View Full Version : question before I buy

09-14-2006, 01:52 AM
I'm currently thinking of purchasing VB since my buddy over at slickdeals.net has nothing but good things to say, however. I'm wondering if VB is able to make a front page like the one over at www.newbeetle.org, Im running a site that isn't really going to have a forum but needs to look sharp and be easy to add content, I'm also going to need it to be able to add stuff thats for sale. If i'm too vague I apologize, I'm kind of in a rush right now!

Thanks for any help!!


09-15-2006, 07:31 PM
If your site is not going to need a forum then I cant see how vBulletin would be your best option :(

09-16-2006, 07:42 PM
yeah, I was thinking the same but his main page seems to be exactly what I was looking for and seems to be run by V-bulletin, I was debating over buying it so I emailed him, he sent me an email back saying it was a custom script that uses vb but isnt neccesarily vb if that makes sense.

Thanks for the reply!!

09-20-2006, 02:20 PM
The front page has nothing to do with VB,

VB is only the forum software on that site ;)