View Full Version : What code so you always see the loggon screen ?

04-02-2001, 10:59 AM
I have vbb 1.1.6 (php3)

I want my users to logout automaticly when they close there browser so that they always see the loggon screen when they come to my site again.
And I want them to use cookies when there logged in (so that they don't need to fill in there username and password all the time when they want to post something)

I think you need to change something in global.php3 but I don't know what.

Please help me

04-04-2001, 07:38 AM
No one here know how to do this? :(

Nicholas Brown
04-04-2001, 10:28 AM
usergroups :p

04-04-2001, 11:27 AM
hehe..nice try ;)

I'm not a newbie to vbb, I don't mean that unregisterd users see the loggonscreen...I want that registered user(everyone including admins, supermods, normal users etc.) see it (with cookies enabled so if they post, they don't have to type in there username and password again)

Why do I want this?
well, when a admin enters the forum he can go anywhere on the board. But if he forgets to logout(clear cookies) after he's turned off his computer or closed his browser, the next user on that computer who would visit the board would automaticly be logged in as that admin and thus have access to all private forums etc.