View Full Version : Need a Custom Button Set. Would anyone help me ?

10-09-2006, 03:08 PM
Like the title says, i need a buttonset for my Forum. Is there anybody out there who would do it for me ? the problem might be that i need the buttons in german, but for every non-german-speaking person i would provide the original text and the translation. I'll attach my work i tried so you can see how i want the buttons to look like. but my work it's just not professional. maybe it's possible to work with some effects or something like that. with some glass-things etc...

Border: black
Background: #0250a5
Foreground: #537bc0
Textcolor: white with a black border or shadow or sth like that

The Problem is, that i my Forum there is more of the background color than of the foreground color, so the backgroundcolor should be more that the foregroundcolor.

And i will attach the Font i want to have on the buttons. :) Hopefully someone could help me with it.

The Text on the Button should be (the englisch meaning in brackets)

NEUES THEMA (New Thread)
?NDERN (Edit)
E-MAIL (E-Mail)
SUCHE (Search)
WEITERL. (Forward)
WWW (www)
ZITAT (Quote)
ANTWORT (Quick-Reply)

All Files Here (http://www.car-base.info/yoshi/set.rar)

cu and THANKS a lot !

PS. Maybe it's possible to provide the psd files at the end ?