View Full Version : How to create a menu in the header

10-01-2006, 03:43 PM
I would like to create a menu like on MobilitySite.com

Can anyone help me please?

10-01-2006, 07:06 PM
what type of menu?

10-08-2006, 05:18 PM
What i did for mine was simple, first, look at the navbar code for the menu.

then do something like this:

<td><!--- VB code for the first menu item ---></td>
<td><!--- VB code for the second menu item ---></td>
<td><!--- VB code for the third menu item ---></td>
<td><!--- VB code for the fourth menu item ---></td>
<td><!--- VB code for the fifth menu item ---></td>

Of course, you would apply any class identifiers and element properties needed to the code to suit your design. and would put that table into a row in your header under or over your banner depending where you uwant it.

If you wanted a custom navbar in your header, the the same thign applies except you put whatever links you want instead of the VB code for the links.