View Full Version : New Posting Features - Form Hack
Great hack, but I'm having one problem.
The posts to a forum are being posted as Moderated. The forum permissions are set to be Non Moderated. How do I fix this?
check the forums permissions that the posts are going to.
Ok, I'm doing something wrong. I'm a total noob to vbulletin so please explain. I am getting the same results as this person:
Can someone explain in step by step instructions what I need to do to remove the empty fields and get the fields I want to display?
Here's my actual form:
you have to edit the template for this hack also. it's called 'form'
01-30-2007, 05:18 PM
Is there anyway to get rid of the message box at the bottom, the submit thread TEXT BOX....i just need the long question......not the piece under it...thanks
ps..N/M, just get rid of the $message area in the template.....
01-31-2007, 12:02 PM
I have just installed this, however before i click install. Which templates need editing and also i am confused regarding creating a custom form.
Thanks in advance for all help.
I have just installed this, however before i click install. Which templates need editing and also i am confused regarding creating a custom form.
Thanks in advance for all help.
template form
01-31-2007, 12:38 PM
Thanks found that, figured out how to create a new form. All i get when i go to it is a blank page.
sorted out the blank page thing just cannot get it to post in the correct forum or thread now.
01-31-2007, 01:22 PM
You have to make changes to the FORM HACK Plugin....
Its a little tricky. First thing is making changes to the Plugin, this is where your questions, email addys, username, etc must be edited. MAKE SURE U READ THIS AREA SPECIFICALLY. After the questions and stuff have been changed to your liking, then make the changes to the template.
02-03-2007, 07:07 PM
Looking for this also. The mod is easy to use once you get the hang of it but I need to pass one of the variable as the title, anyone?:)
how can i make it possible to use $post[fieldx] variable as my $posttitle? i would really like this to work. thx
02-06-2007, 06:10 AM
Is there a chance we get this hack for 3.6.4 please?
02-06-2007, 04:45 PM
Is there a chance we get this hack for 3.6.4 please?
It works in 3.6.4
02-06-2007, 06:12 PM
this is really a great mod, i'm currently adjusting it to submit different kinds of content but have already completed one form which allows you to submit news, thanks very much abe!
The code is quite well commented already but i just wanted to do something in return so here is a quick overview on how to create a news submit form. The extra thing i've added here is the ability to insert a link to the source of the news (via a question in the submit form) and then a 'link' url at the end of the created thread. bit hard to understand, just take a look at the screenshots and you'll see what i mean, so let's get started with the code!
1.First of all install the mod, just follow the instructions.
2. then go to plugins> add plugin for the PHP code part. i created a plugin and named it 'submit_news', the name doesn't really matter, as long as it's understandable for you. set the hook to 'newthread_start'. Then paste this code into the Plugin PHP Code field:
// To add more then one form, copy this whole text, and creat a new plug-in with the hook location 'newthread_start'.
// After, change the form name. You can't have 2 forms with the same name.
// Name of this form
$formname = "submit_news";
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == $formname)
// ################################################## #####################
// ######################## CUSTOMIZE VARIABLES ##########################
// ################################################## #####################
////// BEGIN CUSTOMIZATION BELOW////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Study how variables are add here to add or remove any. If you add a variable to your form, you must add it to part one and part two.
// Part 1
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'normalanswer1' => TYPE_STR,
//'radioanswer1' => TYPE_STR,
//'radioanswer2' => TYPE_STR,
//'radioanswer3' => TYPE_STR,
//'radioanswer3other' => TYPE_STR,
'answer1' => TYPE_STR,
//'answer2' => TYPE_STR,
//'answer3' => TYPE_STR,
//'dropdownanswer1' => TYPE_STR,
//'checkboxanswer1_1' => TYPE_STR,
//'checkboxanswer1_2' => TYPE_STR,
//'checkboxanswer1_3' => TYPE_STR,
//'longanswer1' => TYPE_STR
// Part 2
$normalanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['normalanswer1'];
//$radioanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer1'];
//$radioanswer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer2'];
//$radioanswer3 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer3'];
//$radioanswer3other = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer3other'];
$answer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer1'];
//$answer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer2'];
//$answer3 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer3'];
//$dropdownanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['dropdownanswer1'];
//$checkboxanswer1_1 = $vbulletin->GPC['checkboxanswer1_1'];
//$checkboxanswer1_2 = $vbulletin->GPC['checkboxanswer1_2'];
//$checkboxanswer1_3 = $vbulletin->GPC['checkboxanswer1_3'];
//$longanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer1'];
//You can add or remove usegroups that are ALLOWED to use this form by changing the numbers below in the array.
//To enable this feature, remove the '//' before the 'if'.
// if (!in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], array(2,5,6,7))) print_no_permission();
// Name of the main template
$maintemplate = "newsform";
// Name of the answer template
$answertemplate = "newsformanswers";
//ENABLE FORM TO BE POSTED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formforum = "1";
//You CAN make this number a variable. You can have a drop down menu or in the link like do=form&f=1. Make sure you add it the variables list.
$formforumid = "24";
//ENABLE POLL TO BE CREATED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formpoll = "0";
$polloption[1] = "Yes";
$polloption[2] = "No";
$polloption[3] = "Maybe";
//Make poll public - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$pollpublic = "0";
$formreply = "0";
$formreplythreadid = "12345";
//ENABLE FORM TO BE PMED (guests CANNOT use this option) - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formpm = "0";
//USERNAME TO PM TO (separate multiple usernames with a ';')
$formpmname = "Abe";
//ENABLE FORM TO BE EMAILED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formemail = "0";
//EMAIL ADDRESS TO EMAIL TO (separate multiple usernames with a ';')
$formemailaddress = "";
//ENABLE ATTACHMENTS - 1 = yes, 0 = no
//attachments can only be used if the form is going to make a new thread or post
$allow_attachments = "1";
// 0 - thank you message (thread, reply, pm, or email)
// 1 - redirect to post (thread or reply)
// 2 - redirect to thread (thread only)
// 3 - redirect to forum (thread only)
// 4 - redirect to editpost (thread or reply)
// Feel free to change the thank you message if you choose option 0
$redirectoption = "0";
$errormessage = "Thank you for submitting news! you're content will be reviewed by our staff, so it might take a short time before it shows up."; //This is the thank you message
//If you added or deleted variables, you must edit what it checked for. Search for "$answerall ==" and edit 2 lines under it.
$answerall = "0";
//TITLE OF FORM (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole title)
$formtitle = "Submit CG News";
//TITLE OF THREAD/POST/PM/EMAIL (do not use quotation marks in the title or you will get a parse error)
//You may use variables from the form for this.
$posttitle = "$normalanswer1";
//PURPOSE OF FORM (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
$formpurpose = "Use the form below to submit Computer Graphics related news on tutorials, software releases and new technology. Your content will be reviewed so it will take a short time to show up, be sure to attach a small image as well.";
//NORMAL INPUT BOX : QUESTION 1 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
$normalquestion1 = "fill in a descriptive, short title/heading:";
//RADIO BOX CHOICES : QUESTION 1 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
//$radioquestion1 = "Choose one of the following choices";
// The following choices must NOT have quotation marks
//$radiochoice1a = "yes";
//$radiochoice1b = "no";
//RADIO BOX CHOICES : QUESTION 2 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
//$radioquestion2 = "Choose another one of the following choices";
// The following choices must NOT have quotation marks
//$radiochoice2a = "good";
//$radiochoice2b = "bad";
//$radiochoice2c = "both";
//RADIO BOX CHOICES : QUESTION 3 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
//$radioquestion3 = "Is it yes or no? If yes, please elaborate";
// The following choices must NOT have quotation marks
//$radiochoice3a = "yes";
//$radiochoice3b = "no";
//QUESTION 1 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
$question1 = "direct link to news ";
$explain1 = "for example:";
//QUESTION 2 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes //around the whole text)
//$question2 = "What is your email?";
//$explain2 = "Please enter your real email here.";
//QUESTION 3 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes //around the whole text)
//$question3 = "What is your website?";
//$explain3 = "Please enter your URL here.";
//DROP DOWN CHOICES : QUESTION 1 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
//$dropdownquestion1 = "What filetype are you uploading?";
// The following choices must NOT have quotation marks
//$dropdownchoice1a = "image, .jpg, .gif, .png etc.";
//$dropdownchoice1b = ".3ds, .obj, .max";
//$dropdownchoice1c = "other";
//CHECK BOX CHOICES : QUESTION 1 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
//$checkboxquestion1 = "This shows how to use checkboxes.";
// The following choices must NOT have quotation marks
//$checkboxchoice1_1 = "good";
//$checkboxchoice1_2 = "bad";
//$checkboxchoice1_3 = "both";
//LONG TEXT AREA INPUT: QUESTION 1 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
//$longquestion1 = "Please write down a paragraph about yourself.";
//$longexplain1 = "For example, a bit about your experience in this area.";
//VB TEXT AREA INPUT: You can only have ONE vb text question. (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
$vbtextquestion = "Please describe your news in short, one or two sentences.";
$vbtextexplain = "a link to the news is not neccessary, it will be added automatically.";
IMPORTANT: i didn't change the main script, you should insert it after this code, you can find the code in the original 'form hack' plugin.
i'm not going to explain all of the changes but they are actually fairly simple, many questions were just taken out because i didn't need them, it's important to use this name though, so it matches when you want to load the form later: $formname = "submit_news";
02-06-2007, 06:13 PM
here's part 2 of the explanation, it was too long to fit in one post!
4.Alright, that's all for the code, now we need to adjust the templates, you can copy the code and after that make adjustments to it yourself.
first the 'newsform' template, go to 'styles & templates> all template options' and select 'new template' name the template 'newsform'.
The name 'newsform' is important, because this links back to the php code part!
this will provide the look of the submit form, here's the entire code:
<html dir="$stylevar[textdirection]" lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">
<title>$vboptions[bbtitle] - $formtitle</title>
<!-- main -->
<if condition="$preview">
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td class="tcat">
<td class="alt2">
<br />
<form name="vbform" action="newthread.php" method="post"<if condition="!is_browser('webtv')"> onsubmit="return vB_Editor['$editorid'].prepare_submit(0, $vboptions[postminchars])"</if>>
<input type="hidden" value="$formname" name="do" />
<input type="hidden" value="submit" name="action" />
<input type="hidden" name="posthash" value="$posthash" />
<input type="hidden" name="poststarttime" value="$poststarttime" />
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td class="tcat" colspan="3">
$vboptions[bbtitle] - $formtitle
<td class="panelsurround" align="center" colspan="3">
<table class="panel" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0" width="100%">
<td align="$stylevar[left]">
<fieldset class="fieldset" style="margin:0px">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0">
<td class="alt2" colspan="3">
<input type="text" size="30" value="$normalanswer1" name="normalanswer1" />
<td class="alt2" valign="middle">
<b>Username</b>:<br />
Your Username.</td>
<td class="alt2" valign="middle" colspan="2">
<td class="alt2" valign="middle">
<b>$question1</b>:<br />
<td class="alt2" valign="middle" colspan="2">
<input type="text" size="30" value="$answer1" name="answer1" /></td>
<td class="alt2" valign="middle" colspan="3">
<b>$vbtextquestion</b><br />
<div align="center">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<if condition="$attachmentoption">
<td class="alt1" colspan="3" align="center">
<div style="width:$stylevar[formwidth]" align="$stylevar[left]">$attachmentoption</div>
<td valign="top" colspan="3">
<p align="center">
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt" class="button" />
<input type="submit" value="Preview" name="submit" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt" class="button" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" name="reset" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt" class="button" />
it's pretty much the same as the original template, i've only deleted the bits we didn't need for submitting news.
5.Now the final template called 'newsformanswers' (again, the name is important, it's linked to the PHP code part!) use the same procedure as with the other template but now use this simple code instead:
link ($answer1)
yes, that's really all there is to it!!! the $vbtextanswer is the text filled out and is the main description of the news, the $answer1 variable is the actual link to the news taken from the submitted form, i've used the BB code URL tag and named the text inbetween 'link', of course you can change that to anything you want, for example: "more", "source" , "view news here".
Alright, i know this explanation is quite simple but if you use the exact same code it should work fine, i hope you found this usefull, if you have any questions don't hesitate.
I've taken this a bit further myself by using vbadvanced CMPS, it's free and quite good for what i need, the submitted news goes into a forum, and the CMPS then takes that data from the forum and posts it in a news layout on a different page.
One thing i would like to implement is a sort of browse button to directly add attachments, any idea if that's possible?
02-06-2007, 06:58 PM
use 'forumid'. f gets changed to forumid
That did it - all working in conjuncton with your newthread button hack, thanks.
02-07-2007, 01:28 AM
Love the mod, but I'm now getting crazy spam through this. I use it as a "contact us" which gets posted in a mod-only section. PLEASE -- is there any way to add Captcha or some other human-entry question that must be answered correctly to prevent the spam?
02-07-2007, 02:16 PM
It works in 3.6.4
Unfortunately not for me. As soon as I want to edit the main hook I get:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, service@xxxxxxdotde and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
02-07-2007, 03:00 PM
Is this hack use usergroup permissions?
02-07-2007, 04:48 PM
Unfortunately not for me. As soon as I want to edit the main hook I get:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, service@xxxxxxdotde and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Bonee, are you using wordpad or some text editing tool to edit the plugin...i had that same error when i used a editing tool.....after which i justed edited the plugin inside of vbulletin and everything worked fine...
02-07-2007, 06:07 PM
The attachments are a great improvement but do you think it's possible to also include the thread rating (stars) in the form?
I'm using it as a 'write a review' form and it would be nice to have the rating included in the database instead of using static content.
02-07-2007, 09:40 PM
Bonee, are you using wordpad or some text editing tool to edit the plugin...i had that same error when i used a editing tool.....after which i justed edited the plugin inside of vbulletin and everything worked fine...
I get this error message when I try to edit the plugin inside of vbulletin ("newthread_start" in the plugin manager ). According to the install instructions I should edit it within vbulletin and not with a text editor.
Am I just stupid or what do I need to change to get this to work?
02-08-2007, 03:21 PM
Is there a way to make the $posttitle one of the inputs? For instance, if I create a field called "Title" and allow a user to type a title, how do I make that show up as the actual $posttitle?
EDIT: I figured it out :) It works great now.
02-08-2007, 09:54 PM
That is the only thing that is missing for us. :)
Is there a way to make the $posttitle one of the inputs? For instance, if I create a field called "Title" and allow a user to type a title, how do I make that show up as the actual $posttitle?
EDIT: I figured it out :) It works great now.
02-09-2007, 02:48 AM
man people this mod isn't that hard to grasp. you add your variables to parts 1 and 2 and define ur question variables on the plugin. your questions form is friggin html - not that tricky. if u want something to show up, you type it. if its a variable from the plugin, you call it with a dollar sign ($). on the answer form, its just bbcode - you wanna answer to show up you call it with the $ and if you want to bold it you friggin' bbcode bold the thing.
as far as the 5-star ratings, why would you rate a form that isn't filled out? you would only need to rate the data on the form, which lucky for everyone who is using this hack, the data is posted as either a thread or a post and if you've got the rating system turned on, well presto chango you can rate the threads/posts that submitting your form creates.
hal05 - $posttitle = "$title". make sure you put title in part 1 and 2 and change the code below part 2 where it says by default $posttitle = $formtitle.
02-09-2007, 04:30 PM
and if you want to bold it you friggin' bbcode bold the thing.
Uhhh.. it's not as simple as that, GBSteve... at least not in my experience.
If you want to [.B][/B.] your questions, for example, you'll have to put a space inbetween the [.B] tag and your variable (and also at the end before the closing [/B.] tag. Otherwise, you'll get a parse error when you try to save it.
So, your bolded question would look like this: [.B]<space>$variable<space>[/B.]
Furthermore, not all BBCode gives a parse error if you don't do this. i.e. [.SIZE=4][/SIZE.] works fine without the <space>.
Note: The periods or dots are put in the above code so I could get them to appear here.
02-12-2007, 12:13 PM
I would love to have this work on my site, I can see lot's of uses. Excellent MOD!!!!
I have to be honest, the instructions are beyond me.... I've tried to install this and followed the instructions.... Simple for the not so newbies, but, again, beyond me.
I'll keep checking for explicate, understandable instructions (at least for me) :)
02-12-2007, 12:31 PM
So can anyone help me? I still can't get this to work and get the "internal server error" message....
02-13-2007, 04:05 AM
I have a problem here.... Here's my form
It looks just how I want it, BUT it won't post the info right... It posts the radio buttons first and only 3 of the questions.
I want it to post the same order as the form is laid out.
02-13-2007, 08:41 AM
I've been getting the following displayed on any form that has been submitted:
<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: applyanswers -->
and at the bottom:
<!-- END TEMPLATE: applyanswers -->
Where can I remove these so they do not show up on any post made by the form? I've been looking through the templates and plugin code but can't find them.
Please help.
02-13-2007, 10:48 AM
Hey NightPhoenix,
It sounds like you need to go to your StyleManager in the admincp, and modify the "formanswers" template that's created by default. I had the same problem, and all that's needed is to place the desired variables on that template in the order you want them in, and voila. I use my page for recruiting too - lol.
One thing i'd personally like to see is posting the answers in a tabular format similar to the manner in which the questions are given. I've been able to semi get what I want by putting html code on the formanswers template. The only real trick to using html code on that page is that you have to butt it all up against each other on a single line - or as close as you can get it. If you don't have it on a single line, for every line of code you have on that page, you will get a blank space on the output page. Perhaps there's a setting he has to allow html code for the output somewhere - not sure.
Also, if anyone has figured out a way to get one of the dropdown answers to be a variable for the replythread or forum post id, i'd greatly appreciate some insight. I see where he suggests using "do=form&f=1" in the comments field, but i'm not certain how to define that in the html side to post there.
02-13-2007, 03:34 PM
I love this hack :D but I have an issue LOL
I installed it, created a nice looking form and decided I wanted a second form. Did was said in the instructions but then I went back to check up on both forms and neither worked. So I disabled the new form and voila my old form worked again. Whatever I try it doesn't seem to work with two forms. What am I doing wrong? Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance :D
eta It's solved...
02-13-2007, 04:28 PM
Hey All,
It seems like this is a common question... What I have is a dropdown menu that based on the user's selection, I would like it to be able to reply to an already existent thread. Here's my code thus far:
$formreply = "1";
$formreplythreadid = "41";
$dropdownquestion1 = "CLASS";
// The following choices must NOT have quotation marks
$dropdownchoice1a = "Please Select One";
$dropdownchoice1b = "Warrior";
$dropdownchoice1c = "Rogue";
$dropdownchoice1d = "Paladin";
$dropdownchoice1e = "Druid";
$dropdownchoice1f = "Priest";
$dropdownchoice1g = "Mage";
$dropdownchoice1h = "Warlock";
$dropdownchoice1i = "Shaman";
That was from the plugin. All of the variables are properly declared, and the form posts its reply as it should, but only to a staticly set thread.
Here's what I have from my template:
<td class="alt1" valign="middle">
<td class="alt1" valign="middle" colspan="2">
<select name="dropdownanswer1">
<option value="$dropdownchoice1a" <if condition="$dropdownchoice1a == $dropdownanswer1">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice1a</option>
<option value="$dropdownchoice1b" <if condition="$dropdownchoice1b == $dropdownanswer1">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice1b</option>
<option value="$dropdownchoice1c" <if condition="$dropdownchoice1c == $dropdownanswer1">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice1c</option>
<option value="$dropdownchoice1d" <if condition="$dropdownchoice1d == $dropdownanswer1">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice1d</option>
<option value="$dropdownchoice1e" <if condition="$dropdownchoice1e == $dropdownanswer1">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice1e</option>
<option value="$dropdownchoice1f" <if condition="$dropdownchoice1f == $dropdownanswer1">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice1f</option>
<option value="$dropdownchoice1g" <if condition="$dropdownchoice1g == $dropdownanswer1">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice1g</option>
<option value="$dropdownchoice1h" <if condition="$dropdownchoice1h == $dropdownanswer1">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice1h</option>
<option value="$dropdownchoice1i" <if condition="$dropdownchoice1i == $dropdownanswer1">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice1i</option>
I have tried putting conditional statements in on the plugin side and am met with "Cannot use a scalar value as an array". I can only assume I am not using array-based variables there properly. Looking at the last snippet of code, where in the option value can I assign "do=form&t=1" based on each selection?
Example: If they select dropdownchoice 1b from here, the corresponding thread that $formreplythreadid would be to 34, 1c would go to 31, so on and so forth.
Any thoughts? Sample code would be great if anyone can provide any :)
02-13-2007, 10:00 PM
Hey All,
I've seen several people ask how to get the dropdown menus to determine what thread to respond to using this hack.
I "think" I figured it out after much cussing lol...
I wound up NOT having to declare any new variables, and NOT having to modify the "form" template. All I did was pretty much what I had been working on previously, but called it slightly differently since the calls I was making were causing SQL to panic because of the array usage.
Here's the code if you're interested: Replace the $formreplythreadid = "XX"; (in the Form Plugin - NOT the template) with:
$formreply = "1";
if ($dropdownanswer1 == 'Mage'){
$formreplythreadid = "43";}
if ($dropdownanswer1 == 'Warlock'){
$formreplythreadid = "34";}
if ($dropdownanswer1 == 'Warrior'){
$formreplythreadid = "41";}
if ($dropdownanswer1 == 'Rogue'){
$formreplythreadid = "42";}
if ($dropdownanswer1 == 'Priest'){
$formreplythreadid = "40";}
if ($dropdownanswer1 == 'Hunter'){
$formreplythreadid = "46";}
if ($dropdownanswer1 == 'Paladin'){
$formreplythreadid = "45";}
if ($dropdownanswer1 == 'Shaman'){
$formreplythreadid = "44";}
Obviously, you would want to replace the numerics I have here with the appropriate threads to your forums. I would "assume" that posting to a forum would follow a similar pattern. As you can see, I use this form for recruiting purposes for World of Warcraft *grin*. The single quotes and the literal term of what the variable should be were the key apparently. Thanks for all the help - I hope it finds you well =)
02-15-2007, 09:53 AM
I've been getting the following displayed on any form that has been submitted:
<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: applyanswers -->
and at the bottom:
<!-- END TEMPLATE: applyanswers -->
Where can I remove these so they do not show up on any post made by the form? I've been looking through the templates and plugin code but can't find them.
Please help.
Anyone have an answer to this problem?
02-15-2007, 12:46 PM
I'm interested in getting rid of those notices as well.
Also, in this part of the mod:
0 - thank you message (thread, reply, pm, or email)
1 - redirect to post (thread or reply)
2 - redirect to thread (thread only)
3 - redirect to forum (thread only)
4 - redirect to editpost (thread or reply)
Feel free to change the thank you message if you choose option 0
$redirectoption = "0";
Is it possible to have it show a note AND have it redirect? Much like the normal functionality of vBulletin, how after you post, it tells you thanks, then redirects you.
Another issue I'm having is that this mod is creating a bunch of threads with the same title. How would I go about pulling the title of the thread from a text box that the user fills out in the form?
EDIT: so I figured there's got to be a way to do this. If I create a question that asks the user to give a basic description of the bug they have found in the software I might be able to pull the answer to that question and have it be the title to the thread. I've created the question, but how do I have it call that answer to name the thread?
EDIT2: Found the answer after reading through the thread:
I have my form posting as a thread - the members enter $normalanswer1 with the username of someone they trade with...when the form posts I want the title of the thread created to be the username of the person posting the form and $normalanswer1...
on the old version I think I did '$bbuserinfo[username] / $normalanswer1' but when I do that in the $posttitle part now the $bbuserinfo doesnt work...any suggestions?
and the answer:
this code should work just fine in the hack code itself.
$posttitle = "$bbuserinfo[username]";
Only, in my instance, I used the following:
$posttitle = "$normalanswer2";
So far, this mod has been great!
02-15-2007, 06:14 PM
I love the mod. It's working perfectly for what I needed.
One quick question though.. how do I keep all of the choices in a checkbox "checked" when it posts? It allows more than one option to be checked but still only sends the first choice.
02-15-2007, 07:44 PM
I can't see anywhere the issue of these forms going into the moderation queue being resolved, or even a pointer as to why this happens when the forum and usergourp permissions have been set accordingly.
Another question I have... is there a way of being able to define the user that actually makes the post (in the event of unregistered guests being able to complet the form) - at least that way the problem of moderation may be cured.
A Captcha device would be good too :)
Apart from that, a great mod - excellent :)
02-15-2007, 08:16 PM
I set this form before and all forms are received me and when my super moderators write reply that form their message number are rising.But after my update forum version, even though I send reply that form viewing number get higher but reply number still 0. When I enter the form I can see the replies.
Screen Shot
1 -
2 -
02-16-2007, 02:29 AM
Well, in asnwer to my previous, I've managed to hack the plugin file to accept vBulletin's own image recognition Captcha system that is being used on the current Contact Us form (sendmessage.php). The image recognition is a 'must have' for my site, and it's the only way I can get this form to work with unregistered users.
However, with those same users, I'm still having a real problem with the Moderation, though... I've allowed the users to post in the preset forum permissions, I've even tried to send values through the $threadinfo array (specifically ['visible'] = '1') into the build_new_post function from the plugin file, all to no avail.
Could I be missing something really obvious here?
02-16-2007, 12:00 PM
I've been getting the following displayed on any form that has been submitted:
<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: applyanswers -->
and at the bottom:
<!-- END TEMPLATE: applyanswers -->
Where can I remove these so they do not show up on any post made by the form? I've been looking through the templates and plugin code but can't find them.
Please help.
This is really the only thing holding me back from releasing this on our forums.
Does anyone have any insight?
02-16-2007, 01:05 PM
Hopping someone can help me with this.
Ive customized a form and have everything working accept it seems that the person submitting the form needs to be logged into the forum. Is there any way that anyone regardless of whether they are logged in or not can submit?
02-16-2007, 02:41 PM
Hopping someone can help me with this.
I’ve customized a form and have everything working accept it seems that the person submitting the form needs to be logged into the forum. Is there any way that anyone regardless of whether they are logged in or not can submit?
You would have to give all guest in admincp/usergroups/usergroup manager/unregistered not logged in/edit rights to post in forums. This form hack is more or less a thread and when a person fills it out it shows as new post.
02-16-2007, 02:50 PM
Thanks blind-eddie
I hate to give this kind of access to the forum I'm having this submitted you think there would be a way to setup a new user account that I could hard code into this hack. That way I can limit the user account setting within vB so that it only has access to this one forum. Hard coding the user setting might be a bit of a security risk but my forum is hosted on an intranet so I'm no worried that the employees in my company will be hacking my site.
Do you think this could be done easily?
02-16-2007, 03:38 PM
Dont get me to lying.....Your first question was easy, your second one is a lil tougher....I have it set up for only registered user who are logged in can post on any forum, thus reducing spam. My opion to you is that I wouldnt want anyone to fill out a form unless they were registered,to ensure they are who they are.
02-16-2007, 04:11 PM
K so if we go that route how can I have the form force the user to login first.
if the user enters "" they're currently taken to the form regardless of whether they are logged in. If they're not logged in and fill out the form and hit submit they are given no indication that their post has not gone through. So what I would like to do is some how check that the user is logged in when they first get to this page and if they are not, force them to login first...make sense?
02-16-2007, 04:29 PM
K so if we go that route how can I have the form force the user to login first.
Not sure about redirecting although I know there's a vB hook somewhere that can do that... what you could do (possibly - not tested it) is, in the form hack plugin right at the top, just after:
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == $formname)
if (!$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])
then if you need a redirector, replace (or add to) the print_no_permission() with the hook.
Alternatively you can amend this line in the plugin code:
// if (!in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], array(2,5,6,7))) print_no_permission();
by removing the comment bars and amending the allowed usergroups (or removing the NOT bang and setting groups who cannot access, if that's easier).
Setting the post to be from a defined user is, from what I can tell, far more difficult, as the call to build_new_post() picks up the current user's id (whether a member or not).
Anyone found out how to circumvent the posts (from unregd users) going into the Moderation queue yet?
02-16-2007, 04:43 PM
This is really the only thing holding me back from releasing this on our forums.
Does anyone have any insight?
I would suggest this could only be in the 'form answers' template (as defined by you in the xml by the "$answertemplate" variable) that you would have created in AdminCP -> Style Manager (unless the plugin code has been amended somehow...)
02-16-2007, 04:44 PM
woww :D very very good job.
thanx abe1...
02-16-2007, 06:50 PM
I would suggest this could only be in the 'form answers' template (as defined by you in the xml by the "$answertemplate" variable) that you would have created in AdminCP -> Style Manager (unless the plugin code has been amended somehow...)
There's nothing in there related to it, not in the stock template and not in the modified template.
Here's my template:
That's it!
02-16-2007, 08:38 PM
I've searched through the plugin and the templates yet still cannot find out how to remove it either....
02-16-2007, 10:08 PM
Why don't the two of you compare installed hacks and plugins? Perhaps you can find a common vein which might lead to being able to track it down more easily.
Sorry I couldn't be more help than that, but it's a potential start - at least until one of the more capable coders comes along to shed some light.
02-17-2007, 04:37 AM
There's nothing in there related to it, not in the stock template and not in the modified template.
That's it!
It *must* be in the templates; I can't see it being anywhere else. Have you searched through your templates (all styles) in vBulletin adminCP? As mentioned, it may well be in a co-related hack or plugin that's found its way through...
02-17-2007, 11:36 AM
I've used the search feature that's built into the AdminCP to search all templates.
I've searched for the following in all templates:
begin template
end template
<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: applyanswers -->
<!-- END TEMPLATE: applyanswers -->
Nothing comes up.
That's searching through all of the templates and all of the styles.
I was getting these lines even before I modified the hack. I installed it and immediately tested it.
02-17-2007, 01:34 PM
I can't see anywhere the issue of these forms going into the moderation queue being resolved, or even a pointer as to why this happens when the forum and usergourp permissions have been set accordingly.
OK, I finally managed a workaround to this problem (if you can call it that)... basically, I copied the build_new_post function into a separate file (for instance, includes/functions_formhack.php) and renamed the function to build_newform_post. I then commented out the relevant forum permission settings to avoid the post going into the moderation queue, then in the formhack plugin, within the "if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "submit")" braces I included a "require_once" of the functions file. The call to build the new post then went to build_newform_post. Seems to work fine...
02-18-2007, 12:36 PM
I've used the search feature that's built into the AdminCP to search all templates.
I've searched for the following in all templates:
begin template
end template
<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: applyanswers -->
<!-- END TEMPLATE: applyanswers -->
Nothing comes up.
That's searching through all of the templates and all of the styles.
I was getting these lines even before I modified the hack. I installed it and immediately tested it.
I've found the solution, and if you are anything like me you are going to kick yourself....
If you have the option "Add Template Name in HTML Comments" in the General Settings set to YES you get the template info in PM and emails:
<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: warn_pm_alert -->
Taken from this post
Right, off to headbutt the wall a few times....
02-18-2007, 03:06 PM
I cannot get a form I've created to show up. When I try to access it vB gives me the following error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting ')' in /home/www/web2/web/newthread.php(71) : eval()'d code on line 39
And says "Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator".
I've looked over my code but I can't figure out what is wrong for the life of me. Any help would be extremely appreciated :).
EDIT: Found the error! I didn't put a comma after declaring one of my datatypes. I've corrected the code below to show that. However, now I have a different error message and still says the Invalid Forum specified error. The new error seems to be coming from the script part, which doesn't make sense because I haven't touched it at all. Here's the error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/www/web2/web/newthread.php(71) : eval()'d code on line 278
// To add more then one form, copy this whole text, and creat a new plug-in with the hook location 'newthread_start'.
// After, change the form name. You can't have 2 forms with the same name.
// Name of this form
$formname = "form";
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == $formname)
// ################################################## #####################
// ######################## CUSTOMIZE VARIABLES ##########################
// ################################################## #####################
////// BEGIN CUSTOMIZATION BELOW////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Study how variables are add here to add or remove any. If you add a variable to your form, you must add it to part one and part two.
// Part 1
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'radioanswer1' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer2' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer3' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer4' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer5' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer6' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer7' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer8' => TYPE_STR,
'answer1' => TYPE_STR,
'answer2' => TYPE_STR,
'answer3' => TYPE_STR,
'answer4' => TYPE_STR,
'answer5' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer1' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer2' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer3' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer4' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer5' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer6' => TYPE_STR
// Part 2
$radioanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer1'];
$radioanswer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer2'];
$radioanswer3 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer3'];
$radioanswer4 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer4'];
$radioanswer5 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer5'];
$radioanswer6 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer6'];
$radioanswer7 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer7'];
$radioanswer8 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer8'];
$answer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer1'];
$answer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer2'];
$answer3 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer3'];
$answer4 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer4'];
$answer5 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer5'];
$longanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer1'];
$longanswer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer2'];
$longanswer3 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer3'];
$longanswer4 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer4'];
$longanswer5 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer5'];
$longanswer6 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer6'];
//You can add or remove usegroups that are ALLOWED to use this form by changing the numbers below in the array.
//To enable this feature, remove the '//' before the 'if'.
// if (!in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], array(2,6))) print_no_permission();
// Name of the main template
$maintemplate = "memberappcss";
// Name of the answer template
$answertemplate = "memberappcssanswers";
//ENABLE FORM TO BE POSTED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formforum = "1";
//You CAN make this number a variable. You can have a drop down menu or in the link like do=form&f=1. Make sure you add it the variables list.
$formforumid = "24";
//ENABLE POLL TO BE CREATED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formpoll = "0";
$polloption[1] = "Yes";
$polloption[2] = "No";
$polloption[3] = "Maybe";
//Make poll public - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$pollpublic = "0";
$formreply = "0";
$formreplythreadid = "12345";
//ENABLE FORM TO BE PMED (guests CANNOT use this option) - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formpm = "0";
//USERNAME TO PM TO (separate multiple usernames with a ';')
$formpmname = "Abe";
//ENABLE FORM TO BE EMAILED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formemail = "0";
//EMAIL ADDRESS TO EMAIL TO (separate multiple usernames with a ';')
$formemailaddress = "";
//ENABLE ATTACHMENTS - 1 = yes, 0 = no
//attachments can only be used if the form is going to make a new thread or post
$allow_attachments = "0";
// 0 - thank you message (thread, reply, pm, or email)
// 1 - redirect to post (thread or reply)
// 2 - redirect to thread (thread only)
// 3 - redirect to forum (thread only)
// 4 - redirect to editpost (thread or reply)
// Feel free to change the thank you message if you choose option 0
$redirectoption = "2";
$errormessage = "Thank you for submitting this form!"; //This is the thank you message
//If you added or deleted variables, you must edit what it checked for. Search for "$answerall ==" and edit 2 lines under it.
$answerall = "0";
//TITLE OF FORM (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole title)
$formtitle = "Application";
//TITLE OF THREAD/POST/PM/EMAIL (do not use quotation marks in the title or you will get a parse error)
//You may use variables from the form for this.
$posttitle = "Test";
//PURPOSE OF FORM (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
$formpurpose = "If you wish to join The Legion's Counter-Strike Source Division you will need to fill out this application as completely as possible. Once you have finished this form you will be redirected to the post, where you will need to wait for your sponsor to post his approval, at which point you will be added to The Legion's member list!";
$question1 = "What is your screen name:";
$explain1 = "Please enter your screen name here.";
$question2 = "What is your real name:";
$explain2 = "Please enter your real name here, this is optional and you don't need to answer if you would prefer not to.";
$question3 = "Who was your recruiter/how did you find us:";
$explain3 = "Please enter the name of the person who recruited you here or if you found us someplace else please tell us where.";
$question4 = "What is your age:";
$explain4 = "Please specify your age. The Legion does not discriminate in any way based on your age and if your uncomforable giving this information than you don't need to.";
$question5 = "What is your xFire screen name:";
$explain5 = "Please tell us your xFire screen name. If you do not have xFire is is extremely advised that you get it, as The Legion uses xFire for clan communication and to help judge how active members are.";
$longquestion1 = "What clan experiance do you have:";
$longexplain1 = "Please tell us about what clan's you've been in, how long you were a member, what positions you held, etc. Feel free to be as detailed as you want.";
$longquestion2 = "What gaming experiance do you have:";
$longexplain2 = "Please tell us what games you have played over the years and your experience in them, and also what games you are currently playing.";
$longquestion3 = "What leadership positions have you held:";
$longexplain3 = "Please tell us about any leadership positions you've had and what your responsibilities were. This can be anywhere, in a clan, at school, in a club, at work, etc.";
$longquestion4 = "Why do you want to join The Legion:";
$longexplain4 = "Please tell us why you wish to join The Legion.";
$radioquestion1 = "What kind of gamer do you consider yourself to be:";
$radiochoice1a = "Occasional gamer, I game a few times each week.";
$radiochoice1b = "Weekend warrior, I'm too busy to play during the week.";
$radiochoice1c = "Fulltime gamer, I play every day as much as possible.";
$radioquestion2 = "What is your internet speed:";
$radiochoice2a = "Dialup";
$radiochoice2b = "DSL/Cable";
$radiochoice2c = "T1/ISDN or Faster";
//////////// Division Specific Questions //////////
$longquestion5 = "What hours are you available for game play:";
$longexplain5 = "Please tell us during which hours of the week are you usually avaliable for gaming?";
$longquestion6 = "What is your preferred weapons combination:";
$longexplain6 = "Please tell us what weapons you prefer to use when playing Counter-Strike Source.";
$radioquestion3 = "You must have a Microphone. Do you currently have one?:";
$radiochoice3a = "yes";
$radiochoice3b = "no";
$radioquestion4 = "You must have X-Fire. Do you currently have it?:";
$radiochoice4a = "yes";
$radiochoice4b = "no";
$radioquestion5 = "You must have Ventrilo. Do you currently have it?:";
$radiochoice5a = "yes";
$radiochoice5b = "no";
$radioquestion6 = "Do you understand that you will be required to attend practices:";
$radiochoice6a = "yes";
$radiochoice6b = "no";
$radioquestion7 = "Are you aware that we have a Code of Conduct?:";
$radiochoice7a = "yes";
$radiochoice7b = "no";
$radioquestion8 = "Have you read our Code of Conduct and agreed to it?:";
$radiochoice8a = "yes";
$radiochoice8b = "no";
$vbtextquestion = "Is there anything else you'd like to add?:";
$vbtextexplain = "If you have any other information you would like us to know please tell us here.";
////// END OF CUSTOMIZATION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
02-18-2007, 05:45 PM
I see some of your problem, Find all instances of ?:";
get rid of :
That will stop some if not all errors.
EDIT: I also deleted all :....didnt work...Give me a min....
THis is line 278 $_REQUEST['action'] = "form";
It must say stay the same
Anyone have an answer to this problem?
Disable the option in your vb main settings not to show the template name.
02-19-2007, 09:42 AM
Important FYI - If you have "Guest Post Image Verification" turned on, posting to a thread will not work because the form hack doesn't integrate the Image Verification system.
This is proving a major pain for me. My forms need to be able to post to threads, but with 'Guest Post Image Verification' turned off I get ENORMOUS amounts of spam. Any suggestions as to how I could combat this?
02-19-2007, 01:21 PM
Yes, dont allow guest to post. Set usergroup setting for guest, not to be able to post. Make them register.
02-19-2007, 05:18 PM
Form installed and works fine... I'll be using it for Feedback uses.
02-19-2007, 10:54 PM
I've found the solution...
SWEET! Thanks a million!
I didn't even know that was an option to set!
All fixed now!
Now I'm going to move on to making the 'New Thread' button in the forums where the forms will be posted, lead directly to the form, instead of a new thread.
02-20-2007, 06:31 AM
Yes, dont allow guest to post. Set usergroup setting for guest, not to be able to post. Make them register.
My guests have to be able to post, unfortunately. I'm looking at the NoSpam! ( hack, which says it works with the Form Hack but I'm currently experiencing problems with it. I shall persevere though.
02-20-2007, 01:20 PM
I get no spam at all, all guest must register to post or fill out an app. How do you know who they are if you dont make them register. You have there ip, also only people who register and take the time to fill out there reg info are going to do what it is they came to you for, your form hack.....JMO....makem register, it will stop most if not all spam. Good luck
02-20-2007, 01:36 PM
The attachments are a great improvement but do you think it's possible to also include the thread rating (stars) in the form?
I'm using it as a 'write a review' form and it would be nice to have the rating included in the database instead of using static content.
02-20-2007, 03:56 PM
is there anybody help me?
I set this form before and all forms are received me and when my super moderators write reply that form their message number are rising.But after my update forum version, even though I send reply that form viewing number get higher but reply number still 0. When I enter the form I can see the replies.
Screen Shot
1 -
2 -
02-21-2007, 08:20 PM
Strange it always worked and now I'm suddenly getting an error; after I submit the review it shows the message: 'no thread specified' could it be because of the upgrade to 3.6.4???
02-21-2007, 09:50 PM
For some reason, on a new template that I've created, the attachment area on the initial form page, isn't centered on the bottom of the page any more.
I've tried comparing the code to another form that has the module positioned correctly, but no dice.
Any ideas?
02-21-2007, 10:49 PM
Now I'm running into a new issue, and I can't track it down.
I've uploaded a new form. I hooked it to 'newthread_start'. I've created two new templates for this new form, and I've called them in the new form as well.
When this form is activated and I try to access it, I get an error telling me that an invalid forum was specified.
While this fom is activated, and I try to access any other form that I've created, I get the same error - that an invalid forum was specified.
If I diable this newest form, I'm able to access the other forms without a problem.
I get an error about the syntax in newthread.php.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
02-22-2007, 12:43 PM
hmm ik think this doesn't work with vbseo, i keep getting 'no thread specified' when trying to post a form
02-22-2007, 07:11 PM
it does work with vbseo. make sure you have it posting to a valid forum id (have you edited the plugin?)
How do you get the CAPTCHA to work please?
02-25-2007, 01:10 AM
I wanted to know if its possible to put the form in a custom php file? example form.php?do=form1
can this be easily done or does it have to be for newthread.php?
02-28-2007, 02:13 AM
@optrex: you have a PM - sorry, just noticed my unread PMs :o
03-03-2007, 10:37 AM
I think i'm the first whit another problem,
I installed this hack with no issue, BUT i'm not able to acces the form itself.
It always redirect me to the submit calender form, that came original with vb.
I'f i change the hook location from newthread >> newreply , thne i'm able to view the form
but after pushing the submit button. Again i 'l be redirected to the submit event to calender form.
Sombody nows whats the problem on this one ?
03-04-2007, 01:33 AM
im getting Internal Server Error when try to edit hook in vb admincp!!!
any ideas?
03-04-2007, 02:32 AM
Not sure if many of you who own your own domain, but, within your host site cpanel, if they offer fantastico auto-installs, click on it, ...scroll down, and you will see
php form like a charm!!!! You can make forms anyway you want. Look into it.....
03-04-2007, 02:43 AM
Please explain where to edit the hook and both templates? I have the same problem, I added fields and field names, but I get 3 lines of buttons before my first question.
You have to edit the hook, and both templates in order to make it work.
03-07-2007, 03:36 PM
it does work with vbseo. make sure you have it posting to a valid forum id (have you edited the plugin?)
Of course I've edited the plugin and there is a valid ID. It always worked, I have used it for months without problems now suddenly it stopped working. I submit the review and it just isn't posted. This is the URL when the form is submitted: /showthread.php?t=
03-08-2007, 05:38 AM
Does anyone know if this mod can be incorporated into the following hacks to allow a person to post a new event using a custom designed form:
If not, is it possible to do? If so, anyone interested in doing it for cash?
Very nice, we'll be using this to process character submissions to play in our gameworld.
03-09-2007, 10:03 PM
Is their anyway to change it so the permissions check doesn't just check the user's primary usergroup and checks the secondary ones as well?
03-09-2007, 10:45 PM
Will this work for say a job website - people can submit their jobs or classifieds using this form and then it will go to a thread?
What about uploading of resumes?
03-10-2007, 07:17 AM
Will this work for say a job website - people can submit their jobs or classifieds using this form and then it will go to a thread?
What about uploading of resumes?
You create a form....the plugin posts the content of the form to a new post in your specified forum whenever someone uses it.
so yes, you can make a job form, people use it, the results end up in a forum. Same with resumes, you create the form, they use it, the results end up in a forum....
but you have to design the form first :):D
03-10-2007, 01:52 PM
I need a form hack to figure out the form hack. Anybody? :)
03-10-2007, 03:30 PM
If I shouldnt have posted this here, I am sorry, I saw no html faq area & figured ppl with form knowledge could help me out. This is my first "crude html form", but it works. I am using this on a vb site of a friend that wants this to email the form to him & re-direct applicants to another page. I have tried so many times to get the re-direct to work...I cant, as you see looking at my creation that I am not that good at html and I am in the kindergarden stage of it. Also, when submit is clicked, pop-up appears asking if its ok to problem, but then another pop up appears showing somewhat the same with a blank send to box, clicking send works, and email is sent. In your mail box is shows:"Form posted from Windows Internet Explorer." not from site do I fix this? If anyone could help me set up my re-direct I would be forever in your debt.....
<div style="border: 25px ridge;">
<h1 align="center">YOUR TITLE</h1>
<form action="MAILTO:YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS"method="POST"enctype="text/plain">
<p style="text-align: center;">
1. Real Name:<br><br> <input type="text" name="1. Real Name">
2. AA Name:<br><br> <input type="textbox" name="2. AA Name">
3. Have you read the Code of Conduct and willing to abide by it at all times?<br><br>
<input type="radio" checked="checked"name="3. Have you read the Code of Conduct and willing to abide by it at all times?" value="yes">
<input type="radio"name="3. Have you read the Code of Conduct and willing to abide by it at all times?" value="No"><br><br>
4. Are you 18 years of age or older?
<input type="radio" checked="checked"name="4. Are you 18 years of age or older?" value="Yes">
<input type="radio"name="4. Are you 18 years of age or older?" value="No">
5. What is your AAGUID Number?<br><br>
<input type="text" name="5. What is your AAGUID Number?">
6. Do you have a AAO Tracker account? <br><br>
<input type="radio" checked="checked"name="6. Do you have a AAO Tracker account?" value="Yes">
<input type="radio"name="6. Do you have a AAO Tracker account?" value="No">
7. Link to YOUR AAO Tracker account?<br><br>
<input type="text" name="7. Link to YOUR AAO Tracker account?">
8. Are you able to donate $10.00/month?<br><br>
Yes: <input type="radio" checked="checked"name="8. Are you able to donate $10.00/month?" value="Yes">
No: <input type="radio"checked="checked"name="8. Are you able to donate $10.00/month?" value="No">
9. Please list previous clans that you have been with in the past.<br><br>
<textarea cols="50" rows="14" name="9. Please list previous clans that you have been with in the past."></textarea><br><br>
10. Please list previous account names that you have used in the past.<br><br>
<textarea cols="50" rows="14" name="10. Please list previous account names that you have used in the past."></textarea><br><br>
11. Please tell us a little bit about yourself and why you want to join BlackwaterOps.<br><br>
<textarea cols="50" rows="14" name="11. Please tell us a little bit about yourself and why you want to join BlackwaterOps."></textarea><br><br>
12. Have you ever been banned for cheating/hacking/exploiting or linked to any accounts that have been banned for cheating/hacking/exploiting?<br><br>
<input type="radio" checked="banned"name="12. Have you ever been banned for cheating/hacking/exploiting or linked to any accounts that have been banned for cheating/hacking/exploiting?" value="Yes">
<input type="radio"name="12. Have you ever been banned for cheating/hacking/exploiting or linked to any accounts that have been banned for cheating/hacking/exploiting?" value="No">
<input type="hidden" name="sendtoemail" value="YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"><br></p>
<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="YOUR URL">
EDIT: Never mind, I figured it out.
03-11-2007, 01:57 PM
I figured out a cool method of redirecting to the post (option "1" in the Form Hack) if you're a registered user, admin, etc. but redirecting Unregistered Users to the "Thank you" message telling them that their form will be put in queue for moderation. This prevents the "Invalid Thread specified" errors if you moderate Unregistered Users form submissions and have the redirect set to "1".
1. First you need to change the Forum Permissions so that Unregistered can Post New Threads in the forum your Form Hack uses. You'll have to disable Image Verification for guests, though.. but I don't find it a problem since I don't allow Guests to post in any of my forums. Does anyone know if there is a forum-specific Image Verification hack??
2. Open up the Form Hack plugin. Set the "$redirectoption" to "1". You can also do this to 2-4, but I haven't tried it. If you do it for 2-4, make sure to change the correct "redirectoption" in the next step.
3. Find if ($redirectoption == "1")
$vbulletin->url = 'showthread.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "p=$newpost[postid]";
eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_postthanks' ));
and replace with if ($redirectoption == "1" AND in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], array(2,5,6,7)))
$vbulletin->url = 'showthread.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "p=$newpost[postid]";
eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_postthanks' ));
You can change 2,5,6,7 to whatever Usergroup IDs you WANT to redirect to the post, thread, etc. Just make sure you exclude Unregistered will get the redirect error, since the post doesn't exist because it's still in Moderation.
4. Configure the "$errormessage" to tell the Unregistered users that their submitted form has been put in queue for moderation. Thank you for submitting this form!
<br /><br />
If you are unregistered or not logged in this will be added to the queue for moderation. You will not see this thread until we approve it.
<br /><br />
Thank you! You may return to the forum <a href=\"\">Here.</a>
If you are going to use any kind of HTML (with quotations) in your message, you must put a backward slash \ in front of each quotation mark ". Otherwise you will get parse errors. Make sure to change YOURDOMAIN, and X to the proper Forum ID.
Well I'm off to figure out how to do the "Thank You" message AND automatically redirect back to the forum now that I've gotten part way there. You can also use my method above for different reasons. It's essentially allowing you 2 redirect options instead of one. :)
03-12-2007, 03:59 PM
I'm having a problem with my forms sending me an email. It only seems to do this once I log on. I set up a form to do registrations for a program training and they all got caught in a que of some sort and wasn't released until I logged in as a admin. Then all the emails were sent out at once. Have any idea why this would be?
03-13-2007, 08:18 PM
the most difficult thing is editing the template to include more fields?!
Can the developer show us snippets of code to add more of a certain type of question?
I mean where does the code for a certain question start and end? And what makes up the parts of the code? The variable what else?
03-14-2007, 12:00 AM
you have to be kidding me.... this is the most complicated hack I have ever tried to use... How could this even be considered for MOTM???
03-14-2007, 12:13 AM
I found this fairly simple to use and it works very well for a lot of stuff.
03-14-2007, 01:34 AM
It B kinda difficult at first, but once you understand it, it be really COOL.
I signed up for some of those Form makers on the net and never could get those suckers to do what I needed. But now that I've figured out this hack, its all gravy.
Thanks ABE;)
Dont know why I get this error, even I did uninstall the hack.
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/vtn/public_html/forum/newthread.php(71) : eval()'d code on line 641
Now everything I click on "New thread" this error appears on the top banner. Please advise.. Thanks so much.
Dont know why I get this error, even I did uninstall the hack.
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/vtn/public_html/forum/newthread.php(71) : eval()'d code on line 641
Now everything I click on "New thread" this error appears on the top banner. Please advise.. Thanks so much.
No clue. Maybe you have one some other hack interfering with it.
I used the old version 3.5 and it worked very well, dont know when I upgrade to this version, it's still work well but after I edit something and import again, the error appears, I uninstall this hack but that error still remains. When I turn off the hook on vbb setting, that error disappear, it seems to be like the error due to the product... dont know how to solve that :((
Edit: I worked out. Thanks
03-15-2007, 06:22 PM
Im sure I could figure out how to do it if I had hours of free time but not.
How do I change the REDIRECTION to other url to external site???
Thanks 4 your time...<>:)
03-16-2007, 11:43 AM
Go to Plugin Manager --> Form Hack (or if you've created duplicate form hacks, whatever you named yours)
In the PHP Plugin Code, scroll close to the bottom and find: if ($redirectoption == "4")
$vbulletin->url = 'editpost.php?do=editpost&' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "p=$newpost[postid]";
eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_postthanks' ));
}After it, add:if ($redirectoption == "5")
header ("Location: $URL");
} Change domain to whatever site you want.
Now, just so you remember what option 5 does, find:// 4 - redirect to editpost (thread or reply)and after it, add:// 5 - redirect to external websiteThen right after that change "$redirectoption" to "5".
I wouldn't use this unless you clearly state in the form that you're redirecting them to an external site... it just seems kind of... sneaky. :) They'll also have no indication that their form was submitted successfully.
I hope you'll use this legitimately though. ;)
Edit: And about the image verification thing.. I'd really like that too.
I have found a cool workaround though.. you can add a question to the bottom of the form that there is only one definite answer to, use an expression to limit the input, and make the form require it to be answered, or it won't submit.
It's a little harder than the site redirect... so if you really want to know, maybe I can muster up the energy to explain it. :)
03-16-2007, 01:39 PM
OK, sorry to double post..
I am very close to getting image verification to work in the form hack.
My ONLY problem is that I don't receive an error message when entering the wrong verification code. However, it DOES know that it's the wrong code because the post doesn't enter my moderation queue. If I do enter the right code, it shows up in moderation.
So can any more experienced coders than I tell me what code handles the Image Verifcation error message?? It's supposed to pop up in the same place the Preview would if I hit "Preview Post"
Pretty please? Help? :)
03-16-2007, 02:57 PM
I am having trouble with a emailed form. The email is blank. Can someone show me their code snippet that they use for emailed forms. I think it he forms and formanswer part I have a problem with.
03-16-2007, 09:57 PM
Good to Go MilkCarton
I saw that down there and was messing with it, but 4 the life of me I didnt get far.
Nice work around.
No, no, no... I dont redirect folks to BS links. Its internal links, Im using outsite of forum, same site.
Yeah that image verification deal would be great. I've been working on some forms and wanted to know why that wansn't added before.;)
I like this Hack because it saves me on using database form software for tracking folks. Also its easy to incorporate advanced forms.:cool:
Thanks 4 your time...<>
03-18-2007, 01:08 AM
I'm having trouble inserting more variables for the checkbox and dropdown choices. I'm adding the new variables to both Part 1 and Part 2, but when I try and access the form I get an error saying the forum is invalid.
03-18-2007, 12:35 PM
No clue. Maybe you have one some other hack interfering with it.
Hello Abe, can you PLEASE tell me why it doesn't work anymore. Ihave now uninstalled/installed it over and over again but the same problem keeps coming back. The form apears, I can fill it in , but after submit nothing get's posted, there is just no thread made. And yes I have selected a forum where the thread needs to be posted in. How is this possible? I used this before for a year and it always worked , it's driving me nuts?!
PS: I'm willing to pay for personal support if you can make it work again! This is very important for our board.
03-18-2007, 02:57 PM
If anyone is experienced with coding, please check out my thread here (
I only need to figure out a few lines of code and then I can release my fix to add Image Verification to this Form Hack!
I'm only testing this in a form to post a new thread, however. I can't even guarantee that it would work to submit a PM, reply, email, etc.
03-18-2007, 04:56 PM
I have a question. Is there a way to have a form setup that emails different people based on the form data submitted? For example:
Field A:
Option 1, Option 2, Option 3
If a user submits the form with Option 1 (from Field A) selected then the form results get emailed to a set group of emails. If another user submits the form with Option 2 (from Field A) the form results get emailed to a different set group of emails.
Is that possible with this MOD?
Hello Abe, can you PLEASE tell me why it doesn't work anymore. Ihave now uninstalled/installed it over and over again but the same problem keeps coming back. The form apears, I can fill it in , but after submit nothing get's posted, there is just no thread made. And yes I have selected a forum where the thread needs to be posted in. How is this possible? I used this before for a year and it always worked , it's driving me nuts?!
PS: I'm willing to pay for personal support if you can make it work again! This is very important for our board.
Check to make sure the user has permission to post in that thread.
03-19-2007, 06:55 PM
Thanks for the reply and yes I'm sure because I tried it as an administrator. It's not posted IN a thread but posted AS a thread in a selected forum. I can provide access if needed so you can check my settings. Please let me know.
03-21-2007, 01:21 AM
Gotts some forms to add, but need permission from ABE1...
Maybe it might help those of us that dont have the time to create um...
I will upload if its OK...?
Thanks 4 this,,, L8ter:up:
Gotts some forms to add, but need permission from ABE1...
Maybe it might help those of us that dont have the time to create um...
I will upload if its OK...?
Thanks 4 this,,, L8ter:up:
Sue. Upload what ever you want.
03-21-2007, 03:25 AM
I have a question. Is there a way to have a form setup that emails different people based on the form data submitted? For example:
Field A:
Option 1, Option 2, Option 3
If a user submits the form with Option 1 (from Field A) selected then the form results get emailed to a set group of emails. If another user submits the form with Option 2 (from Field A) the form results get emailed to a different set group of emails.
Is that possible with this MOD?
03-21-2007, 07:06 AM
Do you know what I'm missing for Image Verification in your form hack? I've asked here and have another thread over in Programming Discussion. If I could get it figured out I would really like to release it to you so that you can update your hack to use Image Verification for Unregistered users.
Like I said before, I just need it to SHOW that the form has been rejected. Everything works though.. it just doesn't tell you. :) Right now I'm using a very large disclaimer above the code box that warns unregistered users that they should triple check what they've typed in, because they won't know if it's been submitted for sure or not.
This is a terrible solution though, because a lot of people will have doubts and try submitting it twice.. a nightmare from a moderation standpoint.
I'm sure it's possible but I can't work on it for you.
Do you know what I'm missing for Image Verification in your form hack? I've asked here and have another thread over in Programming Discussion. If I could get it figured out I would really like to release it to you so that you can update your hack to use Image Verification for Unregistered users.
Like I said before, I just need it to SHOW that the form has been rejected. Everything works though.. it just doesn't tell you. :) Right now I'm using a very large disclaimer above the code box that warns unregistered users that they should triple check what they've typed in, because they won't know if it's been submitted for sure or not.
This is a terrible solution though, because a lot of people will have doubts and try submitting it twice.. a nightmare from a moderation standpoint.
No time now to take a look at it.
03-21-2007, 01:10 PM
That's fine. :)
Because I got it working!! Haha. I still need to test it out when using it to PM, Email, Reply to a post, etc. I've only tested it out on starting a new thread. Doing that will take a while because I'll need to copy the form at least once (as to not ruin my working copy :) ) and then go in and change all the settings.
03-21-2007, 10:22 PM
Yes it works perfect on 3.6.5
03-22-2007, 01:29 AM
I'm sure it's possible but I can't work on it for you.
Are you kidding? Why not? I really need it!!!
Just kidding. ;) I was curious if this was something I could do without modifying the code in this MOD. I will install it and play around to see if I can get it to do what I posted. Thanks for the reply.
03-22-2007, 01:43 AM
Here is a free form to use thannnks to ABE1 and Milk Carton add-on.
I placed all info in zip file so read install file. It should be easy to get it going and you can make changes as needed. I will try to post more soon as I have a change.
Zip has all html files in it with all template and plugin info inside.
Good Luck!;)
03-23-2007, 04:21 PM
This is going to sound very stupid, but what is the "hook" and where is it so I can get this hack going? Sorry for asking such a simple question.
03-24-2007, 03:28 AM
03-24-2007, 08:02 AM
Can this hack be used to insert standard, form-based replies into any thread?
Eg. In a specified forum, members reading a thread can click REPLY and then use the forms template to reply.
The instructions and descriptions only say that can insert into "any thread of your choice" which kind of implies that the thread is pre-specified by the system and not a thread where the member wants to post into.
Some clarification would be appreciated.
03-24-2007, 10:16 AM
It already does that, you pick which thread it goes to. Then from there it can be replied on.
03-25-2007, 12:14 AM
Here are 2 more free forms to use thannnks to ABE1 and Milk Carton add-on.
I placed all info in zip file so read install file. It should be easy to get it going and you can make changes as needed. I will try to post more soon as I have a chance.
Zip has all html files in it with all template and plugin info inside.
Rename both templates if needed and add plugin.
One is CSS and the other is Standard. CSS may need some code cleaning, but its the best I could do. My html and php work is still medium.
Enjoy ;)
03-25-2007, 01:27 PM
You should have waited until I released the Image Verification add-on for this form hack. :)
And actually, for simplicity's sake I got rid of the redirect options.. but I guess I'll have to find a way to reincorporate them. ;)
03-25-2007, 06:09 PM
ok listen, i have messed with this for a week now and cant get it to work. I hate editing codes caz i never do it right. Will some one please make on for me. I would greatly appreciate it. I am helping my buddy get his site up for and we need this form A.S.A.P.. You can email the code to Or contact me on aim soulweaver2006. THANK YOU
here is the outline i am looking for
Name -
D.O.B. -
Address -
Email -
Have you ever been a model before, if yes explain -
Do you have a online portfolio, if yes what is the URL -
Please write down a paragraph that tells us about you -
03-26-2007, 01:17 AM
FRANKTHETANK 2 dont worry dude I shall put forth the effort and maketh your form.
Hope this one helps...
03-26-2007, 01:27 AM
I say Milk Carton
I've been waiting for your update sir, and yes I will wait until you complete add-on hack before uploading more forms.
I've been getting many spammers and spiders submitting to forms. Your image verification would help greatly.
Looking foward to using it soon. ;)
Heres one for the road... CSS HOLY GRAIL!
03-26-2007, 03:58 AM
Well I apologize.. :) I haven't exactly had time or patience to test it out on other form types like PM, email, etc. Since it would require a lot of time setting up each form, since they're not exactly user friendly. :)
I could release it as is, but then I might be getting a million PMs asking why it doesn't work.
03-26-2007, 04:07 AM
It already does that, you pick which thread it goes to. Then from there it can be replied on.Thats where I am a bit confused - *I* do not want to direct it to any particular thread, rather the *member* clicks REPLY and used a form to compose his reply into the thread which he is currently in.
Here is the scenario.
a) Thread is created using forms template and posted in public - call it Thread X.
b) Members can clics REPLY in the thread and uses another form to post their replies into Thread X.
Thus, there are two forms used - one to CREATE the thread and one to REPLY within the thread.
The way that the feature is touted is that upon creation of the forms, hitting REPLY will add the reply to a thread (call it Thread A) which *I* specified during the forms creations eg all forms-based replies go into Thread A.
03-26-2007, 04:22 AM
You can use an if conditional to change the Reply button into newreply.php?do=FORM in that specific thread. Or at least you should be able to.
I did it in a specific forum to turn the New Thread button into newthread.php?do=FORM.
If your users are really smart though, they could edit the URL to submit a regular reply, bypassing the form.
And to answer your more general question, yes you can set the form up to do a New Reply instead of a New Thread.
Hi everyone, what is the status of this mod with the latest vBulletin 3.6? Is it fully functional?
03-27-2007, 08:10 PM
I have one of mine set up to a Thread in our private forum. This way my members can vote if a poll was added or post a reply. As the applicant doesnt have access to our private forums, I dont want them to see what was posted by my members if they get accepted. So, I set up that particular thread that when the thread is closed, it gets set to my admins forums. That way it is closed.
Thats where I am a bit confused - *I* do not want to direct it to any particular thread, rather the *member* clicks REPLY and used a form to compose his reply into the thread which he is currently in.
Here is the scenario.
a) Thread is created using forms template and posted in public - call it Thread X.
b) Members can clics REPLY in the thread and uses another form to post their replies into Thread X.
Thus, there are two forms used - one to CREATE the thread and one to REPLY within the thread.
The way that the feature is touted is that upon creation of the forms, hitting REPLY will add the reply to a thread (call it Thread A) which *I* specified during the forms creations eg all forms-based replies go into Thread A.
03-27-2007, 10:40 PM
Very interesting. So I have an introduction area where I like new users to post in. So can I use this hack for just that area then?
AK47 Nemesis
03-28-2007, 06:50 PM
Hi, nice hack! But i have 1 question, is it possible to use more text areas like the top question? Because i want to use it for a tournament sign up form, but i need more text fields for that. Can someone help me?
03-29-2007, 11:10 AM
Hi, nice hack! But i have 1 question, is it possible to use more text areas like the top question? Because i want to use it for a tournament sign up form, but i need more text fields for that. Can someone help me?
AK47 Nemesis take a look at pages 25, 26...
Form pics listed showing different types of forms that can be created using this hack.
ABE1 has a pic on the main instructions also.
I posted some downloads to help some with creating forms and understanding how to make advanced forms.
Good Luck
03-29-2007, 11:13 AM
Very interesting. So I have an introduction area where I like new users to post in. So can I use this hack for just that area then?
Yeap there are ways to use this form there, but you might want to ask the author about that. Using links in header to funnel to forms is workable.
Im putting together a forms pack, but I need a image verification first. Milk Carton is on the ball with that add-on.
Good Luck
03-30-2007, 01:57 PM
I run a Warcraft Guild website. I use this hack.mod so that other wow players can post their applications to our guild. However we have some people that despite forcing a preview, still manage to submit incomplete or two word response applications.
What i want to do is modify the plugin script so that it checks to see if a user has posted an application already in that forum and exit saying "you can only apply to guild once every 30 days".
03-31-2007, 08:07 PM
Thanks for the reply and yes I'm sure because I tried it as an administrator. It's not posted IN a thread but posted AS a thread in a selected forum. I can provide access if needed so you can check my settings. Please let me know.
How would I delete the long answer question in the form? I seem to be missing something?
How would I delete the long answer question in the form? I seem to be missing something?
You have to edit the templates also.
04-05-2007, 11:31 AM
vBull 3.6.8 seems to be having some issues with posting... should up uninstall and install again?
vBull 3.5.4 is working koooooooolllll.
04-05-2007, 11:35 AM
How would I delete the long answer question in the form? I seem to be missing something?
<td class="alt1" valign="middle">
<b>$longquestion1</b><br />
<td class="alt1" valign="middle" colspan="2">
<textarea rows="20" cols="70" name="longanswer1">$longanswer1</textarea>
Find this in main template and remove
Also as ABE1 says you must modify both templates in ADMINCP temp area and then change plugin code here...>
// Part 1
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'answer1' => TYPE_STR,
'answer2' => TYPE_STR,
'answer3' => TYPE_STR,
'answer4' => TYPE_STR,
'answer5' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer1' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer1other' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer2' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer2other' => TYPE_STR,
// Part 2
$answer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer1'];
$answer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer2'];
$answer3 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer3'];
$answer4 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer4'];
$answer5 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer5'];
$radioanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer1'];
$radioanswer1other = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer1other'];
$radioanswer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer2'];
$radioanswer2other = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer2other'];
Long answer is missing here,,, remove all lines not used in form.
Good Luck
vBull 3.6.8 seems to be having some issues with posting... should up uninstall and install again?
vBull 3.5.4 is working koooooooolllll.
when was 3.6.8 released???????
But if you must know Abe1 it was Mar 1st 2007 :)
As far as I know, the last version the the 3.6.x is 3.6.5.
04-05-2007, 01:35 PM
oops thought he said 3.5.8 :)
04-06-2007, 08:36 PM
My bad, i meant 3.6.5
Im using test board to verify this now. Maybe its another hack causing issue.
By the way can somebody help Milk Carton with the image verification add-on?
Good Luck
Fixed it...
04-06-2007, 11:08 PM
Use bbcodes from smilies fields to add some color and flair to PREVIEWS and posts...
Upload smilies and insert into your answers template
Take a Peek...;)
04-08-2007, 09:27 AM
Hello Abe, can you PLEASE tell me why it doesn't work anymore. Ihave now uninstalled/installed it over and over again but the same problem keeps coming back. The form apears, I can fill it in , but after submit nothing get's posted, there is just no thread made. And yes I have selected a forum where the thread needs to be posted in. How is this possible? I used this before for a year and it always worked , it's driving me nuts?!
Ok, I finally found the cause of this problem. It's because this mod ( doesn't work together with the form mod because it interferes in the posting process. It took me days to found this out but I'm happy to get it solved now. Hopefully both mods can work together in future updates some day...
04-08-2007, 05:11 PM
This has to be the best mod ever!
04-09-2007, 12:02 AM
Im still having a few troubles getting this fully loaded, but here it is NE-ways.
Hope this helps...
<script type="text/javascript">
function popup(url){,"","width=275,height=250,scrollbars,");
return false;
<a href="" onclick="return popup(this.href);">One</a>
<a href="" onclick="return popup(this.href);"><img src="/images/calendar1.gif" alt="Submit Events" width="20" height="20" border="0"></a>
Use this in body of page.
This is very useful 4 many things. Im using it to send folks to CALENDAR events. Not fully perfected.
Good Luck
04-10-2007, 06:21 PM
If a user fills this out & it goes into a thread, are they automatically subscribed to that thread too? What about the forum?
04-10-2007, 06:28 PM
If a user fills this out & it goes into a thread, are they automatically subscribed to that thread too? What about the forum?
I haven't played around very much with replys to forums, but Im sure if their a member of your forum and forums is set to subscibe, then it should work.
Marlita use your test board to verify.
Good Luck
04-10-2007, 06:34 PM
If you dont like the standard form in vBull then use CSS forms to help spice um up. Make changes as needed...
<style type="text/css">
font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
background: #CCD8FF;
color: #000000;
color: #000000;
font-weight: bold;
vertical-align: top;
padding-right: 5px;
font-weight: bold;
vertical-align: top;
font-weight: bold;
vertical-align: top;
background: #3265FF;
color: #ffffff;
background-repeat: repeat;
font-weight: bold;
font-weight: bold;
padding-right: 5px;
color: #0000FF;
color: #0000FF;
font-weight: bold;
font-weight: bold;
background: #3265FF;
background-repeat: repeat;
color: #ffffff;
font-weight: bold;
font-weight: bold;
background: #273254;
color: #ffffff;
font-weight: bold;
background: #4F65A9;
color: #ffffff;
border-right-width: 1px;
border-right-color: #000000;
border-right-style: solid;
font-weight: bold;
background: #3265FF;
background-repeat: repeat;
font-weight: bold;
background: #f0f0f0;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: #0000ff;
color: #ffffff;
background-color: #000000;
color: #ffffff;
text-align: right;
text-align: right;
background: #99B2FF;
border-width: 1px;
border-color: #000000;
border-style: solid;
Good Luck!
I'm trying to modify this form a little bit so that I have a drop down box with a list of 2-3 forums that users can choose to post the information too. I'm not an experienced programmer so I'm having a little trouble getting this working.
Would anyone be willing to post exactly what needs to be modified for this to work correctly?
THanks! :)
04-11-2007, 11:36 AM
I'm trying to modify this form a little bit so that I have a drop down box with a list of 2-3 forums that users can choose to post the information too. I'm not an experienced programmer so I'm having a little trouble getting this working.
Would anyone be willing to post exactly what needs to be modified for this to work correctly?
THanks! :)
In answer template add another...>
in proper order, you may have to shift stuff around a bit...
04-11-2007, 11:45 AM
I'm trying to modify this form a little bit so that I have a drop down box with a list of 2-3 forums that users can choose to post the information too. I'm not an experienced programmer so I'm having a little trouble getting this working.
Would anyone be willing to post exactly what needs to be modified for this to work correctly?
THanks! :)
Next goto MAIN Template and adddddddd that new dropdown there also...>>>
Use your own code or template code to add...
3 dropdowns below in code
<TABLE width="100%"><TR>
<TD class="radio_button_question question" colspan="4">
<B>* </B>
<TR><TD class="radio_button_answer" ><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td class="radio_button_answer">
<!--DROP_DOWN_TYPE --><select name="dropdownanswer4" class="radio_button">
<option value="$dropdownchoice4a" <if condition="$dropdownchoice4a == $dropdownanswer4">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice4a</option>
<option value="$dropdownchoice4b" <if condition="$dropdownchoice3b == $dropdownanswer4">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice4b</option>
<option value="$dropdownchoice4c" <if condition="$dropdownchoice4c == $dropdownanswer4">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice4c</option>
<div align="center">
<td class="alt2" valign="middle" colspan="3">
<b>$vbtextquestion</b><br />
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<if condition="$attachmentoption">
<td class="alt1" colspan="3" align="center">
<div style="width:$stylevar[formwidth]" align="$stylevar[left]">$attachmentoption</div>
<td valign="top" colspan="3">
<p align="center">
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt" class="button" />
<input type="submit" value="Preview" name="submit" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt" class="button" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" name="reset" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt" class="button" />
04-11-2007, 11:50 AM
I'm trying to modify this form a little bit so that I have a drop down box with a list of 2-3 forums that users can choose to post the information too. I'm not an experienced programmer so I'm having a little trouble getting this working.
Would anyone be willing to post exactly what needs to be modified for this to work correctly?
THanks! :)
Add to plugin code with NEW dropdown...
Add to proper location...
'dropdownanswer4' => TYPE_STR,
$dropdownanswer4 = $vbulletin->GPC['dropdownanswer4];
// Part 1
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'answer1' => TYPE_STR,
'answer2' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer1' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer2' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer3' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer4' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer5' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer6' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer7' => TYPE_STR,
'dropdownanswer1' => TYPE_STR,
'dropdownanswer2' => TYPE_STR,
'answer3' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer8' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer9' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer10' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer11' => TYPE_STR,
'answer4' => TYPE_STR,
'dropdownanswer1' => TYPE_STR,
'answer5' => TYPE_STR,
'answer6' => TYPE_STR,
// Part 2
$answer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer1'];
$answer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer2'];
$radioanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer1'];
$radioanswer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer2'];
$radioanswer3 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer3'];
$radioanswer4 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer4'];
$radioanswer5 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer5'];
$radioanswer6 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer6'];
$radioanswer7 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer7'];
$dropdownanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['dropdownanswer1'];
$dropdownanswer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['dropdownanswer2'];
$answer3 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer3'];
$radioanswer8 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer8'];
$radioanswer9 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer9'];
$radioanswer10 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer10'];
$radioanswer11 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer11'];
$answer4 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer4'];
$dropdownanswer3 = $vbulletin->GPC['dropdownanswer3'];
$answer5 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer5'];
$answer6 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer6'];
Lower Plugin code area...> questions...>
//DROP DOWN CHOICES : QUESTION 4 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
$dropdownquestion4 = "Which forum to post to question here...<<<";
// The following choices must NOT have quotation marks
$dropdownchoice4a = "MLB";
$dropdownchoice4b = "NFL";
$dropdownchoice4c = "NBA";
Good Luck;)
Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain that Deepdog009, but I don't think it answers my question (if it does, then I don't understand it).
For example, say you wanted a form to post news in your forum. There are 3 different forums which represent the catergories the for news. They are Sport, Weather and Other - each of which are different forums.
Basically, depending on what you select in the drop down box will determine which forum the news is posted in to.
I hope that makes more sense.
04-12-2007, 02:03 AM
RayW what you be asking requires some code modifications. Im good with CSS and HTML but at this time Im still reading and learning on PHP, Perl and Java.
ABE1 can help you better.
Take a peek in the earlier posts and maybe theres something there that might help U.
Good Luck
No worries, thanks a lot.
Cheers! :)
Ok, I've been trying to nut this out based on what others have posted in the thread.
Basically, I want a drop down box which defines what forum the news will be posted too.
I have the following:
//You CAN make this number a variable. You can have a drop down menu or in the link like do=form&f=1. Make sure you add it the variables list.
if ($dropdownanswer1 == 'Hardware'){
$formforumid = "96";}
if ($dropdownanswer1 == 'Software'){
$formforumid = "99";}
Further down:
//DROP DOWN CHOICES : QUESTION 1 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
// The following choices must NOT have quotation marks
$newscatchoice1a = "Hardware";
$newscatchoice1b = "Software";
<select name="dropdownanswer1">
<option value="$newscatchoice1a" <if condition="$newscatchoice1a == $dropdownanswer1">selected="selected"</if>>$newscatchoice1a</option>
<option value="$newscatchoice1b" <if condition="$newscatchoice1b == $dropdownanswer1">selected="selected"</if>>$newscatchoice1b</option>
EDIT - THIS IS FIXED - SEE POST BELOW: When I submit the form using this, I get: Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /includes/functions_newpost.php on line 356
Could someone offer some advice. I'm assuming the problem lies in the above somewhere; maybe!! :confused:
HEY!!!! I figured it out. I just noticed that <select name="dropdownforum1"> should be <select name="dropdownanswer1">.
I will post the finished product once I have fine tuned it. :)
EDIT: I've updated the code above so it should work fine now.
04-12-2007, 11:34 AM
U da Man RayW:up:
Yes please post your outcome when finished.
If statements seem easy until you place them. But eventually hard work and patience will prevail.
Cya :)
04-15-2007, 06:55 AM
Hey guys, maybe I missed it, I also ran a search. Is there way to set this up so you can select a post icon, and not have it be blank when it posts the topic? I was trying to figure out a way to do it, but I kept breaking the code. Any ideas would be great. Thanks!
04-16-2007, 04:04 PM
I'm looking for some guidance in formatting the answer template so that I can control the way the finished post looks. Is there any way to use conditionals in the answer template?
For example I have
If only the first checkbox is selected on the form then the $checkboxAnswer1_2 and $checkboxAnswer1_3 put spaces in the final post. I'd like to do something like
if ($checkboxAnswer1_2==""){
echo "";
That way I can eliminate the spaces?
Any ideas?
MoB Dudditz MD
04-17-2007, 03:18 AM
As with any area that allows for user input, does this hack validate input in any way?
I just want to make sure it is secure enough so that the average user cannot exploit it.
If not, is there a way to integrate validation to make it more secure?
04-17-2007, 03:41 AM
You can use some JavaScript and expressions to limit input in any of the boxes. I've done this so that a certain box can only have numbers input into it. You could essentially use this as a NoSpam! type mod. Then you can modify your form plugin so that ALL the fields must be answered.
Or you can wait until I finalize my Image Verification add-on... which is looking pretty dismal right now. :( I just don't have time to test every little thing, and I certainly won't support it when/if I do release it.
I may see if Abe1 would like to take what I've done and test it and incorporate it right into the actual form hack. Not sure if he's interested though.
04-17-2007, 04:12 PM
I will post the finished product once I have fine tuned it. :)
Hello rayw,
Did you succeed?
I'm interested by your search ;)
04-17-2007, 07:17 PM
Thanks 2 ABE1 file I have inserted IMAGE VERIFICATION...
I have created two forms of IMAGE VERIFICATION 2 use with this HACK...
check my sig for more info...
Good Luck...;)
Thanks again 4 dis Hack ABE1 im learning about forms.
04-17-2007, 07:22 PM
I'm looking for some guidance in formatting the answer template so that I can control the way the finished post looks. Is there any way to use conditionals in the answer template?
For example I have
If only the first checkbox is selected on the form then the $checkboxAnswer1_2 and $checkboxAnswer1_3 put spaces in the final post. I'd like to do something like
if ($checkboxAnswer1_2==""){
echo "";
That way I can eliminate the spaces?
Any ideas?
UpNorth this can be done, but you will have to alter the plugin file to match and execute.
I still learning this stuff, Im sure ABE1 can do this with his eyes closed, but hes a busy man.
I will take a look and see if I can help...
Check with RayW, he has made some progress in this area...
04-17-2007, 07:37 PM
Hello All,
In fact I wish to know if it is possible to let people post the form in any of the existing forums. To do so, they should be able to select the forum in a dropdown list looking like the "Forum Jump" list.
Would this be possible?
And first off all, would it also possible to let users choose the name of the filled form when posted?
For example the form type would be displayed like a prefix and the user would complete this prefix by a name written in a mandatory field...
Thanks for your help :)
04-18-2007, 02:10 AM
I am having a problem with the form hack. I am receiving a error
Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
Does anyone know how to fix this error. I have tried almost everything... I guess there is something that I have not tried yet.
Hello All,
In fact I wish to know if it is possible to let people post the form in any of the existing forums. To do so, they should be able to select the forum in a dropdown list looking like the "Forum Jump" list.
Would this be possible?
The answer to this is above ( (well, it is back on the last page now about half way down).
It is exactly what I've got running on my forums at the moment, only with a few extra forums added.
I'm looking for some guidance in formatting the answer template so that I can control the way the finished post looks. Is there any way to use conditionals in the answer template?
For example I have
If only the first checkbox is selected on the form then the $checkboxAnswer1_2 and $checkboxAnswer1_3 put spaces in the final post. I'd like to do something like
if ($checkboxAnswer1_2==""){
echo "";
That way I can eliminate the spaces?
Any ideas?
Check with RayW, he has made some progress in this area...
upnorth, I'm no experienced programmer (I'm still learning too) but it looks like you have the right idea.
You may be able to work it out using what I have posted here ( (it is back on the previous page about half way down as well). If you give your checkboxes values ($checkbox1a, $checkbox1b, $checkbox1c, for example) and apply those values to what I have written, you would be pretty close to fixing your problem I reckon. You may need to make 1 or two other tiny changes to make it function correctly.
I wish I could help more! :)
04-18-2007, 05:42 AM
The answer to this is above ( (well, it is back on the last page now about half way down).
It is exactly what I've got running on my forums at the moment, only with a few extra forums added.
Hello rayw,
Thanks for your answer, but when you say I will post the finished product once I have fine tuned it., I thought it was not finished. Especially when you say When I submit the form using this, I get: Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /includes/functions_newpost.php on line 356
Could someone offer some advice. I'm assuming the problem lies in the above somewhere; maybe!! .
But your answer here should mean "all is ok now", I guess :)
I posted a message directly below the one with code in it stating that the problem had been fixed. I've also updated the code so yes, everything should work fine now. It wasn't very clear though, sorry. :(
04-18-2007, 06:32 AM
No, no rayw, don't be sorry, I may have read all this to fast.
Anyway, thank you very much for your work and help
I'll give a try to it this evening :)
04-18-2007, 07:10 PM
Well, rayw... I've a slight change to do.
In fact, I have a lot of forums and su-forums. All these may change time to time, so I would need this tweak to be easy to manage.
My idea would be to use the forumjump template to improve that product.
Something like this, where when clicked on, would post the thread in :
<div class="smallfont" style="text-align:$stylevar[left]; white-space:nowrap">
<form action="forumdisplay.php" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]" />
<input type="hidden" name="daysprune" value="$daysprune" />
<strong>$vbphrase[forum_jump]</strong><br />
<select name="f" onchange="this.form.submit();">
<optgroup label="$vbphrase[forums]">
Would it be possible to have this?
How do you send an e-mail out to a group with the contents of the form?
Well, rayw... I've a slight change to do.
In fact, I have a lot of forums and su-forums. All these may change time to time, so I would need this tweak to be easy to manage.
My idea would be to use the forumjump template to improve that product.
Something like this, where when clicked on, would post the thread in :
<div class="smallfont" style="text-align:$stylevar[left]; white-space:nowrap">
<form action="forumdisplay.php" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]" />
<input type="hidden" name="daysprune" value="$daysprune" />
<strong>$vbphrase[forum_jump]</strong><br />
<select name="f" onchange="this.form.submit();">
<optgroup label="$vbphrase[forums]">
Would it be possible to have this?
Using the forum jump menu isn't a bad idea. Never thought of that. :)
I don't see why it wouldn't work and all the code looks ok (but I'm no programmer either - still learning as said above).
All you can do is give it a go and see what happens.
You seem to know more about this stuff then me anyway! :p
04-23-2007, 03:23 PM
Hey rayw,
I don't think I know more than you: I just copied the forumjump code. But I don't think, this could work as these link are not designed to save posts but just to jump to...
Maybe some coder around here may help us...
04-25-2007, 02:34 AM
im totally clueless trying to customize my own form, can anyone help me via PM ?????
im trying to add several $normalquestion .....but do i just add $normalquestion2
it does not show up, etc
04-26-2007, 11:47 AM
I am having a problem with the form hack. I am receiving a error
Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
Does anyone know how to fix this error. I have tried almost everything... I guess there is something that I have not tried yet.
Double check your form names, that message says something is wrong with your form name or something in your plugin code is not matching forms.
Maybe the link has one letter wrong.
Good Luck;)
04-26-2007, 11:59 AM
im totally clueless trying to customize my own form, can anyone help me via PM ?????
im trying to add several $normalquestion .....but do i just add $normalquestion2
it does not show up, etc
Icemanic its possible that you forgot something in one of your forms or your plugin code isn't matching.
Check form names
Check form answer area
Check main form and verify that its got the correct html that will show all boxes or message areas.
// Part 1
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'answer1' => TYPE_STR,
'answer2' => TYPE_STR,
'answer3' => TYPE_STR,
'answer4' => TYPE_STR,
'answer5' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer1' => TYPE_STR,
'radioanswer1other' => TYPE_STR,
'$normalanswer1' => TYPE_STR,
'$normalanswer2' => TYPE_STR,
// Part 2
$answer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer1'];
$answer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer2'];
$answer3 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer3'];
$answer4 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer4'];
$answer5 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer5'];
$radioanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer1'];
$radioanswer1other = $vbulletin->GPC['radioanswer1other'];
$normalanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['normalanswer1'];
$normalanswer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['normalanswer2'];
Next check your forms templates 2 verify that all is matching and is placed correctly.
Good Luck!:)
04-27-2007, 12:01 PM
[U]Here is the main form Html info 4 this answer sheet
<td class="alt1" colspan="3">
<td class="alt2" colspan="3">
<input type="text" size="30" value="$normalanswer1" name="normalanswer1" />
Good Luck!:eek:
04-28-2007, 04:23 AM
I have a flash form and sends data via email. Would anyone know of a way to make a post in the forums by using the data sent by a flash form?
Part of my email.php
$sendTo = "";
$subject = "Recruitment Form Submission";
$headers = "From: " . $_POST["firstName"] ." ". $_POST["lastname"] . "<" . $_POST["email"] .">\r\n";
$headers .= "Reply-To: " . $_POST["email"] . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
$headers .= "Return-path: " . $_POST["email"];
$game_name = "Game_Name: " . $_POST["game_name"]."<br>" ." Location: ". $_POST["location"];
mail($sendTo, $subject, $game_name, $headers);
MoB Zigmister
04-30-2007, 06:11 AM
Error: Invalid Forum specified. My url is correct for sure.
When I install the custom form it takes down the unmodified original form, displaying the same error. The theme was also edited, but since the custom plugin made both forms crash it is the root of the problem, no? I can produce the template code if needed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, especially after 3 nights of failure.
<plugin active="1" executionorder="4">
<phpcode><![CDATA[$formname = "form1";
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == $formname)
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'answer1' => TYPE_STR,
'answer2' => TYPE_STR,
'answer3' => TYPE_STR,
'answer4' => TYPE_STR,
'dropdownanswer1' => TYPE_STR,
'answer5' => TYPE_STR,
'answer6' => TYPE_STR,
'answer7' => TYPE_STR,
'answer8' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer1' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer2' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer3' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer4' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer5' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer6' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer7' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer8' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer9' => TYPE_STR
$answer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer1'];
$answer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer2'];
$answer3 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer3'];
$answer4 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer4'];
$dropdownanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['dropdownanswer1'];
$answer5 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer5'];
$answer6 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer6'];
$answer7 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer7'];
$answer8 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer8'];
$longanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer1'];
$longanswer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer2'];
$longanswer3 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer3'];
$longanswer4 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer4'];
$longanswer5 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer5'];
$longanswer6 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer6'];
$longanswer7 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer7'];
$longanswer8 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer8'];
$longanswer9 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer9'];
// if (!in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], array(2,5,6,7))) print_no_permission();
$maintemplate = "form1";
$answertemplate = "form1answers";
$formforum = "0";
$formforumid = "89";
$formpoll = "0";
$polloption[1] = "Yes";
$polloption[2] = "No";
$polloption[3] = "Maybe";
$pollpublic = "0";
$formreply = "0";
$formreplythreadid = "12345";
$formpm = "1";
$formpmname = "MoB Zigmister";
$formemail = "0";
$formemailaddress = "";
$allow_attachments = "0";
$redirectoption = "0";
$errormessage = "Thank you";
$answerall = "0";
$formtitle = "form1";
$posttitle = "$formtitle - $bbuserinfo[username]";
$formpurpose = "purpose";
$question1 = "1";
$explain1 = "1e";
$question2 = "2";
$explain2 = "2e";
$question3 = "3";
$explain3 = "3e";
$question4 = "4";
$explain4 = "4e";
$dropdownquestion1 = "Gender";
$dropdownchoice1a = "No Comment";
$dropdownchoice1b = "Female";
$dropdownchoice1c = "Male";
$question5 = "5";
$explain5 = "5e";
$question6 = "6";
$explain6 = "6e";
$question7 = "7";
$question8 = "8";
$longquestion1 = "l1";
$longquestion2 = "l2";
$longquestion3 = "l3";
$longquestion4 = "l4";
$longquestion5 = "l5";
$longquestion6 = "l6";
$longquestion7 = "l7";
$longquestion8 = "l8";
$longquestion9 = "l9";
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == '')
$_REQUEST['action'] = "form";
$bbuserinfo = $vbulletin->userinfo;
// start navbar
$navbits = array();
$navbits['newthread.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "do=$formname"] = $formtitle;
$navbits = construct_navbits($navbits);
eval('$navbar = "' . fetch_template('navbar') . '";');
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "submit")
if ($answerall == "1")
if ($answer1 == '' OR $answer2 == '' OR $answer3 == '' OR $answer4 == '' OR $answer5 == '' $answer6 == '' OR $answer7 == '' OR $answer8 == '' OR $longanswer1 == '' OR $longanswer2 == '' OR $longanswer3 == '' OR $longanswer4 == '' OR $longanswer5 == '' OR $longanswer6 == '' OR $longanswer7 == '' OR $longanswer8 == '' OR $longanswer9 == '')
$errormessage = "$bbuserinfo[username], you need to answer every question!";
eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('STANDARD_ERROR') . '");');
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'wysiwyg' => TYPE_BOOL,
'message' => TYPE_STR
if ($vbulletin->GPC['wysiwyg'])
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_wysiwyg.php');
$vbtextanswer = convert_wysiwyg_html_to_bbcode($vbulletin->GPC['message'], $foruminfo['allowhtml']);
$vbtextanswer =& $vbulletin->GPC['message'];
eval('$formsend = "' . fetch_template("$answertemplate") . '";');
$posthash = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('p', 'posthash', TYPE_NOHTML);
$poststarttime = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('p', 'poststarttime', TYPE_UINT);
if ($_POST['submit'] == 'Submit')
if ($formforum == "1")
$foruminfo = verify_id('forum', $formforumid, 0, 1);
$forumperms = fetch_permissions($foruminfo[forumid]);
$newpost['username'] =& $vbulletin->userinfo['username'];
$newpost['message'] =& $formsend;
$newpost['title'] =& $posttitle;
$newpost['parseurl'] = '1';
$newpost['poststarttime'] = $poststarttime;
$newpost['posthash'] = $posthash;
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['autosubscribe'] != -1)
$newpost['emailupdate'] = $vbulletin->userinfo['autosubscribe'];
$newpost['emailupdate'] = 9999;
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['signature'] != '')
$newpost['signature'] = '1';
$newpost['signature'] = '0';
build_new_post('thread', $foruminfo, array(), array(), $newpost, $errors);
if ($formpoll == "1")
$threadinfo = verify_id('thread', $newpost[threadid], 0, 1);
$polloptions = count($polloption);
$question = $posttitle;
$vbulletin->GPC['options'] = $polloption;
$counter = 0;
$optioncount = 0;
$badoption = '';
while ($counter++ < $polloptions)
{ // 0..Pollnum-1 we want, as arrays start with 0
if ($vbulletin->options['maxpolllength'] AND vbstrlen($vbulletin->GPC['options']["$counter"]) > $vbulletin->options['maxpolllength'])
$badoption .= iif($badoption, ', ') . $counter;
if (!empty($vbulletin->GPC['options']["$counter"]))
// Add the poll
$poll =& datamanager_init('Poll', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_STANDARD);
$counter = 0;
while ($counter++ < $polloptions)
if ($vbulletin->GPC['options']["$counter"] != '')
$poll->set('question', $question);
$poll->set('dateline', TIMENOW);
$poll->set('active', '1');
$poll->set('public', $pollpublic);
$pollid = $poll->save();
//end create new poll
// update thread
$threadman =& datamanager_init('Thread', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_STANDARD, 'threadpost');
$threadman->set('pollid', $pollid);
if ($formreply == "1")
$threadinfo = verify_id('thread', $formreplythreadid, 0, 1);
$forumperms = fetch_permissions($threadinfo[forumid]);
$newpost['username'] =& $vbulletin->userinfo['username'];
$newpost['message'] =& $formsend;
$newpost['title'] =& $posttitle;
$newpost['parseurl'] = "1";
$newpost['poststarttime'] = $poststarttime;
$newpost['posthash'] = $posthash;
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['autosubscribe'] != -1)
$newpost['emailupdate'] = $vbulletin->userinfo['autosubscribe'];
$newpost['emailupdate'] = 9999;
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['signature'] != '')
$newpost['signature'] = '1';
$newpost['signature'] = '0';
build_new_post('reply', $foruminfo, $threadinfo, $postinfo, $newpost, $errors);
if ($formpm == "1")
$vbulletin->GPC['message'] =& $formsend;
$vbulletin->GPC['title'] =& $posttitle;
$vbulletin->GPC['recipients'] =& $formpmname;
$pm['message'] =& $vbulletin->GPC['message'];
$pm['title'] =& $vbulletin->GPC['title'];
$pm['recipients'] =& $vbulletin->GPC['recipients'];
// create the DM to do error checking and insert the new PM
$pmdm =& datamanager_init('PM', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_ARRAY);
$pmdm->set('fromuserid', $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']);
$pmdm->set('fromusername', $vbulletin->userinfo['username']);
$pmdm->setr('title', $pm['title']);
$pmdm->setr('message', $pm['message']);
$pmdm->set_recipients($pm['recipients'], $permissions);
$pmdm->set('dateline', TIMENOW);
// everything's good!
if ($formemail == "1")
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode_alt.php');
$plaintext_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser_PlainText($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
$formsend = $plaintext_parser->parse($formsend);
$emails = explode(';', $formemailaddress);
foreach ($emails AS $email)
vbmail($email, $posttitle, $formsend);
if ($redirectoption == "1")
$vbulletin->url = 'showthread.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "p=$newpost[postid]";
eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_postthanks' ));
if ($redirectoption == "2")
$vbulletin->url = 'showthread.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "t=$newpost[threadid]";
eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_postthanks' ));
if ($redirectoption == "3")
$vbulletin->url = 'forumdisplay.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "f=$foruminfo[forumid]";
eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_postthanks' ));
if ($redirectoption == "4")
$vbulletin->url = 'editpost.php?do=editpost&' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "p=$newpost[postid]";
eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_postthanks' ));
eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('STANDARD_ERROR') . '");');
$parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
$preview = $parser->do_parse($formsend);
$_REQUEST['action'] = 'form';
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'form')
if (($formforum OR $formreply) AND $allow_attachments)
if ($formforum AND $formreply)
$forumid = $formforumid;
else if ($formreply)
$threadid = $formreplythreadid;
$threadinfo = verify_id('thread', $threadid, 0, 1);
$forumid = $threadinfo[forumid];
$forumid = $formforumid;
$forumperms = fetch_permissions($forumid);
// get attachment options
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_file.php');
$inimaxattach = fetch_max_upload_size();
$maxattachsize = vb_number_format($inimaxattach, 1, true);
$attachcount = 0;
$attach_editor = array();
$attachment_js = '';
if ($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canpostattachment'] AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] AND !empty($vbulletin->userinfo['attachmentextensions']))
if (!$posthash OR !$poststarttime)
$poststarttime = TIMENOW;
$posthash = md5($poststarttime . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . $vbulletin->userinfo['salt']);
if (empty($postattach))
$currentattaches = $db->query_read("
SELECT dateline, filename, filesize, attachmentid
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "attachment
WHERE posthash = '" . $db->escape_string($posthash) . "'
AND userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']
while ($attach = $db->fetch_array($currentattaches))
$postattach["$attach[attachmentid]"] = $attach;
if (!empty($postattach))
foreach($postattach AS $attachmentid => $attach)
$attach['extension'] = strtolower(file_extension($attach['filename']));
$attach['filename'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($attach['filename']);
$attach['filesize'] = vb_number_format($attach['filesize'], 1, true);
$attach['imgpath'] = "$stylevar[imgdir_attach]/$attach[extension].gif";
$show['attachmentlist'] = true;
eval('$attachments .= "' . fetch_template('newpost_attachmentbit') . '";');
$attachment_js .= construct_attachment_add_js($attachmentid, $attach['filename'], $attach['filesize'], $attach['extension']);
$attach_editor["$attachmentid"] = $attach['filename'];
if ($threadid)
$attachurl = "t=$threadid";
$attachurl = "f=$forumid";
$newpost_attachmentbit = prepare_newpost_attachmentbit();
eval('$attachmentoption = "' . fetch_template('newpost_attachment') . '";');
if ($threadid)
$attach_editor['hash'] = $threadid;
$attach_editor['url'] = "newattachment.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$threadid&poststarttime=$poststarttime&posthash= $posthash";
$attach_editor['hash'] = $forumid;
$attach_editor['url'] = "newattachment.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forumid&poststarttime=$poststarttime&posthash=$ posthash";
$attachmentoption = '';
$attachmentoption = '';
// set message box width to usercp size
$stylevar['messagewidth'] = $stylevar['messagewidth_usercp'];
$editorid = construct_edit_toolbar($vbtextanswer);
eval('print_output("' . fetch_template("$maintemplate") . '");');
05-01-2007, 09:57 AM
I like this hack alot. But us there anyway to delete the text box at the bottom of the page (Im talking about the text box that you use to reply to a thread).
05-01-2007, 12:45 PM
I like this hack alot. But us there anyway to delete the text box at the bottom of the page (Im talking about the text box that you use to reply to a thread).
Thats in the Form template in your "Styles and Templates.
05-01-2007, 10:04 PM
I added a if statement.
It will either show the bbuser[email] or a text input for them to add a email address.
this works great, shows in the post, and in the PM. Also the email you set in the hook sends like it should.
But I also want to send an email to the user that same form.
Any idea how?
05-02-2007, 11:48 AM
Error: Invalid Forum specified. My url is correct for sure.
When I install the custom form it takes down the unmodified original form, displaying the same error. The theme was also edited, but since the custom plugin made both forms crash it is the root of the problem, no? I can produce the template code if needed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, especially after 3 nights of failure.
<plugin active="1" executionorder="4">
<phpcode><![CDATA[$formname = "form1";
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == $formname)
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'answer1' => TYPE_STR,
'answer2' => TYPE_STR,
'answer3' => TYPE_STR,
'answer4' => TYPE_STR,
'dropdownanswer1' => TYPE_STR,
'answer5' => TYPE_STR,
'answer6' => TYPE_STR,
'answer7' => TYPE_STR,
'answer8' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer1' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer2' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer3' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer4' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer5' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer6' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer7' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer8' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer9' => TYPE_STR
$answer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer1'];
$answer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer2'];
$answer3 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer3'];
$answer4 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer4'];
$dropdownanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['dropdownanswer1'];
$answer5 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer5'];
$answer6 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer6'];
$answer7 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer7'];
$answer8 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer8'];
$longanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer1'];
$longanswer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer2'];
$longanswer3 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer3'];
$longanswer4 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer4'];
$longanswer5 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer5'];
$longanswer6 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer6'];
$longanswer7 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer7'];
$longanswer8 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer8'];
$longanswer9 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer9'];
// if (!in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], array(2,5,6,7))) print_no_permission();
$maintemplate = "form1";
$answertemplate = "form1answers";
$formforum = "0";
$formforumid = "89";
$formpoll = "0";
$polloption[1] = "Yes";
$polloption[2] = "No";
$polloption[3] = "Maybe";
$pollpublic = "0";
$formreply = "0";
$formreplythreadid = "12345";
$formpm = "1";
$formpmname = "MoB Zigmister";
$formemail = "0";
$formemailaddress = "";
$allow_attachments = "0";
$redirectoption = "0";
$errormessage = "Thank you";
$answerall = "0";
$formtitle = "form1";
$posttitle = "$formtitle - $bbuserinfo[username]";
$formpurpose = "purpose";
$question1 = "1";
$explain1 = "1e";
$question2 = "2";
$explain2 = "2e";
$question3 = "3";
$explain3 = "3e";
$question4 = "4";
$explain4 = "4e";
$dropdownquestion1 = "Gender";
$dropdownchoice1a = "No Comment";
$dropdownchoice1b = "Female";
$dropdownchoice1c = "Male";
$question5 = "5";
$explain5 = "5e";
$question6 = "6";
$explain6 = "6e";
$question7 = "7";
$question8 = "8";
$longquestion1 = "l1";
$longquestion2 = "l2";
$longquestion3 = "l3";
$longquestion4 = "l4";
$longquestion5 = "l5";
$longquestion6 = "l6";
$longquestion7 = "l7";
$longquestion8 = "l8";
$longquestion9 = "l9";
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == '')
$_REQUEST['action'] = "form";
$bbuserinfo = $vbulletin->userinfo;
// start navbar
$navbits = array();
$navbits['newthread.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "do=$formname"] = $formtitle;
$navbits = construct_navbits($navbits);
eval('$navbar = "' . fetch_template('navbar') . '";');
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "submit")
if ($answerall == "1")
if ($answer1 == '' OR $answer2 == '' OR $answer3 == '' OR $answer4 == '' OR $answer5 == '' $answer6 == '' OR $answer7 == '' OR $answer8 == '' OR $longanswer1 == '' OR $longanswer2 == '' OR $longanswer3 == '' OR $longanswer4 == '' OR $longanswer5 == '' OR $longanswer6 == '' OR $longanswer7 == '' OR $longanswer8 == '' OR $longanswer9 == '')
$errormessage = "$bbuserinfo[username], you need to answer every question!";
eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('STANDARD_ERROR') . '");');
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'wysiwyg' => TYPE_BOOL,
'message' => TYPE_STR
if ($vbulletin->GPC['wysiwyg'])
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_wysiwyg.php');
$vbtextanswer = convert_wysiwyg_html_to_bbcode($vbulletin->GPC['message'], $foruminfo['allowhtml']);
$vbtextanswer =& $vbulletin->GPC['message'];
eval('$formsend = "' . fetch_template("$answertemplate") . '";');
$posthash = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('p', 'posthash', TYPE_NOHTML);
$poststarttime = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('p', 'poststarttime', TYPE_UINT);
if ($_POST['submit'] == 'Submit')
if ($formforum == "1")
$foruminfo = verify_id('forum', $formforumid, 0, 1);
$forumperms = fetch_permissions($foruminfo[forumid]);
$newpost['username'] =& $vbulletin->userinfo['username'];
$newpost['message'] =& $formsend;
$newpost['title'] =& $posttitle;
$newpost['parseurl'] = '1';
$newpost['poststarttime'] = $poststarttime;
$newpost['posthash'] = $posthash;
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['autosubscribe'] != -1)
$newpost['emailupdate'] = $vbulletin->userinfo['autosubscribe'];
$newpost['emailupdate'] = 9999;
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['signature'] != '')
$newpost['signature'] = '1';
$newpost['signature'] = '0';
build_new_post('thread', $foruminfo, array(), array(), $newpost, $errors);
if ($formpoll == "1")
$threadinfo = verify_id('thread', $newpost[threadid], 0, 1);
$polloptions = count($polloption);
$question = $posttitle;
$vbulletin->GPC['options'] = $polloption;
$counter = 0;
$optioncount = 0;
$badoption = '';
while ($counter++ < $polloptions)
{ // 0..Pollnum-1 we want, as arrays start with 0
if ($vbulletin->options['maxpolllength'] AND vbstrlen($vbulletin->GPC['options']["$counter"]) > $vbulletin->options['maxpolllength'])
$badoption .= iif($badoption, ', ') . $counter;
if (!empty($vbulletin->GPC['options']["$counter"]))
// Add the poll
$poll =& datamanager_init('Poll', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_STANDARD);
$counter = 0;
while ($counter++ < $polloptions)
if ($vbulletin->GPC['options']["$counter"] != '')
$poll->set('question', $question);
$poll->set('dateline', TIMENOW);
$poll->set('active', '1');
$poll->set('public', $pollpublic);
$pollid = $poll->save();
//end create new poll
// update thread
$threadman =& datamanager_init('Thread', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_STANDARD, 'threadpost');
$threadman->set('pollid', $pollid);
if ($formreply == "1")
$threadinfo = verify_id('thread', $formreplythreadid, 0, 1);
$forumperms = fetch_permissions($threadinfo[forumid]);
$newpost['username'] =& $vbulletin->userinfo['username'];
$newpost['message'] =& $formsend;
$newpost['title'] =& $posttitle;
$newpost['parseurl'] = "1";
$newpost['poststarttime'] = $poststarttime;
$newpost['posthash'] = $posthash;
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['autosubscribe'] != -1)
$newpost['emailupdate'] = $vbulletin->userinfo['autosubscribe'];
$newpost['emailupdate'] = 9999;
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['signature'] != '')
$newpost['signature'] = '1';
$newpost['signature'] = '0';
build_new_post('reply', $foruminfo, $threadinfo, $postinfo, $newpost, $errors);
if ($formpm == "1")
$vbulletin->GPC['message'] =& $formsend;
$vbulletin->GPC['title'] =& $posttitle;
$vbulletin->GPC['recipients'] =& $formpmname;
$pm['message'] =& $vbulletin->GPC['message'];
$pm['title'] =& $vbulletin->GPC['title'];
$pm['recipients'] =& $vbulletin->GPC['recipients'];
// create the DM to do error checking and insert the new PM
$pmdm =& datamanager_init('PM', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_ARRAY);
$pmdm->set('fromuserid', $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']);
$pmdm->set('fromusername', $vbulletin->userinfo['username']);
$pmdm->setr('title', $pm['title']);
$pmdm->setr('message', $pm['message']);
$pmdm->set_recipients($pm['recipients'], $permissions);
$pmdm->set('dateline', TIMENOW);
// everything's good!
if ($formemail == "1")
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode_alt.php');
$plaintext_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser_PlainText($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
$formsend = $plaintext_parser->parse($formsend);
$emails = explode(';', $formemailaddress);
foreach ($emails AS $email)
vbmail($email, $posttitle, $formsend);
if ($redirectoption == "1")
$vbulletin->url = 'showthread.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "p=$newpost[postid]";
eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_postthanks' ));
if ($redirectoption == "2")
$vbulletin->url = 'showthread.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "t=$newpost[threadid]";
eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_postthanks' ));
if ($redirectoption == "3")
$vbulletin->url = 'forumdisplay.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "f=$foruminfo[forumid]";
eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_postthanks' ));
if ($redirectoption == "4")
$vbulletin->url = 'editpost.php?do=editpost&' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "p=$newpost[postid]";
eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_postthanks' ));
eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('STANDARD_ERROR') . '");');
$parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
$preview = $parser->do_parse($formsend);
$_REQUEST['action'] = 'form';
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'form')
if (($formforum OR $formreply) AND $allow_attachments)
if ($formforum AND $formreply)
$forumid = $formforumid;
else if ($formreply)
$threadid = $formreplythreadid;
$threadinfo = verify_id('thread', $threadid, 0, 1);
$forumid = $threadinfo[forumid];
$forumid = $formforumid;
$forumperms = fetch_permissions($forumid);
// get attachment options
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_file.php');
$inimaxattach = fetch_max_upload_size();
$maxattachsize = vb_number_format($inimaxattach, 1, true);
$attachcount = 0;
$attach_editor = array();
$attachment_js = '';
if ($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canpostattachment'] AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] AND !empty($vbulletin->userinfo['attachmentextensions']))
if (!$posthash OR !$poststarttime)
$poststarttime = TIMENOW;
$posthash = md5($poststarttime . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . $vbulletin->userinfo['salt']);
if (empty($postattach))
$currentattaches = $db->query_read("
SELECT dateline, filename, filesize, attachmentid
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "attachment
WHERE posthash = '" . $db->escape_string($posthash) . "'
AND userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']
while ($attach = $db->fetch_array($currentattaches))
$postattach["$attach[attachmentid]"] = $attach;
if (!empty($postattach))
foreach($postattach AS $attachmentid => $attach)
$attach['extension'] = strtolower(file_extension($attach['filename']));
$attach['filename'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($attach['filename']);
$attach['filesize'] = vb_number_format($attach['filesize'], 1, true);
$attach['imgpath'] = "$stylevar[imgdir_attach]/$attach[extension].gif";
$show['attachmentlist'] = true;
eval('$attachments .= "' . fetch_template('newpost_attachmentbit') . '";');
$attachment_js .= construct_attachment_add_js($attachmentid, $attach['filename'], $attach['filesize'], $attach['extension']);
$attach_editor["$attachmentid"] = $attach['filename'];
if ($threadid)
$attachurl = "t=$threadid";
$attachurl = "f=$forumid";
$newpost_attachmentbit = prepare_newpost_attachmentbit();
eval('$attachmentoption = "' . fetch_template('newpost_attachment') . '";');
if ($threadid)
$attach_editor['hash'] = $threadid;
$attach_editor['url'] = "newattachment.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$threadid&poststarttime=$poststarttime&posthash= $posthash";
$attach_editor['hash'] = $forumid;
$attach_editor['url'] = "newattachment.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forumid&poststarttime=$poststarttime&posthash=$ posthash";
$attachmentoption = '';
$attachmentoption = '';
// set message box width to usercp size
$stylevar['messagewidth'] = $stylevar['messagewidth_usercp'];
$editorid = construct_edit_toolbar($vbtextanswer);
eval('print_output("' . fetch_template("$maintemplate") . '");');
MoB Zigmister zip all three files ( both templates and plugin) in txt format and upload, I shall check it out 4 ya.???
05-02-2007, 11:53 AM
I have a flash form and sends data via email. Would anyone know of a way to make a post in the forums by using the data sent by a flash form?
Part of my email.php
$sendTo = "";
$subject = "Recruitment Form Submission";
$headers = "From: " . $_POST["firstName"] ." ". $_POST["lastname"] . "<" . $_POST["email"] .">\r\n";
$headers .= "Reply-To: " . $_POST["email"] . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
$headers .= "Return-path: " . $_POST["email"];
$game_name = "Game_Name: " . $_POST["game_name"]."<br>" ." Location: ". $_POST["location"];
mail($sendTo, $subject, $game_name, $headers);
Yes it should be possible, but it will take some modifications. Zip yo files and upload T_Richardson. I shall take a look into implementing this. I was just thinking about creating some flash forms last month. Very busy so give me some time if you be interested.
Good luck:cool:
05-02-2007, 02:21 PM
Can someone give me a hand? I am trying to add some more fields to this form. Under "normal question 1" I would like to add a few more questions. here is what I did but had no luck. What do I need to do to get these fields to show up?
// Part 1
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'normalanswer1' => TYPE_STR,
'normalanswer2' => TYPE_STR, (I added)
// Part 2
$normalanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['normalanswer1'];
$normalanswer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['normalanswer2']; (I added)
$normalquestion1 = "What is your Character's Name";
$normalquestion2 = "Character's Race"; (I added)
I have allot more questions that I would like to add. What am I missimg?
05-02-2007, 02:25 PM
Can someone give me a hand? I am trying to add some more fields to this form. Under "normal question 1" I would like to add a few more questions. here is what I did but had no luck. What do I need to do to get these fields to show up?
I have allot more questions that I would like to add. What am I missimg?
Now you have to look in your templates
"form" template
Look for:
<td class="alt1" valign="middle">
<b>$question2</b>:<br />
<td class="alt1" valign="middle" colspan="2">
<input type="text" size="30" value="$answer2" name="answer2" /></td>
And adjust as needed. Or copy that and change the "$normalquestion2" Same goes for the answer2 values.
05-02-2007, 02:26 PM
I added a if statement.
It will either show the bbuser[email] or a text input for them to add a email address.
this works great, shows in the post, and in the PM. Also the email you set in the hook sends like it should.
But I also want to send an email to the user that same form.
Any idea how?
I got the the hook to send the form to the registered user as well. But.
I would like to put a link to the thread in the email.
how do I do that?
MoB Zigmister
05-02-2007, 03:30 PM
MoB Zigmister zip all three files ( both templates and plugin) in txt format and upload, I shall check it out 4 ya.???
Sincerely, thanks. Please see attachment.
05-02-2007, 05:43 PM
Now you have to look in your templates
"form" template.
Is that admincp>styles&templates?
05-02-2007, 08:18 PM
By default install you will have 2 new templates
The form template is the "design" of the form you would type in and submit.
The formanswers template is the email you would get if you added an email address.
05-02-2007, 11:21 PM
Is there anyway I can set it so when they fill out the form and submit it, it counts towards the users post. I have it set to reply to the post, but I just want it to count as an actually post.
05-03-2007, 01:53 AM
Sincerely, thanks. Please see attachment.
Just gotts back, checking on it and will post info by morrow evening.
05-03-2007, 02:39 AM
Sincerely, thanks. Please see attachment.
Error message... Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE
I found yo problem MoB...
It was here in the PLUGIN...
if ($answerall == "1")
if ($answer1 == '' OR $answer2 == '' OR $answer3 == '' OR $answer4 == '' OR $answer5 == '' OR $answer6 == '' OR $answer7 == '' OR $answer8 == '' OR $longanswer1 == '' OR $longanswer2 == '' OR $longanswer3 == '' OR $longanswer4 == '' OR $longanswer5 == '' OR $longanswer6 == '' OR $longanswer7 == '' OR $longanswer8 == '' OR $longanswer9 == '')
One of yo {{{ OR }}} was missing... I added it on $answer5 or 6...
Take a look at the code there and add the missing {{{ OR }}}...
Kooooooool form U have there...
Good Luck;)
MoB Zigmister
05-03-2007, 03:36 AM
One of yo {{{ OR }}} was missing... I added it on $answer5 or 6...
Take a look at the code there and add the missing {{{ OR }}}...
Kooooooool form U have there...
Good Luck;)
Thanks a lot. Ahhhh.... It Works!
I took a little time adjusting the template to make it roughly fit more with the "vb" style of forms, throwing in some Legends and threads and such inside some <td>'s. But then again, sometimes you need a fair of fresh eyes to catch errors.
Thanks again.
05-04-2007, 03:55 AM
Arg, I deleted some stuff off the code but it still shows up!
05-04-2007, 09:46 AM
Is there anyway I can set it so when they fill out the form and submit it, it counts towards the users post. I have it set to reply to the post, but I just want it to count as an actually post.
Thanks.Can anyone help me?
05-04-2007, 09:10 PM
i have just installed this hack, and i was going about editing it, i have been editing all 3 files to what i want them to be but my form does not show up, it just says invalid fourm specified. i am posting my codes maybe someone can give me a hand, my php skills are very rusty heh. link to form is as follows:
05-04-2007, 10:08 PM
solved just one question how do i get rid of <!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: formanswers --> and <!-- END TEMPLATE: formanswers --> on a post that is made.
05-06-2007, 02:32 AM
solved just one question how do i get rid of <!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: formanswers --> and <!-- END TEMPLATE: formanswers --> on a post that is made.
Make changes to answers template Snipa and that should fix yo prob...
Post a pic of yo issue...
05-06-2007, 02:34 AM
Can anyone help me?
I haven't used the reply that much so not sure if that can be done. Ask ABE1...
If I have time I shall look into it 4 ya...
05-07-2007, 02:52 AM
Make changes to answers template Snipa and that should fix yo prob...
Post a pic of yo issue...
i have made edits to the answer template and looked for what it is posting and it is not there, here is a screenshot taken right after i hit submit and it posts it on my boards.
05-07-2007, 03:30 AM
i have made edits to the answer template and looked for what it is posting and it is not there, here is a screenshot taken right after i hit submit and it posts it on my boards.
Snipa that text has gotts to be somewhere in the template or code.
Check yo answer temp... again and if its not there it gotts to be somewhere in the code, and then alter by deleting...
Make txt files of yo templates and plugin code and upload to post, and I shall take a look C...:eek:
05-07-2007, 03:32 AM
Im getting somewhere with POST ICONS...:eek:
Will post info soon...;)
05-07-2007, 03:57 AM
here are my codes attached...i did a find on all 3 of the involed files and found nothing so not sure what the deal is.
05-07-2007, 06:44 AM
Snipa, I had the same problem which I found an answer to in another post
If you have the option "Add Template Name in HTML Comments" in the General Settings set to YES you get the template info in PM and emails:
<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: warn_pm_alert -->
So just go to:
Vbulletin Options/General Settings
scroll down to "Add Template Name in HTML Comments" and select No
and that should fix it.
One little hint, it's a good idea to do a search for your error message before you post about it, I just refound that fix by searching for "<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE" in this thread, so it has been answered already :)
05-07-2007, 01:31 PM
Snipa, I had the same problem which I found an answer to in another post
So just go to:
Vbulletin Options/General Settings
scroll down to "Add Template Name in HTML Comments" and select No
and that should fix it.
One little hint, it's a good idea to do a search for your error message before you post about it, I just refound that fix by searching for "<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE" in this thread, so it has been answered already :)
thanks for the info, i figured it was something to do with the hack and/or something i had done in my coding, also it fixed the problem :D
05-07-2007, 02:09 PM
How do I make it so,
When someone selects a radio button, pushes the submit button, it still emails, but depending on which radio button they pushed, it will direct you to a certain page.
05-08-2007, 03:34 PM
How do I make it so,
When someone selects a radio button, pushes the submit button, it still emails, but depending on which radio button they pushed, it will direct you to a certain page.
ComputerVitals take a look C at this post...
05-08-2007, 06:09 PM
ComputerVitals take a look C at this post...
Rock and roll
Thanks Deepdog009 & rayw
Tweaked that for the radio buttons and now it work just like it did before..
Now to add your image verification to it!!
05-08-2007, 08:03 PM
Rock and roll
Thanks Deepdog009 & rayw
Tweaked that for the radio buttons and now it work just like it did before..
Now to add your image verification to it!!
ComputerVitals i released a Forms Pack *** add-on that helps with Java Calendar pop-up window 2 help with events.
BBcode smileys add-on 2 help with answer template look and feel.
Posticons & Subtitle add-on 2 help with posting topic image.
ABE1 Form Hack takes all credit and hopefully add these to his hack...
Good Luck:cool:
05-09-2007, 02:09 AM
A little tweaking.
When you enable the:
$answerall = "1";
The error message will display if you dont fill it out.
Is there a way to add a text link for a "go back" instead of the user hitting the browser back button?
If not i'll just change the words to tell them to hit the back button.
05-16-2007, 01:43 PM
I'm getting this error when I click the submit button:
Error: 'vB-Editor_.vB_Editor_001' is null or not an object
It has the yellow exclamation in the lower left of the browser when submitting.
On reference to vb_editor in the hack I have found was in the form template.
<form name="vbform" action="newthread.php" method="post"<if condition="!is_browser('webtv')"> onsubmit="return vB_Editor['$editorid'].prepare_submit(0, $vboptions[postminchars])"</if>>
Any ideas how to fix this?
05-16-2007, 08:07 PM
Hi, I haven't found this problem searching this thread so here goes...did the edits, made sure part 1 and 2, had all working until I I get this error:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected '}' in /home/www/ticketdoctor/forums/newthread.php(71) : eval()'d code on line 608
My code is:
// ################################################## #####################
// ######################## CUSTOMIZE VARIABLES ##########################
// ################################################## #####################
////// BEGIN CUSTOMIZATION BELOW////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Study how variables are add here to add or remove any. If you add a variable to your form, you must add it to part one and part two.
// Part 1
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'FirstNameAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'LastNameAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'AddressAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'CityAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'StateAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'ZipcodeAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'DOBAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'PrimaryPhoneNumberAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'SecondaryPhoneNumberAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'ValidLicenseAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'NotValidLicenseAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'EmailAddressAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'NewsletterSignupAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'LicenseNumberAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'AccidentInvolvedAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'CriminalRecordAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'OneTicketOnStopAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'TicketNumberAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'Charges1Answer' => TYPE_STR,
'Charges2Answer' => TYPE_STR,
'Charges3Answer' => TYPE_STR,
'Charges4Answer' => TYPE_STR,
'ViolationCode1Answer' => TYPE_STR,
'ViolationCode2Answer' => TYPE_STR,
'ViolationCode3Answer' => TYPE_STR,
'ViolationCode4Answer' => TYPE_STR,
'CourtToAppearInAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'AppearanceDateAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'AppearanceTimeAnswer' => TYPE_STR,
'HowHeardAboutUsAnswer' => TYPE_STR
// Part 2
$FirstNameAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['FirstNameAnswer'];
$LastNameAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['LastNameAnswer'];
$AddressAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['AddressAnswer'];
$CityAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['CityAnswer'];
$StateAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['StateAnswer'];
$ZipcodeAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['ZipcodeAnswer'];
$DOBAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['DOBAnswer'];
$PrimaryPhoneNumberAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['PrimaryPhoneNumberAnswer'];
$SecondaryPhoneNumberAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['SecondaryPhoneNumberAnswer'];
$ValidLicenseAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['ValidLicenseAnswer'];
$NotValidLicenseAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['NotValidLicenseAnswer'];
$EmailAddressAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['EmailAddressAnswer'];
$NewsletterSignupAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['NewsletterSignupAnswer'];
$LicenseNumberAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['LicenseNumberAnswer'];
$AccidentInvolvedAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['AccidentInvolvedAnswer'];
$CriminalRecordAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['CriminalRecordAnswer'];
$OneTicketOnStopAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['OneTicketOnStopAnswer'];
$TicketNumberAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['TicketNumberAnswer'];
$Charges1Answer = $vbulletin->GPC['Charges1Answer'];
$Charges2Answer = $vbulletin->GPC['Charges2Answer'];
$Charges3Answer = $vbulletin->GPC['Charges3Answer'];
$Charges4Answer = $vbulletin->GPC['Charges4Answer'];
$ViolationCode1Answer = $vbulletin->GPC['ViolationCode1Answer'];
$ViolationCode2Answer = $vbulletin->GPC['ViolationCode2Answer'];
$ViolationCode3Answer = $vbulletin->GPC['ViolationCode3Answer'];
$ViolationCode4Answer = $vbulletin->GPC['ViolationCode4Answer'];
$CourtToAppearInAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['CourtToAppearInAnswer'];
$AppearanceDateAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['AppearanceDateAnswer'];
$AppearanceTimeAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['AppearanceTimeAnswer'];
$HowHeardAboutUsAnswer = $vbulletin->GPC['HowHeardAboutUsAnswer'];
//You can add or remove usegroups that are ALLOWED to use this form by changing the numbers below in the array.
//To enable this feature, remove the '//' before the 'if'.
// if (!in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], array(2,5,6,7)))print_no_permission();
// Name of the main template
$maintemplate = "form";
// Name of the answer template
$answertemplate = "formanswers";
//ENABLE FORM TO BE POSTED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formforum = "0";
//You CAN make this number a variable. You can have a drop down menu or in the link like do=form&f=1. Make sure you add it the variables list.
$formforumid = "2";
//ENABLE POLL TO BE CREATED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formpoll = "0";
$polloption[1] = "Yes";
$polloption[2] = "No";
$polloption[3] = "Maybe";
//Make poll public - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$pollpublic = "0";
$formreply = "0";
$formreplythreadid = "12345";
//ENABLE FORM TO BE PMED (guests CANNOT use this option) - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formpm = "0";
//USERNAME TO PM TO (separate multiple usernames with a ';')
$formpmname = "ticketdoctor";
//ENABLE FORM TO BE EMAILED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formemail = "1";
//EMAIL ADDRESS TO EMAIL TO (separate multiple usernames with a ';')
$formemailaddress = "";
//ENABLE ATTACHMENTS - 1 = yes, 0 = no
//attachments can only be used if the form is going to make a new thread or post
$allow_attachments = "0";
// 0 - thank you message (thread, reply, pm, or email)
// 1 - redirect to post (thread or reply)
// 2 - redirect to thread (thread only)
// 3 - redirect to forum (thread only)
// 4 - redirect to editpost (thread or reply)
// Feel free to change the thank you message if you choose option 0
$redirectoption = "0";
//This is the thank you message
$errormessage = "Thank you for submitting your ticket! Someone from our office will contact you shortly.";
//If you added or deleted variables, you must edit what it checked for. Search for "$answerall ==" and edit 2 lines under it.
$answerall = "0";
//TITLE OF FORM (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole title)
$formtitle = "Ticket Submission Form";
//TITLE OF THREAD/POST/PM/EMAIL (do not use quotation marks in the title or you will get a parse error)
//You may use variables from the form for this.
$posttitle = "$formtitle";
//PURPOSE OF FORM (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
$formpurpose = "Use this form to submit your ticket information. If you submit it during normal business hours we will contact you within 30 minutes.";
//NORMAL INPUT BOX : QUESTION 1 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
$FName = "First Name:";
$LName = "Last Name:";
$MAddress = "Mailing Address:";
$City = "City:";
$State = "State:";
$ZipCode = "Zip Code:";
$DOB = "Date of Birth:";
$PrimaryPhoneNumber = "What is your primary phone number?";
$SecondaryPhoneNumber = "Please provide a second phone number where we can reach you.";
$ValidLicense = "Do you have a Valid NY State License?";
$EmailAddress = "Email Address:";
$LicenseNumber= "What is your 9 digit license number? (located on top of your Drivers License).";
$TicketNumber = "What is your ticket number (located in the upper left corner of ticket in bold, can be a letter-number combination:";
$Charges = "What are your charges? (Speeding, Passed Stop Sign, etc):";
$SectionSub = "What is the Section-Subsection code of your charge? (located above charge description, usually 4 digits and a letter)";
$CourtToAppearIn = "What Court do you need to appear in?:";
$AppearanceDate = "What is your appearance date?:";
$AppearanceTime = "What is your appearance time?:";
$HowHeardAboutUs = "How did you hear about us?:";
//RADIO BOX CHOICES : QUESTION 1 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
$NewsLetterSignup = "Would you like to sign up for our future Newsletter?";
// The following choices must NOT have quotation marks
$NewsLetterSignupChoicea = "Yes";
$NewsletterSignupChoiceb = "No";
$AccidentInvolved = "Was there an accident involved?";
$AccidentInvolvedChoicea = "Yes";
$AccidentInvolvedChoiceb = "No";
$OneTicketOnStop = "Did you only receive this ONE ticket on THIS stop?";
$OneTicketOnStopChoicea = "Yes";
$OneTicketOnStopChoiceb = "No";
$CriminalRecord = "Do you have a criminal record?";
$CriminalRecordChoicea = "Yes";
$CriminalRecordChoiceb = "No";
////// END OF CUSTOMIZATION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
any ideas? Line 71 in newthread is eval..and the normal stuff doesn't go to line 608?
any help is mucho appreciated..thanks!
05-17-2007, 03:01 AM
did you modify the lower part of the hook?
If you did, look there for line 608, looks like an extra curly is there.
If you need a free text editor with line numbers try winsyntax
05-17-2007, 04:44 AM
I even checked it with araxis merge and found no difference other than variables..maybe it's in the template?
05-17-2007, 02:14 PM
I added an extra raido button to this form but it is showing up on the right side of the page. What do I need to do to move it back to the other side?
05-17-2007, 05:17 PM
I found out my problem, I had chopped off the little bit of code above the variables. need to edit the "form" template.
05-17-2007, 06:57 PM
Any idea why the emails are sent as plain text html instead of being formatted html? I edited the formanswers template and when I preview the template its right..but both the preview at bottom of the form and email come with all the html code visible?
05-18-2007, 07:55 AM
WoW really great man. Its very simple and fast.
Great HACK.
05-24-2007, 11:25 AM
This is an excellent hack!
Installed and working in 3.6.7.
It took me a while to get it to where I wanted it, but I'm there...and that's all that counts.
There's only one thing from keeping me from voting for this as MOTM and that's a user-friendly GUI for this thing.
Adding three or more radio buttons, check boxes, or text fields can prove to be very annoying...they don't line up properly. There's too much brain racking to figure out just what's going wrong.
It would be nice if this mod had an ACP interface that would automatically insert these fields for you once you key in the variables. If you ever need to change the form or update it...manually modifying the form, formanswers, and form plugin is a pain in the...well you know...neck!
Get that fixed...and you'll have my vote. Also, getting it supported would be another plus.
Hats off to Abe...good job!
05-28-2007, 12:11 AM
I've just upgraded to 3.6.7 and I'm running into a problem.
When regular users go to submit the forum, they get an error telling them "no thread specified".
This only happens for one user group. This tells me that there's a permission setting wrong somewhere, but I can't find where.
The user group has access to the forum and the permissions for the user group are such that they appear to be allowing the user to post in that forum.
I remember running into this when I was setting it up a while back, but now that it's been a while, I can't for the life of me figure out where to start searching for a resolution.
Any help would be appreciated.
05-29-2007, 12:11 PM
05-31-2007, 01:14 AM
well, I'm not sure what I did, but I got it working....for a little bit.
Now the users are reporting a different error.
That they don't have permission to view the page.
I've added the user group to the plug-in for this form and I can see it just fine as an admin.
Even if I send them the direct link they cannot see the form.
This tells me it's a permission issue with the form it's self and not the forum the form is in.
Am I missing something obvious here?
Does anyone read this thread any more?
05-31-2007, 02:06 AM
EDIT: Ok - I think I might have found the issue.
I'm trying to allow a secondary user group access to this form.
Basically, I have the user group set-up as such:
Primary User Group: Active Users
Secondary User Group: Private Testers
I have set this specific form to be accessable by Admins, Staff members, and Private Testers.
private testers are the only ones of those 3 groups to access the form as a secondary user group...
I hope what i typed just made sense.
Does this make sense to anyone as being the issue?
I did test this with a test account by changing the user group that I'm trying to test to be primary instead of secondary so I'm able to confirm that this is the issue (bug?)
05-31-2007, 09:58 PM
This is an excellent hack!
Installed and working in 3.6.7.
It took me a while to get it to where I wanted it, but I'm there...and that's all that counts.
There's only one thing from keeping me from voting for this as MOTM and that's a user-friendly GUI for this thing.
Adding three or more radio buttons, check boxes, or text fields can prove to be very annoying...they don't line up properly. There's too much brain racking to figure out just what's going wrong.
It would be nice if this mod had an ACP interface that would automatically insert these fields for you once you key in the variables. If you ever need to change the form or update it...manually modifying the form, formanswers, and form plugin is a pain in the...well you know...neck!
Get that fixed...and you'll have my vote. Also, getting it supported would be another plus.
Hats off to Abe...good job!
Yea , I agree, but it ain't going to be easy...
I also hope that ABE1 will add Admincp options...
I played with some options and code to enhance this, but i found that its a bit beyond my intermediate skills. Im still learning all this stuff and man I noticed Im getting more headaches and dizzy spells. he he :D
Good Luck ABE1
05-31-2007, 10:02 PM
EDIT: Ok - I think I might have found the issue.
I'm trying to allow a secondary user group access to this form.
Basically, I have the user group set-up as such:
Primary User Group: Active Users
Secondary User Group: Private Testers
I have set this specific form to be accessable by Admins, Staff members, and Private Testers.
private testers are the only ones of those 3 groups to access the form as a secondary user group...
I hope what i typed just made sense.
Does this make sense to anyone as being the issue?
I did test this with a test account by changing the user group that I'm trying to test to be primary instead of secondary so I'm able to confirm that this is the issue (bug?)
RedGTiVR6 what seems 2 B yo problem?
Zip up all yo files in text format and upload, I will take a look C...
Its probably something that you missed in plugin code...
05-31-2007, 10:24 PM
I've changed the user group structure.
Rather than zip it all up first, can you try it on your implementation?
06-01-2007, 10:15 PM
EDIT: Ok - I think I might have found the issue.
I'm trying to allow a secondary user group access to this form.
Basically, I have the user group set-up as such:
Primary User Group: Active Users
Secondary User Group: Private Testers
I have set this specific form to be accessable by Admins, Staff members, and Private Testers.
private testers are the only ones of those 3 groups to access the form as a secondary user group...
I hope what i typed just made sense.
Does this make sense to anyone as being the issue?
I did test this with a test account by changing the user group that I'm trying to test to be primary instead of secondary so I'm able to confirm that this is the issue (bug?)
RedGTiVR6 Im not sure if this Mod is causing yo issue or if its a vBull issue concerning the usergroup mgr...
Double check yo usergroup ids and verify in forms that everything is matching up, otherwise setup a TEST BOARD and try it over there and C what's up...
Without files to use in testing, I cant really tell U, what it B or where B yo issue...
Good Luck ;)
06-01-2007, 10:46 PM
I've double checked the user groups....heck, I've sextuple checked
I'll see about setting up a dummy board. It's something that needs to be done anyways. Unfortunately I don't have control over it, I just handle the admin side of the forum...:(
06-05-2007, 09:15 PM
RedGTiVR6 what seems 2 B yo problem?
Zip up all yo files in text format and upload, I will take a look C...
Its probably something that you missed in plugin code...
I've attached the two templates (questions and answers) and the plug-in code.
The user group that needs to be able to access the form is group #29.
For many of them I've set them as having Group #29 as a primary user group for now to be able to access the form.
This is causing a problem for a user that's also a moderator. They either cannot see the form to fill it out or they can see it and they cannot see the moderation pannel.
Let me know if I'm missing something that you might need to help trouble shoot.
Thanks for the help!
06-08-2007, 10:55 PM
I've attached the two templates (questions and answers) and the plug-in code.
The user group that needs to be able to access the form is group #29.
For many of them I've set them as having Group #29 as a primary user group for now to be able to access the form.
This is causing a problem for a user that's also a moderator. They either cannot see the form to fill it out or they can see it and they cannot see the moderation pannel.
Let me know if I'm missing something that you might need to help trouble shoot.
Thanks for the help!
Ok RedGTiVR6, I've been busy and forgot about coming back...
O-Taa I will check yo files and hopefully find the issue...:eek:
RedGTiVR6 I checked all files and everything seems OK...
************************************************** **
Yes your right, its not working 4 the other usergroup...
you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
************************************************** **
I believe U will possibly require a code change 2 correct your issue...
Final conclusion is that U will need 2 ask the Author of this hack 4 help on this one...
I hope U get it resolved
06-11-2007, 08:29 PM
idn why but mine did not come with the instruction any help
06-11-2007, 08:33 PM
I attached the version that I have. The instructions should be in there.
Deepdog009 - thanks for looking at the files. I've got a work around and I've reported it as a bug to the vBulletin team...which I think it is.
The reason I say that:
if I put a user as a super mod as a secondary user group, they do not have moderator privelages.
so this isn't just an issue with this mod, it's a vbulletin issue.
06-12-2007, 12:29 AM
that is the same 1 i got but it dont tell me what files to edit
John Diver
06-12-2007, 10:46 AM
Is there anything to stop spam on this?
I am using it for email and now Im getting hundreds of emails every few days.
06-12-2007, 08:51 PM
hello very nice hack i even transleted it in arabic but i had one problem with one of my friends website the tables are screwed and i dont know from where i can edit the template of the page.... can u help me please?
06-14-2007, 01:24 AM
Is there anything to stop spam on this?
I am using it for email and now Im getting hundreds of emails every few days.
i came looking for the same answer, anyone successfully added image confirmation or something to cut down on SPAM, I use a form set up as a "contact us" page that goes to my email
06-14-2007, 09:24 PM
i came looking for the same answer, anyone successfully added image confirmation or something to cut down on SPAM, I use a form set up as a "contact us" page that goes to my email
ABE1 has this at the top of the page...
Good luck:)
06-14-2007, 09:28 PM
hello very nice hack i even transleted it in arabic but i had one problem with one of my friends website the tables are screwed and i dont know from where i can edit the template of the page.... can u help me please?
Alessai convert yo files 2 txt format and upload...
I will take a look C and assist U if I have time...
Attach a pic showing where the issue is at...
06-15-2007, 03:42 PM
I had taken 6 hours to finger out who to use the Form Hake but I failed to understand how it works .
All what I need is to make a simple registration form.
If any one pleas can help me, i attached the form that i want , if any one can convert it to the form hack and send the to me .
<table width="456" border="0" cellpadding="10">
<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
<input type=hidden name="recipient" value="">
<INPUT type="hidden" value="" name="redirect">
<INPUT type="hidden" value="SubjectTitil,FirstName,MName,LastName,Mobile,Offic ePhone,AlternatePhone,EmaiAddress" name="required">
<INPUT type="hidden" value="email=E-mail Address,firstname=First Name,SubjectTitil=Subject" name="alias">
<td valign="top" align="center">Training Registration Form </td>
<td width="33%" valign="top" bgcolor="#F0F0F0" align="center">
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table22">
<td width="20"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table23">
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Subject </font>
<font size="2" color="#FF0000">*</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<INPUT type="hidden" value="Subject" name="subject">
<select style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue" class="bginput" id="sel_user[languageid]_4" name="SubjectTitil" size="2">
<option value="Training Registration" selected>Training Registration</option>
<option value="Training Complaints">Training Complaints</option>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="241"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">First Name </font>
<font size="2" color="#FF0000">*</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" --><input name="FirstName" type="text" size="30" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><span lang="en-us"><font size="2">M. Name</font></span><font size="2">
</font><font size="2" color="#FF0000">*</font></td>
<td width="4"><span lang="en-us">:</span></td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" --><input name="MName" type="text" size="30" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Last Name </font>
<font size="2" color="#FF0000">*</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" --><input name="LastName" type="text" size="30" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="241">
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Mobile </font>
<font size="2" color="#FF0000">*</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="Integer" s-number-separators="x" b-value-required="TRUE" i-minimum-length="7" i-maximum-length="25" --><input class="bginput" size="30" name="Mobile" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue" maxlength="25"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Office Phone </font>
<font size="2" color="#FF0000">*</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="Integer" s-number-separators="x" b-value-required="TRUE" i-minimum-length="4" i-maximum-length="25" --><input class="bginput" size="30" name="OfficePhone" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue" maxlength="25"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113">Exte.</td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="Integer" s-number-separators="x" --><input class="bginput" size="13" name="OfficePhoneExte" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Your Email </font>
<font size="2" color="#FF0000">*</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" s-allow-other-chars="@" --><input class="bginput" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue" size="30" name="EmaiAddress"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Alternate Phone </font>
<font size="2" color="#FF0000">*</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="Integer" s-number-separators="x" i-maximum-length="25" --><input style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue" name="AlternatePhone" size="30" maxlength="25"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="241">
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Employer</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" --><input size="30" name="Employer"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Division/Section</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" --><input size="30" name="DivisionOrSection"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Job Title</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" --><input class="bginput" size="30" name="JobTitle"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Custom Title</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" --><input class="bginput" size="30" name="CustomTitle"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="241"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"> </td>
<td valign="top" bgcolor="#F0F0F0">
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table27">
<td width="20"> </td>
<td align=center>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table33">
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="186"><font size="2">Home Page</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<input class="bginput" size="30" name="HomePage"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="186"><font size="2">Country </font> </td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" --><input name="Country" type="text" size="30"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="186"><font size="2">City </font> </td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" --><input name="City" type="text" size="30"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="186"><font size="2">Address</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<input name="Address" type="text" size="30"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="186"><font size="2">Postal
<td width="6">:</td>
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" b-allow-digits="TRUE" --><input name="PostalCode" type="text" size="30"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="186"><font size="2">Referrer</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<input class="bginput" size="30" name="Referrer"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="186"><font size="2">Another Email Address</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<input class="bginput" size="30" name="AnotherEmailAddress"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="186"><b><font size="2"> </font></b></td>
<td width="6"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td valign="top" align="center">
<td valign="middle" bgcolor="#F0F0F0">
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table37">
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table38">
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="147"><font size="2">Yahoo! ID</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<input class="bginput" size="30" name="YahooID"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="147"><font size="2">MSN ID</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<input class="bginput" size="30" name="MSNID"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="147"><font size="2">Skype</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<input class="bginput" size="30" name="SkypeName"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="147"><font size="2">ICQ</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<input class="bginput" size="30" name="ICQ"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="147"><font size="2">AIM</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<input class="bginput" size="30" name="AIM"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="147"> </td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td valign="top" align="center">
<td valign="middle" bgcolor="#F0F0F0">
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table30">
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table39">
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="124"> </td>
<td width="6"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="124">
<p align="center"><font size="2">Course Title</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<td><font color="blue" size="2">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-display-name="Course number and title" b-value-required="TRUE" b-disallow-first-item="TRUE" --><select style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue" name="CourseTitle" size="5">
<option selected>---------</option>
<option value="100 Fundamentals ">100 Fundamentals</option>
<option value="450 Chemical ">450 Chemical</option>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="124">
<p align="center"><font size="2">Course Number</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<td><font face="Arial">
</font><!--webbot bot="Validation" b-value-required="TRUE" --><input size="30" name="CourseNumber"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="124"> </td>
<td width="6"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td class="alt1" valign="middle">
<p align="center"> </td>
<td valign="middle" bgcolor="#F0F0F0">
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table29">
<td width="20"> </td>
<p align="center"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<p align="center">
<textarea name="Comments" cols="40" rows="8">
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td class="alt2" valign="middle">
<p align="center"> </td>
<td valign="top" bgcolor="#F0F0F0">
<p align="center"> <font size="-1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
<input type="submit" name="" value="Submit">
<td valign="middle">
<td valign="middle">
<p align="center"><b><a href=""><font size="2"></font></a></b></td>
:confused: :confused: :confused:
Emad Bahattab
06-16-2007, 04:09 AM
I had taken 6 hours to finger out who to use the Form Hake but I failed to understand how it works .
All what I need is to make a simple registration form.
If any one pleas can help me, i attached the form that i want , if any one can convert it to the form hack and send the to me .
<table width="456" border="0" cellpadding="10">
<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
<input type=hidden name="recipient" value="">
<INPUT type="hidden" value="" name="redirect">
<INPUT type="hidden" value="SubjectTitil,FirstName,MName,LastName,Mobile,Offic ePhone,AlternatePhone,EmaiAddress" name="required">
<INPUT type="hidden" value="email=E-mail Address,firstname=First Name,SubjectTitil=Subject" name="alias">
<td valign="top" align="center">Training Registration Form </td>
<td width="33%" valign="top" bgcolor="#F0F0F0" align="center">
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table22">
<td width="20"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table23">
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Subject </font>
<font size="2" color="#FF0000">*</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<INPUT type="hidden" value="Subject" name="subject">
<select style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue" class="bginput" id="sel_user[languageid]_4" name="SubjectTitil" size="2">
<option value="Training Registration" selected>Training Registration</option>
<option value="Training Complaints">Training Complaints</option>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="241"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">First Name </font>
<font size="2" color="#FF0000">*</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" --><input name="FirstName" type="text" size="30" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><span lang="en-us"><font size="2">M. Name</font></span><font size="2">
</font><font size="2" color="#FF0000">*</font></td>
<td width="4"><span lang="en-us">:</span></td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" --><input name="MName" type="text" size="30" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Last Name </font>
<font size="2" color="#FF0000">*</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" --><input name="LastName" type="text" size="30" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="241">
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Mobile </font>
<font size="2" color="#FF0000">*</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="Integer" s-number-separators="x" b-value-required="TRUE" i-minimum-length="7" i-maximum-length="25" --><input class="bginput" size="30" name="Mobile" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue" maxlength="25"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Office Phone </font>
<font size="2" color="#FF0000">*</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="Integer" s-number-separators="x" b-value-required="TRUE" i-minimum-length="4" i-maximum-length="25" --><input class="bginput" size="30" name="OfficePhone" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue" maxlength="25"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113">Exte.</td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="Integer" s-number-separators="x" --><input class="bginput" size="13" name="OfficePhoneExte" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Your Email </font>
<font size="2" color="#FF0000">*</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" s-allow-other-chars="@" --><input class="bginput" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue" size="30" name="EmaiAddress"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Alternate Phone </font>
<font size="2" color="#FF0000">*</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="Integer" s-number-separators="x" i-maximum-length="25" --><input style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue" name="AlternatePhone" size="30" maxlength="25"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="241">
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Employer</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" --><input size="30" name="Employer"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Division/Section</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" --><input size="30" name="DivisionOrSection"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Job Title</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" --><input class="bginput" size="30" name="JobTitle"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"><font size="2">Custom Title</font></td>
<td width="4">:</td>
<td width="241">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" --><input class="bginput" size="30" name="CustomTitle"></td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="113"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="241"> </td>
<td width="4"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"> </td>
<td valign="top" bgcolor="#F0F0F0">
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table27">
<td width="20"> </td>
<td align=center>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table33">
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="186"><font size="2">Home Page</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<input class="bginput" size="30" name="HomePage"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="186"><font size="2">Country </font> </td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" --><input name="Country" type="text" size="30"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="186"><font size="2">City </font> </td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" --><input name="City" type="text" size="30"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="186"><font size="2">Address</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<input name="Address" type="text" size="30"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="186"><font size="2">Postal
<td width="6">:</td>
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-data-type="String" b-allow-letters="TRUE" b-allow-digits="TRUE" --><input name="PostalCode" type="text" size="30"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="186"><font size="2">Referrer</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<input class="bginput" size="30" name="Referrer"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="186"><font size="2">Another Email Address</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<input class="bginput" size="30" name="AnotherEmailAddress"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="186"><b><font size="2"> </font></b></td>
<td width="6"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td valign="top" align="center">
<td valign="middle" bgcolor="#F0F0F0">
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table37">
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table38">
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="147"><font size="2">Yahoo! ID</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<input class="bginput" size="30" name="YahooID"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="147"><font size="2">MSN ID</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<input class="bginput" size="30" name="MSNID"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="147"><font size="2">Skype</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<input class="bginput" size="30" name="SkypeName"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="147"><font size="2">ICQ</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<input class="bginput" size="30" name="ICQ"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="147"><font size="2">AIM</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<input class="bginput" size="30" name="AIM"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="147"> </td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td valign="top" align="center">
<td valign="middle" bgcolor="#F0F0F0">
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table30">
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table39">
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="124"> </td>
<td width="6"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="124">
<p align="center"><font size="2">Course Title</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<td><font color="blue" size="2">
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-display-name="Course number and title" b-value-required="TRUE" b-disallow-first-item="TRUE" --><select style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: blue" name="CourseTitle" size="5">
<option selected>---------</option>
<option value="100 Fundamentals ">100 Fundamentals</option>
<option value="450 Chemical ">450 Chemical</option>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="124">
<p align="center"><font size="2">Course Number</font></td>
<td width="6">:</td>
<td><font face="Arial">
</font><!--webbot bot="Validation" b-value-required="TRUE" --><input size="30" name="CourseNumber"></td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="124"> </td>
<td width="6"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td class="alt1" valign="middle">
<p align="center"> </td>
<td valign="middle" bgcolor="#F0F0F0">
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table29">
<td width="20"> </td>
<p align="center"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<p align="center">
<textarea name="Comments" cols="40" rows="8">
<td width="20"> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td width="20"> </td>
<td class="alt2" valign="middle">
<p align="center"> </td>
<td valign="top" bgcolor="#F0F0F0">
<p align="center"> <font size="-1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
<input type="submit" name="" value="Submit">
<td valign="middle">
<td valign="middle">
<p align="center"><b><a href=""><font size="2"></font></a></b></td>
:confused: :confused: :confused:
Emad Bahattab
Hi Bahattab
I peeked at that code and I must say its a bit over easy...
I can do it 4 ya, but unfortunely Im working on other projects and dont have extra time this week or next...I also work 16 hours, 6 days a week...
PM me l8ter at the end of the month and I will C what can B done or C if another member can help...
Good Luck
06-16-2007, 05:40 AM
Hi Bahattab
I peeked at that code and I must say its a bit over easy...
I can do it 4 ya, but unfortunely Im working on other projects and dont have extra time this week or next...I also work 16 hours, 6 days a week...
PM me l8ter at the end of the month and I will C what can B done or C if another member can help...
Good Luck
hi Deepdog009
thank you for your co , take your time , what i hope is to have it works. :D
:D :D :D
Emad Bahattab
06-16-2007, 04:14 PM
ABE1 has this at the top of the page...
Good luck:)
thank you, i replied in that thread with a problem (http://, can you help? it seems the image/font files are missing from the zip
06-16-2007, 07:12 PM
hmmm. . . what am i doing wrong?
i wanted to get rid of all the radio buttons and drop downs.
You have to edit the hook, and both templates in order to make it work.
Hey guys,
So I'm just getting going with understanding the design of vbulletin (just got it a few weeks ago). I'm having the same issue as Dirty Crow, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what this second template is that Greg is talking about. Can someone maybe point me in the right direction please?
06-17-2007, 01:49 PM
Suggestion for future version: The ability for the contents of the form to be posted as an event in the calendar.
Nice Idea. Putting on my list.
Hi Abe,
Any idea when you're likely to release a version of this mod with the form being posted as an event in the calendar?
06-18-2007, 04:44 PM
I currently have this hack installed on my forum and I'm using it for registered users to submit support requests...
This hack is freakin'awesome! Kudos!
The reason for this post is to ask for someone's assistance...
I've searched this foum for a link exchange hack and the only thing I can find is Links and Downloads Manager, which has link exchanging and other bells and whistles I just don't need. I'm also familiar with vbAdvanced, but don't want to spend the measly $35 for it. I'm a "tight-wad"!:)
I'm currently using LinkMachine which is PHP-based, but in order to use it, I have to create an HTML page as a template...I have to remove forum specific content, or it just doesn't work well with the board. Although the program is fairly just doesn't have what I need in order to accomplish my goal.
What I'd like someone to help me with is to create a form for other sites to exchange link requests with my forum.
The form should have these fields and they should all be required:
1) Contact Name
2) Contact's E-Mail Address
3) Their Site's Title
4) Their Site's URL
5) Their Site's Description
6) URL Location of Their Reciprocal Link
I already have a hack installed that creates SEO friendly templates, so managing the link pages will not be a problem.
Once the form is submitted, it will be PM'd or e-mailed to me for review. Once I verify they are linking to my forum, I will add their info to the appropriate template page I've created.
In a perfect world, I'd like all of it to be automated, but unless I find a free program that can be incorporated into the forum, adding links, checking reciprocals, email notifications of missing links, updating links, etc., etc. will be entirely up to me.
It would also be nie if someone with enough vbulletin hack knowledge could create such a hack that would be of benefit to all users. Whoever does...definitely has my vote for BOTM!
Anyway...I hope I can get a volunteer to create the form and all other aspects of it.
Thanks, in advance for any replies and assistance.
No need for help anymore...finally figured it out and have it working, however, the addons supplied with this hack do not work. Someone might want to take a look into this. The Add-on hacks state they are does one get their hack validated and marked as supported when it doesn't even contain all the files and instructions you need to make it work.
This Form Hack 4.0 is exactly what I've been looking for and again, Kudos goes out to Abe on this one. I just want a simple CAPTCHA hack that will work with this hack.
I'm currently using vb 3.6.7 PL1.
06-19-2007, 02:38 PM
Hello with all, I installed this MOD but I do not see or to modify the form and also how to bind it to a forum? Thank you (sorry about the writing I speak French)
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