View Full Version : A 'Currently Active Users' that differentiates between users and search engines?

The Vegan Forum
09-07-2006, 11:52 AM

I'd like to have a 'Currently Active Users' that differentiates between users and search engines? The default is to show all non-members as guests, but I'd like to have a quick overview of 'real' guests and members (and bots).

Is there a 3.6 compatible plug-in that does this?


09-07-2006, 12:17 PM
There is a mod, but not a plugin. Check my profile. It takes 10 minutes to install and the code has worked for hundreds of users for several versions now. :)

The Vegan Forum
09-07-2006, 03:10 PM
Thanks. I tried, and now is says "Currently Active Users: 586 (59 members and 265 guests and [ARG:3 UNDEFINED] spiders)" on the front page.

I guess I have to go through all the steps and see what went wrong.

I got it. I have to do it for each template. Thanks for the hack!