View Full Version : Hello Everyone

10-30-2006, 10:25 PM
I don't really know where I should post this, Since there is no
"Welcome board" In here.
I think this would be the right place. I was surfing on the net and I came across this, dont really know why but this seems interresting. And I would like to know what this is and what I can use this for. If anyone could hook me up
with some info about Vbulletin and how this community works it would be great.

Take Care.

10-30-2006, 10:33 PM
vBulletin is the software which powers this site. It is used to power a huge amount of forums all over the web.

This site is dedicated to the sharing of modifications, styles and graphics developed by vBulletin owners for other vBulletin powered sites to use.

More information about the software itself can be found at www.vbulletin.com