View Full Version : Private Messages Enhancements - Advanced PM Options

11-24-2006, 10:00 PM
I no longer support my hacks. Please feel free to update them and release new versions elsewhere as long as I get the credit for the original modification.

|| Advanced PM Options
|| Author : Anton Kanevsky
|| Works on : vBulletin 3.5.x - 3.8.x
|| Released : Aug 15, 2009
|| Time required to install: ~30 seconds
|| Difficulty: easy


This hack enhances the usability of private messaging system by adding a few administrative and member options.


File Uploads: 1
Products to Install: 1


Adds the Following Options to New PM Screen:
Checkbox 'Delete Original PM'.
Adds the Following User CP Settings:
User CP Setting: 'Enable "save copy" checkbox by default'. (disabled on 3.8.x and above)
User CP Setting: 'Enable "request receipt" checkbox by default'.
User CP Setting: 'Enable "delete original message" checkbox by default'.
Add the Following Usergroup Settings:
Disable Sending of Private Messages


[F] Fixed a few bugs that were found in 1.3.1.

[+] The checkbox "save copy" is now disabled on 3.8.x, since 3.8.x already has such a feature.

[+] The hack is now compatible with vBulletin 3.5.x - 3.8.x.
[+] Eliminated all template edits.

[F] Fixed a bug associated with a new hook placement in vBulletin 3.6.

[+] The modification is now compatible with vBulletin 3.6.

[+] Pm count is now updated after a pm is deleted via "delete original pm".

[+] Added a new usergroup permission: "Disable Sending PMs". Useful when you want to only disallow sending of PMs by a certain usergroup, but allow incoming pms.

Initial Release

The installation manual is contained within the attached file.

IF YOU LIKE MY HACK, PLEASE CLICK INSTALL (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/vborg_miscactions.php?do=installhack&threadid=215702)

11-25-2006, 06:00 PM
<font size="3">First Post Reserved.</font>

11-25-2006, 06:09 PM
*First Install* :D:D

11-25-2006, 06:14 PM
/me Clicked Install!

11-25-2006, 09:27 PM
there seems to be a file missing from the Zip O.o There is no bitfield_advpmoptions.xml

11-25-2006, 09:37 PM
It was missing indeed. My apologies. Please re-download.

11-25-2006, 09:38 PM
Here's the file you need :)

Edit: Oops looks like you got it already :)

11-25-2006, 09:39 PM
Here's the file you need :)

That's the product file. I needed the bitfield file. Already restored it. Thanks.

01-07-2007, 11:25 AM
Suggestion for the next version:

An admin set option to sweep users sent and/or inboxes and delete all messages older than 'x days'. Include the ability to set this on a 'per usergroup' basis with differrent time frames from different usergroups (premium users could have their messages kept for a longer period of time).

01-13-2007, 10:58 PM
Nice work Anthony, thanks!

01-22-2007, 03:24 AM
Can you please update this add-on so that the option of "NO" for "Disable Initiation of New PMs by this Usergroup?" overrides the option of "YES" in the case that users are in 2 usergroups?

For example, a user belongs to "Special Group 1" and "Registered Users". "Registered Users" has PM sending disabled, whereas "Special Group 1" has PM sending enabled. However, the user belonging to both groups still can't send PMs.

I want "Special Group 1"'s settings to override the settings for "Registered Users".

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

01-22-2007, 04:17 AM
Hey there, nice mod. I am however having a small problem with it. For some reason the ' User CP Setting: "Enable / Disable Delete Original PM Checkbox by Default"' option is not displaying on the Send New PM page (see screeenshots). I've copied the chunk of code in the the html install guide to the pm_newpm template, but the option still does not display.

Any suggestions?

01-25-2007, 12:18 AM
I'm getting the following Error when people verify their E-mail Address:

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in forums/includes/class_dm_user.php(2391) : eval()'d code on line 1

I've tracked it down to this Mod. In specific the Plugin linked to "private_insertpm_complete"

01-25-2007, 12:27 PM
I'm getting the following Error when people verify their E-mail Address:

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in forums/includes/class_dm_user.php(2391) : eval()'d code on line 1

I've tracked it down to this Mod. In specific the Plugin linked to "private_insertpm_complete"

What are the exact steps required to reproduce the problem?

01-25-2007, 02:27 PM
I have COPPA Turned off, User Moderation Turned Off, E-mail Verification Turned on.

When the user Receives the E-mail for E-mail Verification and clicks the links.

What I did to find out that it was causing the problem was Set the user for Awaiting E-mail Verification, Choose Email Codes to User. Then took that link and clicked it.

FYI It Activates them fine. But they are on a white page with that error :)

01-26-2007, 06:50 AM
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/pimpin/public_html/forums/includes/class_dm_user.php(2391) : eval()'d code on line 1

Same error here but i have all that turned off they should come in to the site but its a white page with that error and then that have to reload the page and sign in..

Turning it off fixs this for now..

01-28-2007, 09:38 PM
Were you able to discover anything about this Psionic? :)

01-29-2007, 12:28 AM
I have not looked into the issue yet.

01-29-2007, 12:39 AM
No Problem :D

02-04-2007, 04:19 PM
Were you able to discover anything about this Psionic? :)

Problem corrected - please download the new package and re-import the product XML. This problem was caused by the new "Welcome PM" feature, which exists in 3.6 and which did not exist in 3.5...

02-04-2007, 04:24 PM
Awesome thanks! :)

02-04-2007, 09:57 PM
:up: I confirm this runs awesome on a 3.62, thanks for this great product!

02-20-2007, 03:21 AM
Psionic Vision any way you could put a setting in that after so many post it turns back on for say registered members or for the usergroup you have it shut off for? For example I shut my pms off on registered users this way there is no spam via pm so could you put something to where if they have like 10 post it would turn back on?

04-16-2007, 10:29 PM
Thanks for the update. I just found the glitch to this today when I opened my board and it didn't register the newest users and total member count. All works fine now!

05-14-2007, 06:59 PM
Hi Psionic ! This looks like a great hack. I do have a question, I don't ban users but rather moderate them. I have tried to turn off their pm's but they still can receive them. Would it be possible to add to this hack a way to turn off both incoming and outgoing for a user group?

Thanks for your help.


08-04-2007, 03:44 PM
Hi Psionic ! This looks like a great hack. I do have a question, I don't ban users but rather moderate them. I have tried to turn off their pm's but they still can receive them. Would it be possible to add to this hack a way to turn off both incoming and outgoing for a user group?

Thanks for your help.


This is what I'm wondering. I don't want this to go tot he users that can't use PMs at all anymore.

08-04-2007, 03:46 PM
It's unnecessary. There is a default vBulletin options that allows you to set pmbox size. Set it to 0 and they will not be able to send or receive messages.

08-04-2007, 04:05 PM
Also, I've taken out all the template edits to have this not work and it's still messing with the ones that aren't suppose to be getting PMs. ???

08-04-2007, 04:06 PM
It's unnecessary. There is a default vBulletin options that allows you to set pmbox size. Set it to 0 and they will not be able to send or receive messages.

I have mine set to 0 already, and Pms are still getting through. they can't read them of course - but they are getting through.

08-04-2007, 06:59 PM
but they are getting through.

That sounds like a bug to be reported over at jelsoft's site.

03-04-2008, 11:30 PM
Anyone tried this in 3.7?

03-04-2008, 11:40 PM
yep, it works with some tweaking.

03-05-2008, 01:33 AM
And in 3.6.8 pl2 ?

05-08-2008, 09:20 PM
how about 3.6.9 does it work in there as well

Been Told
05-22-2008, 08:19 PM
yep, it works with some tweaking.
What kind of tweaking?

08-13-2008, 01:01 AM
Does this work in 3.7.2?

11-17-2008, 08:20 AM
Does this work in 3.7.2?
Yes, it works with 3.7.* versions.
In versions 3.8.* it has a conflict with new 3.8 option "Save a copy of sent messages in my Sent Items folder by default".
So the same option in this script "Enable "Save Copy" checkbox by default?" must be removed because it repeats a feature that was added in 3.8.

12-20-2008, 05:29 AM

01-05-2009, 05:35 PM
Yes, it works with 3.7.* versions.
In versions 3.8.* it has a conflict with new 3.8 option "Save a copy of sent messages in my Sent Items folder by default".
So the same option in this script "Enable "Save Copy" checkbox by default?" must be removed because it repeats a feature that was added in 3.8.

No! It works with 3.8 RC 2 !!!

02-12-2009, 02:20 PM
No! It works with 3.8 RC 2 !!!
Sorry, but you knowledge of vBulletin doesn't allow you to understand what I wrote in my post above.

Yes, it works, but it has a conflict with options.

I sent Psionic Vision a PM with updated version for his check...

The fix I speak about above had been fixed in version 1.3.1

[+] The checkbox "save copy" is now disabled on 3.8.x, since 3.8.x already has such a feature.