.
Edit or delete any glossary terms.
Sort glossary terms from drop down menu options.
Glossary Category Manager (Admincp)
Title and description.
Display order.
Can post which category to have online or offline.
Sort glossary terms from drop down menu options.
Create unlimited basic categories.
Glossary Custom Field Manager (Admincp)
Title and description.
Display order.
Limit selection where you set number of options the user may select.
Items per line where you enter the number of options to display per line.
Enter the options that the user can choose from.
Make a field required.
Have custom field display in whatever category you wish.
Additional Features (Admincp / Modcp)
Search and sort glossary terms from drop down menu options to find what you need quickly.
Auto product version checking.
Front End (Userside)
Basic search options to quickly look up terms.
User submited glossary terms with add, edit and delete options as long as permission has been given.
Supports html code, smiles, bbcode and imgcode.
Sort glossary alphabetically.
Pagination support in glossary list.
Auto convert url to bbcode.
User submit flood control system.
Moderate new glossary terms which is varified via admincp and modcp.
Email and/or PM options for admins.
Crosslinking glossary term within the glossary as well forum posts.
Prevent users from creating duplicate terms.
11-27-2006, 05:42 PM
Screenshots for Mindestic GlosPro 1.2.0.
11-27-2006, 05:43 PM
Change Log For Version 1.0.0 to 1.1.4
Check manual for full list.
Change Log For Version 1.2.0
7 new phrases.
5 new plugins.
1 new template edit.
Added 'Can View Disabled Glossary Terms' option.
Added 'Can Edit Own Glossary Terms' option.
Added 'Can Delete Own Glossary Terms' option.
Fixed CSS issue with crosslink trailing image.
Turn glossary crosslinking on/off on an individual basis.
Auto product version checking.
Added search text limiting option.
Updated manual for Mindestic GlosPro.
Change Log For Version 1.2.1
46 new phrases.
2 new templates.
3 new files.
1 new query.
Fixed minor issues in code, pharses, etc.
Fixed search box error showing '/(\$style\[css\])/'. Seemed to be conflicts with other mods installed.
Added hook system.
Fixed admin option missing phrases.
Fixed missing 'print_cp_footer()' from admincp and modcp pages.
Changed mouse cursor when over link with crosslinking.
Fixed W3C reported errors.
Added new options to trim title and description of glossary terms on main listing.
Added custom field manager for admin side with the ability to create checkbox options, single menu options, radio options, single line options and multi line options to all glossary terms. Also integrated onto user side to be able to use this new feature.
Prevent users from creating duplicate terms.
Change Log For Version 1.2.2
4 new phrases.
1 new templates.
1 new files.
Fixed minor issues in code, pharses, etc on admin side.
Added new crosslink popup window.
Added term counter for each category on main listing.
Added new options to trim description of glossary terms on crosslink popup.
11-27-2006, 06:09 PM
Thank you! I noticed a small bug. In the search box, the default text shows this phrase all the time: /(\$style\[css\])/
Is there a fix for this?
Also how do other members submit a term?
11-27-2006, 06:13 PM
To upgrage for the vb 3.5.x users do we user this version GlosPro 1.2.0 or this version GlosPro 1.1.4 ?
11-27-2006, 06:16 PM
soletrader: Thank you for the error. I will look into this some more but I don't see the problem. Does anyone else here have the same problem? As for submiting terms users need to click on 'glossary tools' and there will be options there. But they require permission first before it will show.
bada_bing: Use GlosPro 1.2.0 if you are upgrading from the other version for 3.6.X. The other version is for those still using the older forum version.
11-27-2006, 06:20 PM
To upgrage for the vb 3.5.x users do we user this version GlosPro 1.2.0 or this version GlosPro 1.1.4 ?
Awe think I answered my own question 1.1.4 is the correct version for 3.5.x boards.. Thanks for the quick release.
11-27-2006, 06:23 PM
Yes thats correct bada_bing and your welcome. ;)
11-27-2006, 06:46 PM
I have just upgraded to 1.1.4 for vb 3.5.x and I dont see some of the new features like Minimum Search Characters ?? Did I do something wrong?
11-27-2006, 06:49 PM
Version 1.1.4 is a very small update. Basically it only has the fix for the missing delete template. All other new features are only on version 1.2.0. You can upgrade to the 1.2.0 version, it should work but not tested.
11-27-2006, 07:03 PM
Version 1.1.4 is a very small update. Basically it only has the fix for the missing delete template. All other new features are only on version 1.2.0. You can upgrade to the 1.2.0 version, it should work but not tested.
Awe man ):= really...... Im afread to upgrade to 1.2.0 on a 3.5 board without prior testing....
11-27-2006, 07:13 PM
Well the code is almost the same as the other version. The only issue that I came across from 3.5.X to 3.6.X was that the headinclude template, when it was a fresh install, some of the code was changed and I had to change the manuel about doing a fresh install. Other then that it should work. Before trying tho I would backup the glossary database just in case.
11-27-2006, 07:17 PM
OK so I upgraded to 1.1.20 on my 3.5 board and it doesnt seem to work, No errors but when I post a word that is in the glossary it is no longer highlighted or clickable :surprised: any thoughs
11-27-2006, 07:17 PM
WoW, big job on this hack, congrat ;)
11-27-2006, 07:53 PM
Wonderful hack.
I just wish it could be done in plugin form so we don't have to keep reinstalling every month when VB comes out with a new version.
11-27-2006, 07:54 PM
bada_bing: Okay check headinclude teamplete and look for the following:
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/glossary_crosslinking.js"></script>
If its there also recheck the settings. Also note that crosslinking will not work is your are not logged in as well if the option is not selected in the usercp options.
Allan: Thanks!
RVSmarter: Thanks! Well most of the hack has plugins but I can't have plugins for all of it to work right. :/
11-27-2006, 07:55 PM
This hack looks great.
I have installed it, however the crosslinking inside posts and threads does not seem to work.
I have made all necessary template changes you described in your install.html and uploaded all files.
Do I understand crosslinking correctly, that as soon as in a post a word is used that is listed in the glossary, it gets linked to the entry in the glossary?
Any help is appreciated and thank you for this nice peace of work
11-27-2006, 08:01 PM
StarBug: Thanks! Crosslinking, which is still buggie, should work inside posts and threads. Please do note that you do need to turn it on before it will work in the settings. As well with the new features added to this version, only logged in users will be able to see the crosslinking and there is a new usercp option for people to turn on/off for the crosslinking. Let me know if there are still issues and I will look into it.
11-27-2006, 08:03 PM
Incredible work! Thanks! ;)
11-27-2006, 08:06 PM
Crosslinking is activated in the glossary options, it is activated in my usercp options, I am admin and logged in.
And in the post I wrote to describe the new feature to my staff I made an example to show how crosslinking looks like.
Unfortunalty it still does not work
I think you should make it an option if guests can see crosslinking as well.
I have a german forum, what about umlaute, could they create a problem for crosslinking (I tested words without umlauts too)?
11-27-2006, 09:28 PM
Thanks for such an awesome mod...........
11-27-2006, 09:29 PM
bada_bing: Okay check headinclude teamplete and look for the following:
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/glossary_crosslinking.js"></script>
If its there also recheck the settings. Also note that crosslinking will not work is your are not logged in as well if the option is not selected in the usercp options.
Allan: Thanks!
RVSmarter: Thanks! Well most of the hack has plugins but I can't have plugins for all of it to work right. :/
I have checked my headerinclude and the code is there, settings are correct.. What might I check now?
11-27-2006, 09:58 PM
One more Bug
The crosslinking option in the userCP can't be switched off, maybe this has something to do with the crosslinking not working properly?
Tested both on Firefox 2.0 and IE 7
11-27-2006, 10:20 PM
projectego: Thanks!
StarBuG: In the next release I'll be doing some more work on the crosslinking feature to fix other issues however with it not working at all I'm not sure why. Now there hasn't been any errors showing up correct? You have uploaded all files? Made edits the 'headinclude' template and added the main CSS codes? If so try the following:
Go to glossary settings, on 'Glossary Crosslinking' select 'Yes'
Forum Post Glossary Crosslinking select 'Yes'
Display Crosslink Trailing Image select 'Yes'
Crosslink Display Limiter leave as '-1'
Select the Glossary Options in the usercp to a checkmark if its not already.
Let me know if that changes anything. If not, best thing for now would be to disable the feature until next release. As for the other bug, it looks like something might be missing, a plugin maybe. I will test this out and see.
hotwheels: Your welcome!
bada_bing: You can try the solution for StarBuG. If that dosn't work, you'll need to disable the feature until I figure out a solution for it. Don't understand why its not working for the both of you. I will need to see if anyone else is also having issues.
11-27-2006, 10:28 PM
Great work. No use to me, but I wanted to point out that I personally wish that everyone who released a modification would lay it out like this. Features, Screenshots, and Change log all being in a separate post is much nicer, imo.
11-27-2006, 11:01 PM
Thanks KTBleeding. Just try out new ways to display my info, think I'll stick with this layout, like you said much easier to find all the infomation I think. :D
11-27-2006, 11:07 PM
That is exactly my setting but it does not work.
Any eta for the next version?
11-27-2006, 11:43 PM
soletrader: Thank you for the error. I will look into this some more but I don't see the problem. Does anyone else here have the same problem? As for submiting terms users need to click on 'glossary tools' and there will be options there. But they require permission first before it will show.
Hi SS9267547,
Yes, I get this error too - you can see it here:
Also the crosslinking appears to work on one entry but not on any others. Do you need to do anything while adding a term or is it automatic? Is it retroactive or will it only affect new messages/entries?
Thank you for this wonderful add-on :)
11-28-2006, 12:21 AM
StarBuG: Okay I'll have to review this issuse. I'll target the next release for next Monday but can be sooner if I can figure this out. ;)
Renada: Thanks for the link. Will sign up to see the issue first hand. See right off the bat there is that search feild problem that soletrader reported, looks like a template issue, will have to fix that. Also a java erorr with the crosslinking. Will take a look.
11-28-2006, 12:46 AM
projectego: Thanks!
StarBuG: In the next release I'll be doing some more work on the crosslinking feature to fix other issues however with it not working at all I'm not sure why. Now there hasn't been any errors showing up correct? You have uploaded all files? Made edits the 'headinclude' template and added the main CSS codes? If so try the following:
Go to glossary settings, on 'Glossary Crosslinking' select 'Yes'
Forum Post Glossary Crosslinking select 'Yes'
Display Crosslink Trailing Image select 'Yes'
Crosslink Display Limiter leave as '-1'
Select the Glossary Options in the usercp to a checkmark if its not already.
Let me know if that changes anything. If not, best thing for now would be to disable the feature until next release. As for the other bug, it looks like something might be missing, a plugin maybe. I will test this out and see.
hotwheels: Your welcome!
bada_bing: You can try the solution for StarBuG. If that dosn't work, you'll need to disable the feature until I figure out a solution for it. Don't understand why its not working for the both of you. I will need to see if anyone else is also having issues.
Tried the setting you suggested to StarBug and same think "does not work" I also noticed that I do not have any options about the glossary in the usercp ?
I think since your older version was at least working I will downgrade to that version until these bugs can be worked out...
11-28-2006, 01:02 AM
Crap not to say the worst.. Just downgraded to the current release of 1.1.4 for vb 3.5 and now it still does not work which tells me there are issues with the uninstaller...ERRRRRRRRRRR I just want to go back to a working version of this product...and now im totally broken
11-28-2006, 01:29 AM
Ok so I attempted to uninstall the plugin totally and start from scratch loading all the files from the vb 3.6 version of this hack and reinstalled the plugin First I loose all my glossary terms which im willing to now deal with after +++++ing a storm but I still get the same results, im just tired now.
11-28-2006, 01:33 AM
Great mod, thanks!
If I click a letter to limit the display how do I get back to the full list?
11-28-2006, 01:37 AM
bada_bing: Couldn't you have waited a bit till I figured out what this issue is? Mind you so far I can't figure why some people are having the problems they are since I installed the script over a few times on my serever and nothings wrong, so I'm tired as well. Anyway please wait for the next update, also remember to backup the database before doing anything next time. ;)
dilbert: I'm not sure what you mean? If you want to get back to the main list you can follow the navbar links at the top?
11-28-2006, 01:41 AM
Let's say I have two glossaries, Glossary A and Glossary B.
I selected Glossary B, then clicked the letter D. After I am done viewing those entries, there does not seem to be an "All" letters link. I need to go back to the glossary list, then select Glossary B again.
Is that correct? If so, maybe a future enhancement to include All?
Again, thanks for the great mod.
11-28-2006, 01:43 AM
bada_bing: Couldn't you have waited a bit till I figured out what this issue is? Mind you so far I can't figure why some people are having the problems they are since I installed the script over a few times on my serever and nothings wrong, so I'm tired as well. Anyway please wait for the next update, also remember to backup the database before doing anything next time. ;)
dilbert: I'm not sure what you mean? If you want to get back to the main list you can follow the navbar links at the top?
Yes I understand and my mistake for upgrading prior to testing, it's just that I have hosed my users now totally from this great feature. I went from a great working feature to totally dead. Not your fault and I appreciate your efforts, I guess im just a bit frustrated, as im sure you are also.
11-28-2006, 01:51 AM
dilbert: Good point. Something that has been missed lol. I'll have to look into that. Thanks.
bada_bing: PM me, I want to send something to test on your server.
11-28-2006, 02:30 AM
dilbert: Good point. Something that has been missed lol. I'll have to look into that. Thanks.
bada_bing: PM me, I want to send something to test on your server.
Replied to your PM
11-28-2006, 03:22 AM
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
this is very good but can you make this highlight feature to show the specific chars of content except the "this is a term click this"
11-28-2006, 03:33 AM
bada_bing: Thanks.
abramelin: Yes it will have something more in the future such as a description instead of the 'click here' however right now there are a few bugs in this feature so it has to stay as it is at this time.
11-28-2006, 05:29 AM
The copyright isn't updating on my site. It still says "Mindestic GlosPro Version 1.1.3".
11-28-2006, 06:26 AM
Yeah this is actually really good. This will benefit many sites. and I suppose you could make a glossary term and use it as an advertisment instead, so this could be used for lots of good reasons.
11-28-2006, 06:50 AM
I run a medical site for patients and they will LOVE this hack, because of all the acronyms and special language :D
Thank you for this hack (again) ;)
11-28-2006, 08:37 AM
abramelin: Yes it will have something more in the future such as a description instead of the 'click here' however right now there are a few bugs in this feature so it has to stay as it is at this time.
i am waiting for this to install :) when will you think to update this feature?
also there should be an user option to enable or disable this highlight feature in threads.
11-28-2006, 10:18 AM
RS_Jelle: Thanks for the info. Just noticed that when I was checking the script on a members site. On of the many little fixs for the next release.
hornstar1337: Yes you could pretty well use this for many other projects.
StarBuG: Well if more people find this useful the better. Might encourage me to work and release a few other projects, thats if I can find the time lol. ;)
abramelin: It'd would most likly be in the later versions, need to get the basics all working correctly and as for enable/disable feature for hightlights it has been added to the latest release. As long as the install was done correctly there should be a new options for users in their usercp.
11-28-2006, 10:49 AM
also if you want to improve this modules highlight feature you can check the gals module by thevbgeek at
11-28-2006, 10:56 AM
Yes well I asked if I could use the code for this way back but he said he was working on something of his own. So I had to come up with something else which isn't the greatest lol. :confused:
11-28-2006, 01:06 PM
I are noob.. What dit the hack do.. i dont understand it...
Real quick..Cross-linking not working, and the glossary isn't displaying the Alphabet sort..
11-28-2006, 01:27 PM
I don't understand the installation. A xml product is not necessary? I have gone up the files php to the host but it doesn't show anything in the admincp, I have the version vb3.6.2.
Please, can it show the step-by-step of the installation? Thank you
11-28-2006, 02:42 PM
I don't understand the installation. A xml product is not necessary? I have gone up the files php to the host but it doesn't show anything in the admincp, I have the version vb3.6.2.
Please, can it show the step-by-step of the installation? Thank you
Yes you have to install the plugin which is located in the /includes/xml/
folder of the ZIP
11-28-2006, 03:00 PM
Ah ok, perfect, didn't know that it was in that directory. Thank you.
Now it works well but I don't get that the terms are marked in threads. I have written a new word and their description, I have added that word in a post but it is not marked. Is it necessary to make something?
And, where is that?
11-28-2006, 03:34 PM
ook... I see..
The file adminfunctions_glossaryoptions.php in the zip this in includes, not in admincp.
11-28-2006, 03:50 PM
Now the crosslinking works on my forum.
At least in one thread I wrote.
Maybe it had something to do that the thread that should have crosslinks in it was in my moderator forum.
Maybe there is a problem with permissions or such?
But like someone before said, the crosslinking would be perfekt if it would show
in the mouse over field and if clicked link to the glossary entry
That would be much more usefull then just a hint to klick to get to the description, that is a waist of space.
I would also remove the "Glossary Term:" from the mouse over field, only show the term itself
To make it more professional, an option in the glossary settings would be cool, that defines, how many characters of the description are shown in the mouse over field. If the description length exceeds the max. allowed characters something like:
... [Click here to read all]
could be added.
Ah and I can't see the glossary options in the moderatorCP, did you forget to include it? ;)
Idea for optimised handling of moderated Terms:
In the adminCP when you click on Moderate Glossary, it would be good to have:
a) the description of the terms below the term so you can see all terms directly without clicking on edit
b) a checkbox next to every term so you can mass allow new terms.
Same for ModCP (which is not existent at the moment ;))
Another cool thing that makes the work of an admin/mod easier would be, to have an approve button in the glossary tools
And what about dublicate entries?
Currently I think it is possible to have the same term more then once with different descriptions, or how are dublicate entries handled?
I LOVE your hack ;)
ps: It may be that not all menu terms I use are correct, because I translated the glossary into german already ;)
11-28-2006, 04:17 PM
Wow, I am loving this crosslinking stuff. :)
Two comments:
1. How can I edit the pop-up for the term? I'd like a break after the term is displayed. As it is now, there isn't a space between the glossary word and "Click on the link...".
2. I see one small bug. There needs to be a space after the term, or it won't detect it as a crosslink term. i.e. if these colors are all terms, only the first two show up: red orange green. If you put a space after green, vB will strip it, you need a real space after it. I even tried a period at the end, no deal unless there is a space.
As always, thank you for your work.
11-28-2006, 04:50 PM
I cannot activate crosslinks, the glossary work but the links are not shown in the forum and I have it activated in the setting. :cross-eyed:
11-28-2006, 04:53 PM
I'm running an Arabic forum which has a RTL text direction. When displaying terms in post using the crosslink it doesn't show correctly (picture attached).
11-29-2006, 04:38 AM
taxick: Basicly this hack will create a new section on your fourms where you can have a database of glossary terms about anything you like, be it computer terms, internet terms, gaming, etc. It also has a feture that always to crosslink from the glossary to within your forums posts.
ssvp: As long as you havn't missed a step in the install it should work. However in the settings you have to first active it, two options at the very bottom where you can have it on in the glossary only or the forums as well. The alphabet sort will only show once you choose a directory. Try the typing in the following:
freevisio: There should be a manuel about install under the 'do_not_upload' dir. Follow the steps in 'First time install'. The xml product is in the xml folder which you can upload from your computer instead of the server. As for it to show in the thread posts you need to set it in the glossary settings by setting the 'Forum Post Glossary Crosslinking' to 'Yes'. Also make sure you have installed very thing step by step. I will have to look in the manuel to see if it all right but I should be lol..
StarBuG: I have been noticing that it didn't but then once the page was refreshed it worked on a nother vb members forum. Not I said before its not a 100% feature, got to take it as it is. But it seems to be as long as then install is done correctly seems to work fine. As for having the term with description to show on mouseover is something I'm working on, just can't get it to work correctly. Problem is html and other bbcode mess up the link. The 'click here' text is just temp filler lol. The glossary setting I don't think I meant to show to mods. With the moderate idea, thought of it but never got around to adding the feature. Oh and dublicate entries have not been tested, has also been missed and will have to be worked on. Thanks for that reminder will have to add those last two to my task list. Oh with the greman translation I have given permission to captainslater to create one for all the phrases. Also happy to hear you like the hack. ;)
dilbert: Happy to here you are enjoying the hack! At this time any edits to the popup are done in the functions_glossary.php file. The spacing a little bug to deal with but the main thing is to get the description to load instead. Will have to figure something out one day unless, having problems tho lol. With the crosslink, at this time you need to either have a space or any of the following charcaters .,;:!? at the end to load the crosslinking. I havn't been able to make the crosslinking work without a space yet and I don't know if I ever will lol. :D
q8-star: Ah not sure why its doing that. Looks like your forum is all on the right side instead of the left, did you try testing it the normal way the posts are done?
11-29-2006, 06:00 AM
you're right, my forum is all right direction.
When I tested it in the left direction it worked fine, but this is no use for me.
I hope if there is some sort of fix or option to solve this issue with right direction.
11-29-2006, 07:06 AM
very good addon, many thx SS9267547
does someone work on a German translation?
11-29-2006, 07:12 AM
Yes, me :)
Superb work on this! Very polished. It could almost be used as a mini-wikipedia. I haven't installed it just yet, but seriously considering it.
11-29-2006, 10:14 AM
I have made the step-by-step installation of the manual one and the links don't appear. I have marked Forum Post Glossary Crosslinking and Display Crosslink Trailing Image. I have reviewed the installation several times and it doesn't work. I have vb3.6.2.
11-29-2006, 10:44 AM
q8-star: We'll see if I can get to that. One question tho, how do you change that in the forum, its a new vb option right or is it a mod to change it to the left.
LJR: Thanks, there is still work to be done but getting there.
freevisio: Do you have any other mods installed? I think there are issues if you have certein mods installed. The next release might have a fix.
11-29-2006, 12:13 PM
Another Bug:
In the notification PM the Glossar Term Description is not showing up.
Another suggestion:
A filter option for not yet activated terms.
Also after a term is activated and you are directed back to the moderate glossary screen, the filter still should be active.
Currently I have to click through all active terms again to get to the next inactive term, which is quite some work.
Maybe only displaying inactive terms under moderate would be another option
ps: Your copyright link to does not work. "Server not found" ;)
11-29-2006, 12:23 PM
Yes, I have installed many mods. But their mod is not very complex, I don't understand because the one gives problems with the other ones. Ok, I will wait to their next version.
11-29-2006, 10:19 PM
StarBuG: Hmm bugs, bugs, love them. With any term that is not active, the fact is you can still go to the 'Moderate Glossary' section where it will display all terms that are not active. As for the address yes, chanaged servers so its not active anymore but its changed on the next update. :)
freevisio: The glossary itself should work just fine, so in the mean time you can still use it, just don't have crosslinking on. Like I said before some people have problems with the crosslink where others do not, I can't figure out why since I don't have the know how as I would like lol. Hoppfully one day I or someone else here can figure this out so everyone can use the feature.
11-30-2006, 06:16 AM
With any term that is not active, the fact is you can still go to the 'Moderate Glossary' section where it will display all terms that are not active.
Then the redirect is not working properly.
If you activate a term you get redirected back to a list where also all active terms are shown ;)
11-30-2006, 10:52 AM
Hey.. Nice Hack :)
But you hack make wrong options ind user admin:
I have look i my database, and i can see its you hack that make this options..
Can you fix this! PLZ
11-30-2006, 11:30 AM
taxick: Haha thanks, I forgot to add the phrases to the user options in the admin settings. Noted and will be fixed next release.
StarBuG: Not sure what to do, something I'll have to think about.
11-30-2006, 02:32 PM
hi SS9267547,
i have found two little bugs:
when i submit an new glossary term i get this error on the forwarding page:
Warnung: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /glossary.php (Zeile 651)
Weiterleitung . . .
Glossary Term Added Successfully
Falls Ihr Browser Sie nicht automatisch weiterleitet, klicken Sie bitte hier.
but it works.
name: glospro
pass: glospro
"test ( test!" the first test is linked. the second not.
sorry for my bad english.
12-01-2006, 01:38 AM
With the error I have never come across it or has it been reported before. It might be something to do with editing the files with german translations would be my guess. Other then that I can't think of what else it would be.
With the 2nd 'test' not linking its beucase the crosslinking is touchy lol. Its not a 100% the feature and is added a space after the ! it'd most likly link. Its something that I'm trying to fiugure out. :/
12-01-2006, 02:04 AM
Wow! This looks really cool. Thanks, I am going to try it out! Looking forward to some of your future hacks (in your sig) too!
12-02-2006, 11:32 AM
Hope you enjoy it! As for the other projects, I'm lookinf forward to it as well lol.
12-02-2006, 01:54 PM
dilbert: Happy to here you are enjoying the hack! At this time any edits to the popup are done in the functions_glossary.php file. The spacing a little bug to deal with but the main thing is to get the description to load instead. Will have to figure something out one day unless, having problems tho lol.
Thanks, I found it and adjusted it.
One little problem. in functions_glossary.php on line 51, you have a </br> that needs to be fixed. Once I did that it looks like how I hoped it would.
Again, thanks.
12-02-2006, 08:35 PM
Thanks for this great work SS9267547.
Im usin 3.5.x & goin to upgrade 3.6.x... How do i upgrade 1.1.4 to 1.2.0?
12-03-2006, 12:57 AM
dilbert: No problem.
serhat_kk: Thanks. Simply download version 1.2.0 and install, follow the manual that is included with the zip. Enjoy.
12-03-2006, 01:08 AM
dilbert: No problem.
Did you see my note about the </br> error in the file?
12-03-2006, 08:02 AM
There is one more big problem.
Since I installed glossary my DHTML Menus are disappearing after a day or so.
There are simply gone, in the navigation, in the threads and also in the glossary.
When I then go to the vb settings, where dhtml menus are still set to yes and I resave it, then all menus are back again.
Maybe this has something to do with the javascript conflicting with the dhtml?
Anyone else experienced this problem?
12-03-2006, 11:55 AM
StarBuG: Hmm bugs, bugs, love them.
Οh then here are some i encountered ;)
The moderator CP menu doesn't appear, the if condition at the plugin contains a usergroup permission that doesn't exist.
The mod_glossary.php is very buggy, i had to copy the admin_glossary and remove the extra options to make it workable.
When you moderate a new term you get redirected to the default option (list) even if there are more terms for moderation.
The crosslinking should exclude the tooltip phrase from regexp ...
Keep up the good work!
Looking forward the next update ... ;)
12-03-2006, 12:44 PM
Thanks for your help SS9267547(Lucas). ;)
12-03-2006, 12:59 PM
Working Nice. Installed. thanks
12-03-2006, 01:02 PM
dilbert: Yes noted, thanks. I'm trying to work on that area right now I can add description to it however I'm running into ptoblem with striping the code so it just shows text.
StarBuG: Well I havn't come across the problem at all. Not sure why the menus would go since this hack dosn't use the same javascript code as vb. I'll keep an eye on it and we'll see if anyone else has this problem.
EvilHawk: Yeah the moderator section will need more work as it hasn't really been worked on to much. Yet another thing I'll have to look in to. :/
serhat_kk: Your welcome!
MrPHD: Your welcome!
12-03-2006, 01:39 PM
question for the guys who have installed this hack already. Do you advise to download current version, and get building on the glossary now, or to wait for the next release which seems to have a lot of fixes/features scheduled.
SS9267547 Good work. I install very few hacks, usually big ones. This is one of the most useful and comprehensive I have seen. Keep up the good work, I believe once the latest niggles are fixed this will be topshelf!
Any ideas on when the next version will be ready? week? month?
12-03-2006, 02:00 PM
Thanks. Well if any updates, the glossary iteself should be just fine, most problems have to do with the crosslinking. If you want to wait for the next version I will be releasing the next update Monday with a few fixes plus a few extras here and there lol.
12-03-2006, 04:31 PM
looks good, waiting for update/next version!
12-04-2006, 02:19 AM
Wanted to say thank you for helping me get this working again.. Cant wait to see what your update version has...
12-04-2006, 09:05 PM
Real quick..Cross-linking not working, and the glossary isn't displaying the Alphabet sort..
ssvp: As long as you havn't missed a step in the install it should work. However in the settings you have to first active it, two options at the very bottom where you can have it on in the glossary only or the forums as well. The alphabet sort will only show once you choose a directory. Try the typing in the following:
I had the same problem and I happened because the "add to navbar" option pointed to glossary.php without any arguments.
I manually edited the template pointing it to glossary.php?do=listglossary&c=1 and now it works fine.
12-04-2006, 09:52 PM
yesfans/bada bing: Yeah I want to release the update today however I have to many problems before the release so it will need to wait until next Monday unless I figure the problems out quicker lol.
Amenadiel: Yes you can do that but doing what you did it will not list any other directorys you may have, unless you plan to have one then there will be no problem lol. The main listings on the glossary.php only shows the directorys and not the terms themselves, just so you know, not a problem with the script.
12-06-2006, 06:04 PM
Can some tell me how I can only allow certain groups to turn on/off the glassary from the usercp? Currently all usergroups have this option, I want to only allow certain groups to have this option in usercp, any help with this please?
12-06-2006, 10:23 PM
To allow certain groups to be able to view this find the following code in the 'modifyoptions' template:
<!-- Start Glossary User Options -->
<if condition="$vboptions['vbglossaryactive']">
Replace it with:
<!-- Start Glossary User Options -->
<if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == '2'">
<if condition="$vboptions['vbglossaryactive']">
The find the following:
<!-- End Glossary User Options -->
<br />
Replace it with:
<!-- End Glossary User Options -->
<br />
Now replace '2' with whatever usergroup number you want to be able to view it.
12-07-2006, 03:35 AM
Is there a way to turn letterbit on for every page of the glossary?
I mean, when I'm looking at a certain definition I'd really like to have the letterbit above it.
12-07-2006, 04:33 AM
There is no settings for that but it can be done by editing the templates as well the main glossary.php file, so it depends on howw badly you want it lol.
12-07-2006, 10:08 AM
Well I'm getting to know the code, I've already modified the code to make glossary.php without args to act as if it had received a do=listglossary&c=1 by editing the "default action":
if (empty($_REQUEST['do']))
$_REQUEST['do'] = 'listglossary';
$_REQUEST['c'] = '1';
Then I also inserted a "show all" link at the beggining of the letterbit, but it was a minor edit, I just added:
eval('$letterbits = "<td><a href=glossary.php>Show all</a></td>";');
before the other evals.
But this one I cannot accomplish. I edited the main Glossary template and in the section where the letterbit table is displayed I removed the "if" so it should display letterbit no matter what, and yet it doesn't happen.
I hope you don't mind I'm performing this little customization, I believe it's impossible to make a product to suit each and every webmaster out there LMAO.
EDIT: I did it! I hadn't noticed that in glossary.php the letterbit eval part is inside an if statement restricting it to show only if do = listglossary, so I took that whole part outside the 'if'. I had to set c = 1 because it is initially = 0 and takes me to a blank page.
12-07-2006, 11:34 AM
No thats fine Amenadiel. I'm more then happy to see customization and happy to see people share what they did in the thread, who knows might add additional options for whatever has been added.
12-07-2006, 03:00 PM
Here's an interesting item I just noticed with cross linking.
If I have the word Telephone in the glossary, and a user places the work telephone in a post, the post becomes capitalized.
Is there a way to allow the post to remain as is?
12-07-2006, 05:08 PM
To allow certain groups to be able to view this find the following code in the 'modifyoptions' template:
<!-- Start Glossary User Options -->
<if condition="$vboptions['vbglossaryactive']">
Replace it with:
<!-- Start Glossary User Options -->
<if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == '2'">
<if condition="$vboptions['vbglossaryactive']">
The find the following:
<!-- End Glossary User Options -->
<br />
Replace it with:
<!-- End Glossary User Options -->
<br />
Now replace '2' with whatever usergroup number you want to be able to view it.
Thanks for the code... I want to be able to allow more then one usergroup to view this though and when I do this it doesnt show up for any usergroup
<!-- Start Glossary User Options -->
<if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == '5,6,7,11,12,16'">
<if condition="$vboptions['vbglossaryactive']">
An I doing something wrong?
12-07-2006, 11:08 PM
dilbert: No I havn't figured a way with that. If someone does they can let me know lol.
bada_bing: Instead of this:
<if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == '5,6,7,11,12,16'">
Use this option, think it works lol:
<if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == '5' OR $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == '6' OR $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == '7'">
12-08-2006, 12:38 AM
dilbert: No I havn't figured a way with that. If someone does they can let me know lol.
bada_bing: Instead of this:
<if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == '5,6,7,11,12,16'">
Use this option, think it works lol:
<if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == '5' OR $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == '6' OR $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == '7'">
Awe this worked thank you... Now one more question.. What happens if in the past few days that the option was showing up in the usercp a member disabled the crosslinking and now I have removed that usergroup from seeing the crosslinking option in the usercp what would happen? Does the feature remain on or off?
12-08-2006, 12:48 AM
Hey.. Nice Hack :)
But you hack make wrong options ind user admin:
I have look i my database, and i can see its you hack that make this options..
Can you fix this! PLZ
I just noticed this too because I have members asking me what his option is used for? Does this do anything? Any updated to when this might be fixed...
This option seems to be an option to choose when a new member registers.
Thanks man.
12-08-2006, 01:27 AM
The defult is on, however if they disabled the option in the control panel before you removed the option it would remain off. Now, lol, the options with the title of 'myheading' is the same as the user side option just in the admin control panel, so from there you can turn it back on if say your user is unable to trun it back on beucase they don't have that option anymore. Just so you know there should be only one option, something I was messing around with and forgot to finish it, ha. Will be fixed in the nexxt update, if I ever figure out my problems lol. With the option being an option to choose when a new member registers, I'm not sure why it is since I don't see that myself, I'm missing something here.
12-10-2006, 02:23 PM
Do you have any idea when the next update comes?
And what is currently your problem?
12-11-2006, 02:17 AM
Ah, it depends. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong with the crosslinking in the way of adding descriptions. I've been asking for help here: as well in the private coders thread but I got no replies. So development is on a stand still on that front. Might need to rework the way the crosslinking displays. I really wanted to finish with that feature before releasing the next update but if I do that it will be another 6 months lol it looks like. I'm going to give it another week and if I get no help on that issue I'll release an update then. In the mean time I decided to start on the custom field feature.
12-12-2006, 12:37 PM
I've posted a reply in your thread, I hope it helps you with the problem :)
A small request: change the name of the input field for the search from 'search' to 'query' like vBulletin is using for its forum search. Users aren't seeing this, but it's easy if you want to create a "master search" on your site for all your site sections :cool:
A small spelling mistake in glossary.php: "Reqired" :p
A suggestion for a next release: custom admin permissions ( They are great to manage the rights on a big site with a lot of staff people.
12-13-2006, 03:41 AM
Thanks for the post. Still trying to fix the issue at hand. As for the 2 requests I will think it over but it will depend if I feel in the mood to add it, at least for this upcoming update lol. As for the spelling, fixed! heh ;)
12-18-2006, 03:44 PM
How is your progress. Do you got the problem solved?
12-19-2006, 12:12 AM
Not with the crosslinking, the update will not have any updates on crosslinking. Right now I'm working on the custom field options, which is almost complete, just finishing of testing and adding some last min features to it. Once complete the update will be released. I'd say in time for christmas lol. ;)
12-22-2006, 01:26 AM
I'm making this post so that I ca be notified when you have updated your hack. This would make my site very usefull from a technical perspective.
12-22-2006, 02:16 PM
What do you mean by technical perspective? Anyway you guys won't have to wait to long, the next updates on track for christmas. ;)
12-22-2006, 04:13 PM
And did the crosslinking fix that I sent you work?
Because that would be one of the most important features of this hack
(at least for me ;))
Thank you for all your work.
12-22-2006, 04:27 PM
Your welcome. I don't think I'll have time to finish work for the crosslinking feature before the release. I'll test the code before the release tho. Trying to finish the custom feilds, all thats left is the user side of things, got to work on one thing at a time so I don't get mixed up lol. :confused:
12-22-2006, 06:06 PM
What do you mean by technical perspective? Anyway you guys won't have to wait to long, the next updates on track for christmas. ;)
Well, if I must ... I run a technical forum and some of terms used might sound greek to new users. This hack would benefit those who are interested but don't have a grip of the acromyms used in my field.
I was waiting for this hack to come out of beta. From what you're saying, I assume that will take place soon. :)
12-24-2006, 06:36 PM
A small bug: the print_cp_footer() function is missing on most of the AdminCP pages, so there's no footer (and no </body> and </html> tags to close the page). It should be there at the end of all the admin (and mod) pages :)
It would be nice also to move the "add glossary term" button to a single button and remove it from every drop down menu. This is requested frequently, so it would please other people also
A small bug: the glossary_mod_code_is_x phrase is missing (glossary rules).
A normal bug: if there's an inactive term in your search results, the delete phrase isn't working in the dropdown menu of it.
Also some small W3C errors:
- </br> in some templates and functions_glossary.php, should be <br /> (self closing tags in XHTML)
- onMouseover and onMouseout should become onmouseover and onmouseout in functions_glossary.php (all lowercase because of XHTML)
- Two &'s need to be replaced by & in functions_glossary.php (HTML entities)
Replace in the glossary_rules template
<td class="alt1" nowrap="nowrap"><div class="smallfont">
<div><phrase 1="$modcodeon">$vbphrase[glossary_mod_code_is_x]</phrase></div>
<div><phrase 1="misc.php?$session[sessionurl]do=bbcode" 2="$bbcodeon">$vbphrase[vb_code_is_x]</phrase></div>
<div><phrase 1="misc.php?$session[sessionurl]do=showsmilies" 2="$smilieson">$vbphrase[smilies_are_x]</phrase></div>
<div><phrase 1="misc.php?$session[sessionurl]do=bbcode#imgcode" 2="$imgcodeon">$vbphrase[img_code_is_x]</phrase></div>
<div><phrase 1="$htmlcodeon">$vbphrase[html_code_is_x]</phrase></div>
by (</div> was missing)
<td class="alt1" nowrap="nowrap"><div class="smallfont">
<div><phrase 1="$modcodeon">$vbphrase[glossary_mod_code_is_x]</phrase></div>
<div><phrase 1="misc.php?$session[sessionurl]do=bbcode" 2="$bbcodeon">$vbphrase[vb_code_is_x]</phrase></div>
<div><phrase 1="misc.php?$session[sessionurl]do=showsmilies" 2="$smilieson">$vbphrase[smilies_are_x]</phrase></div>
<div><phrase 1="misc.php?$session[sessionurl]do=bbcode#imgcode" 2="$imgcodeon">$vbphrase[img_code_is_x]</phrase></div>
<div><phrase 1="$htmlcodeon">$vbphrase[html_code_is_x]</phrase></div>
Replace in cpnav_vbglossary.xml
12-25-2006, 11:35 PM
Small thing.
I have some terms in my glossary that are more than one word.
For instance:
Agreement Review
The cross linking only picks up Agreement, even when the text contains Agreement Review.
Maybe a future release can fix this?
01-01-2007, 07:54 PM
Thanks for this hack :)
File Attach, French Language :)
Translator: Sofia
01-03-2007, 11:38 AM
What do you mean by technical perspective? Anyway you guys won't have to wait to long, the next updates on track for christmas. ;)
Well any updates? Christmas is here and past?
01-03-2007, 01:26 PM
I too am waiting anxiously for this update!!
Definitely need the Crosslinking feature ~ as this is 99% of the reason I need this hack!
Thanks again for all the work!
01-03-2007, 02:27 PM
Sound like a great program once it is fixed.
01-03-2007, 02:54 PM
RS_Jelle: Thanks for the information, will look into this, and keep that up ;)
dilbert: Yeah yet another problem I'm having with the crosslinking feature. I will look into this issue at a later time.
Allan: Thanks for the french translation. Just so those looking for a german translation there one has been completed by captainslater at the following link:
bada_bing: Yeah figures that I want to release something I get problems with the custom fields feature I'm working on, one of the reasons the update has not been released. As well hard as hell to find a free min to work on it during this time of year with visiting family and what not lol. Anyway I have started back into this yesterday but I'm not going to give a release date since the way things have been working out this past few weeks.
01-03-2007, 04:38 PM
RS_Jelle: Thanks for the information, will look into this, and keep that up ;)
dilbert: Yeah yet another problem I'm having with the crosslinking feature. I will look into this issue at a later time.
Allan: Thanks for the french translation. Just so those looking for a german translation there one has been completed by captainslater at the following link:
bada_bing: Yeah figures that I want to release something I get problems with the custom fields feature I'm working on, one of the reasons the update has not been released. As well hard as hell to find a free min to work on it during this time of year with visiting family and what not lol. Anyway I have started back into this yesterday but I'm not going to give a release date since the way things have been working out this past few weeks.
Thanks for the update and respect your honest and detailed explination...
01-04-2007, 12:20 AM
Thank you! I noticed a small bug. In the search box, the default text shows this phrase all the time: /(\$style\[css\])/
Is there a fix for this?
Also how do other members submit a term?
Also to it appears me /(\$style\[css\])/
Help! :)
01-04-2007, 12:34 AM
Is possible have the number of terms by the side to the like of the category?
01-04-2007, 08:00 AM
In my glossary they are 3 terms,
In the post not always it appears the Crosslinking....
Very Thanks! ;)
01-05-2007, 04:49 AM
bada_bing: Thank you for your understanding. On a good note, I finally got the custom fields feature working on the client side of things (adding, editing, etc), all that needs to be done with this is some final quick tests and to have it load up with the terms on the client side. Once that is complete I plan on getting the next release out so I can get some quick fixes out to people. If I get enough free time, you guys might see something as soon as late next week, who knows maybe even for the weekend, yeah right lol. ;)
Ricsca: The '\$style\[css\]' has been fixed (hope anyways), you will need to wait for the update, sorry. With the total number of terms, yes it can be done but additional code is needed, I'll look into it if other people are interested. As for the crosslinking, all I can say it works and it dosn't. Its a buggy system and I would turn it off if your having issues until a better solution is found to fix the problems.
To All: As a note to everyone for the next release, there will be no fixes to the crossslinking feature as I have been focusing on the custom fields feature. Once the next release is out I will look into all bugs that have been reported (none crosslinking related), do fixes and do another release. After that release I will look into the crosslinking feature and do additional development on this, however limited it might be since it needs to be reworked.
01-05-2007, 08:41 AM
Did you try Andreas crosslinking fix I sent you?
If you did and it did not work, contact me and I will talk to Andreas again.
Best regards
01-05-2007, 09:54 AM
SS9267547 : Very Thanks ;)
01-05-2007, 11:19 AM
StarBuG: Took a look at the code and it didn't work, seemed to give a white page as a result. Going to have to think this over, again. :/
Ricsca: Your welcome.
01-06-2007, 03:33 AM
A normal bug: if there's an inactive term in your search results, the delete phrase isn't working in the dropdown menu of it.
Just to conferm you doing this on the user side? Also in the 'cpnav_vbglossary.xml' the code to be replaced, the other links don't require to be changed and if not why is that? Why just the options link? Thank you for posting all erorrs you have come across, have updated most of them for nexxt release. I smell an update coming soon lol!
01-06-2007, 10:53 AM
It has been good if in the home pays some glossary, writer is us the number of the present limits:)
01-06-2007, 11:55 AM
Just to conferm you doing this on the user side? Also in the 'cpnav_vbglossary.xml' the code to be replaced, the other links don't require to be changed and if not why is that? Why just the options link? Thank you for posting all erorrs you have come across, have updated most of them for nexxt release. I smell an update coming soon lol!
Yes, the missing delete text is on the user side of the system :)
Only the options thing need to be replaced because of the &, otherwise it gets lost after you installed it (and the CP navigation contains an ampersand W3C error).
01-06-2007, 11:07 PM
RS_Jelle: So would it be good practice if I did it for all then for menu?
Ricsca: I'm sorry I don't quite understand what you are trying to say.
01-08-2007, 04:26 PM
Well it might not be Christmas anymore from the original release date that was planned but it’s that time again, better late then never eh? While there is quite a bit of fixes and a few little new features in this release (listed below), the main focus on this release is the new custom field feature. I hope you all enjoy this update and I look forward to your comments as well reports of any issue that may come up in this release. Please do note that the crosslinking feature was not worked on in this release and is planned for the next update.
Change Log For Version 1.2.1
46 new phrases.
2 new templates.
3 new files.
1 new query.
Fixed minor issues in code, pharses, etc.
Fixed search box error showing '/(\$style\[css\])/'. Seemed to be conflicts with other mods installed.
Added hook system.
Fixed admin option missing phrases.
Fixed missing 'print_cp_footer()' from admincp and modcp pages.
Changed mouse cursor when over link with crosslinking.
Fixed W3C reported errors.
Added new options to trim title and description of glossary terms on main listing.
Added custom field manager for admin side with the ability to create checkbox options, single menu options, radio options, single line options and multi line options to all glossary terms. Also integrated onto user side to be able to use this new feature.
Prevent users from creating duplicate terms.
Here's a few screenshots of what you'll see this release:
01-08-2007, 10:38 PM
Thanks, it seemed to update well.
When I go to List Glossary Categories, it says this: Glossary category manager allows you to edit the categories that glossary terms are listed under. At this time there are a total of %1$s glossary categories for you to choose from.
Did I goof on the upgrade?
01-08-2007, 11:24 PM
No I think its just the phrase used has something miss spelled. I forgot to fix this little issue before, thanks for reminding me to fix this lol.
01-09-2007, 01:04 PM
Glossary Modification....
My glossary definitions are quite large and they look a bit messy this way, so I figured this could solve my problem as well as others who have encountered this problem.
I'm running vBulletin 3.6.1 with GlosPro Version 1.1.3 and I'd like to see a mod that does either one of these two things.
Preferred: A listings page within each category of all glossary terms that category currently holds WITHOUT the definitions, which link to the glossary term and definition.
Alternative: Collapsible Glossary Terms.
01-09-2007, 01:22 PM
Well for the main page listing in the latest version (1.2.1) there is a new option added to trim the amount of text that is showed. So you can set it to tirm the definition after say 250 characters. If you do upgrade to the latest version just remember to backup your database just in case there are problems however I don't think there should. Also you could just edit the template so it doesn't show the definitions until clicked.
As a side note to everyone else the rework of the crosslinking feature has started. The first part that will be worked on is the new popup which is off to a great start. After the popup is complete I havn't decided yet but I think I will do a small release with that addition. We will see how much I can get done by next monday when I want to release the next update.
01-09-2007, 01:38 PM
Ok, just upgraded to 1.2.1, and I tried to see if the Trimmimng Description thing would work for what I wanted, but it doesn't seem to. I guess that's because it's only for descriptions in the main category? (I have two subcategories that all definitions fall under.)
01-09-2007, 01:41 PM
Nevermind, It does work for subcategories. Thanks for the excellent hack! :)
01-10-2007, 12:09 AM
Your welcome Warlord. :)
01-10-2007, 03:45 AM
How do you edit the glossary?
Like the given installation provides 'basic terms' with a set of descriptions.
Where do you go on adding more or modifying that? Just having trouble with that fact, otherwise everything looks good.
01-10-2007, 04:37 AM
is it possible to restrict access to certain glossaries to a specific group of users ?
thinking about using it as a login/password vault.
01-10-2007, 09:49 AM
You didn't update the version number in the release thread yet, it still says 1.2.0 :)
Thanks for the nice release.
01-10-2007, 10:21 AM
murekhalir: There are two ways you can edit or add new terms. The 1st way is via admincp. Just go to the tab that says 'Mindestic GlosPro'. Under there you can create and edit terms. On the user side under each term there is a 'Gloassary Tool' drop down list where you can add/edit/delete terms. Just remember that on the user side the permissions have to be set in order for it to show and work correctly. Also at this time there are no terms basic terms add. There is just a category to get you started.
OmniBuzz: At this time there is not. Perhaps an idea for future releases.
RS_Jelle. Bah, always forgeting to do something lol. Thanks. ;)
01-10-2007, 10:43 AM
With a few modifications and phrase changes your system can easily be used to replaced the form hack.
I think about modifying it to use it as APPLICATION HACK where members can apply to become moderator etc.
Can you please tell me more about
Current vB Development Project:
Mindestic GlosPro - 3.6 Edition
Future vB Development Project:
Mindestic ReviewPro - 3.6 / Gaming Edition (Spring - Summer 2007)
Mindestic CollectorPro - 3.6 / Gaming Edition (TBA)
01-10-2007, 11:27 AM
What do you mean 'used to replaced the form hack'? Also isn't there already a moderator application hack out there? Thought I saw one if there isn't its an idea for another project if there is interest lol.
With Mindestic ReviewPro its a mod where you would be able to add gaming reviews with a rating system, comments or perhaps user reviews, etc. With Mindestic CollectorPro it will be a system where users can have there own collections, in the case related to games. They will be able to have a wish list as well be able to trade with other users kinda like a ebay system with user feedback and whatnot. I think those two will be cool systems but I havn't decided on if I will release free versions, keep it to myself or sell it lol, we'll see.
01-10-2007, 02:30 PM
Are you working on the crosslinking feature now?
Cause I think that is the most important part of this hack for me and many others
Can't wait to have it showing the glossary terms directly ;)
01-10-2007, 10:03 PM
Oh you people and the crosslinking lol. ;) Anyway, yes I have started work on the crosslinking feature. The first part I'm working on is a new popup system that will show the description now with term otpions, etc. Will most likly release an update with just that addition then work on the other bugs with the feature.
01-12-2007, 02:47 PM
There are a lot new W3C errors created by the new release :D
For example <input ... /> became again <input ...> and <img ... /> became again <img ...> in the templates. Maybe you are using Dreamweaver in HTML mode instead of XHTML mode, so he changes those things?
And some & things became & again (html entities W3C error).
01-12-2007, 08:52 PM
Hah great! :rolleyes: Yes I'm using Dreamweaver so I'll have to look into that so I quit making these new errors hah.
01-13-2007, 10:45 PM
And 'possible to put in the home pays some glossary the number of the present limits?
01-14-2007, 01:31 AM
Could you explain in more detail as to what you would like to see?
01-14-2007, 12:30 PM
01-14-2007, 12:56 PM
Okay so just a counter of terms, I could look into that.
01-14-2007, 01:24 PM
wow, nice work!
01-14-2007, 05:28 PM
Thanks Antivirus. Work in progress lol. ;)
01-14-2007, 05:36 PM
This is just a little release. The main focus of this release is to test the new code for the new crosslink popup. Please do note that there is one bug that I have noticed with the new popup is that it goes outside the visible area. Not sure how to fix this yet and I don't know if this new popup will stay or if I'll change it again. Let me know how it works.
Change Log For Version 1.2.2
4 new phrases.
1 new templates.
1 new files.
Fixed minor issues in code, pharses, etc on admin side.
Added new crosslink popup window.
Added term counter for each category on main listing.
Added new options to trim description of glossary terms on crosslink popup.
Here's a few screenshots of what you'll see this release:
01-14-2007, 06:39 PM
I have tested your 1.2.2 and my crosslinking has no background and the bug you discribed is also present (Firefox
This update makes the crosslinking not usable for me.
I have used a forced refresh so that my browser uses the newest version of the javascript so that is not the problem.
I will revert to 1.2.1
I have attached you a screenshot.
Would it be possible to have a switch "activate crosslinking for guests" ?
Thank you
ps: If you need additional information please let me know
01-14-2007, 08:37 PM
Did you add the new css code? It will load a blank background if there is no css to load which looks like the case here. Check and let me know.
01-14-2007, 08:49 PM
can the guest view the crosslinking? don't work on my forum...
and thanks for this hack
01-14-2007, 10:04 PM
Very very thanks for de numer category! :)
Bat the crosslink i dont go...
01-14-2007, 10:57 PM
arcadyan: 1st of all make sure you have it turned on and have all the correct options active. 2nd guest can't view the feature at this time. 3rd your welcome.
Ricsca: Your welcome. Samething for the crosslink, check to see you have all the correct options on in the settings. From what I saw on your site the option isn't even active. But also remember that the crosslink feature dosn't work 100% for every body at this time.
01-15-2007, 05:58 AM
At first I realy forgot the CSS you are right, but still...
now the new CSS is in place, hard refresh and there is still no background for the crosslinking information.
Looks the same as on the screenshot.
Let me know if you need other things tested.
01-15-2007, 01:15 PM
Well from the looks of it its just the css thats not loading. Now if you uploaded all the files then all thats left for me to do is to look at it myself. Please send me the address so I can take a quick look.
01-15-2007, 02:37 PM
Just a quick note for anyone who has downloaded version 1.2.2. There some missing links related to the install manuel for version 1.2.2. Please redownload the file for the correct install manuel. Thanks.
01-15-2007, 02:41 PM
Now it works perfect ;)
But if I may offer a suggestion:
It would be cool to have an "Export"/"Import" option for glossary terms.
I run 2 forums and it would be very handy if I could simply import the terms from one forum to another ;)
You should also organise your zip file like:
GlosPro 1.2.2 3.6E/
|_ do_not_upload/
|_ uploads/
This would be more usefull and easier to handle.
At least I think so
Thanks for this great hack
01-15-2007, 02:47 PM
That for sure would organise things a bit better. As for the export/import option the thought had crossed my mind. I just havn't figured out what the best way might be. :)
01-15-2007, 07:47 PM
Hi! Excellent work on this hack. I have my members filling up the glossary right now. Sorry if this has been asked. I'm too tired to look through all the threads. I'm sending money your way if that helps any :).
The problem: The first couple of terms I added were LCD and SPL. For some reason, LCD just wouldn't show up as a link in this one thread with SPL. Then in another thread with LCD, LCD was linking, but when I added SPL, SPL wouldn't link. Any ideas?
01-15-2007, 08:06 PM
Happy to hear you like the hack and thank you for your support. With the crosslinking feature it isn't perfect. For some there isn't problems but then others do have problems. In the next release I hope to work on a better solution for this feature. Please send me the link to those threads in question with that feature active so I may see first hand.
01-15-2007, 08:23 PM
I hope using VBSEO doesn't mess anything up. I don't see why it would. Here are the two threads. Both examples are toward the end of the threads. (SPL not linking, LCD is) (SPL IS linking, LCD is NOT)
01-15-2007, 08:27 PM
Just FYI I ran a test on a new thread and used 4 glossary terms including SPL and LCD. I made sure that there was text in front and behind each word. All 4 terms were linked. I wonder if that's the trick?
01-15-2007, 08:38 PM
It looks like a little bug which I have with the script where not all words will link unless it has the following after the word: .,!? etc or a space. If it has nothing coming after the word it won't link, something I still havn't been able to fix. So in this thread:
SPL will link but LCD in the next post won't beucase there is nothing after it. Now if you edit your post and put a ! or ?, etc it should link.
01-16-2007, 12:31 AM
ave again to have the old one Crosslinking?
01-17-2007, 06:59 PM
Quick Question... I've lagged behind with upgrading. I have 1.1.4 currently working. I recently upgraded to 3.6.4
How to I upgrade from 1.1.4 to the latest (1.2.2) ?
There are instructions to:
Upgrade From Version 1.1.4 to 1.2.0
Upgrade From Version 1.2.0 to 1.2.1
Upgrade From Version 1.2.1 to 1.2.2
I can do the upgrades in steps, but then I need to have the older version of the XML files. Any help would be appreciated. I have a slew of terms, so I don't want to just over write the settings.
01-17-2007, 07:15 PM
Hi Lucas,
If I upgrade to this latest version will it break the things you fixed on my site a couple of weeks ago?
Renada :)
01-17-2007, 10:06 PM
dendrob: Well the way I tried to do this with the upgrades is to make it work from whatever version you have. So it should work fine upgrading from your version (backup in case). Just install the latest over the older one. Then just review the new install instructions and ignore the upgrades instaurations. That should do it.
Renada: Well the latest version should have the fix to the problems you were having at your site, thats where I figured the patch to the problems. If it does come up again let me know.
01-17-2007, 11:49 PM
When the term is near the right margin of the page, the popup definition appears on the RIGHT, which of course, gets partially cut off. So it's pretty useless as a cross-link if the term is anywhere near the right side of the page.
It's an awesome mod, one of the best IMO...but I do believe that having the pop-up display correctly and fully (vs being cut-off) is quite important.
01-18-2007, 01:11 AM
Yes well in the release notes I did meantion about this bug but thank you for reminding me. Its something I still need to work on and I hope I will be able to figure out. If not will have to rework it again lol. Anyway I released it before fixing this problem since I have people waiting for better verson of the popup for months. Now if someone does figure a way to fix the issue please do let me know heh ;)
01-18-2007, 03:23 PM
Renada: Well the latest version should have the fix to the problems you were having at your site, thats where I figured the patch to the problems. If it does come up again let me know.
Working just fine so far. :) Thanks Lucas.
01-18-2007, 03:43 PM
Trying to install this on my 3.6.4 site and I cant find this line on my headinclude template
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_global.js?v=$vboptions[simpleversion]"></script>
Any Ideas?
01-18-2007, 08:11 PM
Upgrade worked like a charm.
I noticed two things.
When I tried to edit a term I couldn't save it, said that the term already exisits.
In my glossary terms I sometimes have a link to a picture in the form of [ url=][ img][ /img][ /url]. When this term is present in a post, the crosslinking popup shows horizontal and vertical scroll bars. Terms that are pure text show up just fine
EDIT: I also noticed that not all the terms are showing up. Link (
01-19-2007, 01:30 AM
Renada: Your welcome!
bada_bing: I think your problem there is that you have an old 'headinclude' template from an older version of vbulletin. Now if you either revert the template or just load up the original you'll be able to find that. Of course you know what you can really do is just paste the code at the very bottom of your headinclude. Don't know why I didn't just say that lol. :rolleyes:
dendrob: The 'already exists' issue is that there is a new feature added that checks for duplicate terms. So the title of the term you are editing is already in the database some where else. At this time there is no settings to turn this feature off or on. If you chnage the title it shoudl work. With the popup I haven’t tested it with images. I will take a look into this issue since I see it too on your site and did not see it on my beta site. As for the link issue, there is kinda sort like a bug where it will not link words if there is nothing end at the end of the word which I've mentioned in another post. Basically you need to have at the end is ,.!? etc or a space other wise it won't link. An on going issue.
01-19-2007, 11:11 AM
Renada: Your welcome!
dendrob: The 'already exists' issue is that there is a new feature added that checks for duplicate terms. So the title of the term you are editing is already in the database some where else. At this time there is no settings to turn this feature off or on. If you chnage the title it shoudl work. With the popup I haven?t tested it with images. I will take a look into this issue since I see it too on your site and did not see it on my beta site. As for the link issue, there is kinda sort like a bug where it will not link words if there is nothing end at the end of the word which I've mentioned in another post. Basically you need to have at the end is ,.!? etc or a space other wise it won't link. An on going issue.
Oh, I see, the space after the term fixed the links, sorry for not reading previous posts :( . As for images, you can detect [img] tags (and probably links, since they can be very long), if a tag is present, just skip the image and at the bottom of the baloon put [more information present ... click term for details]. That would work great and probably wouldn't be too much work
01-19-2007, 01:13 PM
What you can try is go into your 'Additional CSS Definitions' and delete 'overflow:auto;'. Let me know if that stops the issue with the popups.
01-19-2007, 04:23 PM
Well it worked, but not quite as well as I thought it would. See attached
01-19-2007, 11:44 PM
Okay well put it back in. I will have to just add some more code to trim the image address's and what not.
01-20-2007, 07:13 PM
Okay well put it back in. I will have to just add some more code to trim the image address's and what not.
Ah so we are close! Thank you so much - I look forward to this fix.
01-20-2007, 10:26 PM
Well I will try to get something going as soon as I can! Most likly not until my next mod is released :p
01-21-2007, 01:21 AM
So is this stable to use on my 3.6.4 forums? Do you plan on releasing a new version or something like anytime soon?
01-21-2007, 02:23 AM
The glossary part of the mod has been stable since day 1. You can use that with no problems at all. Its the crosslinking which is not 100% but for most should work fine. In the case that it doesn't just disable the crosslinking feature untill the next release. But of course you want the crosslinking don't u? :p
Next version release is planned after the beta of my game review script is released, so maybe a month, maybe less, depends on my mood lol.
01-21-2007, 02:25 PM
I have an article system that uses pop-up crosslinking successfully, but it is for a non vb related program. Would taking a look at the code for that help any? If so, I'd be more than happy to send it to you. I don't use the system for the fact that I prefer a more integrated article/glossary system than this one. But the code is very good. I can send you the relevant parts of code if you like.
Here it is in action:
There is a right margin, so decrease the window size of your browser until the horiz bar n the window appears, then adjust the window accordingly. What happens when the word is near the right side of the page, is that the pop-up re-adjusts its right edge to match that of the right edge of the window's display (so it never goes off page).
Don't know if it helps, if so, pm me for more info.
01-23-2007, 10:50 AM
dendrob: The 'already exists' issue is that there is a new feature added that checks for duplicate terms. So the title of the term you are editing is already in the database some where else. At this time there is no settings to turn this feature off or on. If you chnage the title it shoudl work. With the popup I haven?t tested it with images. I will take a look into this issue since I see it too on your site and did not see it on my beta site. As for the link issue, there is kinda sort like a bug where it will not link words if there is nothing end at the end of the word which I've mentioned in another post. Basically you need to have at the end is ,.!? etc or a space other wise it won't link. An on going issue.
Hi Lucas,
does that mean, that my users can only change the content of a topic, when they change the issue by adding a blank etc. to it? :confused:
01-23-2007, 12:12 PM
apokphp: I'll pm you about this. Thanks.
Vossi: If I think I'm understanding you correctly, when your users edit a glossary topic that is in the system already they don't need to rename the name to make changes. What the duplicate check system does is makes sure that for example a user does not add or change a term to one that is already in the system. So for example I have the term 'DVD' in the system. Now I can add to the term and save the changes as DVD. Now if I were to edit the term 'HDDVD' and try to save it as 'DVD' which is already a term in the system it will not allow me.
01-23-2007, 12:39 PM
Hallo, and sorry for my bad english,
if I want to edit a glossary topic the system says "There is already a glossary term named 'xxxxxx'. You may not create duplicate names." It`s not a new term.
Is there any idea where the problem is?
Thanks: Lightmaster-AH
01-23-2007, 12:52 PM
The term you are editing, did you change the name of the term? Also from where are you editing the term, user side or admincp side?
01-23-2007, 01:10 PM
From user side.
I go to the glossery to one term and klick there on "Edit Glossary Term". After I edit the term (without editing the name) the system says "There is allready...."
I just look, the same in the admincp side.
(I hope you understand my bad english) Thanks for answer!
01-23-2007, 01:53 PM
Vossi: If I think I'm understanding you correctly, when your users edit a glossary topic that is in the system already they don't need to rename the name to make changes. What the duplicate check system does is makes sure that for example a user does not add or change a term to one that is already in the system. So for example I have the term 'DVD' in the system. Now I can add to the term and save the changes as DVD. Now if I were to edit the term 'HDDVD' and try to save it as 'DVD' which is already a term in the system it will not allow me.
Hi Lucas,
hm, let me explain it like this:
There already is an entry called DVD and one of my users looks at it and wants to edit this entry by writing some more text into it. My user ist chooses the Edit-Funktion and is getting the edit-window. When he complete the entry and wants to save it, the system says
There is already a glossary term named 'DVD'. You may not create duplicate names.
Well, of coz there is a term called DVD, but he just wanted to edit the text.
That's actually the thing which I don't understand. :o Is there a function in AdminCP which I have to change? Or any known bug for this?
Even I as the admin cannot edit the text our of the normal board, only when I join the AdminCP and change it there.
01-24-2007, 06:42 AM
The same by me, but likewise in the ACP I cannot edit the text.
01-25-2007, 09:21 AM
Okay I've test this issue on my test site and I can't recreate this issue you guys are having however I have looked into the current release of the mod and I have noticed that it is missing some code lol. Don't know how that happened but for anyone having this issue you will need to do the following. Let me know if it works. Find this code in the glossary.php under the 'editconfirm' request:
if (strtolower($checkname['glossaryname']) == strtolower($vbulletin->GPC['subject']))
Replace it with this new code:
if (strtolower($checkname['glossaryname']) == strtolower($vbulletin->GPC['subject']) AND ($checkname['glossaryid'] != $vbulletin->GPC['glossaryid']))
Then in admin_glossary.php find the following code in the 'edit_confirm' request:
if (strtolower($checkname['glossaryname']) == strtolower($vbulletin->GPC['glossaryname']))
Replace it with this code:
if (strtolower($checkname['glossaryname']) == strtolower($vbulletin->GPC['glossaryname']) AND ($checkname['glossaryid'] != $vbulletin->GPC['glossaryid']))
I will do a offical fix on next release.
01-25-2007, 09:32 AM
Thanks a lot for your support, but honestly, there still is no change for me. It still says
There is already a glossary term named 'DVD'. You may not create duplicate names.
I can change the name from DVD into DVDOLD, save it, edit it again by changing the name back into DVD and then save it. But I suppose that this way aint the one you wanted.
The Hack is great, so please dont lose interest into it. Its worth it...
01-25-2007, 10:05 AM
I forgot to mention, that I can change the content when I'm in the AdminCP (that worked all the time), its just the 'normal user way' that doesn't work.
01-25-2007, 08:10 PM
Okay well then you can just remove the check all together for now if you can get it working. Find the following (2 in glossary.php and 2 in admin_glossary.php):
$checkglossaryresults = $db->query("SELECT glossaryname,glossaryid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "glossary");
while ($checkname = $db->fetch_array($checkglossaryresults))
Delete it and everything under it until the last '}'. There should be about 8 lines altogether to be deleted. Try that for the time being until the next release.
01-25-2007, 09:23 PM
I made your last modification, delete the 8 lines, now it works.
wait for the next release :)
01-25-2007, 11:16 PM
Your welcome!
01-26-2007, 06:33 AM
Hi Lucas,
when deleting the lines you quoted, it works fine. Actually, now it shouldn't check for double entries anymore, right?
01-26-2007, 08:37 AM
Thats correct.
01-26-2007, 09:29 AM
May you release a version 1.2.2a with the bug fix from above?
I'm to lazy to edit the files :p
01-26-2007, 09:30 AM
Haha okay I'll see how I'm feeling this weekend ;)
01-27-2007, 08:00 AM
Thats correct.
Thanks, Lucas, for your support.
Now it's possible to edit the entry.
The check for double entries isn't working now, but I can live with that until you release 1.2.2a this weekend. Hahaha... LOL!
01-27-2007, 05:20 PM
A suggestion: better MySQL slave/master server support. There are a lot of old $vbulletin->db->query queries. Replace all those with $vbulletin->db->query_read, $vbulletin->db->query_write or $vbulletin->db->query_first :)
Another suggestion: query optimimalisation. Mindestic GlosPro is using too much queries than necessary:
Add the amount of terms in a category to the glossarycategory table. That's very easy to do with the product file (just a while loop with a count counter etc.) and changing the value after adding or removing a file.
This would remove the need of one query on the glossary home (showglossaries) and the list glossary page.
Use the datastore ( cache feature for the category info and the custom fields. The datastore is very easy to use and you can remove some queries with caching these things.
Also, please move the product file to outside the uploads folder. I think a minority is using the possibility to give up the server location of the file to install the product. I also don't want it on my server (normal people shouldn't have access to it), it's private and after importing it isn't necessary any more.
01-27-2007, 05:47 PM
For those waiting for a fix to the duplicate issue will have to wait as I will be doing some additional fixes first as well I'm a bit to busy with my other hack which I want to release the beta soon.
RS_Jelle: Thanks for the information. I don't know much about the datastore so this might take me a while lol. Also is there an artilce about query_read, query_first, query_write, etc? Want to refresh myself with this info.
01-27-2007, 08:05 PM
RS_Jelle: Thanks for the information. I don't know much about the datastore so this might take me a while lol. Also is there an artilce about query_read, query_first, query_write, etc? Want to refresh myself with this info.
Articles about it are here ( and here ( :)
The datastore isn't that difficult you think it is. The first time I started with it, I had the same feeling, but it's just using some commands and using it as a normal array.
01-27-2007, 09:38 PM
Do you have a lite version to this hack, only for put some tutorial for example :) ?
01-28-2007, 01:40 AM
I installed this on my message board yesterday and it caused every thread on my board to go to "fatal flaw" message. I had to uninstall and revert my templates back to original.
01-28-2007, 01:45 AM
inspector: fatel flaw? I have never seen this before. Do you have any more information on this?
Allan: Like what parts did you have in mind?
RS_Jelle: Thanks!
01-28-2007, 04:23 AM
Is there a way to restrict access to a particular glossary category by group?
E.g. I have several courses running with different interests on my vB. I'd like to assign some categories to go with group a, other categories to go with group b etc.
How I would imagine this working is that I would edit group permissions and assign the categories to use with that group.
Maybe it's possible to do this already and I'm just missing something obvious?
~ Rodney
01-28-2007, 04:54 AM
Two more questions:
(1) is there any easy way to import a list of glossary terms? I have a list of a few thousand medical terms I'd like to add...
(2) when users reference a glossary term in a posting, what must they do to have it highlighted/linked to the glossary? (e.g. term ). I've tried just typing a term from the glossary in the text of a post, but it doesn't automatically hyperlink after posting so I must be missing something there.
Thanks again
~ Rodney
01-28-2007, 07:47 AM
Great hack :) Can users choose to turn it on or off for them individually? Thank you ! :D
01-28-2007, 11:15 AM
rodneytamblyn: At this time there is no options to restrict access by group per category. However not a bad idea for to add later. Now to import, where are these terms from? At this time there is no import option however I have be thinking off adding something like this but not sure how to yet. With the crosslinking, its not perfect. First you need to turn the feature on in the settings. Once that is done it should highlight as long as at the end of each term there is either a space ,.!? etc after it. If you for example only post the word and nothing else in your post, it won't highlight.
ntock: Users can't turn off the glossary itself but they can turn off the crosslinking feature.
01-28-2007, 12:02 PM
Allan: Like what parts did you have in mind?
I thinks at a hack with only with categories and message
(example, a faq with your editor wysiwyg ;))
With this hack, we can make many thing such as:
- tutorials
- articles
- Reviews
- etc ....
More possibility again !
Example with sidebar:
What do you think about it ?
01-28-2007, 12:23 PM
So just a basic package which people could use to start hacks, is that the idea? I mean people are allowed to use this hack for whatever needs they want on their servers.
01-28-2007, 12:29 PM
So just a basic package which people could use to start hacks, is that the idea? I mean people are allowed to use this hack for whatever needs they want on their servers.
Yes, exactly :)
01-28-2007, 12:37 PM
Its an idea, I'll think it over but I won't be able to work on it until I finish the beta of my next mod.
01-28-2007, 12:50 PM
Its an idea, I'll think it over but I won't be able to work on it until I finish the beta of my next mod.
oki, i understand ^^
01-28-2007, 08:02 PM
How it is possible to have the old crosslink seen that with the novelty it is seen me badly?
01-28-2007, 08:50 PM
Ricsca: I don't quite understand what you are asking for, are the crosslinked words not showing up? When logged in or when a guest is viewing? Please explain a bit more.
01-29-2007, 07:24 AM
Another nice function would be to see a list of users who edited the entry when looking at it what makes it more comfortable to the users. They can write eachother when having questions to their edits and so on...
Is that possible? The reason why I'm asking is that I already see the first questions like 'who the f**k screwed up my entry'.... :o
01-29-2007, 10:28 AM
Well on the admin side it records the last person who edited the entry and from where (not sure if it does records if someone edits on the user side tho, will have to check that). So it could be possiable to even add a new option on the user side where is shows who edited the entry just like the threads on vbulletin. Its a good idea for those that want to give any body access to edit things.
01-29-2007, 10:36 AM
Well on the admin side it records the last person who edited the entry and from where (not sure if it does records if someone edits on the user side tho, will have to check that). So it could be possiable to even add a new option on the user side where is shows who edited the entry just like the threads on vbulletin. Its a good idea for those that want to give any body access to edit things.
Yeah, that's what I meant. Thanks...
01-29-2007, 10:24 PM
I have installed this and love it...I specifically LOVE the crosslinking in forum posts function....when it worked that is. This worked beautifully while one of my admins was adding terms. She got through all the A's and everything worked great...but once she finished adding the B's, for some reason it totally messed up my boards. You didn't get access to viewing threads anymore. I played with some of the options and found that if I disabled crosslinking, the problem was fixed. Because I don't want to disable crosslinking b/c I like that feature so much, I tried playing with the types of cross linking and found that when only allowing crosslinking in forum threads, you can still view the thread, but then this message is all across the top of the page:
Warning: preg_replace(): Compilation failed: missing ) at offset 41 in /includes/functions_glossary.php on line 56
Please HELP!!! I want crosslinking back!!!
01-31-2007, 12:15 AM
roni1015: Hmmm havn't come across this issue before. Your using the latest version? Please upload all files from this hack again and see if that changes anything. Also in the setting check and see what you have under crosslinking limit.
01-31-2007, 05:29 AM
uncaught exception: Permission denied to call method
createAJAX()glossary_crosslin... (line 54)
glossarysack(undefined)glossary_crosslin... (line 204)
glossary_ajax_loadContent("glossary_ajax_tooltip_content", "")glossary_crosslin... (line 356)
glossary_ajax_showTooltip("", a glossary.php, false)
i keep getting an ajax error when trying to use the cross linking, the pop up wont come up. Any ideas?
01-31-2007, 10:57 AM
Hmmm, is they a fresh install or an upgrade? Would it be possiable forr you do install on the same server but on a test board to see if the error is recreated?
01-31-2007, 11:11 PM
Hmmm, is they a fresh install or an upgrade? Would it be possiable forr you do install on the same server but on a test board to see if the error is recreated?
i could try it using the default template as mine is modified quite a bit. And its a fresh install.
i tried it on another forum that is pretty clean and it worked. Ill try to disable some stuff and see if anything is conflicting.
I tried to disable all the plugins, they didnt help. I know its not the server and i know its not a template issue. I still might be a another plugin conflicting but im not sure. Any ideas?
02-01-2007, 11:28 AM
Okay so on another forum it works but not yours, hmmm. Well I'd say to uninstall the glossary and install again just to make sure. However if you have a lot of glossary terms already inputted I'd wait for the next version since I'll be releasing the new import/export system so you'll be able to save the terms you added.
With the error it looks like a permissions issue but I'm confused as to why there would be one since there is none to run. Could be another mod you had installed since it has happened before. Maybe I'll have to change/add permissions or there is a setting on your server but I'm not sure what that would be lol. Heres a test you could do, install a test board on the same site with nothing on it and install this and see if the issue comes up. Then well know if its the server your on or your board.
befor - sorry for my bad english. ;)
I have the vb 3.5.3 and the vbglossary 1.2.2 installed - but, why can i edit the categories? I have it edit in the database... And why can i make terms "online" in the ModCP? I can only "edit" or "delete" the term...
Can you help me, by the problem? Thanks!
Edit: Ok, its run (ACP mus kompletle closed, log off and than login and ACP reopend - then it works. :D
The only problem i have, is the not working crosslinking ... :confused:
02-01-2007, 03:57 PM
Ill wait for the update I think, seeing errors makes me jittery
Any news when its coming?
02-01-2007, 11:37 PM
Can't say lol. When I get some free time, maybe in the next few days or a week. I'm working on a new import / export system for people to be able to save their terms which I would like to inculde in the next release.
02-02-2007, 01:56 AM
Okay so on another forum it works but not yours, hmmm. Well I'd say to uninstall the glossary and install again just to make sure. However if you have a lot of glossary terms already inputted I'd wait for the next version since I'll be releasing the new import/export system so you'll be able to save the terms you added.
With the error it looks like a permissions issue but I'm confused as to why there would be one since there is none to run. Could be another mod you had installed since it has happened before. Maybe I'll have to change/add permissions or there is a setting on your server but I'm not sure what that would be lol. Heres a test you could do, install a test board on the same site with nothing on it and install this and see if the issue comes up. Then we’ll know if it’s the server your on or your board.
No didnt add many just to test it, i installed it on another site same server. I keep playing with it as i have no clue as to why that would do that.
you are gonna think im crazy and that im lying. I just tested it again, nothing changed that i know of. it works now out of the blue. Go figure. Now i can start using this yay!!. I cant wait for the clan mod to come out that would be sweet for my forums.
There is one bug though. If you dont type anything after the term it wont crosslink it. Example say you have
BC = Before christ and you type
Well this happened BC
the BC wont crosslink.
02-02-2007, 03:35 AM
Yes this is a known issue with the crosslinking. However is you for example added a ? or ! it would then work lol.
02-04-2007, 09:34 AM
I have just noticed that I get an error when entering a new glossary term via the user frontend.
I get:
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /glossary.php (Line 739)
It would also be cool if terms that are entered in all caps via the frontend are stored as all caps.
Currently I can only enter all Caps terms via the Backend.
02-04-2007, 11:48 AM
Thanks for the info, I'll look into that. So this error happens when you enter all caps? Also I might have a no caps setting so that might be why its not working.
02-04-2007, 12:44 PM
No, this error comes every time.
The CAPS was a different matter.
I have a medical forum and I use the glossary to explain medical terms.
Many of the short terms however are spelled in all caps and I have to change them manualy again when editing/accepting them via the ACP
I don't know how much energy you plan to put into this hack further, but if you want to spend some more time on it, I think we should discuss the handling routines in the backend for approving/adding/editing terms in the glossary.
Because currently it's usable but not practical.
Best regards
02-04-2007, 12:57 PM
i really would love to use this but after reading other peoples errors im scared my forum will explode or something lol
can I have some reassuring words from the mod author :D
02-04-2007, 02:58 PM
I have no problems at all with it ;)
02-04-2007, 03:08 PM
ok then ill install :D
02-06-2007, 12:03 AM
roni1015: Hmmm havn't come across this issue before. Your using the latest version? Please upload all files from this hack again and see if that changes anything. Also in the setting check and see what you have under crosslinking limit.
I just uploaded all the files again, enabled crosslinking again and still, when trying to view a thread, the entire top header outputs that error message and where the thread should display outputs this message instead:
Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/shae/public_html/forums/includes/class_core.php
Line: 3023
HELP, please!
the Mod is great and i love it!
But i have 2 questions:
- Is there a way, to make sub-categories?
- And ... the crosslinking ... ;) The work around (,?!) works - but it is not usefull... Sorry, this must be. :D
02-08-2007, 10:33 AM
otto: No there is no options for sub-categories as for the crosslinking, you don't need to add ,.?! at the end of every word, thats only if for example all you have in your post is that word, thats when you have to do that if you want it to work. Other then that you can just spell out the word in your post and as long as there is a space after the word it will work.
roni1015: Sorry I havn't a clue as to why you are having this error. Try to disbale crosslink and see if it still comes up.
02-08-2007, 11:25 AM
very good thank you
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