View Full Version : VBJv | mEssenger v2.02

09-26-2006, 10:00 PM
Vbulletin Java Messenger
v2: instant messenger for instant community.
Hello everyone, first i would like to point this to the 2 year old Hack

BB| Messenger 1.5 for VB 3.0.1 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=66989)

now this thread didn't have hardly any support, but after i waited for almost a year now for someone to port this over to the latest vb, i came accross it again a week ago and i said thats it its time for it to get ported, so i went to work going through all the scripts seeing whats needs to be changed

What is this?
this is a messenger for vbulletin that is in jave it uses the forum's user tables from your database to host the user system, so automaticly the users are signed up for the forum's messenger.

What i have to change?
templates - (1)

To install:
i have made the codes work where you upload the VBmessenger folder with in your forums folder, if you would like it else where you will have to edit a few lines which im not gonna go through right now.

upload the folder VBmessenger to your forum root
upload the php fiile marquee.php to the forum root as well

test to see if it works, it should work, if not and it says give VB ID number then go to forum/vbmessenger/sources/vbulletin_3.xx_plugin.php and on line 15 you will see this$VAR["vbulletinlicenceid"] = "";enter your vbulletin id code "code goes here";
if you need help remembering or finding your vbulletin id code, then open up any vbulletin php file and at the top it gives you your id code

How To's
To edit the colours edit the css in the files in the Style folder.
so files:
openmessenger.html.phpMakeing the marquee work right
you must update this in the marquee.php which is located at this point in your forum rootecho "<tr>\n";
echo "<td width=\"$marquee_width\" style=\"border-bottom: 1px inset #000000; background-color: #4C6CA4\" onMouseover=\"this.style.backgroundColor='#607DAE';\" onMouseOut=\"this.style.backgroundColor='#4C6CA4';\">\n";
echo "<font size=1 face=\"Verdana, Arial, sans-serif, Helvetica, Times\">\n";
echo "<b><a href=\"http://domain.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=" . $latestthread['threadid'] . "\" target='_blank'>" . $latestthread['title'] . "</a></b><br>\n";
echo "Started by: <a href=\"http://domain.com/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&username=" . $latestthread['postusername'] . "\" target='_blank'>" . $latestthread['postusername'] . "</a><br>\n";
echo "Last Post by: <a href=\"http://domain.com/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&username=" . $latestthread['lastposter'] . "\" target='_blank'>" . $latestthread['lastposter'] . "</a><br>\n";
echo $numreplies;
echo "\n</font>\n";
echo "</td>\n</tr>\n\n";
How to add instant popup link instead of going to the domain.com/vbmessenger/ index to open messenger
add the following java to the header:
<script language="Javascript1.3">
function launchbbm()
s001 = window.open("index.php?func=m_frameset", "", "width=233, height=450, address=no, toolbar=no, status=yes");

</script> then where every you want your link add the link like this:
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="launchbbm()">your link</a> or any other type of link you want be it a image or what main thing is that the link stops as:
href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="launchbbm()">because thats calling the java.

You must add the javascript to the "headinclude" template for your forum, and you have to edit the code to reflect the proper path to your forum or else all you will get is your forum main page when you click the link.

Support and Help
I will try my best to help with anyone's problems but i can't offer full support im not extreamly good at codeing nor debugging, but i can try and help to my best.
i also don't mind if anyone helps fellow users with support that would be nice.
i tired to make the code as easy as possible to install with no bugs, the only thing you would need to change is probably on some boards maybe ur Vbulletin ID number thats about it, otherwise upload zip and enjoy

IF YOU USE THIS PLEAS DON'T FORGET THE MAGICAL BUTTON (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/vborg_miscactions.php?do=installhack&threadid=127655)

i would like to give most props to the 2 users who made this in the first place
C.Birch and TomUK
TomUK is the original writer of this scripts for bb|messenger, he wrote it for his friend C.Birch who then later took it and made it work for vb, then after 2 years of complete no support i took it and made it into V2.0 to work with the new 3.6.1 Vbulletin, its a shame to see this project go down and lost like this its a great SIMPLE addon that is FULLY customizeable to all sites.
i have changed the name and i will work on a new style in a week or so after i get some other work done, if ANYONE would like to help with this project its would be very nice just pm me with ur changes/ your version i will take a look and update this thread and give some credit. as far as features go i have a big list of things i want to do to this, i just need someone to help in codeing the ideas.
in the original thread it was said that C. birch is no longer in charge of the script but it was not said who took over so i guess, i have now,
any questions feel free to ask


v2.02 the code uses images that link read with /forum/ in it, i forgot to make thise read with ./ instead that way forums with the forum located at forums/ can also use this with no changes
v2.01 i just added the final touch to the intergration code for 3.6, now this addon to your forum is THE EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD all you do it upload to forum root and start useing it, its that easy, the intergrator read your db and forum settings automaticly

Demo is hosted by user azn_romeo_4u at http://www.flyffworld.com/forums/vbmessenger/

09-27-2006, 12:29 AM
the marquee in version version 2.02 isn't working. its giveing some trouble but i hope by version 2.05 it will be working great. by version 2.1 i should have a new gui for eveyone to use
things to do
any ideas not listed?
make it multi user chat
make some basic sounds
add webcam/mic chat ability
make a few gui skins and make it pickable by users
ability to intergrate with the arcade system*if your site has ibp system*
maybe add tab system to multi chat, example msn plus how u can have all your chats in one window
host chat rooms to public, and maybe display in a list where marquee is at
redo the whole chatwindow gui move things around a bit and include the user's avatar on the side
make some lines to use that call the messenger from your forum, so if your in a thread and u click on a user in the dropdown menu you will see option *chat with now* this will use conditions to make to see if the user is online then it will open a chat window ready to chat with the user

09-27-2006, 12:58 AM
waiting .......


09-27-2006, 01:48 AM
any demo ??

09-27-2006, 02:12 AM
looks like an awesome hack. i'll have demo out at


when the download link is already

09-27-2006, 04:34 AM
your demo link is giving me a 404 not found error http://www.flyffworld.com/forums/vbmessenger/

09-27-2006, 04:39 AM
i know i went ahead and put it there cuz azn_romeo_4u will have it setup there, but i added that link after he signed off.

you can use my demo from my site www.el-halawa.net/forum/vbmessenger/

09-27-2006, 05:10 AM
Hi peeps

Does this follow the forums style?

09-27-2006, 05:20 AM
Warning: main(./sources/lib/install.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in

where is the "install.inc.php"

09-27-2006, 09:42 AM
Thx for porting this, looks great but I got this error:

Cannot connect to database using Vbulletin Board site settings

09-27-2006, 01:08 PM
Is this like MSN? What do we need to get a account..

09-27-2006, 01:22 PM
Its very nice mod :) Clicks Install.

Just uploaded all files and folders, and got (fatal error):

Notice: Undefined variable: config in /home/XXXX/public_html/vbmessenger/sources/vbulletin_3.xx_plugin.php on line 30

Notice: Undefined variable: config in /home/XXXX/public_html/vbmessenger/sources/vbulletin_3.xx_plugin.php on line 31

Notice: Undefined variable: config in /home/XXXX/public_html/vbmessenger/sources/vbulletin_3.xx_plugin.php on line 32

Notice: Undefined variable: config in /home/XXXX/public_html/vbmessenger/sources/vbulletin_3.xx_plugin.php on line 33

Notice: Undefined variable: config in /home/XXXX/public_html/vbmessenger/sources/vbulletin_3.xx_plugin.php on line 34

Notice: Undefined variable: config in /home/XXXX/public_html/vbmessenger/sources/vbulletin_3.xx_plugin.php on line 35

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'XXXX'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/XXXX/public_html/vbmessenger/index.php on line 65

VBJv|messenger error:
Cannot connect to database using Vbulletin Board site settings

Please guide me, thanks.

09-27-2006, 02:55 PM
Its very nice mod :) Clicks Install.

Just uploaded all files and folders, and got (fatal error):

Please guide me, thanks.

Yes thats the same error I got in my logs. I tried editing vbulletin_3.xx_plugin.php to add db info right in the file like:

$VAR["db_username"] = 'mydbusername';
$VAR["db_password"] = 'mydbpassword';
and so on.
And then I didn't get error that it can't connect to database but I got just blank page when I go to /vbmessenger/index.php

09-27-2006, 05:30 PM
This dont work at all, I get a blank page at forums/vbmessenger/index.php

09-27-2006, 07:28 PM
im very sorry everyone i found a type in the realse i have out what it was. and fixed, also i see most of you are haveing trouble with this connecting to your forums database. so there will be a update real soon (V2.03) it will have a config file you just update that file with the same info as in your sql connection to your forum's db, sorry for everything will update later today

09-28-2006, 04:05 PM
Any more news on this 1 please?

09-28-2006, 05:01 PM
Waiting for fixed release :)

09-28-2006, 06:48 PM
im trying to firgure out why its showing up white for everyone, when i downloaded it and upload it it to forum root it worked normal and i even didn't get db error, but i guess since thats my site setup.

question to everyone
whats the name of the folder your vb is in? forum or forums?

09-28-2006, 06:57 PM
Hi m8, Mine is forums

09-28-2006, 07:09 PM
Mine is Root
/home/site/public_html :)

09-28-2006, 07:27 PM
ok pehchaan you will have to edit some lines, i will realse a few versions (2.03)[when i finish the config file]
i will make one work for forums folders
i will make one work for forum folders
and i will make one work with your server root
again sorry for the troubles everyone

09-28-2006, 07:40 PM
Surely you only need to make one version and change the paths in the config file? Or am I missing something?

09-28-2006, 07:42 PM
Mine is in a root folder. I think this could be a problem due to some setting in php.ini but I am just guessing. You probably have something configured differently then the rest of us. I don't have time or enough experience to do the tests. But it would be probably a good thing if someone could turn on error displaying in php.ini and it should display an error when trying /vbmessenger/index.php instead of a blank page.

09-28-2006, 07:46 PM
Surely you only need to make one version and change the paths in the config file? Or am I missing something?
this is a good idea i can add a line in the config file that tells where your forum is at. i will mess with this

09-28-2006, 08:00 PM
I will most definately be watching this thread closely, and once the bugs seem to have been worked out I will probably give installing a go. :)

Thanks for your hardwork blackwidow.

09-28-2006, 08:14 PM
ok pehchaan you will have to edit some lines, i will realse a few versions (2.03)[when i finish the config file]
i will make one work for forums folders
i will make one work for forum folders
and i will make one work with your server root
again sorry for the troubles everyone

Sure i'll , as you suggest :)

Wish you all the best.

09-28-2006, 08:17 PM
missing install.inc.php?

09-28-2006, 08:31 PM
missing install.inc.php?
Yeah i think so, install.inc.php is not include in current (2.02) version.

09-28-2006, 08:31 PM
its already added to 2.03 so its in next version already

09-28-2006, 09:04 PM
Its ok I grabbed the old one hacked it and now got it all working a treat :)

09-28-2006, 09:34 PM
Its ok I grabbed the old one hacked it and now got it all working a treat :)
Can you not help us out, we aint all coders m8 :(

09-28-2006, 10:11 PM
Yes thats the same error I got in my logs. I tried editing vbulletin_3.xx_plugin.php to add db info right in the file like:

$VAR["db_username"] = 'mydbusername';
$VAR["db_password"] = 'mydbpassword';
and so on.
And then I didn't get error that it can't connect to database but I got just blank page when I go to /vbmessenger/index.php

Do not change any of the mysql settings as those settings are pulled from your own config file.

09-28-2006, 10:20 PM
Do not change any of the mysql settings as those settings are pulled from your own config file.

I realize that they are supposed be pulled from config file but as you can see from Pehchaan's error log they are not, or not correctly at least. And I was getting:
Cannot connect to database using Vbulletin Board site settings

After I changed it like I wrote it didn't display that error anymore so it must have connected to database fine. But it just displayed a blank page.
Anyway, I hope we'll see 2.03 soon. Looking forward to it.

09-28-2006, 10:24 PM
Can you not help us out, we aint all coders m8 :(

Its working on my site, but at the moment you have to be registered for messenger to log you straight in, have tested messenging one to one and all is good, just trying to fix marquee.php, alot of the code is old.

Give me a little time (maybe hour) and i will give you some more here as i work through it.

09-28-2006, 10:30 PM
I realize that they are supposed be pulled from config file but as you can see from Pehchaan's error log they are not, or not correctly at least. And I was getting:
Cannot connect to database using Vbulletin Board site settings

After I changed it like I wrote it didn't display that error anymore so it must have connected to database fine. But it just displayed a blank page.
Anyway, I hope we'll see 2.03 soon. Looking forward to it.

I got the blank screen first time in then i uploaded the install.inc file :confused: then i changed the paths in vbulletin_3.xx_plugin changed some more paths and now works.

09-28-2006, 10:57 PM
yes as i had said before the marquee.php is very old im haveing trouble with it

i hope i can get the 2.03 version up by tonight
i been busy moveing my server

09-29-2006, 03:18 AM
loking forward to see v2.03

09-30-2006, 02:26 AM
Here is marquee.php, it should work ok, I need to clean the code up some, just need to find a spare 10mins which always turns into an hour :)

// you may edit the below to suit your own needs

define('MARQUEE_SPEED', '2');
define('MARQUEE_WIDTH', '100%');
define('MARQUEE_HEIGHT', '145');
define('MARQUEE_NAME', 'Latest Posts');
define('THREAD_LIMIT', '20');

// no need to change anything below this line :)

error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
require ('global.php');

<!-- Scrolling Marquee -->
<body bgcolor="#91BEDE" text="#000000" rightmargin="0" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#000000">
<marquee id="threadticker" direction=up scrollAmount=<?php echo MARQUEE_SPEED; ?> style="width:<?php echo MARQUEE_WIDTH; ?>;height:<?php echo MARQUEE_HEIGHT; ?>;border:0px solid black;
padding:0px" onMouseover="this.scrollAmount=0" onMouseout="this.scrollAmount=<?php echo MARQUEE_SPEED; ?>">

<table border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 width="<?php echo MARQUEE_WIDTH; ?>">

<td colspan=3>
<font size=2 face="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif, Helvetica, Times">
<b><a href="<?php echo $bburl; ?>"><?php echo MARQUEE_NAME; ?></b></font>


// connect to the database and pull the info we need.

$threads = $db->query_read("
SELECT threadid, forumid, title, replycount, lastposter, postuserid, postusername
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread
ORDER BY thread.lastpost DESC LIMIT 10");

while ($thread = $db->fetch_array($threads)) {

// make sure the user has the permission to view the current thread.
$forumperms =& $vbulletin->userinfo['forumpermissions']["$forumid"]; {

// if he can, go ahead and output the goods.

if ($thread['replycount'] == 0) {
$numreplies = "No Replies";
elseif ($thread['replycount'] == 1) {
$numreplies = "Reply";
else {
$numreplies = $thread['replycount'];
$numreplies .= " Replies";

echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td width=\"$marquee_width\" style=\"border-bottom: 1px inset #000000; background-color: #4C6CA4\" onMouseover=\"this.style.backgroundColor='#607DAE';\" onMouseOut=\"this.style.backgroundColor='#4C6CA4';\">\n";
echo "<font size=1 face=\"Verdana, Arial, sans-serif, Helvetica, Times\">\n";
echo "<b><a href=\"$bburl/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=" . $thread['threadid'] . "\" target='_blank'>" . $thread['title'] . "</a></b><br>\n";
echo "Started by: <a href=\"$bburl/forums/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&username=" . $thread['postusername'] . "\" target='_blank'>" . $thread['postusername'] . "</a><br>\n";
echo "Last Post by: <a href=\"$bburl/forums/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&username=" . $thread['lastposter'] . "\" target='_blank'>" . $thread['lastposter'] . "</a><br>\n";
echo $numreplies;
echo "\n</font>\n";
echo "</td>\n</tr>\n\n";



<!-- End Scrolling Marquee -->

I thought it just easier to cut and paste and replace entire contents of file.

09-30-2006, 03:26 AM
So how do we install without the install file in the zip?

09-30-2006, 03:56 AM
any working demo?

09-30-2006, 07:26 AM
You should be able to use the old file from the original package here, I will rewrite it later if anyone has problems installing this.There is a working version on my site, see sig below, you would need to register on site before using vBmessenger, did not want to use demo account as it is a live board. file needs to be uploaded here vbmessenger/sources/lib/

09-30-2006, 06:34 PM
Thx Spikeman. It works good. There is few things though. Since I use firefox I noticed that that when you send new messege to person. First line will not appear to that user, it will only open his pop up. Second message will display fine. With IE there is no such problem. And it only applies to first message you send to someone.But if you are in the middle of conversation and you close that window, then send message again to the person you were chatting with it will not show first message again. All messages after that are fine.
Changing text color is also wrong with FF, but that is not that important.

And I am not sure why is contacts.php there, it is just a blank page.

09-30-2006, 08:15 PM
i would like to see a picture of it to see what this is please....i don't want a demo just a screenshot please

09-30-2006, 08:46 PM
i would like to see a picture of it to see what this is please....i don't want a demo just a screenshot please

You have screenshots for old version:


And I have to correct myself about that first message not showing up. I was using FF 2 beta that was released recently and it seems to be buggy. I installed back and first message is ok. Color thing still stands though.

09-30-2006, 10:31 PM
And I have to correct myself about that first message not showing up. I was using FF 2 beta that was released recently and it seems to be buggy. I installed back and first message is ok. Color thing still stands though.

I guessed it would have been a bug ;) I will look into the changing text colour, I rushed it all out there so users could get it working, it all needs cleaning up.

09-30-2006, 11:09 PM
You have screenshots for old version:


And I have to correct myself about that first message not showing up. I was using FF 2 beta that was released recently and it seems to be buggy. I installed back and first message is ok. Color thing still stands though.

thanks so much that is what i wanted! perfect for my needs i do have vbpager but i will add this also! thanks!

09-30-2006, 11:36 PM
install.inc doesn't work for me

10-01-2006, 12:02 AM
I guessed it would have been a bug ;) I will look into the changing text colour, I rushed it all out there so users could get it working, it all needs cleaning up.

Not a big deal at all, I was glad to have this installed asap. I hope we'll see a lot of progress on this like other functions being activated etc. And thx again to all involved.

10-01-2006, 01:52 AM
blackwidow you are the best! so you all know, blackwidow took time away from moving servers to solve my problem. that was way beyond what i expected!

thanks so much for pointing out that if you have a portal you might have to update your image paths in order to see the install script.

10-01-2006, 02:35 AM
your welcome tyegurl.
but you have gotten it wrong, if you have a portal and you would like to have the messenger redirct to the portal then you have to change a single path, is what i ment to say.
as for the forums forum that does not make a diffrence i just double looke the codes when helping tyegurl.

10-03-2006, 02:26 AM
any update for 2.03?

install.inc doesn't work, still got fatal error.

10-03-2006, 02:44 AM
im very sorry everyone i have not had time to work on the codes, im am trying to move my server, and get the domain transfered but i have a very big problem im trying to get solved with my domain. but once i finish all that and i get settled into my new server i will. try my best to get 2.03 rolling out, dont loose me here:)

10-03-2006, 02:50 AM
any update for 2.03?

install.inc doesn't work, still got fatal error.
you have to put install.inc.php in
then after you put that into that section
you go to www.your_site.com/forum/vbmessenger/
and it will bring up the install page, this page will show up in error form, du to the fact thats its somewhat old code and the image dirs are not hte same in 2.xx version.
but ignore all that and just type in your admin user and password in the boxs given and press install.
it should load the main page where you open the messenger.

*tips to get it working*
i donno why this is but when i help install this for a user i was on firefox and the install page came up, but that user was on ie and just saw white page, so try and use firefox to do the install.
also it has ben found that if you log out your forum then long back in makeing sure the remember me checkbox is checked then the messeger works better in connecting to your user table. so check the checkbox and log in

10-03-2006, 05:23 PM
any update for 2.03?

install.inc doesn't work, still got fatal error.

How is your forum configured?

http://www.domain.com/forum/ or
http://www.domain.com/index.php for example?

10-03-2006, 06:31 PM
i looked into the code and i noticed that the only links that need to be changed if you have diffrent forum setup is the links inside the vb plugin. and even so those link would not cause this problem they are basic links the redirect page to index and get your pm info and profile info

but yes we can always work fromt he top, it would be goood to knowthe forum install dir pehchaan

10-05-2006, 02:10 PM
How is your forum configured?

http://www.domain.com/forum/ or
http://www.domain.com/index.php for example?

http://www.domain.com/home.php << vba CMS
http://www.domain.com/index.php << vb Forum
http://www.domain.com/vbmessenger/ << vb Messenger

i tried many time with install file, but still not, just getting errors, i posted before.

10-05-2006, 02:48 PM
http://www.domain.com/home.php << vba CMS
http://www.domain.com/index.php << vb Forum
http://www.domain.com/vbmessenger/ << vb Messenger

i tried many time with install file, but still not, just getting errors, i posted before.

let me take a look for you, now you know why I asked about directory structure, things are not always that simple.:)

10-05-2006, 04:33 PM
let me take a look for you, now you know why I asked about directory structure, things are not always that simple.:)
Thanks man you have done it !! i really appreciate your work. :)

10-05-2006, 04:39 PM
Thanks man you have done it !! i really appreciate your work. :)

My pleasure ;)

10-05-2006, 10:53 PM
I have a couple of questions...
1. when I click on Latest Topics I get this error: Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/admin/domains/bostonerotic.net/public_html/board/marquee.php on line 36
2. The rest of the settings all say coming soon... How do I get them?
3. I want to disable word filter... Where would I do that?

Thank you,

10-05-2006, 11:03 PM
I have a couple of questions...
1. when I click on Latest Topics I get this error: Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/admin/domains/bostonerotic.net/public_html/board/marquee.php on line 36
2. The rest of the settings all say coming soon... How do I get them?
3. I want to disable word filter... Where would I do that?

Thank you,

Are you using the marquee.php from the downloaded package or the one posted by me post#38? the one in the download package does not work.

10-06-2006, 12:51 AM
spikeman i think the marquee that you posted also didn't work for me i will double check tomorrow.
im not sure about word filter i don't remember seeing any codeings for it int he files but i will see maybe its a simple $ from vb

10-06-2006, 08:50 AM
spikeman i think the marquee that you posted also didn't work for me i will double check tomorrow.

Thats strange, just change this path to match your own require ('global.php'); and it should be good to go.

10-08-2006, 04:22 AM
i got it to install my prob is it keeps saying for me to login when i go to /vbmessenger

10-09-2006, 02:14 AM
Are you logged into your site when you click on messenger?

10-14-2006, 08:59 AM
In reply to who had taken over this hack, If i recall right PixelFx had taken over this hack and was planning on redoing it from the ground up with flash video support and that. But i got no idea what happened with that, I'm personaly fine with you taking over this hack as i was working on a v2 and windows basiced version but due to time mainly the lack of it, the idea was put on hold for good.

10-14-2006, 09:05 AM
I would also like to warn people that this hack can over load your server if used on a busy site due to the page reloading to check for new messages and people online and off line.

There was also a very big prob with aol and how aol works that in return stopped this working for aol users.

10-15-2006, 02:33 AM
works for me if i download the install.php

altho its a tad bit slow.. maybe having an option for refresh time.. dunno what that will do for server loads tho.

I'll wait for next version before i start using it.

PS: im on vb 3.5

10-15-2006, 02:46 PM
It would be nice if we had something like this but only to have private one on one chat. So that you can load messenger window from user profile to have a conversation with. That way it could load faster. And wouldn't have to refresh all the time to check who's online. But would still be very useful.

10-15-2006, 11:49 PM

10-16-2006, 12:14 AM

10-17-2006, 12:36 AM
What Code???

right at the top of headinclude

<script language="Javascript1.3">
function launchbbm()
s001 = window.open("http://www.internetwatchers.co.uk/forums/vbmessenger/index.php?func=m_frameset", "", "width=370, height=500, address=no, toolbar=no, status=yes");


10-24-2006, 01:41 PM
I installed vbseo or another reason.,before vbmessenger works perfect but now
it doesnt work I get this error.

Notice: Undefined variable: config in /var/www/vhosts/4umturk.com/httpdocs/forum/messenger/sources/vbulletin_3.xx_plugin.php on line 30

Notice: Undefined variable: config in /var/www/vhosts/4umturk.com/httpdocs/forum/messenger/sources/vbulletin_3.xx_plugin.php on line 31

Notice: Undefined variable: config in /var/www/vhosts/4umturk.com/httpdocs/forum/messenger/sources/vbulletin_3.xx_plugin.php on line 32

Notice: Undefined variable: config in /var/www/vhosts/4umturk.com/httpdocs/forum/messenger/sources/vbulletin_3.xx_plugin.php on line 33

Notice: Undefined variable: config in /var/www/vhosts/4umturk.com/httpdocs/forum/messenger/sources/vbulletin_3.xx_plugin.php on line 34

Notice: Undefined variable: config in /var/www/vhosts/4umturk.com/httpdocs/forum/messenger/sources/vbulletin_3.xx_plugin.php on line 35

Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user 'apache'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /var/www/vhosts/4umturk.com/httpdocs/forum/messenger/index.php

How can we fix it ,seo friendly?

10-24-2006, 03:00 PM
I installed vbseo or another reason.,before vbmessenger works perfect but now
it doesnt work I get this error.

How can we fix it ,seo friendly?

Those errors all concern the settings and connection to your mysql db, have you changed anything else? I would also suggest that if it did indeed stop working as a result of vbseo that you contact them and ask them why it would occurr.

10-26-2006, 06:07 PM
how can I uninstall this..and than I'll reinstall again..

10-29-2006, 07:20 AM
if anybody can run this hack I will install ? anybody can give me installed link

11-09-2006, 05:45 AM
I put the vbmessenger folder in the same directory as the rest of my vb
using ASCII upload.
Put the marquee.php in the same vb directory with the other "loose" single vb files.
No effect I can see on my vb.

What should I see when I login?

Went to my admincp and checked the Plugins Manager.
Can't see anyhing new.
Nothing in Manage Products either.
Checked the upload plugin. It refers to xml files and I didn't see any in vbmessenger at least not at top or second level.
There's just a vbmessenger folder + the marquee.php

What do I do please?

11-10-2006, 05:12 AM
Warning: main(./sources/lib/install.inc.php) [function.main (http://www.firstcollegeweb.com/fcc/vbmessenger/function.main)]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/xyz/public_html/my_vb_directory/vbmessenger/index.php on line 72

Fatal error: main() [function.require (http://www.firstcollegeweb.com/fcc/vbmessenger/function.require)]: Failed opening required './sources/lib/install.inc.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/xyz/public_html/my_vb_directory/vbmessenger/index.php on line 72

11-10-2006, 11:42 AM
Do you have the install.inc.php on your server?

11-10-2006, 11:44 AM
if anybody can run this hack I will install ? anybody can give me installed link

Its running here http://www.internetwatchers.co.uk (http://www.internetwatchers.co.uk)link to vBmessenger is on the left nav menu

11-11-2006, 06:38 AM
Do you have the install.inc.php on your server?

OK have searched through the download - not there.
Have asked my webhost inn case it's part of the php suport system - no.
Searched these boards - earlier post here says someone hacked the file from earlier version of this. I don't know how to get the earlier version!
Googled it, no luck!
So where DO I get it?
Why isn't it in the download if I need it?
Or why not add a note/ second download ...

11-11-2006, 01:24 PM
Can someone post a screeny while it is working..
I tried live demos posted here but all I can see a picture..

11-11-2006, 05:46 PM
OK have searched through the download - not there.
Have asked my webhost inn case it's part of the php suport system - no.
Searched these boards - earlier post here says someone hacked the file from earlier version of this. I don't know how to get the earlier version!
Googled it, no luck!
So where DO I get it?
Why isn't it in the download if I need it?
Or why not add a note/ second download ...

for some reason the install.inc.php was not included!! you can find it here as an attachment at this post https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1086705&postcount=41

11-14-2006, 01:29 AM
anyone get this to work

11-14-2006, 07:32 AM

Have installed all files including the extra inc.install.php
enabled it in admin cp
I did get a very nice popup came up in my vb but none of its buttons functioned. After that happening once there's no sign of it appearing again.

11-14-2006, 11:14 AM
It does work as it is right now on vb 3.6 however some changed need to be applied, I have almost completed my current project, when this is done I will look to porting this to 3.6 properly, hopefully as a plugin and with new lighter interface.

11-14-2006, 04:31 PM
it's ok I sure understand about no time!

any idea what I need to do to make it work?

and/ or when you can have a working version ready?
Ive got users yelling at me!

11-14-2006, 04:45 PM
It should work right now, with that install.inc.php and the marquee.php I posted before. Only 1 button works right now and that is for the latestthreads in marquee.

What vB, php and mysql are you using? Do you have a site url?

I am just about done finishing latest project, so I reckon i could get it done in under a week although do not hold me to that ;)

It does work fine on my site although you need to be registered to and test.

11-15-2006, 01:44 AM
any one got a screen shot or a demo. is this better than the vbpager

11-15-2006, 01:49 AM
this one has the capability to be better but some options are in the coming soon stage...but i love this one! as soon as it is perfect i will be getting rid of vbpager ;)

11-15-2006, 10:38 PM
Is this just axpager or can I have a conversatin exchange on it - like a mini chatroom or MSN?

I got someone to install it (who I'll be paying) but I can't see anything different about my vb.
So I call up the vbmessenger url - which does appear but as a whole webpage not a tidy popup
I login (yet I'm already logged in to vb)
get sent back to my vb

Surely there needs to be a link beside people's usernames in order to open the messenger?

11-15-2006, 10:41 PM
Ok, let me take a look for you.

01-03-2007, 10:19 PM
I was adding the messenger to my navbar template

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="launchbbm()"><font color="FF0000"><B>Chat</B></font></a>
<script language="Javascript1.3">
function launchbbm()
s001 = window.open("vbmessenger/index.php4?func=m_frameset", "", "width=370, height=450, address=no, toolbar=no, status=yes");

When I access the forum through Admin CP everything works fine and the Messenger window pops up showing me that I'm logged in but when others login to the forum as common users without accessing the Admin CP, the Messenger says that they're not logged in.

Any idea how to fix this, so that all members could use the messenger?

01-04-2007, 02:22 AM

As I see here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=66989&page=13) this was a cookie problem and could be solved by checking "Remember Me" when login.

Btw, this should be Messenger v2 but it still uses the logo from the BB Messenger 1.5.

Here is a v2 version logo

01-05-2007, 09:01 AM
Works in 3.6.4 but marquee forum info gives fatal error altough licencenr. is put in. Maybe there's something wrong with the way you put the licencenr there.

01-06-2007, 08:44 AM
this should work with whos on line not buddys that would make it alot better..

As its not showing anyone there..

01-07-2007, 05:39 PM
Works great, thanks!

NuclioN, the marquee.php file included in the download isn't accurate. Use Spikeman's replacement for it - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1086593&postcount=38 - did the trick for me. Having said that, I took the marquee out entirely because I didn't like it, heh.

A question about the buddy list - does this pull user buddy lists from VB itself? Only I don't see any buddies in the offline OR online sections. It's not a big deal, just wondering. When I clicked on the "Contacts" link in the sidebar, nothing actually happened, so I'm wondering if the messenger uses its own buddy system that I should be seeing when I hit that button.

Otherwise, top effort. Easy to change the styles, easy to add and edit the emoticons.

Ooh, actually, I've got a question about the emoticon parser, too. If I add an emoticon with the code :)) the parser just parses it as though it's a :) instead of a :)). I assume it's doing that because it reads the :) and parses it right away, ignoring the character that comes after. Is there any way to get the parser to take following characters into account?

03-06-2007, 08:21 PM
Is there anyway to have it play a sound when you get a message?

06-08-2007, 03:00 PM
OK gentlemen! I can use a bit of advise here! I have read everyone of these posts and followed your advise. However I cannot get the the messenger to login. It just shows a page that is much bigger than the pop window. If I go directly to the ..forums/vbmessenger/index.php I get to see the full screen of what is being displayed. Which shows this:

VBJv|Messenger - Please Login

Click here to goto the login page
Once you have logged into the forum, load VBJv|Messenger again.

Now no matter if you logout and login, check the remember me box or not.... This is all you get. Any help with what I am doing wrong or haven't done would be great!

Thanks in adavance! This place rocks!

06-08-2007, 03:29 PM
OK I fixed it by editing the cookie prefix in vbulletin_3.xx_plugin.php to my predefined cookie prefix in my forums/includes/config.php

Now lets see if it's functional!

07-10-2007, 04:51 AM
any updates for 2.03???



07-18-2007, 08:40 PM

07-22-2007, 07:02 PM
How i can uninstall this script?

07-24-2007, 09:08 AM
the demo doesn't work .. shows the 404 page

07-26-2007, 12:57 PM
Looks good - installed on test board, will test it and report back.

11-25-2007, 09:30 PM
Its very nice mod :) Clicks Install.

Just uploaded all files and folders, and got (fatal error):

Please guide me, thanks.

i actually changed each variable to the right one in the folder...

11-30-2007, 02:27 AM

11-30-2007, 07:15 AM
It would be really good to see some screenshots or a "working" demo!

Sounds good though - I just need to see it.


11-30-2007, 10:07 AM
Screenshots? Demo?

12-15-2007, 08:43 AM
Not working my forum, sorry not installed

02-08-2008, 03:06 PM
Screenshot oder Demo ? Working on 3.6.8 ?

02-08-2008, 03:49 PM
Dude, this is NOT working at all or at least for a lot of people... It's an abandoned project.

02-08-2008, 03:50 PM
ok i dont install it...

Harley D
05-04-2008, 10:17 PM
I have it working on vBulletin 3.6.8 Patch Level 2.
Still testing mind you, have had to add fixes from all over this thread.
If interested I could zip all the fixed files for download.

05-06-2008, 03:21 PM
That would be nice. :)

Harley D
05-06-2008, 10:41 PM
Here are the files with the fixed ones included.
I also found the .gif files for the install page graphics.

If I have missed anything, Please let me know and I will update the file with the inclusion.


10-13-2008, 06:16 PM
not working on 3.7.x is it? i cant get it to install. any1 got this working on 3.7 or a updated version?

10-19-2008, 06:34 PM
not working on 3.7.x is it? i cant get it to install. any1 got this working on 3.7 or a updated version?

10-20-2008, 10:05 PM
Developer Last Online: Nov 2006


Use Openfire (http://www.igniterealtime.org/projects/openfire/index.jsp) with this Integration (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=191448) (users can talk with gtalk users without google account and other jabber servers) with SparkWeb (http://www.igniterealtime.org/projects/sparkweb/index.jsp) or a Jabber Client.

Or if you haven't a Root Server, use the WSM/VBM Messenger:

Server-side php scripts (http://vbm.teamerz.net/pack2.zip)
Client (http://vbm.teamerz.net/pack1.zip)

10-22-2008, 01:47 PM
I got it running on 3.7.2 works nice :D little bit of tinkering but its good

Don't remember exactly so here's the files and what i remember doing

1. the folder I labeled 'install first', upload contents as is to root directory
2. go to www.your-site.com/vbmessenger which will load the install
3. after that, overwrite your installation with the contents of 'fixed files'

I'll try to help if you have any issues, cause i had to adjust 2 files that I remember

Edit: after a few hours, I actually reworked most of the files, going to divs and CSS, and editing the MULTITUDE of changes needed on typos, etc. (you know there is no doctypes anywhere in this? table issues, old style tags for javascript jeez lol) I might post this when I get time, but heres a screenshot of what I did :D (names have been blurred to protect the innocent :)) This is running now on my site