11-14-2006, 07:40 PM
HI! I decided to use parachat for my forums chat needs and I would like to add "chat" to my nav bar but I am a newb at php and vB. Could someone walk me through it or can you do a cut and paste into the code? I'm assuming I need the code from them (I chose the pop up room code). Here is that:
<!-- Begin ParaChat Basic v7.5 Code -->
<form><input type="image" src="http://chat.parachat.com/images/pc.gif" border="0" onClick="window.open('http://chat.parachat.com/chat/login.html?room=Frugal-Families&width=800&height=600&lang=en', 'parachat', 'width=800,height=600,location=no,menubar=no')"> </form>
<!-- End ParaChat Basic v7.5 Code -->
Is there someone who can help me, please? Thanks a bunch!
<!-- Begin ParaChat Basic v7.5 Code -->
<form><input type="image" src="http://chat.parachat.com/images/pc.gif" border="0" onClick="window.open('http://chat.parachat.com/chat/login.html?room=Frugal-Families&width=800&height=600&lang=en', 'parachat', 'width=800,height=600,location=no,menubar=no')"> </form>
<!-- End ParaChat Basic v7.5 Code -->
Is there someone who can help me, please? Thanks a bunch!