View Full Version : Ack, I can't get rid of this hideous border!

10-13-2006, 01:09 AM
I provided screenshots.

I've tried everything, but I just can't get rid of it. If I can't get rid of it entirely, I'd atleast like to have it black.

Help appreciated.


10-15-2006, 01:36 AM
go in to the style manager and look in there, not sure where but its there,...look for that coular and change it.....rember the one you change....also you can revert it back if you fug it up./

10-15-2006, 09:49 PM
This is what they told me to do at vBulletin.com, not that I understood it.

The css for this is in the clientscript/vbulletin_editro.css file. You need to edit:

border: 2px groove;

10-15-2006, 11:07 PM
Can you post the postbit_legacy code in here. I might be able to help you (hopefully it's in the postbit legacy)

That probably under way, if not, i'll check in the Main CSS on what you need to do..