View Full Version : Hosting??

10-16-2006, 02:39 AM
Hey guys I have shared hosting with godaddy and am thinking of getting virtual dedicated hosting since it will be faster. What do you guys think. The vps is 30 bucks a month for 10 gb and 500gb bandwith.

10-16-2006, 05:22 AM
If your forum is so big that you need a VPS to support the activity then buy it.

10-16-2006, 04:19 PM
If you're going VPS, I can't say enough good things about powervps.com. I used to run www.club3g.com (over a million posts), and I currently run www.sevenstring.org (300k posts), both run on PowerVPS and their service, support and uptime have all been outstanding.

Edit: Post 666, rar!

10-17-2006, 01:03 AM
I am with shared hosting with godaddy and it is soooooooo slow that I need to get something better. This is why I am looking at a virtual dedicated server. I will only go with godaddy because of all the great support I have had there through the years. My site is not busy at all and I have just started the forum.

What do you guys think? Is paying 34 bucks a month for a vds too much for 10gb and 500gb bandwith?

I need some advice thanks in advance:)

10-19-2006, 07:01 AM
everyone who hosts a vB on godddy is complaining about slowness.

10-19-2006, 05:13 PM
Moving to a VPS isnt going to make your site any faster then what a great shared provider can do.

But if for whatever reason you think you need a vps, like Chris said powerVPS is probably the best one out there

And let me get this straight? Your current godaddy hosting sucks apparently, yet your just going to upgrade to another product of theirs? Wouldnt that simply increase the level of suckiness you are getting?

10-22-2006, 02:55 PM
$44.50 per month

That's with www.powervps.com