View Full Version : Support does not satisfy me :(

10-16-2006, 07:53 PM
Hey there,
I thought when spending a lot of money in a good forums software, the support in the forums would be also great.
Until now I owned a WoltLab Burning Board License for 25€ (lifelong runtime) and I have to say, that the support there in the communities was a lot of better than here.
If you have a problem, it will be solved within minutes. But here nobody tried to help me in any way ... thats not good and I think about reselling my license ...

Marco van Herwaarden
10-16-2006, 08:00 PM
Hello Sturdy,

Sorry you feel that.

You must however understand the difference between support you can get at vbulletin.com and here on vbulletin.org.

Official Support will always only be given on vbulletin.com, either using the Support Ticket system, or if less urgent you can ask at the forums at vbulletin.com. Support tickets are always handled by professional staff, on the forums you will find both official staff and other members responding.

Here at vbulletin.org you will find a Member to Member community. This means that you will only receive help from other members, who are giving their own free time to help other members.

Sometimes a question might be easy to answer for someone, and sometimes you must just be lucky that the right person see your thread.

Marco van Herwaarden
10-16-2006, 08:04 PM
PS I just had a look at the 2 threads where you have asked a question:

- The first one was already solved by yourself.
- The second was posted today. It is a question that is even more siutable for vBulletin.com then here.

10-17-2006, 06:13 AM
Hello Marco,

at first thank you for your comment.
The problem is, that vB.com says to go here to ask questions. Here you get the messege to post on vB.com :D

I become crazy :D:D:D :laugh: :alien: :laugh: :lick: :laugh:

Marco van Herwaarden
10-17-2006, 08:21 AM
Hello sturdy,

Your first question was about modifying vBulletin. Such questions will not be answered very often on vbulletin.com and are best placed here at vbulletin.org.

Your second question was about the standard vBulletin product, and how to fix installation issues. This question can very well be answered on either the vbulletin.com forums or our Support Ticket system.