View Full Version : Calendar Enhancements - Farcaster's Event Attendance
Ted S
05-30-2007, 04:19 AM
For some reason I am running into an error...
When I try and edit an event that already exists from another user I cna't. I've checked with a few admin accounts, all are in the right group and that group is specified in the settings.
If I create an event and then try to edit it, I get taken back to the event (no error or message, I just select "edit" from the drop down, the page clicks and refreshes back to the event).
Ted S
05-30-2007, 04:22 AM
Also, N's are still being truncated.
05-30-2007, 01:36 PM
Not a bad idea. Thanks. I'm also thinking about building in a configurable notifaction system so that if someone RSVP'd they receive a reminder email, and perhaps if they haven't RSVP'd they receive a different one asking them to update their status. Something like that.
and how about adding auto email sending to the event host or the web sites events coordinator?
05-31-2007, 01:59 AM
i just added all three of the hacks. event forums one andf the bridge. when i add a new event
calendar.php?do=update&e= it generates
This page is not designed to be access directly.
then it will create the event forum. and post the info but somewhere its not generating it to the calendar
hey rob, i have one feature request, events rsvp'd by a user with value "yes" in a rss feed, bit random i know but would allow people to sync events there going to an rss application hence reminding them :D
Ted S
06-05-2007, 12:55 AM
Nevermind, fixed it.
06-10-2007, 05:12 PM
I have a small issue with my implementation. When I post an event the event description (thread starter content) is posted twice, once in a box without the event attendance options and then once with the attendance options. Also, when there are no replies....I get two blocks that state there are no replies. See attached.
Any suggestions???
06-10-2007, 08:47 PM
Is it possible to list all the upcoming events the user is attending to on his member profile page?
This would be a great feature.
06-15-2007, 10:49 PM
I have a small issue with my implementation. When I post an event the event description (thread starter content) is posted twice, once in a box without the event attendance options and then once with the attendance options. Also, when there are no replies....I get two blocks that state there are no replies. See attached.
Any suggestions???
Anyone??? Any suggestions?
06-16-2007, 09:37 PM
Did anyone ever find out how to solve the extra queries issue on the event thread ? I have over 60+ queries for an event thread and an uncached template...Not sure how to fix this...anyone else have the same problem ?
06-18-2007, 07:57 AM
Gives a german translation for this hack?
06-20-2007, 06:33 PM
i can get the showevents block to show on my default theme but on my new theme it won't show.
anyone have an idea?
06-20-2007, 10:02 PM
I have a small issue with my implementation. When I post an event the event description (thread starter content) is posted twice, once in a box without the event attendance options and then once with the attendance options. ???
Verify that the Plugin "Display Event Details on Thread Page" under the Event Forums hack is disabled.
Did anyone ever find out how to solve the extra queries issue on the event thread ? I have over 60+ queries for an event thread and an uncached template...Not sure how to fix this...anyone else have the same problem ?
Looking at the query executions, it looks like it keeps going back to the database to fetch the phrases it needs. This should only be required once. I'll look into this. To be clear, this would be a problem with the Event Forums Integration ( add-on, not the Event Attendance hack itself.
Gives a german translation for this hack?
No, but this hack uses phrases, so you can add German translations. To get a list of phrases used, look at the first post.
i can get the showevents block to show on my default theme but on my new theme it won't show.
anyone have an idea?
Have you followed the steps to add the $rsvp_form variable to your other theme?
06-20-2007, 10:20 PM
Yep I added it at the bottom of the
Near the bottom of the calendar_showeventsbit,
06-21-2007, 07:10 PM
Looking at the query executions, it looks like it keeps going back to the database to fetch the phrases it needs. This should only be required once. I'll look into this.
Awesome. Thanks for your help, Farcaster.
06-22-2007, 12:55 AM
Nice Addon or Hack!
I´ve got 2 more Question!
1.) Is it possible to use "User Fields" in your Modification? Shall i name the variables or how can i use them?
User Field5 contains the Name of our Guild. The Variable in the Admin CP is $post['field5']. I can use it in the default postbit as well. Shall i assign the Variable like $rsvp[guild] == $post['field5'] to use it in calendar_rsvp_bit? Or how can i use the Details of the User Fields in the rsvp?
2.) How can i prevent multiple Answers of the same User?
An User signs up with yes for the first time. His answer is displayed as yes in the rsvp. If he changes his opinion and sign in as no, i´ve got 2 Answers. 1 x yes and 1 x no! By deleting his entry i´ll lose both entries of the User, not only the Entry i´ve selected...
Please help me out!
06-26-2007, 08:53 PM
Bug: The summer time (in Germany) is not correctly considered. The date is indicated 1 hour too late
suggestion - make events RSVP'd "YES" bold in calendar view
07-03-2007, 08:26 PM
Also, N's are still being truncated.
N's are still being truncated for me, as well.
1.) Is it possible to use "User Fields" in your Modification? Shall i name the variables or how can i use them?
I would LOVE to have this feature available too - did you get this to work? I might take a look at it as well.
07-06-2007, 03:58 PM
When an event is posted, is it possible to have the date the event was posted displayed somewhere in the event headers? You can list the start and end times of your event, but for reasons that don't matter too much here they also want an easier way to figure out the post times than checking the post times of threads created around the same time based on the thread numbers.
07-09-2007, 02:53 PM
Anyone able to insert custom profile fields into the RSVP bit? ie $post[field6]? I can't use $bbuserinfo[field6] because that will list the viewer's information, not the RSVPers.
Is there some code that I could modify to allow this to pull from the userinfo fields?
07-13-2007, 01:45 PM
Between 1.1.2 and 1.2.0, Quick Reply was somehow broken. I just installed 1.2.1 and it still hasn't been fixed. I've seen several reports of this, but I didn't experience any troubles until after I upgraded to 1.2.0.
I've already posted in this thread once about it, as have others.. So hopefully the problem gets addressed this time?
Edit: I think the other reports about Quick Reply *may* have been in the Event Forums thread, but it's definitely this mod that caused it.
07-13-2007, 02:31 PM
Technically, the mod that you should be posting that on is the integration add-on. This thread is for the non integrated version.
07-13-2007, 02:40 PM
Well I posted in both.... and THIS mod was the one that caused it, not the integration add-on, nor the Event Forums hack.
07-13-2007, 03:45 PM
Well I posted in both.... and THIS mod was the one that caused it, not the integration add-on, nor the Event Forums hack.
There is duplicated code in the RSVP/Event forums add-on that places the RSVP form and RSVPs on the thread view. So, I am reasonably sure that this particular hack didn't cause the problem. The problem would be somewhere in the bridged version.
07-13-2007, 03:55 PM
I'm not sure if you're understanding me, but I was using 1.1.2 of this mod, upgraded to 1.2.0, and Quick Reply stopped working. I did this as a controlled test, because I was aware of the Quick Reply problem others were having. The only thing that was upgraded was this hack.
Now if you mean to say that the integration hack has outdated code that is conflicting with the 1.2.0 update of this hack, then so be it. Just please realize that from my POV that *THIS* mod is what directly caused Quick Reply to stop working, as I have no understanding of all of your code, so telling me that I'm "technically posting in the wrong thread" is a little unfair.
Anyway, now that you've acknowledged the problem, I hope you can find the problem (in whichever hack it may be) :)
07-13-2007, 04:59 PM
I will take a look as soon as I can.
07-13-2007, 08:10 PM
Has anyone figured out how to use the $post[field6] or $userinfo[field6] in the rsvpbit template? I'm not sure what I'd need to add to be able to have it pull that information. I know that it adds most information into the rsvp table, and is using $rsvp[username], but I really really really don't like the idea of modifying Farcaster's code to pull in duplicate fields from the usertable (and then it would automatically update, it would be 'current' as of the time the person RSVPs).
07-21-2007, 10:36 AM
A new add-on is now available for Farcaster's Event Attendance that will displays the events a member is attending on the member's profile. For more information and to get the add-on, visit:
07-23-2007, 06:12 PM
Ive got this mod intergrated with the Event Forums Mod. One question though! At present all events listed via the calendar create a thread in "Upcoming Events" section of my forum. I then manually move them to "July Events", "August Events" "September Events" and so on.
When the threads are in the "Upcoming Events" section, it shows the event attendance where people can say wheter they will be attending. Once I have moved the threads into July, August, the event attendance dissapears!
Any idea how I can keep it on the bottom?
07-25-2007, 09:26 AM
I have 1.2.1 installed, and I have just noticed n's are still being truncated.
At what part in the code did you implement this code fix? I'd like to look in the plugins and make sure it's there correctly.
07-28-2007, 07:50 AM
Anyone going to respond to Elenna?
08-17-2007, 10:56 PM
Is this compatible with 3.6.8?
08-20-2007, 09:36 PM
Is this compatible with 3.6.8?
08-21-2007, 08:26 PM
Anyone going to respond to Elenna?
:D I keep checking, but I'm not holding my breath :)
08-24-2007, 03:43 PM
Found my answer. Will be installing this shortly.
09-07-2007, 06:49 AM
Installed and it seems to be working fine for all newly created calendar events.
However, how can you get to add the RSVP to calendar events created prior to installing this feature?
09-07-2007, 01:45 PM
Installed and it seems to be working fine for all newly created calendar events.
However, how can you get to add the RSVP to calendar events created prior to installing this feature?
I haven't tested it, but you should be able to Edit the Event (where you would change description, etc) and check the Allow RSVP box.
09-07-2007, 02:39 PM
I believe I've figured out how to get custom userfields to display.
NOTE: This involved modifying the plugins used. This will pull the most current information in the database, as opposed to pulling that information at the time that the person RSVPd.
Step 1: In AdminCP, go to User Profile Fields and make note of the field names (i.e. field14) that you want to use.
Step 2: Go to Product Manager> Plugin Manager Scroll down until you see "Add RSVPs to Event Description"
// SELECT SQL for RSVPs for this event
SELECT u.username, ea.userid, ea.response , ea.comment, ea.guests, ea.rsvp_date, u.avatarid, u.avatarrevision, avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustom, customavatar.dateline,
customavatar.width, customavatar.height
, userfield.field14, userfield.field10 (add or remove ,userfield.field for each profile field you need to pull)
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "customavatar AS customavatar ON customavatar.userid = u.userid
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfield AS userfield ON userfield.userid = u.userid
Now you can modify your template (Style> Your Style> Edit Templates> Calendar> calendar_rsvp_bit)
You can use $rsvp[fieldXX] wherever you'd like that field to display, replacing XX with the field number, like you added to the select statement above.
Now, every time the event is viewed, it will pull the most current information from those profile fields and display them.
If you'd like to change the option to sort by one of the profile fields (for raids, etc) you can edit the following section:
In same Plugin above, FIND
// Display RSVPs
// Setup Sort Order
switch($vbulletin->options['rah_rsvp_sort']) {
case 0: $orderby = "u.username"; break;
case 1: $orderby = "ea.rsvp_date";break;
$orderby = "userfield.field14";
Be sure to REMOVE the ending };
Where field14 is the field that you wish to sort by.
09-08-2007, 06:59 PM
Is there a way to disable the ability to select "No"??? I want people to just be able to say they are attending or they might be able to attend. We don't care who can't attend.
09-15-2007, 03:54 AM
As I posted in the integration thread (integration to Evercrafts Event Forum Hack) I can't get this to work... I'm posting here now because I uninstalled everything in an attempt to trouble shoot this thing.... So here's where I am.
1) Uninstalled Evercrafts Event Forum Hack....
2) Uninstalled the Bridge Hack....
3) Uninstalled the Attendance hack....
4) Reinstalled the Attendance hack (Overwrite for safe measure)...
5) Create an event in the calendar with RSVP checked (I can see the RSVP options when I create the event)
6) Click on the event I created and note there is no RSVP option for users to interact with.
7) It should be noted that I have all forums with RSVP enabled within the ADMIN options....
I assume why it is not working here might be why it is not working when I have all of the previously uninstalled hacks applied. *shrugs*
I am using vB 3.6.8
09-24-2007, 08:19 AM
How can it be done, to display the amount of people who want to attend ("yes") to an event, on the weekly and monthly calendar view?
like done here:
that would be a great feature
10-04-2007, 10:18 PM
I'm using this with the forum events mod and when any recurring event is RSVP'd to it rsvp's to the entire sequence instead of individual events. Do I have a setting wrong someplace?
10-05-2007, 02:55 PM
I am having some issues with people using IE and signing up for an event. When they do it takes them back to the login. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the addon and nothing seems to work.
Any ideas?
(you can check at:
10-10-2007, 01:49 AM
How can it be done, to display the amount of people who want to attend ("yes") to an event, on the weekly and monthly calendar view?
like done here:
that would be a great feature
I agree, that would be a very nice add-on. I tried adding the "total number of yeses" variable (that is used in the event description) into the Weekly template, but it didn't display. It pulled in the "Yes" phrase, but that's it.
10-12-2007, 12:27 AM
Hi. I just installed this mod to my test site. Thank you very much for hard work.
I have the following problem.
After the install and adding RSVP to an event I can no longer edit or delit an event.
I get a message displayed that I do not have enough permissions for editing. And for deleting I just get the page reloading. Once the RSVP mod gets disabled everything starts to work normal again.
Please help.
Thank You
10-15-2007, 12:38 PM
I have an issue with this interferring with custom holidays.
If a user event and a custom holiday appear on the same day, it tries to treat the holiday as a regular calendar event, and returns a SQL error.
Anyone know how to turn this off for custom holidays? Other holidays, on days that don't have a user event, are just fine.
Here are some examples:
Regular holiday with no user event:
Event and holiday on same day:
(since I get all the emails about the SQL error, please only click if you are trying to help me :) Thank you!)
10-15-2007, 10:57 PM
(since I get all the emails about the SQL error, please only click if you are trying to help me :) Thank you!)
I cannot see the underlying SQL error when I open the link you gave. Can you PM or post the error?
BTW, I'm a LotRO player as well, but I'm on the Brandywine server. ;)
10-16-2007, 12:37 AM
I cannot see the underlying SQL error when I open the link you gave. Can you PM or post the error?
BTW, I'm a LotRO player as well, but I'm on the Brandywine server. ;)
Bah, you chose the wrong server! ;) Too bad, would have been fun to adventure with a vB coding god. LOL
Here's the error message. Note that I did modify the plugin to pull some profile fields so that might account for it? Boy I'll feel dumb if I messed it up myself!
For the edits I did, scroll up a few pages (2-3), I posed the edits I did.
On the standard "Database Error" page (meaning no vB "wrap"):
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT u.username, ea.userid, ea.response , ea.comment, ea.guests, ea.rsvp_date, u.avatarid, , userfield.field8, userfield.field9, u.avatarrevision, avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustom, customavatar.dateline,
customavatar.width, customavatar.height
FROM eventattendance ea
INNER JOIN user u ON u.userid = ea.userid
LEFT JOIN avatar AS avatar ON avatar.avatarid = u.avatarid
LEFT JOIN customavatar AS customavatar ON customavatar.userid = u.userid
LEFT JOIN userfield AS userfield ON userfield.userid = u.userid
WHERE eventid = 04
AND ocdate = '1192838400'
ea.response , u.username;
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' userfield.field8, userfield.field9, u.avatarrevision, avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(cu' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Date : Monday, October 15th 2007 @ 07:34:07 PM
Script :
Referrer :
Classname : vb_database
10-16-2007, 03:52 AM
Elenna, the error in the SQL is right here:
u.avatarid, , userfield.field8
There is no column specified between u.avatarid and userfield.field8. I think this has something to do with your custom modification, because I cannot reproduce this problem using the unmodified version on my forums.
Bah, you chose the wrong server! ;) Too bad, would have been fun to adventure with a vB coding god. LOL
Far from a god. I am but a pattawan learner, as it were ;)
10-17-2007, 02:11 AM
Thanks so much. I did get an additional , in there in my code.
Thank you for the second pair of eyes. I'm sorry to bug you!!
This now works :)
I'm not sure if this is your design, or something in vB... but now that I can see the event, is it supposed to show both events (the holiday and the RSVP event) on the same page? This only happens when I view the Holiday. When I click on the RSVP event, I only see the event, not the holiday.
See this link:
10-18-2007, 01:54 AM
'm not sure if this is your design, or something in vB... but now that I can see the event, is it supposed to show both events (the holiday and the RSVP event) on the same page? This only happens when I view the Holiday. When I click on the RSVP event, I only see the event, not the holiday.
If you click on an event from the month or week view, you should only see the event you clicked on. That is default vBulletin behavior. If you click on a day, or I suppose a holiday, you'll see everything that is scheduled for that day.
10-18-2007, 02:09 AM
Thanks for the reply! I was thinking that that is probably the default behavior. The bummer is that is shows the RSVP form for the event on that day, which is confusing to folks, but that certainly isn't your fault!
i just upgraded from vb 3.6.3 to the latest release and all of the rsvp's that people had previously posted are gone.
any ideas?
thanks in advance for your help.
10-22-2007, 03:17 AM
Great hack! Very useful in my forum.
Except I too need a custom user field instead of avatar.
Could we maybe use the guests field?
10-23-2007, 11:20 AM
Is there a possibility of adding a way to manually add an individual to the RSVP list by username?
11-05-2007, 12:01 AM
I'm continuing to have a problem with RSVP's on ranged events (the response to the first day of the event carries through for all instances of the event). Any help on how to fix this? And if there isn't a fix is there a way to simply disable the ranged events so that they can't be used that way, and thus force my users to put in the events individually?
I run a mommy group with lots of playdates (many of them weekly events) and it's really messing up the planning to have the incorrect reponses posting.
Thanks for your help and a great mod!
11-06-2007, 09:57 PM
This is awesome.
11-09-2007, 05:20 PM
This is a brilliant mod and it works great for me, but I have one question. I'd really like the first entry in the thread (the calendar entry) to look the same as the other entries (the forum posts).
I have custom fields in my forum postbit so I need to find a way to get those custom fields to show up in the calendar entry.
Does anyone know how I can get custom fields to appear? (For example, in the postbit template I just type $post[field7] - how can I get that same data to show up in the calendar template?)
Thanks in advance.
11-11-2007, 03:37 PM
You're posting in the wrong modification section. This mod is completely separate from vB Event Forums, which is what turns an "event" into a "thread". As for the custom fields, you'd probably have to add a query to grab them, although since the Event Forums turns the calendar into a normal forum, the $post field method should work? I guess not though.
Can you share the old contents of the calendar_update_complete plugin, or whatever used to update the RSVPs when you change the event date? I'm currently trying to reverse it, and the easy part was stopping the deletion of the RSVPs, but now I'm trying to recreate the update query to set them to the right date (they still disappear when I change the date, but reappear when I change it back)
Nevermind, I got it changed the way I want it. I even added an automated PM informing members of a date change. :)
11-23-2007, 10:49 PM
This mod doesnt work for me at all... the rsvp form never shows up, even after I add it to the calendar_showeventsbit.
I also have vbEventsForum mod installed, if that matters. Is there anyway to get this to work with the vbEvents Forum?
11-23-2007, 10:51 PM
I also have vbEventsForum mod installed, if that matters.
You need the integration hack. This hack will not work without it.
11-24-2007, 03:43 AM
Where do I get this integration hack?
11-28-2007, 05:20 PM
Where do I get this integration hack?
See the "Add ons" section of the release post at the top of this page. The first link is for the integration mod.
11-29-2007, 09:51 AM
For the events that I post, you have to go to both days. How can I set this up to RSVP all days of a ranged event?
11-30-2007, 04:18 PM
Is this MOD still supported? If so, I really need to know the answer to my first question and I have 1 more.
I only have 1 calendar on my forum. This calendar needs to be viewable by everyone...registered users, guests, etc. However, I have a custom usergroup (Judges). I only want that usergroup to be able to RSVP to the events. Is this possible?
11-30-2007, 05:15 PM
OK. I figured out the second one. In calendar_showeventsbit, I replaced $rsvp_form with
<if condition="is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, 6, 9, 10)">
If you need this, just replace the numbers (6,9,10) with your usergroup IDs.
I still would like to know how to make it RSVP for ALL days of a multi-day event.
12-01-2007, 01:04 AM
Ive just had a member of my forum ask this:
I am getting very very bored with typing up a response to an interesting thread that relates to a past event and when I submit it I get an error message saying :
Invalid Event please contact administrator
Is it just me?
Apparently a few others get this message as well.
Any ideas what may be casuing this?
12-05-2007, 02:41 AM
Ive just had a member of my forum ask this:
Apparently a few others get this message as well.
Any ideas what may be casuing this?
I had this same problem as well -- apparantly once the event is in the past, only moderators may post to the event. I solved the problem by changing the option to close the rsvp (by leaving it open everyone can still participate in the discussion on the past event).
12-05-2007, 02:49 AM
For ranged and recurring events, members are able to RSVP for a single day of the event. So, if the recurring event occurs every Monday, your members can RSVP separately for each recurrence. For ranged events that span more than one day, members can sign up for individual days of the event. Thus, if the event had a duration of 5 days, a member could signup for only one or two of the days, if he chose.
I am not finding this to be the case -- is there a setting I need to check on?
On my forum, however your RSVP to the first in the series of events carries through for all of the events, and if you change it on a later event it changes the first event and the whole series.
When I click on the name of someone that has sign up for an event I get an error instead of going to their cp. (ERROR 404 - PAGE NOT FOUND)
And the Avatar does not show up.
Your other hack works. I do see a person yes at the bottom of the CP.
12-06-2007, 07:35 PM
EZD - what link it is trying to ponit you to, when clicking on a user's name?
It is pointing to member.php?u=1
For my CP
And image.php?u=3&dateline=1195097556
For my Avatar
12-06-2007, 09:53 PM
Compare the link to your profile to the link it's giving you - what is the difference between them?
12-06-2007, 11:11 PM
For the events that I post, you have to go to both days. How can I set this up to RSVP all days of a ranged event?
Is this MOD still supported? If so, I really need to know the answer to my first question and I have 1 more.
Reproducible, documented bugs are supported. I do not personally support any customization, but other members who use the mod may be able to help. As far as your first question, it was designed to RSVP to individual days, not the whole event. It is possible to change, and if you would like to have it customized, I am available for freelance contract work.
Easy check
Pointing to
Should be
Where do I add forum/
Not a coder.
OK I think I got it
In the code for
I added red. Can someone tell me if that is good. It did fix the CP link problem.
<if condition="!$vboptions[rah_rsvp_showavatar]">
<li><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/forum/member.php?u=$rsvp[userid]">$rsvp[username]</a>
<if condition="$rsvp_mod"> [<a href="calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=$eventinfo[eventid]&rsvp_remove=$rsvp[userid]&day=$rsvp_day">$vbphrase[remove]</a>]</if>
<if condition="$vboptions[rah_rsvp_showrsvpdate]"> [$rsvp[rsvp_date_user]]</if>
<if condition="$rsvp[guests]==1 AND $eventinfo[rsvp_max_guests]"><i> + $rsvp[guests] $vbphrase[calendar_rsvp_guest]</i></if>
<if condition="$rsvp[guests]>1 AND $eventinfo[rsvp_max_guests]"><i> + $rsvp[guests] $vbphrase[calendar_rsvp_guests]</i></if>
<if condition="$rsvp[comment] AND $maxlength"> - <i>$rsvp[comment]</i></if></li>
<else />
<td valign="top" align="left"><li><if condition="$showavatar"><img align="left" src="$avatarurl"></li></if></td>
<td valign="top" align="left">
<a href="$vboptions[bburl]/forum/member.php?u=$rsvp[userid]">$rsvp[username]</a>
<if condition="$rsvp_mod">[<a href="calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=$eventinfo[eventid]&rsvp_remove=$rsvp[userid]&day=$rsvp_day">$vbphrase[remove]</a>] </if>
<if condition="$rsvp[guests]==1 AND $eventinfo[rsvp_max_guests]"><i> + $rsvp[guests] $vbphrase[calendar_rsvp_guest]</i></if>
<if condition="$rsvp[guests]>1 AND $eventinfo[rsvp_max_guests]"><i> + $rsvp[guests] $vbphrase[calendar_rsvp_guests]</i></if>
<if condition="$vboptions[rah_rsvp_showrsvpdate]"><b>[$rsvp[rsvp_date_user]]</b><br></if>
<if condition="$rsvp[comment] AND $maxlength"><i>$rsvp[comment]</i></if>
12-11-2007, 01:31 AM
Reproducible, documented bugs are supported. I do not personally support any customization, but other members who use the mod may be able to help. As far as your first question, it was designed to RSVP to individual days, not the whole event. It is possible to change, and if you would like to have it customized, I am available for freelance contract work.
Farcaster, I think this is a great modification...
I know NOTHING about coding at all -- so have not in any way tried to customize the mod, but I am having a reproducible bug in that when an event is repeated over a series of days, the user can NOT RSVP to each date separately. It is my understanding that they are supposed to be able to.
What happens instead is that while the dates appear on each distinct day of the calendar, the subsequent events only point back to the first date and response, not to their own thread.
Obviously something is wrong, and I'd really love to get this problem fixed. I would really like it to be able to respond to the individual days as it was apparently designed to do.
12-11-2007, 01:56 AM
If that worked, that should be just fine! It looks like one of your config settings is set to your home page, while your forum (with the RSVPs) are in /forum/
OK I think I got it
In the code for
I added red. Can someone tell me if that is good. It did fix the CP link problem.
12-11-2007, 02:39 AM
A specific example of what happens... I set up a ranged "test event" to happen every monday between 2 and 3 am. Starting Dec 10 and going through to Dec 31.
On December 10 I select yes.
Then when I click on the event on the Dec. 24th calendar, it ALREADY shows that I have RSVP'd yes and the RSVP reads:
For 12-10-2007, You RSVP'd: Yes
You may change your RSVP status below.
Yes Maybe No
If I change the RSVP to No -- it changes it on the 10th. For whatever reason the additional events CAN NOT be rsvp'd to individually as the hack says they can -- at least not on my site.
Back again! :)
I had to uninstall and then install again. Everything is working good but on the members CP before there would be a list of RSVP events, that does not show up anymore, did I do something? or forget something? Talking about a list of RSVP events on at the bottom of each members CP page. I like that a lot and want it back. Help! :confused:
12-19-2007, 07:46 PM
Maybe you need to reinstall this hack again:
12-23-2007, 12:50 PM
will this work in 3.6.7?
12-23-2007, 06:28 PM
No idea. 3.7 hasn't gone gold yet, and I won't be testing it in that version until it does.
12-24-2007, 03:27 AM
I think you mean 3.7
12-24-2007, 03:34 AM
Heh. Yes. That's what I get for making posts late at night ;)
12-30-2007, 02:09 PM
A specific example of what happens... I set up a ranged "test event" to happen every monday between 2 and 3 am. Starting Dec 10 and going through to Dec 31.
On December 10 I select yes.
Then when I click on the event on the Dec. 24th calendar, it ALREADY shows that I have RSVP'd yes and the RSVP reads:
For 12-10-2007, You RSVP'd: Yes
You may change your RSVP status below.
Yes Maybe No
If I change the RSVP to No -- it changes it on the 10th. For whatever reason the additional events CAN NOT be rsvp'd to individually as the hack says they can -- at least not on my site.
Hmmm... I guess I'm not going to get a response to this at all ? :confused:
01-05-2008, 05:14 AM
Well, I believe that I figured out the problem for anyone else who may be experiencing it... since I also have the vB events mod installed, that mod only creates ONE thread per calendar entry, so all of the occurrences are combined in one discussion thread, which causes the event attendance to NOT work for a recurring event. It causes only the FIRST instance of a recurring event to be updated for the entire series.
01-14-2008, 09:27 PM
I did the same thing and I was wondering why it doesn't work.
Oh well, time to make a batch of events.
01-18-2008, 04:55 PM
Quick question about RSVP times. If someone RSVPs "Maybe" and then updates it to "Yes", it changes their time to when they updated their RSVP. Would it be possible to keep the time as the original time they RSVPd "Maybe"?
01-25-2008, 02:25 PM
Can anyone tell me what the following means when someone gets a reminder email:
Scheduled Start Date: January 26th, 2008 (13905 Days)
I know that the first part is the date of the event but what is the "13905 Days" part?
01-26-2008, 03:12 AM
I have this weird bug and I quite don't know how to explain it:
When I click on the event be it with a test account or my admin account, it shows just fine.
But when some specific users click on the same event, it shows as being closed with a whole different list of attendees.
I peeked in the DB and there's no trace of those users being registered to this event, so i'm quite puzzled.
Apparemtly it's linked to timezones. I live in australia and thus set up the event accordingly to my timezone for sunday. But for US people, the event is on a saturday evening and for some reason they can't register, as if the event wouldn't know the difference between 0 and 1 day.
Also the server is based in Australia, so tht might be the source of this issue?
01-26-2008, 04:21 AM
Ok, that's completely irrational, and I've no idea what's going on with my install of this mod.
If I set up an expiration date through the admin options, half of the attendees can't see the other half, depending on their timezone.
Also expiration date is off by one day (before)/ one week (after) still depending on your timezone.
If I create an event without an expiration date, but activate it afterwards, it works just fine.
01-31-2008, 07:54 PM
Can someone help with a problem please ? I've just installed this on 3.6.8 and it works fine other than my users are having a 'Style' issue when they view the events.
Yup, that works!
Except its in a different 'skin' colour scheme, to which all pages change to when I navigate away, so then have to change back!
Any ideas ?
The link to the calendar event opens up in a new window in the style that others aren't using.
01-31-2008, 09:48 PM
Quick Reply is not working for Events Thread. I get the below error
The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 1 characters.
02-01-2008, 02:19 PM
Quick Reply is not working for Events Thread. I get the below error
I have the same problem. But I'm not sure if it is this mod, or the Event Forums mod.
I edited the template to remove the Quick Reply box in our calendar forum.
02-01-2008, 08:20 PM
I have the same problem. But I'm not sure if it is this mod, or the Event Forums mod.
I edited the template to remove the Quick Reply box in our calendar forum.
yeah, im not sure where the problem comes from either :(
02-08-2008, 09:33 PM
how hard is it to adjust this mod to change it from having options yes no and maybe, to Entrant, Spectator, no
Ronin Storm
02-13-2008, 09:46 PM
I've been having no end of headaches trying to figure out the following problem but I've finally found a resolution.
I have Event Attendance, Event Forums and the bridge installed on my vB3.6.8pl2 board.
When I post using quick reply from a threaded-mode view to an event whose RSVPs have closed, I get the following message:
Invalid Event specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
This does not happen when replying from linear mode, via quick reply or not.
After lots of investigation, false starts, long pauses and just ignoring it, I've discovered the following in version 1.2.1, in the calendar_rsvp_form template.
<input type="submit" class="button" value="$vbphrase[submit]" />
<if condition="$expires[0]<0">
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<tr><td class="alt2" align="center" valign="center" height="75"><font size="2"><b>$vbphrase[calendar_rsvp_closed]</b></font></td></tr>
Notice the </form> tag? That's the closing tag for a form opened at the top of this template, except the form was opened outside of the if block. When RSVPs close, the closing form tag is lost.
The easy resolution is to change the block above to the following:
<input type="submit" class="button" value="$vbphrase[submit]" />
<if condition="$expires[0]<0">
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<tr><td class="alt2" align="center" valign="center" height="75"><font size="2"><b>$vbphrase[calendar_rsvp_closed]</b></font></td></tr>
The reason this does not affect linear mode posters is because the posting is done via AJAX. However, for threaded-mode users the posts are actually POSTed. Normally, they'd be posted off to the newreply.php script correctly but because a form block further up isn't close, the submit information for the quick reply block now believes its supposed to be posting to calendar.php. That'd be fine, except that the action "newpost" is not recognised by calendar.php so it eventually falls back to its default action of posting an error. Also, because none of the rest of the body in calendar.php is called, none of the calendar hooks fire (fortunately, otherwise this would have been impossible to debug) so the hook that forcibly forwards the user to the thread for that event (Event Forums functionality) doesn't fire.
But all this is ultimately caused by a misplaced </form> tag inside the Event Attendance code. Hence the bug report/solution here.
Hope that helps. :)
02-14-2008, 01:37 AM
I've been having no end of headaches trying to figure out the following problem but I've finally found a resolution.....
But all this is ultimately caused by a misplaced </form> tag inside the Event Attendance code. Hence the bug report/solution here.
Hope that helps. :)
THANK YOU!!!!!!!! This fixed the "Invalid Event ID" issue I was having with trying to delete selected posts from event threads. *bows*
Farcaster - would you mind editing your initial post to point to this fix? And possibly update this for next release?
02-21-2008, 04:31 PM
THANK YOU!!!!!!!! This fixed the "Invalid Event ID" issue I was having with trying to delete selected posts from event threads. *bows*
Farcaster - would you mind editing your initial post to point to this fix? And possibly update this for next release?
Elenna, I don't have any permissions to edit posts in this thread, other than my own. As to a new release, actually I was planning one for the new 3.7 version of vBulletin. It will probably be a big rewrite to make it work a little better and be a little more modular.
02-22-2008, 02:18 AM
Sorry, I meant update your first post to point to Ronin Storm's fix. I didn't mean to be unclear!
Thanks for the work you do on this!
02-23-2008, 11:50 PM
I am getting the following error message when I try to install your mod:
XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at Line 1
No one else seems to have had this problem, so I assume I am not doing something right. (This is my first time installing a mod). Any suggestions?
02-27-2008, 05:00 PM
Figured out my above problem by doing a search on that phrase.
Anyway, I LOVE this mod, but I am there a way to have an option where the person who posts can set a limit on the number of people who can RSVP "yes"?
02-29-2008, 04:40 PM
Has anyone had issues with this MOD when upgrading to vB 3.7?
03-03-2008, 08:30 AM
Elenna, I don't have any permissions to edit posts in this thread, other than my own. As to a new release, actually I was planning one for the new 3.7 version of vBulletin. It will probably be a big rewrite to make it work a little better and be a little more modular.Looking forward to this, because atm the RSVP does not seem to work on vb3.7, esp not when used with the event threads.
03-03-2008, 06:57 PM
Love this, thanks! Installed an update!
03-11-2008, 07:18 PM
Quick question - how difficult would be be to add in a "Attended" option, where the 'moderator' of the event (the same one that has Remove abilities) could check off who actually attended the event, and then their attendance would be stored in the database so that report could be run?
03-18-2008, 04:33 AM
I too am interested in running this on 3.7 (beta 6). Has anyone successfully used it? Also, Farcaster, any estimate on the next release?
03-18-2008, 01:39 PM
I'm still very interested to know if an RSVP limit could be added. It would be really nice if it had the functionality to automatically close once a certain number (determined by the poster) was reached.
03-18-2008, 08:02 PM
Elenna, I don't have any permissions to edit posts in this thread, other than my own. As to a new release, actually I was planning one for the new 3.7 version of vBulletin. It will probably be a big rewrite to make it work a little better and be a little more modular.
let me know as soon as this is updated to 3.7 and i'll send a donation.
03-27-2008, 01:14 PM
GREAT add On- Installed and loving it! Thanks!
03-27-2008, 09:32 PM
let me know as soon as this is updated to 3.7 and i'll send a donation.
Not sure if this helps, but on my test system (3.7 RC1) this works just fine.
04-11-2008, 07:15 PM
He guys Im running into some issues ... I had this installed along with the vB Event Forums, and the e-mail notification ... I then screwed up and uploaded the vB Event Forums, plugin again and when I did it created a double posting situtation. I looked every where in the code to find that was the cause and couldnt find it. So to fix the issue I uninstalled all three products and started fresh. I reinstalled the vB Event Forums and tested to see if I was still getting the double post error and its gone, I then installed this again, but now its not showing up! WTF! im pulling my hair out over here. It was working fine before! I check and double check the config under VBoptions and everything is set up correctly I even double checked the calendar_showeventsbit template and the "$rsvp_form" is in the correct spot. Im clueless to why this isnt working.
BTW I just realized that I didnt tell you guys whats not working. The RSVP is showing in the VBoptions panel, all the templates are there, when you go to add a new event the RSVP options are on the bottom but when you save the event the RSVP system isnt showing up when you view the thread.
NM Im a retard and forgot to reinstall this:
04-14-2008, 07:55 PM
I'm having an issue. Is this normal? I went to edit the time on one of the events I posted, but after I did that, it erased all my RSVPs! I would assume this is some kind of glitch, right? Or can you not edit an event that already has RSVPs?
04-23-2008, 06:44 PM
All, please be aware that this modification is not currently compatible with vBulletion version 3.6.10 and 3.7.0 RC 4 due to the changes that were made to address cross site scripting. I will put out out a maintenance release to address this as soon as possible.
04-23-2008, 07:42 PM
All, please be aware that this modification is not currently compatible with vBulletion version 3.6.10 and 3.7.0 RC 4 due to the changes that were made to address cross site scripting. I will put out out a maintenance release to address this as soon as possible.
Thank you!
I was gutted when I went to test it and it didnt work. So pleased to see your going to be releasing an update :)
Wobbly Goblin
04-25-2008, 08:18 PM
All, please be aware that this modification is not currently compatible with vBulletion version 3.6.10 and 3.7.0 RC 4 due to the changes that were made to address cross site scripting. I will put out out a maintenance release to address this as soon as possible.
Thanks Farcaster, mine doesn't work either...disabled for now.
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched.
If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
04-25-2008, 09:22 PM
All, please be aware that this modification is not currently compatible with vBulletion version 3.6.10 and 3.7.0 RC 4 due to the changes that were made to address cross site scripting. I will put out out a maintenance release to address this as soon as possible.
Just to note this is the error you get when you try to install.
XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at Line 1
04-25-2008, 10:47 PM
All, please be aware that this modification is not currently compatible with vBulletion version 3.6.10 and 3.7.0 RC 4 due to the changes that were made to address cross site scripting. I will put out out a maintenance release to address this as soon as possible.
Thank you Robert. Your mod is heavily used on my forum. Wish I had checked here before I upgraded to 3.6.10. Live and learn I guess. Looking forward to your update.
Wobbly Goblin
04-26-2008, 07:30 AM
Great news! Zero Tolerance wrote a nice little hack that fixed the problem I was having with the Event Attendance & Personal Notepad mods. Check it out --> Link (
04-26-2008, 02:10 PM
Great news! Zero Tolerance wrote a nice little hack that fixed the problem I was having with the Event Attendance & Personal Notepad mods. Check it out --> Link (
Unfortunately, after I installed that mod on my 3.7 RC4 board it broke the notices feature (so now I get a security token error when editing or adding a notice). So that's not a perfect fix.
It did fix the RSVP issues, but at the cost of other functionality. :(
04-26-2008, 03:03 PM
Hope to see a 3.7 RC4 version soon, this is one of the best VB MODS.
Wobbly Goblin
04-26-2008, 05:31 PM
Boofo wrote these instructions for fixing the 3.6.10 problems we're all having with this mod. Worked great for me!
In the "Event Attendance"
<input type="hidden" name="e" value="$eventinfo[eventid]" />
BELOW it add:
<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
04-26-2008, 06:01 PM
Boofo wrote these instructions for fixing the 3.6.10 problems we're all having with this mod. Worked great for me!
Is that a php file or a template?
steven s
04-26-2008, 09:21 PM
Is that a php file or a template?I thought it was
calendar_showeventsbit, but the mod still doesn't work.
Wobbly Goblin
04-26-2008, 10:01 PM
I thought it was
calendar_showeventsbit, but the mod still doesn't work.
Download the original zip file from above. Open the "xml" file (I used the WITHOUT_IMPORTER version) and search for:
<input type="hidden" name="e" value="$eventinfo[eventid]" />
BELOW it add:
<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
Then save and import writing over the original.
It worked for me! ;)
04-27-2008, 04:42 AM
Download the original zip file from above. Open the "xml" file (I used the WITHOUT_IMPORTER version) and search for:
<input type="hidden" name="e" value="$eventinfo[eventid]" />
BELOW it add:
<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
Then save and import writing over the original.
It worked for me! ;)
Well, I tried it and it works for existing events on the calendar, but will no longer add the RSVP fields to any NEW events. :(
04-27-2008, 04:51 AM
That shouldn't have any affect on that at all. Are you sure you added it in the right place?
04-27-2008, 05:57 AM
That shouldn't have any affect on that at all. Are you sure you added it in the right place?
Well, no, I'm not sure (I'm not a coder)... but I did a search for the character string listed in the post and added the stated text after it. Then I saved it and uploaded it.
It worked for existing RSVP's but new events don't show the rsvp at all.
Initially, it also lost the event forums (I run both), but I reinstalled the integration and that worked.
I guess I just need to be patient and wait for Farcaster to get a chance to update the mod.
steven s
04-27-2008, 10:05 AM
It worked for me! ;)Thanks.
That did the trick. :up:
04-27-2008, 10:39 AM
The change needs to be made to the calendar_rsvp_form template. Near the top. Make sure you ADD:
<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
...and not replace any of the existing input fields.
04-27-2008, 02:35 PM
unfortunately it is still not working for me... these are the first few lines of my calendar_rsvp_form template
<form action="calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=$eventinfo[eventid]&day=$rsvp_day" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="getinfo" />
<input type="hidden" name="cdo" value="rsvp" /> <input type="hidden" name="day" value="$rsvp_day" />
<input type="hidden" name="e" value="$eventinfo[eventid]" />
<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="" />
<if condition="$bbuserinfo['userid'] AND $expires[0]>=0">
04-29-2008, 10:10 AM
thanks for the fixes, everyone else :) am looking forward to the maintence releases though.
04-30-2008, 01:13 AM
I'm not trying to be pushy, but was wondering if we knew a time frame for the maintenance release? Are we looking days, weeks or months?
Thanks for a great hack, it is very important to my forums.
Ted S
04-30-2008, 05:51 AM
Working fine on 3.7 with the securityhash fix. Thanks!
05-02-2008, 09:21 AM
Will the next release be compatible with 3.6.10 ?
05-02-2008, 01:14 PM
Download the original zip file from above. Open the "xml" file (I used the WITHOUT_IMPORTER version) and search for:
<input type="hidden" name="e" value="$eventinfo[eventid]" />
BELOW it add:
<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
Then save and import writing over the original.
It worked for me! ;)
This fixes the cookie security issue. Thanks! :up: :up:
05-02-2008, 08:43 PM
How does one get Custom Profile fields to display next to someone that has RSVP'd?
05-02-2008, 10:00 PM
Working fine on 3.7 with the securityhash fix. Thanks!
Sorry to be so clueless. can you point me to the security hash fix? I am running 3.7 and really need this rsvp thing.
but just to clarify, i just download the zip from above and add the security hash fix and it will work?
Ted S
05-03-2008, 04:04 AM
Sorry to be so clueless. can you point me to the security hash fix? I am running 3.7 and really need this rsvp thing.
05-03-2008, 12:09 PM
Thank you! :o
05-03-2008, 12:43 PM
NM...figured it out.
05-03-2008, 06:24 PM
I'm not sure if anyone has run into this problem, but this is currently messing up some folks who are in different time zones. It looks like it's in how the URL is handled when it adjusts to the person's time zone.
I run a guild web site, and we use this mod to have people RSVP for raids and other events. We do have two members who are in Sweden, but most of our members are in the USA.
We have an event scheduled for today (5/3/08), starting at 6PM CST. For our members in Sweden, that translates to 1am on 5/4/08.
The link for our USA members is:/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=290&day=2008-5-3&c=1
The link for our Swedish people is: /calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=290&day=2008-5-4&c=1
Because of that, it looks like it is treating the different links as different events. The Swedish folks see the same thread commentary, but no RSVPs from our USA folks. The USA folks don't see the RSVPs from our Swedish folks.
05-03-2008, 11:10 PM
Please can somone let me know if this works on 3.6.10 ?
05-04-2008, 05:08 AM
Please can somone let me know if this works on 3.6.10 ?
The update notification I received says this:
With the recent release of vBulletin 3.6.10 and 3.7.0, there is a new layer of protection for preventing cross site scripting attacks. This protection scheme caused the Event Attendance modification to fail when members attempted to RSVP to an event. To fix this, I have made a small maintenance release. If you are or will be using version 3.6.10 or 3.7, you need to download and update to version 1.2.2 of this modification.
So I would assume "Yes".
05-04-2008, 08:32 AM
awsome news, thanks :)
05-04-2008, 11:48 AM
Thank You!!
05-04-2008, 11:52 AM
Awesome and Thanks...
05-07-2008, 09:03 AM
I'm close to finishing up a rather major update to the Attendance modification, so be on the lookout for a new version in the next couple of days. This will be posted in the 3.7 section, but I expect it to be fully compatible with 3.6.x as well. Here is a summary of the coming changes in the new version:
Greatly improved handling of differing timezones. Hopefully, much of the problems you may have been seeing with time zone issues, etc, will be resolved now.
Configurable response options.. You won't be stuck with Yes, No, Maybe. You can setup whatever responses you want.
When events are updated, RSVPs will not be deleted unless the event moved to a different day, or the end date of a ranged or recurring event was shortened. Changing the recurring options will still automatically delete the associated RSVPs.
The ability to suppress RSVP deletions on event update entirely, if you wish, although this isn't recommended.
You can now specify a maximum number of attendees for an event. After the maximum is reached, you can configure members to either receive an error or have their response (RSVP) automatically changed to something else. This could be used to create a wait-list bucket, for instance. There won't be any automated system to move members from the wait-list if a space becomes available in this revision, however.
The time stamp on the RSVP is no longer changed unless the member when the member simply updates his comments. The date will only be changed if the member changes from one response to another (i.e. Yes to No).Those changes represent many of the requests that were previously made on this thread. Are there any other quick-win / easy changes that anyone else would like to see?
Thank you all for your patience. As I said, you should be seeing a new version released within the next few days or so.
05-07-2008, 01:24 PM
Amazing work Farcaster :) very glad to see you working on it again! The timezone bug was a big issue for my lot who straddle two different timezones ><
I use your modification to handle sign up for game raids, so the ability to make a wait bucket to begin with would be awesome
So our statuss would be
'Approved for Invite' - editable by event maker only (so part of your max attendees)
'Available' - editable by all users
'Back up or might not be able to come' - editable by all users
'Not available' - editable by all users
Would that be possible? We can cope/live without it as we have so far by putting final line ups in the body of the event :)
otherwise big thumbs up!
Is there a way to set RSVP permissions? I want some users to be able to view the event but not RSVP to it.
05-08-2008, 12:23 PM
Is there a way to set RSVP permissions? I want some users to be able to view the event but not RSVP to it.
You could set up a conditional to not display the rsvp form for certain usergroups.
You could set up a conditional to not display the rsvp form for certain usergroups.
I have no idea how to do that.
05-08-2008, 10:46 PM
I have no idea how to do that.
Check out this article:
What you'd want to do is make note of your usergroup numbers in the Usergroup Manager.
Then edit the template and "around" the $rsvp_form (that you added when installing), put this:
<if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 6, 13)">
That will hide the RSVP form from everyone except people in the 6 and 13 usergroups.
If you wanted to show another message, instead of just hiding it, you'd do this:
<if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 6, 13)">
<else />
You are not authorized to RSVP for this event.
Works great. I'm still learning the in & outs of vb coding. That worked great.
05-09-2008, 09:37 AM
A BETA version 2.0 is now available in the 3.7 modification area.
05-30-2008, 02:05 PM
06-05-2008, 02:28 PM
I have an event up right now that says RSVP's have closed, even though the event isn't until tonight at 10PM.
I made sure that there wasn't any time int he "Close RSVP's this amount of time before event" and everything. Hrm...
06-12-2008, 06:02 PM
I love this hack! Is there any way to add a feature that starts a thread for each calendar posting. My Calendar is ignored a lot because those posting in it forget to start a thread about their events?
06-12-2008, 07:31 PM
I am getting this error when trying to add an event to my calendar:
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched.
If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
What do I need to do to fix this?
I'm having the same problem. I tried to add <input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
(altough it was already in the .xml) but that didn't do the trick.
Error occurs when i press the save event-button. I'm using version 1.1.2 and vbulletin 3.7.0
In case other people are looking for a workaround:
I fixed my problem with this hack:
06-24-2008, 10:38 PM
In case other people are looking for a workaround:
I fixed my problem with this hack:
Thank you!
08-21-2008, 02:13 PM
Hi Farcaster!
First of all, great mod. It works perfectly for what I am using it for (LAN party).
I do have a question that I'm hoping someone can help me out with.
The mod installed successfully, and it works fine. However, on the admin side, I am unable to sort by RSVP date or Username. Here is a screenshot of what I see:
(click for a clearer pic)
Any help in getting this corrected would be greatly appreciated!!!
Was this ever solved for 3.5.5 forums? Didn't see a resolution and I'm still not able to sort.
Ted S
08-21-2008, 08:34 PM
Farcaster, one request for your next update of this addon (or the 2.0 version if you're not longer updating this...). Given how extensive of an addon this has become, it would be great to get some hooks added to your code, mainly in the 'rsvp' function so we can add other functions to make use of the RSVP data.
Again, great addon... can't wait for 2.0 to work with all the other fun tools so I can upgrade. :D
09-15-2008, 12:55 PM
Okay... only 1 complaint about this mod...
If I ever change the time of an event (say, only move it 1 hour forward or back), the entire RSVPs for that event get wiped out. I dont need this feature, and its problematic for me. Is there any way to disable this?
Also getting a weird template error (no uncached template name)
Page generated in 0.51526 seconds with 39 queries (1 queries for uncached templates) [Server Loads: 0.84 : 0.31 : 0.21]
Uncached templates: (1)
09-15-2008, 03:58 PM
I could see why wiping the RSVPs would be by design - they wouldn't want to assume that everyone would be available at the new time. I won't be of any help with trying to stop it from doing that; however. :(
09-15-2008, 08:15 PM
Yes, I didnt say it was a bug... I know its programmed that way by design... I just want to turn it off... and since I need the vbEvents integration, i cant upgrade to 2.0 of this mod (which has the ability to turn it off).
10-02-2008, 07:51 PM
This is a great mod and really makes the calendar much more useful.
I would need to update the link to the userprofile for the people who responded as I'm using a different userID query on my site.
Does anyone know where this can be changed as I couldn't find it in the template code?
Actually, it is easy, was just looking in the wrong template. The way to display the members attending is defined in the calendar_rsvp_bit template
10-16-2008, 01:23 PM
Since V2 beta has never come out of beta and does not work with the other events hacks, I would be interested to learn if this events integration works with vbulletin 3.7.3
Has anyone tried this on vb 3.7.3?
11-23-2008, 05:50 AM
We are in the middle of installing this featore on our forum
We would like to tweak the 3 options from
Yes, Maybe and No to Entrant, Spectator and Not Attending.
This i think i can do, but the other thing we wanna do is because there is a plan that we will be getting a lot of responses, we dont want to havea massive list with all the comments, just the link being the username, the members avatar and under there category of going or not.
And run these in a few rows/ columns to make it not such a long list.
can someone help how to do this please
thank you
12-12-2008, 04:29 AM
I have gotten this to work on our forum. Below are the steps i took
vBulletin version : 3.7.3
NOTE: I have vB Events already install from previous version of vBulletin.
Step0 : I uninstalled both products below.
Step1 : Re-Installed Farcaster's Event Attendance 1.2.1
Step2 : Re-Installed Farcaster's Event Attendance & Event Forums Add-On 1.1.1
Step3 : Only If you get an error about "securitytoken". Follow the instructions on this post.
Here's mine below. (just made it the last line)
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="getinfo" />
<input type="hidden" name="cdo" value="rsvp" />
<input type="hidden" name="day" value="$rsvp_day" />
<input type="hidden" name="e" value="$eventinfo[eventid]" />
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />
Hope this helps some of you. Goodluck!
02-09-2009, 01:26 AM
I also got this to work in 3.8...
02-09-2009, 08:30 AM
Thank you very much.
Since the plugins were already installed before our recent VB update, I followed the info in Elenna's post.
We are running VB version 3.7.4.
04-04-2009, 06:39 PM
yep, with <input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" /> it now works in 3.8.2 :)
04-25-2009, 11:16 PM
getting this error when users try to RSVP:
Fatal error: Call to a member function shareads() on a non-object in /home/darkstarr/domains/ : eval()'d code on line 15
Here's what line 5721 looks like:
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('global_complete')) ? eval($hook) : false;
annnd line 15 is blank..
Gonna take a looksy and read the thread.. otherwise all your event related mods are great :)
04-28-2009, 03:14 AM
reinstalled, works.. sorry.
06-06-2009, 10:06 PM
I realize that this feature is added in the new version of this mod, but I am not prepared to install the new version yet.
Does anyone know how to get the RSVP time to not update when someone just changes their RSVP comment? I would like it to only update when someone changes their RSVP from one option to another (Yes to No, etc).
06-14-2009, 04:00 PM
I realize that no one may know the answer to this question, but I'll ask it anyways.
I've followed and used the event attendance hack since it's inception. It was originally coded by Kentaurus, updated by arpy, and then finally updated by Farcaster. Arpy's version kept Kentaurus's database structure, so it was backwards compatible. Does Farcaster's version keep arpy and Kentaurus's database structure?
07-07-2009, 06:56 AM
Looking at the install php for Farcasters and at the original code for Kentaurus's version, the db structures are completely different.
Kent's added to the existing event table. Farcasters creates a new table called eventattendance.
Kent's seemed like it simply added a variable to the event listing indicating the user name/id and the attendance setting. Farcaster's has a field for the eventid to match with an event as well as more fields for the comment, response, and userid.
Arpy's version used the same db structure as Kent's. If Farcaster's version found Arpy's installed, it would migrate the rsvps to the new db format.
I think I'll need to upgrade to 3.5rc2 and then upgrade to 3.8.3 and install Farcasters. I wonder if uninstalling Farcasters and then installing Arpy's on 3.8.3 and then re-installing Farcaster's would work to fool Farcaster's into doing the db transition? Only one thing to do...try it.
07-07-2009, 05:10 PM
For some reason, Farcaster's install won't recognize Arpy's plugin when installed on 3.8.3. I guess I'll have to make a customized version of Farcaster's install to migrate the data.
07-15-2009, 10:25 PM
Made a custom install where I just removed the check for Arpy's version and it just migrates the db anyways.
Now, I'm trying to find a way to replace the radio buttons and submit box with a simple link. I don't need all the extra features of this plugin, so I'm trying to bring it back to the way Arpy's plugin worked, except this one integrates with event forums.
Anyone know how to change the forms submission into a link?
08-07-2009, 09:50 AM
I had problems so I reinstalled, it's working now except...
The Administration group can't see it! I thought it was still broke and then saw a member saying he did the RSVP...made a new account and there it is. Sign in as me and I can't see it....heck even guest can see it. :(
Anyone know why a certian usergroup cannot see the RSVP form?
ON EDIT: It seems that I amd the only one who can't see it. I made a test screen name and saw it fine, removed me from admin and still couldn't see the RSVP forum.
Help!! lol
08-07-2009, 02:29 PM
Works on 3.83?
08-08-2009, 02:41 PM
I believe this was fixed in a previous version of this, but I'm having an issue where a member in a European time zone is being placed on a different RSVP listing than others, as if the event he is RSVPing is on a different day (based on his time zone).
Does anyone remember how that was fixed, previously?
08-14-2009, 03:00 PM
ON EDIT: It seems that I amd the only one who can't see it. I made a test screen name and saw it fine, removed me from admin and still couldn't see the RSVP forum.
Help!! lolSounds like something funny going on with just that memberid. I'm trying to remember if you can choose which usergroups can use rsvp...been a while since I've touched my sandbox site.
08-14-2009, 03:01 PM
Works on 3.83?Yes, this will work in 3.8.3. You may find a bug in a certain situation, but everything I've tried has worked.
10-13-2009, 06:33 PM
Anyone have any problems when upgrading to Patch Level 1 on 3.8.4?
12-28-2009, 02:23 AM
Worked perfectly for me on vb 3.8.4 PL2. This mod should be default, Farcaster is a genius.
01-12-2010, 09:56 AM
Is this going 4.0? it's a great mod!
01-12-2010, 06:23 PM
Is this going 4.0? it's a great mod!I hope so. This should have been built-in to the new vb4.
04-08-2011, 08:13 AM
I hope so. This should have been built-in to the new vb4.
+1 Definetely
I'll be looking for this mod for VB4
05-08-2011, 09:23 PM
Recently I have been getting the error below. Also I noticed new events are not showing up as this product should be. They are showing up as regular threads although when starting the thread, it asks for the date and all the stuff it normally does. Anyone have any suggestions?
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.7:
Invalid SQL:
DELETE FROM moderation
WHERE type = 'thread'
AND threadid = 16235;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'threadid' in 'where clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Sunday, May 8th 2011 @ 03:14:16 PM
Error Date : Sunday, May 8th 2011 @ 03:14:16 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
05-10-2011, 11:08 AM
So when I try and add an event to my forums it works fine. If I log into a secondary account I have that is labeled as Senior Member, I can post an event no problem. However, If I log into a user's account that is just Member status, I get the above error. The web address it is trying to access is ""
Anyone have any thoughts. I checked the usergroup settings for Members and it says Yes for posting, viewing and editing events. I tried both Yes and No for moderation. I tried reimporting that product to over write the existing and still no luck.
The thread does come through as moderated for my approval. Once I approve it, it is a regular thread and not an event thread.
05-16-2011, 06:27 PM
Is this mod going to be available for 4.0?
06-05-2011, 12:52 PM
So when I try and add an event to my forums it works fine. If I log into a secondary account I have that is labeled as Senior Member, I can post an event no problem. However, If I log into a user's account that is just Member status, I get the above error. The web address it is trying to access is ""
Anyone have any thoughts. I checked the usergroup settings for Members and it says Yes for posting, viewing and editing events. I tried both Yes and No for moderation. I tried reimporting that product to over write the existing and still no luck.
The thread does come through as moderated for my approval. Once I approve it, it is a regular thread and not an event thread.
Anyone? No one on the site can post events.
06-13-2011, 06:34 PM
Are other users able to rsvp to the events you can post?
06-13-2011, 07:31 PM
Are other users able to rsvp to the events you can post?
06-13-2011, 07:48 PM
So the rsvp part of it seems to be working fine...hmmm...that means it's got to be some sort of interferance between the event forum and the rsvp plugin. Try removing all rsvp plugins and see if you can create an event.
06-22-2011, 12:50 AM
Below is an error I get when someone tries to post an event. Keep in mind, it works fine with some users:
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.7:
Invalid SQL:
DELETE FROM moderation
WHERE type = 'thread'
AND threadid = 16511;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'threadid' in 'where clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Tuesday, June 21st 2011 @ 06:47:27 PM
Error Date : Tuesday, June 21st 2011 @ 06:47:27 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
06-22-2011, 05:07 AM
Below is an error I get when someone tries to post an event. Keep in mind, it works fine with some users:Is this without rsvp installed?
06-22-2011, 11:12 AM
Is this without rsvp installed?
No it is installed because when I make a post, the RSVP system shows up. Same with some others.
06-22-2011, 02:54 PM
Disable the rsvp system and see what that does. If there's a problem with rsvp disabled/removed, then the problem is actually with the event forums plugin itself.
11-17-2011, 01:16 PM
I have an issue with recurring events. Seems that if the first instance of the event has occurred, it will not let you rsvp. I can do it fine on single events or even recurring events where the first event hasn't started yet. But if it is recurring event and the first one of the series date has passed, it won't let you register for any of them. Any ideas? Is there a work around for this or am I just missing something?
11-19-2011, 07:17 PM
Hmm...that's interesting. Have you tried editing the event, unchecking the rsvp box for the event, saving it. And then editing it again and re-checking the box?
01-18-2012, 06:11 PM
Hey everyone! Not sure if anyone has had this issue, but I am having a problem when there is more than one event for a day and I click on that day, it gives me a php fatal error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare array_prep() (previously declared in / : eval()'d code:1) in / : eval()'d code on line 5.
This only happens if there is more than one event in a single day. I can go in and remove this line of code:
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('calendar_getday_event') ) ? eval($hook) : false;
and it fixes the problem, but also removes the rsvp functionality from the events. Does anyone have any idea? This is only in day view when there is more than 1 event. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
01-18-2012, 06:45 PM
Interesting. Have you tried removing and reinstalling? I'm using the event forums version, but I don't have this problem.
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