View Full Version : Contrubution Hack

04-02-2001, 05:58 PM
I'm looking for a hack that makes another line under


with Contribution:

this shows a number of good posts the user has done,
this can be posts like hacks in this forum, or other kinda

I don't really know how the progress should go,
should an admin mark a posts as valuable? and then add a Contribution credit to the topic starter..

or would it be wise to use automatically detection of valueable posts, this might be done by setting some "keywords" that need to be in a posts to make it valuable.. (I would prefer this option)

I think it will help many people out here :)

Thanks in Advance

04-02-2001, 06:03 PM
search about "karma hack" on this forum..

04-02-2001, 06:05 PM
mm, could it be modified to be a contribution hack?

04-02-2001, 06:10 PM
hehe..you saw it on my board deathload?? :p

04-02-2001, 06:11 PM
i don't really understand what you mean by "contribution".......also the system by which you rate the post is quite "nosense".....if a user know these keywords he can fill his messages of them.

You HAVE to let your users rate themselves.

04-03-2001, 08:54 AM
basicly you want it to coutn such and such post started in the forums you specify correct???

04-04-2001, 04:46 AM
If the forums are counted, there won't be a problem with the users knowing the keywords, cause all the nosense posts can be deleted by admins.