View Full Version : merging vbulletin board and invision gallery

Lord Zedd
09-07-2006, 12:11 PM
Is this possible? Can I run the vbulletin board on my site at the link www.myurl.com/forum and the invisiongallery at www.myurl.com/mediaroom

It is said that for the invisiongallery to work that it needs an invision board. Perhaps does vbulletin has something simular like this gallery database ?? Or do you have somewhere a hack ? Can any of you help me?

Here is a demo of what I'm looking for http://gfx.invisionize.com/db/index.php/c/71


Invision Gallery is a fully featured, powerful gallery system that is easy and fun to use! It plugs right into your existing Invision Power Board to create a seamless browsing experience for the users of your forum. We've taken many of the most popular feature requests from our customers and integrated them into this product.
Since Invision Gallery is a plugin for Invision Power Board, it uses the same templating and language system! This allows you to create a look for your gallery that matches your forum without having to learn a new set of tools. The administration features are also found right in your Invision Power Board ACP, which means you can manage both your gallery and your forum in one convenient location.