View Full Version : old VB to New VB

11-24-2006, 01:49 PM
Our site is currently running a very very old VB 3.0.6 and we have just bought a new license 3.6.4 i think it is.

can we put the new license on the server mod the new server with fresh hacks and mods and then move the database from the old one over

the old one has hacks and mods installed would this affect mysql etc?

11-24-2006, 02:08 PM
You will first need to delete old hacks (some dont need uninstalling, you need to check it out for each tho).
The easiest solution would be to uninstall all hacks and begin the upgrade to 3.6.4 without any hack installed.

11-24-2006, 02:12 PM
Ok, cheers,

So once i've un-installed all the hacks from the old site and just left with members and threads i can move tht over to the new site that has the all the new mods and upgrades installed?

if so that would be great lot easier than i first thought.