View Full Version : I need help to include Flash in my header

11-22-2006, 08:16 AM
I have had a Flash header developed and would like to know the best way to incorporate it into my website and Forum.

I have found that if I place the code in the header template the flash header starts playing again with each click navigating around the forum.

If I place it in a frame then the Flash Header takes up screen real estate when the user is scrolling down the forums - i.e. the header always remain across the top and doesn't scroll with the page.

I have tried using an iFrame but not only do I not know if this will even help my situation but I get just the header and no forums. The following iFrame code was placed at the top of the Header Template:

<IFRAME SRC="../header.htm" TITLE="Flash Banner" width="100%" height="151" scrolling="no" name="headerflash" border="0" frameborder="0">

I am presuming that if the header is 150k in size and I just placed it in the forum header template that each time the user clicks in the forum and the header replays that it will be taking up 150k of bandwidth each time as well plus for those on dialup going from page to page will be a very slow experience - is this correct or does it stay in cache?

I am getting desperate to work out what is the best way to incorporate a Flash Header without compomising the user experience - any help you can give IS greatly appreciated.

Funky Diver
02-04-2007, 07:09 AM
I'm also interested in this, so a bump necessary.

I did find this though (http://php.about.com/od/tutorials/ht/template_site.htm) which I am guessing is along the right lines?

02-04-2007, 07:15 AM
no it not correct.. once a user has visited your site the flash file is downloaded into there browser cache and is stored there and called whenever needed.

but you would have to write some code into your flash movie to make it only play once for each visitor, that nothing to do with VB forum.

Funky Diver
02-04-2007, 09:51 AM
err... OK.

So, any pointers? I've just spent the last 2 hours looking and am obviously not seeing anything mildly related to it.