View Full Version : [release v2] my stars hack (adm/smod/mod/user)

03-29-2001, 10:00 PM
ok, this is the hack i use.
it makes difference on per user/mod/super mod/admin basis.
You can customize it as you like.

If the user has below than X msgs, he get an empty star.
If the user reach X msgs, he will get a special star which means he reach the max :))

You'll need six images,so.
star.no.gif // the empty one
star.max.gif //the special one

// very basic stars hack by freddie
$sh = 12; //height of the stars
$sw = 11; //width of the stars
$starposts = 20; // Number of posts to give a new star
$maxstars = 10; // Maximum stars per line
$maxtotalstars = 20; // Maximum stars to give
$maxmsgs = $starposts*$maxtotalstars;


// Everyone else
if ($post[usergroupid]==6)
$starsgif = '<img src="images/star.admin.gif" border=0 width='.$sw.' height='.$sh.' alt="This star means '.$starposts.' messages">';
elseif ($post[usergroupid]==5)
$starsgif = '<img src="images/star.supermod.gif" border=0 width='.$sw.' height='.$sh.' alt="This star means '.$starposts.' messages">';
elseif ($post[usergroupid]==7)
$starsgif = '<img src="images/star.mod.gif" border=0 width='.$sw.' height='.$sh.' alt="This star means '.$starposts.' messages">';
$starsgif = '<img src="images/star.user.gif" border=0 width='.$sw.' height='.$sh.' alt="This star means '.$starposts.' messages">';

$starsmaxgif = '<img src="images/star.max.gif" border=0 width='.$sw.' height='.$sh.' alt="This user has more than '.$maxmsgs.')">';

$numstars = intval($post[posts] / $starposts);
$starcount = 0;
for ($x=0; $numstars>0 && $x<$numstars ;$x++) {
if ($x == $maxtotalstars-1) {
$stars .= $starsmaxgif;
$stars .= $starsgif;
if ($starcount == $maxstars) {
$stars .='<br>';
$starcount = 0;

if (!$stars) {
$stars = '<img src="images/star.no.gif" border=0 width='.$sw.' height='.$sh.' alt="This user has just arrived.">';


to use it, include the code where you want, in the postbit template.

finally, here are my stars.

hope this is useful :D

03-30-2001, 08:57 AM
ops.... i forgot to give credit to freddie for the original code.... silly me :)

i've just create a complete package to be sure the code will not mess up.


03-30-2001, 09:02 AM
hey, any chance ya can merge this with tubedogg's star hack?


03-30-2001, 04:46 PM
it's a totally different approach...
mine is a hack "as is", tubedogg's one has cp integration and other features...

03-30-2001, 05:51 PM
I want the CP intergration!
As does alot of people!

03-30-2001, 05:56 PM
i pasted the code in to the postbit template and i get nothing back...

here is my postbit template:fixed now so i am cleaning this thread up some

i just get the php stuff back when i do a view source on the html it generates??? why? do i need to put the php tags @ the top/bottom??

03-30-2001, 06:01 PM
sorry, i was my fault
i was in a hurry :)

save the code as a file, in the main forum dir,eg. stars.php,
then in the head of your showthread.php file, right under require global.php,add


and in the postbit simply insert $stars

hope it helps.

03-30-2001, 06:11 PM

now it makes sense... thanks... except everybody has one blank star... hmm... time to debug and figure out why...

03-30-2001, 07:03 PM
Stars (or ranks) will officially make their debut in version 2.1. I will try to create something as diverse and feature rich as possible.

03-30-2001, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by freddie
Stars (or ranks) will officially make their debut in version 2.1. I will try to create something as diverse and feature rich as possible.


sounds great... in the meantime.. any idea why the if statment in the above code doesn't work for me... i am using 2.0b3

03-30-2001, 09:44 PM
it gives a blank star until they reach the minimum amount of posts to obtain a star.

03-30-2001, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by marl
it gives a blank star until they reach the minimum amount of posts to obtain a star.

i have over 500 posts myself and i get a blank... i am also an admin... several of my other users are in the hundreds and still no stars either... how many posts are needed??? i thought it was only like 20...

03-30-2001, 10:42 PM
you can customize these values:

$sh = 12; //height of the stars
$sw = 11; //width of the stars
$starposts = 20; // Number of posts to give a new star
$maxstars = 10; // Maximum stars per line
$maxtotalstars = 20; // Maximum stars to give
$maxmsgs = $starposts*$maxtotalstars;

03-30-2001, 10:47 PM
i've messed w/them some and i still only get one blank star... as if the "if - ifelse - else" statment is not working right...

03-30-2001, 10:47 PM
either that or the "for" loop maybe?

03-31-2001, 01:20 AM
the right place to fit is:

while ($post=$DB_site->fetch_array($posts) and $counter++<$perpage) {
//stars hack