View Full Version : Indo Dragon - Arowana Books, Forum & Gallery

09-24-2006, 12:26 PM
Indo Dragon - Arowana Books, Forum & Gallery from Indonesia


please review it. Thanks :)

01-29-2007, 07:35 PM
please review it :)

login : test
passw : 1234

01-29-2007, 08:01 PM
The front page is very...very busy. Everywhere I looked there were ads or moving pictures. I had to scroll down a lot to get to any content I would be interested in. There was also a huge load time for me on the front page, probably due to the scrolling ads.

The logo is very nice. The lettering could probably use a little more work to tie it in with the images. You may want to think about tying the images in your logo to the rest of the forum, like make post icons that matched.

One thing that I noticed as a visitor who has never seen the site before....I have no idea what it is about. From the front page it looks like an ad for a book, but then there is a gallery of fish pictures. I think you would benefit from editing the welcome message to better reflect the nature of the site, with some keyword to make search engines happy.

01-30-2007, 02:55 PM
Very kewl site............very first thing i would do is get rid of that google adsense in the center section of the site........you already have google on both side's of the front page...that should be plenty.

do the same on your forum page.........no need to have 3 google adsense bar's in my opinion.........but the site look's really great.

03-06-2007, 01:04 PM
thanks bros !

it is about ancient fish / arowana / dragon fish..

forum is for discussing about arowana.

i'm a publisher of arowana book too...