View Full Version : Stars Hack v3

03-30-2001, 10:00 PM
Here ya go.

Stars Hack modified for my personal use.

On screenshots the stars hack is displayed as fallows:

(rank title)
(rank stars)

Online hack, ICQ, AIM, Y hacks not included.


Click here for Custom Titles hack.


www.x3tech.com - under development.

03-31-2001, 09:53 PM

Admin Shot -> 14 stars.

Stars Hack displayed is:

(rank title)
(rank stars)

03-31-2001, 09:54 PM

Super Mod Shot -> 13 stars.

Stars Hack displayed is:

(rank title)
(rank stars)

03-31-2001, 09:55 PM

Mod Shot -> 13 stars.

Stars Hack displayed is:

(rank title)
(rank stars)

03-31-2001, 09:56 PM

Regular Members Shot -> 1-13 stars.

Stars Hack displayed is:

(rank title)
(rank stars)

03-31-2001, 10:36 PM
Can you change what star image is used at what rank? Thats what im looking for. So you can have differnt color stars for each level . . .

04-01-2001, 02:00 AM
Yeah you can add as many diffrent stars you want/graphics/images/ anything you want, all you have to do is modify stars.php.

modify - For Stars





04-01-2001, 02:14 AM
can ya build it for me

04-01-2001, 03:51 AM
Right now they are ranked by groups.

How would you make it so that certain user gets a certain rank?

04-01-2001, 04:23 AM
Um no offense NanoEntity but wouldn't it be a lot cleaner if you used a while{} loop with $i++ while $i < $numberofstars?

I'm gonna redo my stars hack so you can do different stars. Just give me a day or so. :)

04-01-2001, 03:58 PM
Hey, its a simple hack and it dose the job I want.

Not much to modify, not a lot of code to edit, when vb2.0 final comes out all my hacks going to be deleted anyway so i have to do it all over again.

When you look in the stars.php its very easy to figure out where and what everything is.

<img src="{imagesfolder}/titles/star.gif">

- you can replace ti with many stars yo want, images, colors, anything, just upload your images to "titles" edit "star.gif" with the images you want and how many you want.

In ranks edit the texts with "S u p e r M o d" for example.

Very easy and it works.

04-01-2001, 04:01 PM
Yeah, that hack will be comeing soon.

Originally posted by SNA
Right now they are ranked by groups.

How would you make it so that certain user gets a certain rank?

04-01-2001, 04:24 PM
Here ya go, by request.

You need to turn on "Custom User Titles:" in "Change options" in "/admin" for the hack to work


add "User Titles" in the admin contral panel.


04-03-2001, 06:04 PM
I have a good competition for you hehe :p
What i need to do for make something like:


Plz help me....cause it that i want

04-04-2001, 01:49 AM
Thats very easy to make man.

04-04-2001, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by NanoEntity
Thats very easy to make man.

How?Can you explain in this forums how?
Take 7minutes for a expert same as you ;)

11-04-2002, 08:27 PM
i cant get this to show up in the post? it works in the private message and announcement, but not in the posts?

\ \ - Speedy - / /
11-04-2002, 09:21 PM
ok i insatlled this, but desided i dont want it anymore, how can i dealte or unchange what ever happend in the phpMyAdmin?

The Legend of Speedy

11-08-2002, 02:24 AM
and can a mod/admin give a star to a user or take it out any moment?

11-08-2002, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by cono
i cant get this to show up in the post? it works in the private message and announcement, but not in the posts?

I'm getting exactly the same problem......

05-13-2003, 04:20 PM
will this star hack work on 2.3.0?