View Full Version : Mojor speed issues

10-17-2006, 08:18 AM
I'm having major issues after moving hosts, I have gone from a Linux box to a host that users a windows server and I'm having major issues with speed or the lack of it, the forums take an age to open and the portal fails to open, can anybody help out as I'm getting desperate now and starting to wish that I had not moved, what can I install on the forums to help diagnose the major problems that I'm having

Portal located here (http://www.chetnet.co.uk/portal/index2.php)
Forums located here (http://www.chetnet.co.uk/portal/forum)

Thanks and I hope that someone can help me out


Just loaded microstats and it show page generated in 30,90194 seconds with 12 queries

As soon as 30 seconds passes the page loads very fast but I can not work out what is trying to load in that 30 seconds


10-18-2006, 05:11 PM
Your forum should be flying with that amount of people online, regardless of the host. Unfortunately I don't really know much about troubleshooting windows based servers (and imo, you should have stuck with the linux solution). Do you have a lot of uncached templates?

10-18-2006, 09:55 PM
Loaded just fine for me.

Wasnt blazingly fast, but it wasnt slow to the point to be concerned either

10-18-2006, 10:47 PM
loading fine here Chet

Forumhome: Page generated in 0.41722 seconds with 11 queries
Portal: Page generated in 0.62334 seconds with 15 queries