View Full Version : Header / Logo Design

09-19-2006, 02:32 AM
Hello everyone,

I have just started work on a new site, which i hope will turn out to be a HUGE hit! But, i like to start with a nice header. It motivates me in a way, like if you saw this site, with only its header, and a few links you would want to finish it? no? Well, right now i need a nice logo to fit into my header. Now, I'm a little confused with the screen resolutions, how do i make the logo look just as good on a 1024/768 from a {different resolution}? without stretching It into oblivion.

Ive tried to come up with a scheme and so far I've come up with a nice orange, but i need another color to go with it.
R:255 G:170 B:23 <- The orange

I think the sites name is going to be "Note Tutors", its a site to help students keep organized notes (its mainly for me o.O). It would be awesome if someone could deasign me a logo that could fit into a header about 120px high, width is going to be the whole page, but i dont want to make it look bad by streching it... I would offer some ammount of money to do this, but its the beggining of classes and I'm already in det from school supplies so. I will love you until the end of time if you could make something for me!

Thanks so much!
~Cody Woolaver

09-20-2006, 02:51 AM
Finally someone I can help in return for you guys helping me!!:D

I'm sure there are dozens of ways this can be done, but this is how I did it with mine:

If you want a banner that will "slide" as I call it when you view your site on different resolutions, you will need 3 unique image parts of your banner. Two parts to border the left and right sides, and one tileable image to be repeated as many times as needed. I've been having some issues with achieving this 3-image thing on the tcat heading areas, but not with my banner on the top. Even though I designed it for my 1280x1024 flatscreen, it works and looks perfect on all modern resolutions. Maybe even a bit better, some would say.;)

Here's a diagram of what I'm talking about:

If you want, I can help you with a design for your site too, man.:cool: And don't worry about money unless you were planning to pay someone a thousand bucks for the job. I could really use that much in the next few weeks. heh.:)

09-20-2006, 09:22 AM
Wow, thanks someone actually took the time to help :)
I'm good for the design, i have the layout almost done anyways. I just need the logo. I was thinking of that orange and white, but it doesn't matter. For the image i was thinking a coil notebook with a pencil laying across it (note taking). But yeah, just ideas :)

Any more help is well appreciated!
~Cody Woolaver

09-22-2006, 08:02 AM
Logos are a speciality. I really need to get a job at one of those ad agencies I think, but I can't stand the friggin pressure. Even still, it's in my blood. So, I'll work something up and have it for you in a few days.

PS: Post a link to your place, when you read this. I need to see what you have so what I create will match well. Thanks, Cody.