View Full Version : Add-On Releases - MMword Scramble

09-15-2006, 10:00 PM
Downloads for this modification have been removed according to Official Policy: When Security Vulnerabilities in Hacks are Found (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=83253)

MMword scramble.
What it is
Its a game where the word is scrambled up and you have to get the right answer from the scrambled up words.
If you get it right you win some points if you get it wrong or time out you lose 10 points or what its set at for cost to play.

Word Scramble Settings
Word Scramble On/Off?
Cash System To Use
Cost Per Game
Win Amount
Word Scramble Words
Add New Word
Word Scramble menu
Add New menu
View Rules/Help
Add New Rule/Help
Play Word Scramble
Wrong Answers List
Right Answers List
Timed Out Players

When you have installed the product.xml file you will need to set the usergroups up that can view and play the game.

To install this mod just goto your Plugins & Products
Manage Products
And select the product-mmwordscramble.xml file
Allow Overwrite set to no

And your done.
Features to be added:
If you know something, pm it to me.
Upload all files in the UPLOAD folder to your forums root.
Login to your admincp.
Click on the Plugin System to expand it.
Click on Manage Products.
Then click on the [Add/Import Product]
In the (EITHER upload the XML file from your computer) find the product-mmwordscramble.xml file.
Allow Overwrite NO
Click save
Setting up the word scramble for first run.
You will need to goto the word scramble settings and set to active,
And choose the cash system you are going to use.
Then you will need to goto the usergroups options to set who will be aloud to view or play.
Then you can start your word scramble of.

Have fun and enjoy.


I have changed the payout to this as followed.
When a player gets the right answer there win amount is worked like this.

Win amount set in admincp times the time left on the timer.

Please click installed if you have many thanks

09-16-2006, 03:30 PM
yep, nice this one, i re jigged the 3.6 version, and il vouch it works fine!!

09-16-2006, 03:31 PM
now all we need are people who fancy adding xml files with words to auto add to the hack...that`d be excellent...

09-16-2006, 03:59 PM
Installed seems to be working great..


09-16-2006, 05:25 PM
Yeah great hack, is there away to add multiple words please?

09-16-2006, 08:08 PM
Can we maybe add the thru copy and paste in the database or do the words reside in xml file?

My board members really like the scramble but hand typing 100s of words seems a bit out of hand.

09-17-2006, 08:43 AM
Can we maybe add the thru copy and paste in the database or do the words reside in xml file?

My board members really like the scramble but hand typing 100s of words seems a bit out of hand.

Im working on a xml inport system for the admincp to add more words to your database.
I hope to have this sorted very soon.

09-21-2006, 04:45 PM
I have installed it and it works great.

Here are a few of my suggestions:
-Adding multple words (already being taken care of it seems)

-One of my members said "It's much more than 100 if you win because it's 100 X the seconds played. You probably want to change that, I got over 1000 on one, and the I did try again for another word, got the same word and over 2000 points." Maybe an option for this, if you want to have it multiply for extra time, or not. *I saw this in the change log, but it might be nice if it was an option*

-Maybe have some sort of number of wins they can have. Some of the members were getting words over and over, winning many many times.

-Users be able to choose from different categories, easy (lower point reward) up to extra hard where they get more points. I know some of my users are really smart, some probably wouldn't know what a 6 letter word was.

My members have already started playing it and really like it. If I have more feedback, I will let you know.

09-22-2006, 03:07 AM
I have installed it and it works great.

Here are a few of my suggestions:
-Adding multple words (already being taken care of it seems)

-One of my members said "It's much more than 100 if you win because it's 100 X the seconds played. You probably want to change that, I got over 1000 on one, and the I did try again for another word, got the same word and over 2000 points." Maybe an option for this, if you want to have it multiply for extra time, or not. *I saw this in the change log, but it might be nice if it was an option*

-Maybe have some sort of number of wins they can have. Some of the members were getting words over and over, winning many many times.

-Users be able to choose from different categories, easy (lower point reward) up to extra hard where they get more points. I know some of my users are really smart, some probably wouldn't know what a 6 letter word was.

My members have already started playing it and really like it. If I have more feedback, I will let you know.

Hi there m8

I am working on a new version that will give the member playing 3 words to get right not just the one at the moment.
And yes im working on a xml import system for extra words.
There will be options for the user thats playing to choose harder ones to get more points and the easy questions will win lower points.

Also i have found an error in the code if you want to change this yourself

its on line 336 and looks like this
$pgnav= construct_page_nav($pagenumber, $perpage, $totalwronganswer, "mmwordscramble.php?do=wronganswers", "&pp=$perpage");

But you should change it to this
$pgnav= construct_page_nav($pagenumber, $perpage, $totalwronganswer, "mmwordscramble.php?do=rightanswers", "&pp=$perpage");

I will have the new version out soon i hope.

09-22-2006, 10:23 AM
but that code change will now surely show the total right answers, on the wrong answers clicky??

least mine is after the code change

09-22-2006, 02:13 PM
Another thing. I might have to disable it until this can be fixed, because it's getting rather annoying for me and my staff.

The game lets them get into negative points. So they'll keep playing it and have no idea that they are negative. Then vBBux won't let them post or view anything on the forum until they have positive points.

Is there a way around this? Or is there a vBBux option. Maybe I'm looking past something.

09-22-2006, 02:35 PM
yeah, the negative points is an issue thats causing probs on mine as well

02-09-2007, 08:52 AM
Serious vulnerabilities have been found in this modification. Files have been removed according to Official Policy: When Security Vulnerabilities in Hacks are Found (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=83253)

Author will be contacted to address these vulnerabilities. Thread closed until update provided by author.