10-03-2006, 02:28 PM
This was cross-posted in "Modification Questions"
This has been discussed before ,but I thought I might be able to do it a little more succinctly...
In the AdminCP > Forums & Moderators > Forum Manager > Edit forum
There is this field:
Email Addresses to Notify When there is a New Post
(Separate each address with a SPACE)
This field only holds so many characters, and is not very uer friendly if you ahve lots of people who want this feature. My users love the idea of having every post show up in their email, then they can still get the content, but do not necessarily need to visit the site. Also, it would be a great reminder for people who do not visit all that frequqently.
Would it be possible to adapt this as a UserCP option? Similar to forum subscriptions, but would remove the feature that stops mailing until a person visits the forum.
For large boards this could conceivably crash the email server, but I am not a large board, and this is very much an "in-demand" feature from my users.
This has been discussed before ,but I thought I might be able to do it a little more succinctly...
In the AdminCP > Forums & Moderators > Forum Manager > Edit forum
There is this field:
Email Addresses to Notify When there is a New Post
(Separate each address with a SPACE)
This field only holds so many characters, and is not very uer friendly if you ahve lots of people who want this feature. My users love the idea of having every post show up in their email, then they can still get the content, but do not necessarily need to visit the site. Also, it would be a great reminder for people who do not visit all that frequqently.
Would it be possible to adapt this as a UserCP option? Similar to forum subscriptions, but would remove the feature that stops mailing until a person visits the forum.
For large boards this could conceivably crash the email server, but I am not a large board, and this is very much an "in-demand" feature from my users.