View Full Version : Looking for some graphics assistance with header

11-20-2006, 01:01 AM
Hi gang, not sure if this is the correct forum to post this. I've gone through three different generations of headers....and can't seem to produce anything that I'm happy with.

The current header can be found at: www.f-bodyhideout.com/forums

I'd like to keep it with text and a transparent background. You can see how dull the header looks...I just have no graphic talent....hell, don't think I possess any talent come to think of it. :p

If anyone can help produce a transparent background text header....I would greatly appreciate it.

The dimensions would be good at 500x100.

Thank you in advance for any help with this. I can be reached via email as well at webmaster@f-bodyhideout.com

11-20-2006, 09:56 AM
I think for starters you ought to shorten the text. The heading a little, the sub heading quite a lot (possibly opt for another font for the sub heading). Another option that you may not have been aware of is introducing a small image on the right of the text (something that conveys what your site is all about) a kind of insignia maybe?

Visually, the state of your current logo doesn't look great and the matte background should be the same as the background to which it's being applied onto. Look closer? you'll see white coloured remants of the matte showing against a darker background which gives off an incorrectly saved image.

Goodluck in your endeavor on creating a better logo. :)

11-20-2006, 12:18 PM
Shelley, thank you for your comments. They do help. I knew it was boogered...and that's why I mentioned I don't have a talent in my bone.

Hopefully I can get some further assistance with bringing this to life.

Thanks again Shelley,