View Full Version : Sggestion: Invite Hack

04-03-2001, 09:16 AM
Text taken form the hack forum... which i cannot ven get a reply from :D

"Hey guys was wondering if it would be possible for someone to create a invite hack... i added a screen of what it could/shoud look like... and would it be possible for the code that you are given is just randomly genereated... and they have to add that code to register... or login... so before they can register they must place this given code into the system and the code is then deleted after they do so ... or have it so it auto creates account and they have to change password :)

Maybe add a email function too so the board can send a email to the user giving them all the info such as board link, httaccess stuff, and ect if your board has it...

Well any help would be awesome...

and yes i know Y2B... has created this hack but he told me he wont release it to the public... "

So what do the people over here think.. since no one seems to care over in hacks section???

Image of what it could look like... (taken from y2b's version)

04-03-2001, 10:05 AM
Good idea guy

04-03-2001, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by Cracka
Maybe add a email function too so the board can send a email...[with] httaccess stuff, and ect if your board has it...

I don't know about the rest of you, but if I have gone to the step of using htaccess to protect my forums directory, I really don't want my users just sending out the user/pass in an invite message! It's like putting up a solid wall around a fort and then waiting till the enemy gets there and offering to bulldoze a hole in the wall for them.

04-04-2001, 06:30 AM
lol good point but we currently have ahttaccess running so.. just my 2 cents..

04-10-2001, 05:52 PM
Excellent idea...!!!

An invite option would be VERY cool to have, also perhaps if the httaccess could be a build in feature of the upcomming VBB ?

I?ll grab Cracka?s two cents, and add 2 more in the pot :)

04-10-2001, 05:55 PM
But ehm tubedogg....

What security are You running with then dude?

Then invite option should be (I think) for only letting people have the option of reggin, so in a sense, it only add to the general security ??

04-11-2001, 04:43 AM
yup gEPHION has the idea ;)

This option would be for people that could be trusted or for massive clan websites ect..

Wayne Luke
04-11-2001, 04:50 AM
It also shouldn't be in this forum. It should be in the Hacking forum. This is not something the general vBulletin user membership would use nor have any use for. Most of us have publically available systems where we welcome all traffic.

04-11-2001, 09:59 PM
No i disagree.. alot of people that run vbb's dont want everyonme and there brother to use it...

and i posted this in VBB hacks also but its also a suggestion so lay off it.. you aint gonna do nothing to help with it... so why should you even care?

Freddie Bingham
04-11-2001, 11:00 PM
Hey Cracka

You aren't going to get any support from us on features that would for the majority only be popular on warez forumz.

04-13-2001, 12:36 PM
Well, I can agree in some way with Freddie.

But. As I have my own consultant business with offcause a helpdesk department, I?m planning to do a VBB forum for this kind of activities, which also will contain a sort of helpdesk like feature in it....

So this forum will NOT be for public pleasure, but mainly for my costumers, and people who?s reading up on MCSE and MCP exams. So it would be much more prudent if I could invite a costumer to the board with a simple invite code.....Or fex. being on a board such as this, seing peoples reply?s and inviting someone with skills, that could be of use for the generel users on my VBB...

There is allready a forum like this in Denmark (www.eksperten.dk) but it?s open to the generel public, and has a tendancy to be a bit messy, and filled with questions like "how do I format a floppy disk?" and stuff like that... :)

But for this to work 100% it should be so I allready had made the costumer account on the board, which then mailed an invitation to the costumer, by pressing a "mail invitation" button or sorts....

Also it would be nice if VBB could work on a MS SQL server, but that?s a completely different discussion :)

Wayne Luke
04-13-2001, 02:35 PM
You can close vBulletin to guests. You can then make it so the new members can't register but have to be invited. To invite them, just create a new user account for them and click on [send activation email] to invite them.

Change the email template for the activation to say something like:
"You are invited to join xxxx systems. Click here to activate your account".

They will click and get full access to the system. Very easy, very complete and very neat. No hacks required.

04-13-2001, 09:22 PM

Hadn?t considered that way of doing it, thanks!!

So I can combine this with the referer option aswell? Hmmm... Think i ?m gonna stay up waaaay to late today :)

04-13-2001, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by gEPHION
Also it would be nice if VBB could work on a MS SQL server...

It would be even nicer if people looked at the name of the software, and deduced from there that vBulletin does not abbreviate as "VBB". :rolleyes:

04-14-2001, 09:35 AM
I´ve paid for the program, so I have a pretty darn good idea as to what the name is, and as long as I don´t break the license agreements, why should You care WHAT I call it??

VB with one or two B´s what´s the diffence, I don´t see You nagging at other peoples threads because of it, so what´s Your problem?

If it´s a genrel aggrevation for the entire developing team (which I in some way can understand) , why don´t You send out a public message then? Instead of turning a perfectly good question into a hunt for warezboards and related?

What a licensed user does with the software he´s paid for, isn´t Yours or mine problem. Actually I couldn´t care less, as long as they don´t break the license agreements, so why should You?

04-14-2001, 01:29 PM
Posted by gEPHION

so I have a pretty darn good idea as to what the name is
Then why not call it by the correct name or abbreviation?

I don?t see You nagging at other peoples threads because of it
Actually I have been, although more subtly. Yours is not the only thread I've said something in.

If it?s a genrel aggrevation for the entire developing team (which I in some way can understand) , why don?t You send out a public message then?
I'm not part of the dev team, as my title would indicate. However, it's an aggravation for me to see thread after thread where people aren't using their brains. There aren't two "b"'s in the name, so why would there be in an abbreviation?

Instead of turning a perfectly good question into a hunt for warezboards and related?
I don't know where your getting that. I simply stated a fact - VBB is not the correct abbreviation of vBulletin.
If you're getting that from my other point, I didn't say anything about warez or anything else - I merely said that I wouldn't want anyone giving out the username and password if I've gone to the trouble of using .htaccess to protect my site. I hardly think Freddie turned this into a hunt...he just said he wasn't willing to help with something that would mainly help warez or pirated boards.

I have no problem with your idea, and I don't care what you do with your vB, as long as it's within the license agreement. I never said I did care. I think your blowing this way out of proportion.

04-15-2001, 02:26 AM
By seeing the comments that were responded to a simple question makes me wonder what kind of community this is... I had to scroll back and double check, yup, that was a moderator that was trying to slam this guy...

All he did was ask a simple question and he gets harrassed. Maybe I will go read a board with civil people and especially moderators that can learn some damn professionalism. If you were my employee, that would be warning one, the 2nd time would get the axe. To think, you represent this company (being a moderator) and you treat an innocent question with a flame.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

04-15-2001, 08:46 AM
Zothip: Thank You! My feelings exactly, and what made me blow out steam in the first place.!!


Allthough some of the former reply was not on your head (I?m sorry for that) it seemed (and still do) as a strangely "bitchy" comment to what was written in this topic. Especially considered the fact (as You Yourself are pointing out, that You?re not a member of the Vbulltin team.

If a paying user suggest a feature to the board that could benefit other users, why should this be trashed, just because it COULD be utilized by a warezboard?

So. Can we atleast do this in the way it was meant to?? Giving ideas, tricks or help about this cool piece of software instead of bitching at each other, on theoretical usages of Vbulletin?

Finally. I don?t mind being set straight if I?m writing total bull****, but still dude, there?s other more erhmm subtle ways of doing it, instead of doing it like this, that merely made me want to write one single word: Bitch! Your opinion is duely noted, and if/when I write on the board in the future, I will try and remeber :D Fair enough?

04-15-2001, 09:26 AM

If the suggested hack, were done sorta like this, I for one would use it.

If the invite code was setup, so I could use the "usergroup restrictions" when I sent the invitation.

Also if there could be serveral invitationcodes like below, so I could use them sort of like this:

MCSE forums = invite code 0001
Costumer forums = invite code 0002
extremely illegeal software forums = invite code 0003
(Sorry couldn?t help myself :D)

Then the invited user would reg him/herself and ONLY have access to the forums that he/she was invited to, and all other forums would be "private".

Also a "read only" option would be cool, so I could invite a user, but he/she couldn?t post, only read, and perhaps with an exploration date, so if a user paid for 14 days of usage, the account would automaticly expire on a preset day....

Ehmnm... I have a lot of other ideas to this, but i ?m not sure if I?ve explained the above clear enough to continue??

04-15-2001, 10:02 PM
lol thats some funny ****...

04-16-2001, 10:49 AM
Well what i wnat the invite hack for is so our members can invite people they know... if it was just to keep the board private i would just add the members myself... but thanks for the suggestion your the only one that seems to even want to help someone :D

Originally posted by wluke
You can close vBulletin to guests. You can then make it so the new members can't register but have to be invited. To invite them, just create a new user account for them and click on [send activation email] to invite them.

Change the email template for the activation to say something like:
"You are invited to join xxxx systems. Click here to activate your account".

They will click and get full access to the system. Very easy, very complete and very neat. No hacks required.