View Full Version : Search Engine search Term Highlighter

10-07-2006, 10:00 PM
Search Engine search Term Highlighter

This mod will also work on 3.6.0 :banana:

This mod is a search term highlighter so that when some one searches lets say Google then come up with your forum it will highlight the search terms on your forum page that they are taken to from the search engine.

It currently works with the search engines AllTheWeb, Lycos, Google, MSN and Yahoo.

1 = File upload
1 = Template edit
1 = CSS Edit

Mod Time 1-2 min?s

Screen shot has been added to this post, please not the colors of the highlight can be altered to what ever color you want the highlights, to do this please just edit your CSS Code that you add.

All instructions are within the download attached, thank you

This Mod is supported here and at MK PitStop Webmaster Forum (http://www.mkpitstop.co.uk/forum)

Thank you, please remember to click install :D .

10-08-2006, 09:25 AM
Screen shots


10-08-2006, 03:48 PM
first post :D

Thanks so much

10-08-2006, 04:39 PM
np hope it all helps :D

10-09-2006, 05:06 AM
Do you make money from this as in like adsense otherwise whats the point of it to me it looks ugly all the different colours but its cool thanks for sharing

10-13-2006, 01:42 PM
Do you make money from this as in like adsense otherwise whats the point of it to me it looks ugly all the different colours but its cool thanks for sharing

All colours can be changed to what you want, also the reason this mod can be good is that when people search in the SE's then youe website comes up and they enter it, if that page they enter is full of text and doesnt look realated to what they are looking for this mod can point out there search term keywords and help them see what parts of all the text are related to what they need.

also thanks for your thoughts :)

Harley D
12-24-2007, 04:40 PM
Instructions.txt in zip file is corrupted