View Full Version : New Posts Bold?

10-01-2006, 10:48 PM
I've Just upgraded to v3.6.1 and added some mods etc installed Fusion by Extremepixels and the unread posts aren't showing up as bold?

Where is the section of code that does this? Thanks :)

10-01-2006, 11:43 PM
That would be the threadbit template.

If you have installed some modifications then they could affect this.

If you have installed vBPlaza then there is a fix for it. I think the fix is in the vBPlaza forum, and if not it is in the vBPlaza release thread. Of course that fix will only apply if you have vBPlaza installed.

If you have not installed vBPlaza or still cannot get it to work, then please post your entire threadbit template making sure that you enclose it in tags.

10-01-2006, 11:53 PM
Thanks, I have vbplaza 1.5.8 installed. I'll try and find the fix for it.
Thanks again.